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The Florida Senate

CS/SM 804 — Humanitarian Assistance/Government of Venezuela

by Judiciary Committee and Senators Torres, Rodriguez, Taddeo, Powell, Bracy, Gibson, Cruz, Thurston, Book, Farmer, Braynon, Diaz, Pizzo, Rader, and Stargel

This summary is provided for information only and does not represent the opinion of any Senator, Senate Officer, or Senate Office.

Prepared by: Rules Committee (RC)

The memorial recognizes the humanitarian aid crisis in Venezuela and the violations of its citizens’ rights at the hands of the now illegitimate Venezuelan “President,” Nicholás Maduro, and other members of his regime. The memorial urges the United States Congress to:

  1. Take appropriate action to assist in the delivery of humanitarian assistance to the people of Venezuela.

  2. Continue and intensify financial sanctions against the illegitimate regime of Nicholás Maduro.

  3. Instruct appropriate federal agencies to hold Nicholás Maduro and his illegitimate regime accountable for international human rights abuses and law violations.

Vote: Senate Adopted; House Adopted