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The Florida Senate

SB 204 — Termination of Trust Funds with the Department of Transportation

by Senator Gardiner

This summary is provided for information only and does not represent the opinion of any Senator, Senate Officer, or Senate Office.

Prepared by: Appropriations Committee (AP)

SB 204 (Chapter 2013-5, L.O.F.) terminates three trust funds within the Department of Transportation:  the Everglades Parkway Construction Trust Fund, the Jacksonville Transportation Authority Project Construction Trust Fund, and the Federal Law Enforcement Trust Fund within the Department of Transportation.  Sections 339.082 and 932.7055(6)(j), F.S., and s. 2(2)(b) and (f) of Chapter 2004-235, Laws of Florida, are repealed.

Legislative review of each trust fund is required at least once every four years, by s. 215.3208, F.S.  The review schedule is included in the legislative budget instructions developed in accordance with s. 216.023, F.S.  The review indicated these three trust funds are inactive.

The Everglades Parkway Construction Trust Fund was originally used to hold bond proceeds and interest earned on investment of bond proceeds from revenue bonds issued for the Everglades Parkway.  The trust fund has no funds and no future receipts are anticipated.

The Jacksonville Transportation Authority Project Construction Trust Fund was originally used to hold bond proceeds and interest earned on investment of bond proceeds from revenue bonds issued for the Jacksonville Transportation Authority.  The trust fund has no funds and no future receipts are anticipated.

The Federal Law Enforcement Trust Fund was originally used to receive revenues received as a result of federal criminal, administrative, or civil forfeiture proceedings, or civil forfeiture proceedings and revenues received from federal asset-sharing programs.  During the 2011 Regular Session, the Office of Motor Carrier Compliance (office) was transferred from the Department of Transportation to the Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles, together with the appropriations for the office.   The Department of Transportation no longer has any law enforcement responsibilities.  The trust fund has no funds and no future receipts are anticipated.

These provisions were approved by the Governor and take effect July 1, 2013.

Vote: Senate 39-0; House 116-0