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The Florida Senate

SB 904 — Doorstep Refuse and Recycling Collection Containers

by Senator Diaz (HB 6053 by Rep. Yarborough)

This summary is provided for information only and does not represent the opinion of any Senator, Senate Officer, or Senate Office.

Prepared by: Community Affairs Committee (CA)

SB 904 saves from repeal a statutory provision regulating doorstep refuse and recycling collection services. Various waste providers currently offer doorstep waste collection services in apartment complexes throughout the state. Residents in these complexes place waste outside their front door in a specified collection container for the provider to retrieve at a specified time.

In 2018, the Legislature enacted s. 633.202(20), F.S., to authorize residents in apartment buildings to place combustible waste and refuse in exit access corridors if certain conditions are met. For instance, doorstep refuse and recycling collection containers may not exceed 13 gallons for apartment buildings with enclosed corridors and 27 gallons for buildings with open air corridors. Containers may not be placed in an exit access corridor for a single period greater than 12 hours for buildings with enclosed corridors. Containers may not reduce the exit access corridor’s width below the width required by the Florida Fire Code. Containers must stand upright on their own and not leak fluids.

These statutory provisions expire on July 1, 2021.

While the Florida Fire Code also allows for the placement of waste and refuse containers in exit access corridors, the statutory provisions are overall less restrictive. The bill removes the expiration date of the statutory provisions regulating doorstep refuse and recycling collection containers. Retaining these provisions preserves the less restrictive statutory provisions regarding container sizes and materials, overriding certain provisions in the Florida Fire Code.

If approved by the Governor, these provisions take effect July 1, 2021.

Vote: Senate 39-0; House 116-2