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The Florida Senate

SB 1116 — Campaign Finance

by Senator Hutson

This summary is provided for information only and does not represent the opinion of any Senator, Senate Officer, or Senate Office.

Prepared by: Ethics and Elections Committee (EE)

This bill is linked to SJR 1114, which proposes the repeal of Art. VI, s. 7, State Constitution, a provision that requires public financing for campaigns of candidates for elective statewide offices who agree to campaign spending limits.

This bill repeals the statutory provisions governing Florida’s public financing program, if SJR 1114 is approved by voters.

The bill takes effect on the effective date of the amendment to the State Constitution proposed by SJR 1114 or a similar joint resolution having substantially the same specific intent and purpose, if such an amendment to the State Constitution is approved by the electors at the next general election or at an earlier special election specifically authorized by law for that purpose. 

Vote: Senate 28-12; House 83-29