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The Florida Senate

2002 Florida Statutes

Section 1004.435, Florida Statutes 2002

1004.435  Cancer control and research.--

(1)  SHORT TITLE.--This section shall be known and may be cited as the "Cancer Control and Research Act."

(2)  LEGISLATIVE INTENT.--It is the finding of the Legislature that:

(a)  Advances in scientific knowledge have led to the development of preventive and therapeutic capabilities in the control of cancer. Such knowledge and therapy must be made available to all citizens of this state through educational and therapeutic programs.

(b)  The present state of our knowledge concerning the prevalence, cause or associated factors, and treatment of cancer have resulted primarily from a vast federal investment into basic and clinical research, some of which is expended in this state. These research activities must continue, but programs must be established to extend this knowledge in preventive measures and patient treatment throughout the state.

(c)  Research in cancer has implicated the environment as a causal factor for many types of cancer, i.e., sunshine, X rays, diet, smoking, etc., and programs are needed to further document such cause and effect relationships. Proven causes of cancer should be publicized and be the subject of educational programs for the prevention of cancer.

(d)  An effective cancer control program would mobilize the scientific, educational, and medical resources that presently exist into an intense attack against this dread disease.

(3)  DEFINITIONS.--The following words and phrases when used in this section have, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise, the meanings given to them in this subsection:

(a)  "Cancer" means all malignant neoplasms, regardless of the tissue of origin, including lymphoma and leukemia.

(b)  "Council" means the Florida Cancer Control and Research Advisory Council, which is an advisory body appointed to function on a continuing basis for the study of cancer and which recommends solutions and policy alternatives to the State Board of Education and the secretary and which is established by this section.

(c)  "Department" means the Department of Health.

(d)  "Fund" means the Florida Cancer Control and Research Fund established by this section.

(e)  "Qualified nonprofit association" means any association, incorporated or unincorporated, that has received tax-exempt status from the Internal Revenue Service.

(f)  "Secretary" means the Secretary of Health.


(a)  There is created within the H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute, Inc., the Florida Cancer Control and Research Advisory Council. The council shall consist of 35 members, which includes the chairperson, all of whom must be residents of this state. All members, except those appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives and the President of the Senate, must be appointed by the Governor. At least one of the members appointed by the Governor must be 60 years of age or older. One member must be a representative of the American Cancer Society; one member must be a representative of the Florida Tumor Registrars Association; one member must be a representative of the Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center of the University of Miami; one member must be a representative of the Department of Health; one member must be a representative of the University of Florida Shands Cancer Center; one member must be a representative of the Agency for Health Care Administration; one member must be a representative of the Florida Nurses Association; one member must be a representative of the Florida Osteopathic Medical Association; one member must be a representative of the American College of Surgeons; one member must be a representative of the School of Medicine of the University of Miami; one member must be a representative of the College of Medicine of the University of Florida; one member must be a representative of NOVA Southeastern College of Osteopathic Medicine; one member must be a representative of the College of Medicine of the University of South Florida; one member must be a representative of the College of Public Health of the University of South Florida; one member must be a representative of the Florida Society of Clinical Oncology; one member must be a representative of the Florida Obstetric and Gynecologic Society who has had training in the specialty of gynecologic oncology; one member must be a representative of the Florida Medical Association; one member must be a member of the Florida Pediatric Society; one member must be a representative of the Florida Radiological Society; one member must be a representative of the Florida Society of Pathologists; one member must be a representative of the H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute, Inc.; three members must be representatives of the general public acting as consumer advocates; one member must be a member of the House of Representatives appointed by the Speaker of the House of Representatives; one member must be a member of the Senate appointed by the President of the Senate; one member must be a representative of the Department of Education; one member must be a representative of the Florida Dental Association; one member must be a representative of the Florida Hospital Association; one member must be a representative of the Association of Community Cancer Centers; one member shall be a representative from a statutory teaching hospital affiliated with a community-based cancer center; one member must be a representative of the Florida Association of Pediatric Tumor Programs, Inc.; one member must be a representative of the Cancer Information Service; one member must be a representative of the Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University Institute of Public Health; and one member must be a representative of the Florida Society of Oncology Social Workers. Of the members of the council appointed by the Governor, at least 10 must be individuals who are minority persons as defined by s. 288.703(3).

(b)  The terms of the members shall be 4 years from their respective dates of appointment.

(c)  A chairperson shall be appointed by the Governor for a term of 2 years. The chairperson shall appoint an executive committee of no fewer than three persons to serve at the pleasure of the chairperson. This committee will prepare material for the council but make no final decisions.

(d)  The council shall meet no less than semiannually at the call of the chairperson or, in his or her absence or incapacity, at the call of the secretary. Sixteen members constitute a quorum for the purpose of exercising all of the powers of the council. A vote of the majority of the members present is sufficient for all actions of the council.

(e)  The council members shall serve without pay. Pursuant to the provisions of s. 112.061, the council members may be entitled to be reimbursed for per diem and travel expenses.

(f)  No member of the council shall participate in any discussion or decision to recommend grants or contracts to any qualified nonprofit association or to any agency of this state or its political subdivisions with which the member is associated as a member of the governing body or as an employee or with which the member has entered into a contractual arrangement.

(g)  The council may prescribe, amend, and repeal bylaws governing the manner in which the business of the council is conducted.

(h)  The council shall advise the State Board of Education, the secretary, and the Legislature with respect to cancer control and research in this state.

(i)  The council shall approve each year a program for cancer control and research to be known as the "Florida Cancer Plan" which shall be consistent with the State Health Plan and integrated and coordinated with existing programs in this state.

(j)  The council shall formulate and recommend to the secretary a plan for the care and treatment of persons suffering from cancer and recommend the establishment of standard requirements for the organization, equipment, and conduct of cancer units or departments in hospitals and clinics in this state. The council may recommend to the secretary the designation of cancer units following a survey of the needs and facilities for treatment of cancer in the various localities throughout the state. The secretary shall consider the plan in developing departmental priorities and funding priorities and standards under chapter 395.

(k)  The council is responsible for including in the Florida Cancer Plan recommendations for the coordination and integration of medical, nursing, paramedical, lay, and other plans concerned with cancer control and research. Committees shall be formed by the council so that the following areas will be established as entities for actions:

1.  Cancer plan evaluation: tumor registry, data retrieval systems, and epidemiology of cancer in the state and its relation to other areas.

2.  Cancer prevention.

3.  Cancer detection.

4.  Cancer patient management: treatment, rehabilitation, terminal care, and other patient-oriented activities.

5.  Cancer education: lay and professional.

6.  Unproven methods of cancer therapy: quackery and unorthodox therapies.

7.  Investigator-initiated project research.

(l)  In order to implement in whole or in part the Florida Cancer Plan, the council shall recommend to the State Board of Education or the secretary the awarding of grants and contracts to qualified profit or nonprofit associations or governmental agencies in order to plan, establish, or conduct programs in cancer control or prevention, cancer education and training, and cancer research.

(m)  If funds are specifically appropriated by the Legislature, the council shall develop or purchase standardized written summaries, written in layperson's terms and in language easily understood by the average adult patient, informing actual and high-risk breast cancer patients, prostate cancer patients, and men who are considering prostate cancer screening of the medically viable treatment alternatives available to them in the effective management of breast cancer and prostate cancer; describing such treatment alternatives; and explaining the relative advantages, disadvantages, and risks associated therewith. The breast cancer summary, upon its completion, shall be printed in the form of a pamphlet or booklet and made continuously available to physicians and surgeons in this state for their use in accordance with s. 458.324 and to osteopathic physicians in this state for their use in accordance with s. 459.0125 The council shall periodically update both summaries to reflect current standards of medical practice in the treatment of breast cancer and prostate cancer. The council shall develop and implement educational programs, including distribution of the summaries developed or purchased under this paragraph, to inform citizen groups, associations, and voluntary organizations about early detection and treatment of breast cancer and prostate cancer.

(n)  The council shall have the responsibility to advise the State Board of Education and the secretary on methods of enforcing and implementing laws already enacted and concerned with cancer control, research, and education.

(o)  The council may recommend to the State Board of Education or the secretary rules not inconsistent with law as it may deem necessary for the performance of its duties and the proper administration of this section.

(p)  The council shall formulate and put into effect a continuing educational program for the prevention of cancer and its early diagnosis and disseminate to hospitals, cancer patients, and the public information concerning the proper treatment of cancer.

(q)  The council shall be physically located at the H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute, Inc., at the University of South Florida.

(r)  On February 15 of each year, the council shall report to the Governor and to the Legislature.


(a)  The State Board of Education or the secretary, after consultation with the council, shall award grants and contracts to qualified nonprofit associations and governmental agencies in order to plan, establish, or conduct programs in cancer control and prevention, cancer education and training, and cancer research.

(b)  The H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center and Research Institute, Inc., shall provide such staff, information, and other assistance as reasonably necessary for the completion of the responsibilities of the council.

(c)  The State Board of Education or the secretary, after consultation with the council, may adopt rules necessary for the implementation of this section.

(d)  The secretary, after consultation with the council, shall make rules specifying to what extent and on what terms and conditions cancer patients of the state may receive financial aid for the diagnosis and treatment of cancer in any hospital or clinic selected. The department may furnish to citizens of this state who are afflicted with cancer financial aid to the extent of the appropriation provided for that purpose in a manner which in its opinion will afford the greatest benefit to those afflicted and may make arrangements with hospitals, laboratories, or clinics to afford proper care and treatment for cancer patients in this state.


(a)  There is created the Florida Cancer Control and Research Fund consisting of funds appropriated therefor from the General Revenue Fund and any gifts, grants, or funds received from other sources.

(b)  The fund shall be used exclusively for grants and contracts to qualified nonprofit associations or governmental agencies for the purpose of cancer control and prevention, cancer education and training, cancer research, and all expenses incurred in connection with the administration of this section and the programs funded through the grants and contracts authorized by the State Board of Education or the secretary.

History.--s. 189, ch. 2002-387.