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The Florida Senate

1998 Florida Statutes

Suspensions, dismissals, reductions in pay, demotions, layoffs, transfers, and grievances.

110.227  Suspensions, dismissals, reductions in pay, demotions, layoffs, transfers, and grievances.--

(1)  Any employee who has permanent status in the career service may only be suspended or dismissed for cause. Cause shall include, but not be limited to, negligence, inefficiency or inability to perform assigned duties, insubordination, willful violation of the provisions of law or agency rules, conduct unbecoming a public employee, misconduct, habitual drug abuse, or conviction of any crime involving moral turpitude. Each agency head shall ensure that all employees of the agency are completely familiar with the agency's established procedures on disciplinary actions and grievances.

(2)  The department shall establish rules and procedures for the suspension, reduction in pay, transfer, layoff, demotion, and dismissal of employees in the career service. Such rules shall be approved by the Administration Commission prior to their adoption by the department.

(3)(a)  When a layoff becomes necessary, such layoff shall be conducted within the competitive area identified by the agency head and approved by the Department of Management Services. Such competitive area shall be established taking into consideration the similarity of work; the organizational unit, which may be by agency, department, division, bureau, or other organizational unit; and the commuting area for the work affected.

(b)  Layoff procedures shall be developed to establish the relative merit and fitness of employees and shall include a formula for uniform application among all employees in the competitive area, taking into consideration the type of appointment, the length of service, and the evaluations of the employee's performance within the last 5 years of employment.

(4)  Any permanent career service employee subject to reduction in pay, transfer, layoff, or demotion from a class in which he or she has permanent status in the Career Service System shall be notified in writing by the agency prior to its taking such action. The notice may be delivered to the employee personally or may be sent by certified mail with return receipt requested. Such actions shall be appealable to the Public Employees Relations Commission, pursuant to s. 447.208 and rules adopted by the commission.

(5)(a)  Any permanent career service employee who is subject to suspension or dismissal shall receive written notice of such action at least 10 days prior to the date such action is to be taken. Subsequent to such notice, and prior to the date the action is to be taken, the affected employee shall be given an opportunity to appear before the agency or official taking the action to answer orally and in writing the charges against him or her. The notice to the employee required by this paragraph may be delivered to the employee personally or may be sent by certified mail with return receipt requested. An employee who is suspended or dismissed shall be entitled to a hearing before the Public Employees Relations Commission or its designated agent pursuant to s. 447.208 and rules adopted by the commission.

(b)  In extraordinary situations such as when the retention of a permanent career service employee would result in damage to state property, would be detrimental to the best interest of the state, or would result in injury to the employee, a fellow employee, or some other person, such employee may be suspended or dismissed without 10 days' prior notice, provided that written or oral notice of such action, evidence of the reasons therefor, and an opportunity to rebut the charges are furnished to the employee prior to such dismissal or suspension. Such notice may be delivered to the employee personally or may be sent by certified mail with return receipt requested. Agency compliance with the foregoing procedure requiring notice, evidence, and an opportunity for rebuttal must be substantiated. Any employee who is suspended or dismissed pursuant to the provisions of this paragraph shall be entitled to a hearing before the Public Employees Relations Commission or its designated agent pursuant to s. 447.208, except that such hearing shall be held no more than 20 days after the filing of the notice of appeal by the employee.

(6)  A grievance process shall be available to career service employees. A grievance is defined as the dissatisfaction that occurs when an employee thinks or feels that any condition affecting the employee is unjust, inequitable, or a hinderance to effective operation, or creates a problem, except that an employee shall not have the right to file a grievance against performance evaluations unless it is alleged that the evaluation is based on factors other than the employee's performance. Claims of discrimination and sexual harassment, suspensions, reductions in pay, transfers, layoffs, demotions, and dismissals are not subject to the career service grievance process.

(7)  The department shall adopt rules for administration of the grievance process for career service employees. Such rules shall establish agency grievance procedures, eligibility, filing deadlines, forms, and review and evaluation governing the grievance process.

History.--s. 21, ch. 79-190; s. 3, ch. 81-169; s. 74, ch. 86-163; s. 7, ch. 90-196; s. 1, ch. 91-164; ss. 17, 21, ch. 91-431; s. 33, ch. 92-279; s. 55, ch. 92-326; s. 667, ch. 95-147; s. 17, ch. 96-399; s. 4, ch. 98-196.