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The Florida Senate

CS/CS/HB 1337 — Nursing

by Health and Human Services Committee; Health Quality Subcommittee; and Rep. Pigman (CS/SB 1594 by Health Policy Committee; and Senators Brandes and Campbell)

This summary is provided for information only and does not represent the opinion of any Senator, Senate Officer, or Senate Office.

Prepared by: Health Policy Committee (HP)

The bill changes the title of “advanced registered nurse practitioner” (ARNP) to “advanced practice registered nurse” (APRN) throughout the Florida Statutes. Instead of being certified to practice in this state as currently required for ARNPs, the bill requires APRNs to be licensed.

The bill repeals the clinical nurse specialist (CNS) certification as a separate license and incorporates the CNS specialty certification into APRN licensure. All authorizations granted to, and requirements of, APRNs will be applicable to a CNS, including but not limited to, the authority to prescribe controlled substances under certain conditions and to maintain medical malpractice insurance.

One of the requirements for licensure and licensure renewal is certification by an appropriate specialty board. The bill identifies the acceptable categories of certifications to include certified nurse midwife (CNM), certified nurse practitioner (CNP), certified registered nurse anesthetist (CRNA), CNS, or psychiatric nurse. The bill authorizes the Board of Nursing (board), by rule, to provide for provisional state licensure of all five categories of specialization to allow for passing the national certification examination. The bill specifies practice parameters for each category of APRN.

The bill adds a new requirement for the initial licensure of a CNM or CNS as an APRN. Proof of graduation from a master’s degree program is required if the applicant graduated on or after October 1, 1998, and is seeking licensure as a CNM or if the applicant graduated on or after July 1, 2007, and is seeking licensure as a CNS.

The bill requires the Department of Health and the board to establish a transition plan for converting a certificate holder in good standing to a licensee. The bill authorizes an ARNP or a CNS holding a certificate to practice that is in good standing on September 30, 2018, to continue practicing with all rights, authorizations, and responsibilities under the bill for licensure as an APRN and to use the new title after September 30, 2018, (the effective date of the act) while the transition is completed. Applicable departmental or board disciplinary authority or enforcement responsibilities for ensuring safe nursing practice are preserved. This subsection of law relating to the transition expires on October 1, 2020.


If approved by the Governor, these provisions take effect October 1, 2018.

Vote: Senate 37-0; House 114-0