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1998 Florida Statutes


905.01  Number and procurement of grand jury; replacement of member.

905.02  Who may challenge.

905.03  Ground for challenge to panel.

905.04  Grounds for challenge to individual prospective grand juror.

905.05  When challenge or objection to be made.

905.06  How challenge made and tried.

905.07  Effect of sustaining challenge to panel.

905.075  Excusing grand juror related to person being investigated.

905.08  Appointment of foreperson.

905.09  Discharge and recall of grand jury.

905.095  Extension of grand jury term.

905.10  Oath of grand jurors.

905.11  Charge of court.

905.12  Retirement of grand jurors.

905.13  Appointment of clerk.

905.15  Appointment of interpreter.

905.16  Duties of grand jury.

905.165  Grand jury to make presentments.

905.17  Who may be present during session of grand jury.

905.18  Duty of court.

905.185  State attorney to issue process.

905.19  Duty of state attorney.

905.195  List of witnesses; minutes.

905.20  Duty of grand juror having knowledge of offense.

905.21  When grand jury of another county may indict in other cases.

905.22  Swearing of witnesses.

905.23  Number of grand jurors required to return indictment.

905.24  Proceedings of grand jury to be kept secret.

905.25  Grand juror not permitted to state or testify.

905.26  Not to disclose finding of indictment.

905.27  Testimony not to be disclosed; exceptions.

905.28  Publication of report or presentment; motion to repress.

905.31  Short title.

905.32  Legislative intent.

905.33  Petition to Supreme Court by Governor; order.

905.34  Powers and duties; law applicable.

905.35  Appointment of foreperson and deputy foreperson.

905.36  Duty of state attorney or other legal adviser; presentation of evidence.

905.37  List of prospective jurors; impanelment; composition of jury; compensation.

905.38  Summoning of jurors.

905.39  Judicial supervision; returns.

905.395  Unlawful acts related to disclosure of proceedings; penalty.

905.40  Payment of costs and expenses.

905.01  Number and procurement of grand jury; replacement of member.--

(1)  The grand jury shall consist of not fewer than 15 nor more than 21 persons. The provisions of law governing the qualifications, disqualifications, excusals, drawing, summoning, supplying deficiencies, compensation, and procurement of petit jurors apply to grand jurors. In addition, an elected public official is not eligible for service on a grand jury.

(2)  The chief judge of any circuit court may provide for the replacement of any grand juror who, for good cause, is unable to complete the term of the grand jury. Such replacement shall be made by appropriate order of the chief judge from the list of prospective jurors from which the grand juror to be replaced was selected.

(3)  The chief judge of any circuit court may dispense with the convening of the grand jury at any term of court by filing a written order with the clerk of court directing that a grand jury not be summoned.

History.--s. 80, ch. 19554, 1939; CGL 1940 Supp. 8663(80); s. 41, ch. 70-339; s. 1, ch. 72-68; s. 19, ch. 79-235; s. 1, ch. 84-237; s. 1, ch. 98-222.

905.02  Who may challenge.--The state or a person who has been held to answer may challenge the panel or individual grand jurors.

History.--s. 81, ch. 19554, 1939; CGL 1940 Supp. 8663(81); s. 42, ch. 70-339.

905.03  Ground for challenge to panel.--A challenge to the panel may be made only on the ground that the grand jurors were not selected according to law.

History.--s. 82, ch. 19554, 1939; CGL 1940 Supp. 8663(82); s. 42, ch. 70-339.

905.04  Grounds for challenge to individual prospective grand juror.--

(1)  The state or a person who has been held to answer may challenge an individual prospective grand juror on the ground that the juror:

(a)  Does not have the qualifications required by law;

(b)  Has a state of mind that will prevent him or her from acting impartially and without prejudice to the substantial rights of the party challenging;

(c)  Is related by blood or marriage within the third degree to the defendant, to the person alleged to be injured by the offense charged, or to the person on whose complaint the prosecution was instituted.

(2)  The state may challenge an individual prospective grand juror on the ground that the prospective juror is surety on the bail undertaking of any person whose case will come before the grand jury.

History.--s. 83, ch. 19554, 1939; CGL 1940 Supp. 8663(83); s. 43, ch. 70-339; s. 1490, ch. 97-102.

905.05  When challenge or objection to be made.--A challenge or objection to the grand jury may not be made after it has been impaneled and sworn. This section shall not apply to a person who did not know or have reasonable ground to believe, at the time the grand jury was impaneled and sworn, that cases in which the person was or might be involved would be investigated by the grand jury.

History.--s. 84, ch. 19554, 1939; CGL 1940 Supp. 8663(84); s. 44, ch. 70-339; s. 1491, ch. 97-102.

905.06  How challenge made and tried.--Challenges to an individual grand juror or to the panel shall be tried by the court. A challenge to an individual grand juror may be oral, but a challenge to the panel shall be in writing.

History.--s. 85, ch. 19554, 1939; CGL 1940 Supp. 8663(85); s. 45, ch. 70-339.

905.07  Effect of sustaining challenge to panel.--If a challenge to the panel is sustained, the grand jury shall be discharged.

History.--s. 86, ch. 19554, 1939; CGL 1940 Supp. 8663(86).

905.075  Excusing grand juror related to person being investigated.--A grand juror may excuse herself or himself, be excused by a majority vote of the other grand jurors, or be excused by order of the court on its own motion or on motion of the state attorney, and be relieved from deliberating and voting in any case being investigated by the grand jury in which the party being investigated is related by blood or marriage to the grand juror. When excused or relieved, the grand juror shall retire from the grand jury room during the investigation and voting on a true bill against the grand juror's relative. The failure of a grand juror to excuse herself or himself or be relieved from participation in the investigation and voting shall not invalidate an indictment found or returned against the relative.

History.--s. 1, ch. 17058, 1935; CGL 1936 Supp. 4452(1); s. 46, ch. 70-339; s. 1492, ch. 97-102.

Note.--Former s. 932.16.

905.08  Appointment of foreperson.--After the grand jury has been impaneled, the court shall appoint one of the grand jurors as foreperson and another to act as foreperson during absence of the foreperson.

History.--s. 87, ch. 19554, 1939; CGL 1940 Supp. 8663(87); s. 47, ch. 70-339; s. 1493, ch. 97-102.

905.09  Discharge and recall of grand jury.--A grand jury that has been dismissed may be recalled at any time during the same term of court.

History.--s. 88, ch. 19554, 1939; CGL 1940 Supp. 8663(88); s. 48, ch. 70-339.

905.095  Extension of grand jury term.--Upon petition of the state attorney or the foreperson of the grand jury acting on behalf of a majority of the grand jurors, the circuit court may extend the term of a grand jury impaneled under this chapter beyond the term of court in which it was originally impaneled. A grand jury whose term has been extended as provided herein shall have the same composition and the same powers and duties it had during its original term. In the event the term of the grand jury is extended under this section, it shall be extended for a time certain, not to exceed a total of 90 days, and only for the purpose of concluding one or more specified investigative matters initiated during its original term.

History.--s. 1, ch. 73-1; s. 1494, ch. 97-102.

905.10  Oath of grand jurors.--The clerk shall prepare a list of the names of the grand jurors. After the jury is impaneled, the following oath shall be administered to the jurors:

"You, as grand jurors for _____ County do solemnly swear (or affirm) that you will diligently inquire into all matters put in your charge and you will make true presentments of your findings; unless ordered by a court, you will not disclose the nature or substance of the deliberations of the grand jury, the nature or substance of any testimony or other evidence, the vote of the grand jury, or the statements of the state attorney; you shall not make a presentment against a person because of envy, hatred, or malice, and you shall not fail to make a presentment against a person because of love, fear, or reward. So help you God."

History.--s. 89, ch. 19554, 1939; CGL 1940 Supp. 8663(89); s. 49, ch. 70-339.

905.11  Charge of court.--After the grand jurors are sworn the court shall charge them concerning their duties.

History.--s. 90, ch. 19554, 1939; CGL 1940 Supp. 8663(90).

905.12  Retirement of grand jurors.--After being charged by the court, the grand jury shall retire to a private place and perform their duties.

History.--s. 91, ch. 19554, 1939; CGL 1940 Supp. 8663(91); s. 50, ch. 70-339.

905.13  Appointment of clerk.--The foreperson shall appoint one of the grand jurors as clerk to keep minutes of the proceedings.

History.--s. 92, ch. 19554, 1939; CGL 1940 Supp. 8663(92); s. 50, ch. 70-339; s. 1495, ch. 97-102.

905.15  Appointment of interpreter.--The foreperson shall appoint an interpreter to interpret the testimony of any witness who does not speak the English language well enough to be readily understood. The interpreter must take an oath not to disclose any information coming to his or her knowledge, except on order of the court.

History.--s. 94, ch. 19554, 1939; CGL 1940 Supp. 8663(94); s. 51, ch. 70-339; s. 1496, ch. 97-102.

905.16  Duties of grand jury.--The grand jury shall inquire into every offense triable within the county for which any person has been held to answer, if an indictment has not been found or an information or affidavit filed for the offense, and all other indictable offenses triable within the county that are presented to it by the state attorney or her or his designated assistant or otherwise come to its knowledge.

History.--s. 95, ch. 19554, 1939; CGL 1940 Supp. 8663(95); s. 52, ch. 70-339; s. 1497, ch. 97-102.

905.165  Grand jury to make presentments.--The grand jury may make presentments for offenses against the criminal laws, whether or not specific punishment is provided for the offense.

History.--s. 16, Nov. 19, 1828; RS 2805; GS 3854; RGS 5949; CGL 8215; s. 53, ch. 70-339.

Note.--Former s. 932.15.

905.17  Who may be present during session of grand jury.--

(1)  No person shall be present at the sessions of the grand jury except the witness under examination, one attorney representing the witness for the sole purpose of advising and consulting with the witness, the state attorney and her or his assistant state attorneys, designated assistants as provided for in s. 27.18, the court reporter or stenographer, and the interpreter. The stenographic records, notes, and transcriptions made by the court reporter or stenographer shall be filed with the clerk who shall keep them in a sealed container not subject to public inspection. The notes, records, and transcriptions are confidential and exempt from the provisions of s. 119.07(1) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution and shall be released by the clerk only on request by a grand jury for use by the grand jury or on order of the court pursuant to s. 905.27.

(2)  The witness may be represented before the grand jury by one attorney. This provision is permissive only and does not create a right to counsel for the grand jury witness. The attorney for the witness shall not be permitted to address the grand jurors, raise objections, make arguments, or otherwise disrupt proceedings before the grand jury. The attorney for the witness shall be permitted to advise and counsel the witness and shall be subject to the provisions of s. 905.27 in the same manner as all who appear before the grand jury. An attorney or law firm may not represent more than one person or entity in an investigation before the same grand jury or successive grand juries in the same investigation.

(3)  No person shall be present while the grand jurors are deliberating or voting, except that an interpreter appointed pursuant to s. 90.6063(2) may be present after swearing to refrain from personal interjection and to uphold the secrecy of the proceeding.

(4)  An intentional violation of the provisions of this section shall constitute indirect criminal contempt of court. Further, and in addition to any contempt sanction, if the court determines that the attorney for the witness has violated any of the provisions of subsection (2), then the court may take such measures as are necessary to ensure compliance with subsection (2), including exclusion of the offending attorney from the grand jury room.

(5)  This section does not apply to proceedings of the statewide grand jury created in s. 905.33.

History.--s. 96, ch. 19554, 1939; CGL 1940 Supp. 8663(96); s. 1, ch. 26584, 1951; s. 54, ch. 70-339; s. 2, ch. 74-627; s. 1, ch. 92-154; s. 3, ch. 93-125; s. 1, ch. 94-74; s. 434, ch. 96-406; s. 1833, ch. 97-102.

905.18  Duty of court.--When requested, the court shall advise the grand jury about its legal duties. In its original charge or thereafter the court shall not restrict an investigation of any matter into which the grand jury is by law entitled to inquire.

History.--s. 97, ch. 19554, 1939; CGL 1940 Supp. 8663(97); s. 55, ch. 70-339.

905.185  State attorney to issue process.--When requested by the grand jury, the state attorney or his or her designated assistant shall issue process to secure the attendance of witnesses.

History.--s. 20, ch. 1628, 1868; RS 2807; GS 3856; RGS 5951; CGL 8217; s. 56, ch. 70-339; s. 1498, ch. 97-102.

Note.--Former s. 932.17.

905.19  Duty of state attorney.--The state attorney or an assistant state attorney shall attend sessions of the grand jury to examine witnesses and give legal advice about any matter cognizable by the grand jury. The state attorney may designate one or more assistant state attorneys to accompany and assist the state attorney in the performance of her or his duties, or the state attorney may designate one or more assistant state attorneys to attend sessions, examine witnesses, and give legal advice to the grand jury. The state attorney or an assistant state attorney shall draft indictments.

History.--s. 98, ch. 19554, 1939; CGL 1940 Supp. 8663(98); s. 57, ch. 70-339; s. 3, ch. 74-627; s. 1499, ch. 97-102.

905.195  List of witnesses; minutes.--

(1)  The foreperson of the grand jury shall return to the court a list under his or her hand of all witnesses who have been sworn by the grand jury during the term. The list shall be filed by the clerk of the court.

(2)  When directed by the grand jury, the clerk shall deliver the minutes of the proceedings to the state attorney.

History.--ss. 14, 15, ch. 1628, 1868; RS 2806, 2809; GS 3855, 3858; RGS 5950, 5953; CGL 8216, 8219; s. 58, ch. 70-339; s. 1500, ch. 97-102.

Note.--Former s. 932.18.

905.20  Duty of grand juror having knowledge of offense.--A grand juror who knows or has reason to believe that an indictable offense triable within the county has been committed shall report the information to the grand jury and may be sworn as a witness in the investigation.

History.--s. 99, ch. 19554, 1939; CGL 1940 Supp. 8663(99); s. 59, ch. 70-339.

905.21  When grand jury of another county may indict in other cases.--When an offense has been committed in a county and the circuit court has determined that conditions in that county make it impractical to convene a grand jury, any grand jury within the circuit or in any circuit to which the judge of the circuit court refers the matter may inquire into the offense. If an indictment is returned, it shall be certified and transferred for trial to the county where the offense was committed.

History.--s. 100, ch. 19554, 1939; CGL 1940 Supp. 8663(100); s. 60, ch. 70-339.

905.22  Swearing of witnesses.--The foreperson, state attorney, or assistant state attorney shall administer an oath or affirmation in the manner prescribed by law to any witness who testifies before the grand jury.

History.--s. 101, ch. 19554, 1939; CGL 1940 Supp. 8663(101); s. 61, ch. 70-339; s. 1501, ch. 97-102.

905.23  Number of grand jurors required to return indictment.--An indictment shall not be found without the concurrence of 12 grand jurors.

History.--s. 102, ch. 19554, 1939; CGL 1940 Supp. 8663(102); s. 62, ch. 70-339.

905.24  Proceedings of grand jury to be kept secret.--Grand jury proceedings are secret, and a grand juror or an interpreter appointed pursuant to s. 90.6063(2) shall not disclose the nature or substance of the deliberations or vote of the grand jury.

History.--s. 103, ch. 19554, 1939; CGL 1940 Supp. 8663(103); s. 63, ch. 70-339; s. 4, ch. 93-125.

905.25  Grand juror not permitted to state or testify.--A grand juror shall not be permitted to state or testify in any court how she or he or any other grand juror voted on any matter before them or what opinion was expressed by herself or himself or any other grand juror about the matter.

History.--s. 104, ch. 19554, 1939; CGL 1940 Supp. 8663(104); s. 64, ch. 70-339; s. 1502, ch. 97-102.

905.26  Not to disclose finding of indictment.--Unless ordered by the court, a grand juror, reporter, stenographer, interpreter, or officer of the court shall not disclose that an indictment for a felony has been found against a person not in custody or under recognizance, except by issuing or executing process on the indictment, until the person has been arrested.

History.--s. 105, ch. 19554, 1939; CGL 1940 Supp. 8663(105); s. 65, ch. 70-339.

905.27  Testimony not to be disclosed; exceptions.--

(1)  A grand juror, state attorney, assistant state attorney, reporter, stenographer, interpreter, or any other person appearing before the grand jury shall not disclose the testimony of a witness examined before the grand jury or other evidence received by it except when required by a court to disclose the testimony for the purpose of:

(a)  Ascertaining whether it is consistent with the testimony given by the witness before the court;

(b)  Determining whether the witness is guilty of perjury; or

(c)  Furthering justice.

(2)  It is unlawful for any person knowingly to publish, broadcast, disclose, divulge, or communicate to any other person, or knowingly to cause or permit to be published, broadcast, disclosed, divulged, or communicated to any other person, in any manner whatsoever, any testimony of a witness examined before the grand jury, or the content, gist, or import thereof, except when such testimony is or has been disclosed in a court proceeding. When a court orders the disclosure of such testimony pursuant to subsection (1) for use in a criminal case, it may be disclosed to the prosecuting attorney of the court in which such criminal case is pending, and by the prosecuting attorney to his or her assistants, legal associates, and employees, and to the defendant and the defendant's attorney, and by the latter to his or her legal associates and employees. When such disclosure is ordered by a court pursuant to subsection (1) for use in a civil case, it may be disclosed to all parties to the case and to their attorneys and by the latter to their legal associates and employees. However, the grand jury testimony afforded such persons by the court can only be used in the defense or prosecution of the civil or criminal case and for no other purpose whatsoever.

(3)  Nothing in this section shall affect the attorney-client relationship. A client shall have the right to communicate to his or her attorney any testimony given by the client to the grand jury, any matters involving the client discussed in the client's presence before the grand jury, and any evidence involving the client received by or proffered to the grand jury in the client's presence.

(4)  Persons convicted of violating this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.083, or by fine not exceeding $5,000, or both.

(5)  A violation of this section shall constitute criminal contempt of court.

History.--s. 106, ch. 19554, 1939; CGL 1940 Supp. 8663(106); s. 1, ch. 26940, 1951; s. 66, ch. 70-339; ss. 1, 1A, ch. 71-66; s. 1, ch. 94-285; s. 1503, ch. 97-102.

905.28  Publication of report or presentment; motion to repress.--

(1)  A report or presentment of the grand jury relating to an individual which is not accompanied by a true bill or indictment is confidential and exempt from the provisions of s. 119.07(1) and s. 24(a), Art. I of the State Constitution and shall not be made public or be published until the individual concerned has been furnished a copy thereof and given 15 days to file with the circuit court a motion to repress or expunge the report or that portion which is improper and unlawful.

(2)  Any such motion, whether granted or denied, shall automatically act as a stay of public announcement of such report, or portion thereof, until the circuit court's ruling on the motion is either affirmed or denied by the district court of appeal or, if no appeal is taken, until expiration of the period within which an appeal could have been taken.

History.--s. 1, ch. 73-132; s. 1, ch. 73-194; s. 1, ch. 77-174; s. 3, ch. 94-74; s. 435, ch. 96-406.

905.31  Short title.--Sections 905.31-905.40 shall be known and may be cited as the "Statewide Grand Jury Act."

History.--s. 1, ch. 73-132.

905.32  Legislative intent.--It is the intent of the Legislature in enacting this act to strengthen the grand jury system and enhance the ability of the state to detect and eliminate organized criminal activity by improving the evidence-gathering process in matters which transpire or have significance in more than one county.

History.--s. 1, ch. 73-132.

905.33  Petition to Supreme Court by Governor; order.--

(1)  Whenever the Governor, for good and sufficient reason, deems it to be in the public interest to impanel a statewide grand jury, she or he may petition in writing to the Supreme Court for an order impaneling a statewide grand jury. The petition shall state the general crimes or wrongs to be inquired into and shall state that said crimes or wrongs are of a multicircuit nature. The Supreme Court may order the impaneling of a statewide grand jury, in accordance with the petition, for a term of 12 calendar months. Upon petition by a majority of the statewide grand jury or by the legal adviser to the statewide grand jury, the Supreme Court, by order, may extend the term of the statewide grand jury for a period of up to 6 months.

(2)  The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court shall designate a judge of a circuit court to preside over the statewide grand jury; such judge shall be referred to herein as the presiding judge.

History.--s. 1, ch. 73-132; s. 3, ch. 77-403; ss. 1, 4, ch. 80-619; s. 5, ch. 85-179; s. 1504, ch. 97-102.

905.34  Powers and duties; law applicable.--The jurisdiction of a statewide grand jury impaneled under this chapter shall extend throughout the state. The subject matter jurisdiction of the statewide grand jury shall be limited to the offenses of:

(1)  Bribery, burglary, carjacking, home-invasion robbery, criminal usury, extortion, gambling, kidnapping, larceny, murder, prostitution, perjury, and robbery;

(2)  Crimes involving narcotic or other dangerous drugs;

(3)  Any violation of the provisions of the Florida RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organization) Act, including any offense listed in the definition of racketeering activity in s. 895.02(1)(a), providing such listed offense is investigated in connection with a violation of s. 895.03 and is charged in a separate count of an information or indictment containing a count charging a violation of s. 895.03, the prosecution of which listed offense may continue independently if the prosecution of the violation of s. 895.03 is terminated for any reason;

(4)  Any violation of the provisions of the Florida Anti-Fencing Act;

(5)  Any violation of the provisions of the Florida Antitrust Act of 1980, as amended;

(6)  Any crime involving, or resulting in, fraud or deceit upon any person;

or any attempt, solicitation, or conspiracy to commit any violation of the crimes specifically enumerated above, when any such offense is occurring, or has occurred, in two or more judicial circuits as part of a related transaction or when any such offense is connected with an organized criminal conspiracy affecting two or more judicial circuits. The statewide grand jury may return indictments and presentments irrespective of the county or judicial circuit where the offense is committed or triable. If an indictment is returned, it shall be certified and transferred for trial to the county where the offense was committed. The powers and duties of, and law applicable to, county grand juries shall apply to a statewide grand jury except when such powers, duties, and law are inconsistent with the provisions of ss. 905.31-905.40.

History.--s. 1, ch. 73-132; s. 6, ch. 77-334; s. 14, ch. 77-342; ss. 2, 4, ch. 80-619; s. 1, ch. 84-145; s. 6, ch. 85-179; s. 2, ch. 90-12; s. 2, ch. 92-108; s. 6, ch. 93-212; s. 6, ch. 95-427; s. 8, ch. 96-252; s. 10, ch. 96-260; s. 7, ch. 97-78.

905.35  Appointment of foreperson and deputy foreperson.--The statewide grand jury shall elect, by majority vote, a foreperson and deputy foreperson from among its members.

History.--s. 1, ch. 73-132; s. 1505, ch. 97-102.

905.36  Duty of state attorney or other legal adviser; presentation of evidence.--The statewide prosecutor in charge of the Office of Statewide Prosecution shall attend sessions of the statewide grand jury and serve as its legal adviser. The legal adviser shall examine witnesses; present evidence; and draft indictments, presentments, and reports upon the direction of the statewide grand jury. The legal adviser may designate one or more of her or his assistants, any state attorney, or one or more assistant state attorneys to attend sessions of the statewide grand jury and perform the legal adviser's duties. The legal adviser and her or his assistants or a state attorney or assistant state attorney designated by the legal adviser to advise the statewide grand jury shall be empowered to prosecute an indictment returned by the statewide grand jury in the judicial circuit where the proper venue lies.

History.--s. 1, ch. 73-132; s. 4, ch. 74-627; s. 4, ch. 77-403; s. 7, ch. 85-179; s. 1506, ch. 97-102.

905.37  List of prospective jurors; impanelment; composition of jury; compensation.--

(1)  On or before July 15, 1973, and not later than the first week in December of each year thereafter, the chief judge of each judicial circuit shall cause to be compiled a list of persons called and certified for jury duty in each of the several counties in the circuit. From the lists of persons certified for jury duty in each of the several counties in his or her judicial circuit, the chief judge shall select by lot and at random a list of eligible prospective grand jurors from each county. The number of prospective statewide grand jurors to be selected from each county shall be determined on the basis of 3 such jurors for each 3,000 residents, or fraction thereof, in each county. When such lists are compiled, the chief judge of each judicial circuit shall cause the lists to be submitted to the state courts administrator on or before August 15, 1973, and not later than February 15 of each year thereafter.

(2)  The State Courts Administrator, upon receipt of the order of the Supreme Court granting a petition to impanel a statewide grand jury, shall certify and submit to the presiding judge the lists submitted by the chief judge of each judicial circuit. The Supreme Court shall provide in its order impaneling the statewide grand jury whether the prospective jurors are to be drawn from the jury lists, as selected, certified, and submitted pursuant to this section, from a designated circuit or circuits or from a statewide list containing the names of all persons who are named in the certified jury lists submitted by the chief judge of each judicial circuit. If the Supreme Court determines, based upon the facts set forth in the Governor's petition, that the principal scope of the investigation to be conducted by the statewide grand jury is limited to a particular region or section of the state, or if, in the interest of convenience to the prospective grand jury witnesses, law enforcement officers, or others, the investigation could more appropriately operate within a particular region or section of the state, then, in either such event, the Supreme Court may designate the judicial circuits within that region of the state which shall be the base operating area for the statewide grand jury, from which designated circuits the prospective jurors of the statewide grand jury shall be selected. The presiding judge shall, by lot and at random, select and impanel the statewide grand jury from the jury lists of the designated circuits certified and submitted through State Courts Administrator, or of the composite statewide list, in accordance with the order of the Supreme Court. In selecting and impaneling the statewide grand jury in the manner prescribed herein, the presiding judge shall select no fewer than one statewide grand juror from each congressional district in the state. Each such prospective juror may be excused by the presiding judge upon a showing that service on the statewide grand jury will result in an unreasonable personal or financial hardship by virtue of the location or projected length of the grand jury investigation.

(3)  A statewide grand jury shall be composed of 18 members, of which 15 members shall constitute a quorum. Each member of the statewide grand jury must be qualified to serve as a juror as provided in s. 40.01. In all other respects, a statewide grand juror must have the same qualifications as provided in this chapter in the case of a county grand jury.

(4)  Upon receiving a summons to report for jury duty, any employee shall, on the next day the employee is engaged in his or her employment, exhibit the summons to his or her immediate superior; and the employee shall thereupon be excused from his or her employment for the period that the employee is actually required to be in court attendance, plus reasonable travel time.

(5)  While attending a session of the statewide grand jury, each grand juror is entitled to receive a fee of $35 per day. Additionally, each grand juror attending a grand jury session is entitled to receive per diem and travel expenses as provided under s. 112.061.

History.--s. 1, ch. 73-132; s. 20, ch. 79-235; s. 2, ch. 84-145; s. 6, ch. 91-235; s. 1, ch. 91-424; s. 4, ch. 92-297; s. 7, ch. 95-427; s. 1507, ch. 97-102.

905.38  Summoning of jurors.--The Clerk of the Supreme Court, upon receipt of the venire for the statewide grand jury from the presiding judge, shall issue and cause to be delivered to the sheriff of the county in which a member of the statewide grand jury resides, a venire of the grand jury commanding the sheriff to summon, in accordance with the venire, the persons named in the venire who reside in the county.

History.--s. 1, ch. 73-132.

905.39  Judicial supervision; returns.--Judicial supervision of the statewide grand jury shall be maintained by the presiding judge, and all indictments, presentments, and formal returns of any kind made by such grand jury shall be returned to the presiding judge.

History.--s. 1, ch. 73-132.

905.395  Unlawful acts related to disclosure of proceedings; penalty.--Unless pursuant to court order, it is unlawful for any person knowingly to publish, broadcast, disclose, divulge, or communicate to any other person, or knowingly to cause or permit to be published, broadcast, disclosed, divulged, or communicated to any other person outside the statewide grand jury room, any of the proceedings or identity of persons referred to or being investigated by the statewide grand jury. Any person who violates the provisions of this subsection is guilty of a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084.

History.--s. 11, ch. 85-179; s. 2, ch. 94-285.

905.40  Payment of costs and expenses.--The costs and expenses incurred by the statewide grand jury in the performance of its functions and duties shall be paid by the state out of funds appropriated to the circuit courts.

History.--s. 1, ch. 73-132.