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The Florida Senate

2002 Florida Statutes

Chapter 366, Florida Statutes 2002



366.01  Legislative declaration.

366.015  Interagency liaison.

366.02  Definitions.

366.03  General duties of public utility.

366.031  Definitions; preference relating to cable television prohibited; penalties.

366.04  Jurisdiction of commission.

366.041  Rate fixing; adequacy of facilities as criterion.

366.05  Powers.

366.051  Cogeneration; small power production; commission jurisdiction.

366.055  Availability of, and payment for, energy reserves.

366.06  Rates; procedure for fixing and changing.

366.07  Rates; adjustment.

366.071  Interim rates; procedure.

366.072  Rate adjustment orders.

366.075  Experimental and transitional rates.

366.076  Limited proceedings; rules on subsequent adjustments.

366.08  Investigations, inspections; power of commission.

366.09  Incrimination at hearing of commission.

366.093  Public utility records; confidentiality.

366.095  Penalties.

366.10  Judicial review.

366.11  Certain exemptions.

366.125  Natural gas jurisdiction limits.

366.13  Taxes, not affected.

366.14  Regulatory assessment fees.

366.15  Medically essential electric public utility service.

366.80  Short title.

366.81  Legislative findings and intent.

366.82  Definition; goals; plans; programs; annual reports; energy audits.

366.825  Clean Air Act compliance; definitions; goals; plans.

366.8255  Environmental cost recovery.

366.83  Certain laws not applicable; saving clause.

366.85  Responsibilities of Division of Consumer Services.

366.01  Legislative declaration.--The regulation of public utilities as defined herein is declared to be in the public interest and this chapter shall be deemed to be an exercise of the police power of the state for the protection of the public welfare and all the provisions hereof shall be liberally construed for the accomplishment of that purpose.

History.--s. 1, ch. 26545, 1951; s. 3, ch. 76-168; s. 1, ch. 77-457; s. 16, ch. 80-35; s. 2, ch. 81-318; ss. 20, 22, ch. 89-292; s. 4, ch. 91-429.

366.015  Interagency liaison.--The commission is directed to provide for, and assume primary responsibility for, establishing and maintaining continuous liaison with all other appropriate state and federal agencies whose policy decisions and rulemaking authority affect those utilities over which the commission has primary regulatory jurisdiction. This liaison shall be conducted at the policymaking levels as well as the department, division, or bureau levels. Active participation in other agencies' public hearings is encouraged to transmit the commission's policy positions and information requirements, in order to provide for more efficient regulation.

History.--s. 6, ch. 74-196; s. 3, ch. 76-168; s. 1, ch. 77-457; ss. 1, 16, ch. 80-35; s. 2, ch. 81-318; ss. 20, 22, ch. 89-292; s. 4, ch. 91-429.

366.02  Definitions.--As used in this chapter:

(1)  "Public utility" means every person, corporation, partnership, association, or other legal entity and their lessees, trustees, or receivers supplying electricity or gas (natural, manufactured, or similar gaseous substance) to or for the public within this state; but the term "public utility" does not include either a cooperative now or hereafter organized and existing under the Rural Electric Cooperative Law of the state; a municipality or any agency thereof; any dependent or independent special natural gas district; any natural gas transmission pipeline company making only sales or transportation delivery of natural gas at wholesale and to direct industrial consumers; any entity selling or arranging for sales of natural gas which neither owns nor operates natural gas transmission or distribution facilities within the state; or a person supplying liquefied petroleum gas, in either liquid or gaseous form, irrespective of the method of distribution or delivery, or owning or operating facilities beyond the outlet of a meter through which natural gas is supplied for compression and delivery into motor vehicle fuel tanks or other transportation containers, unless such person also supplies electricity or manufactured or natural gas.

(2)  "Electric utility" means any municipal electric utility, investor-owned electric utility, or rural electric cooperative which owns, maintains, or operates an electric generation, transmission, or distribution system within the state.

(3)  "Commission" means the Florida Public Service Commission.

History.--s. 2, ch. 26545, 1951; s. 3, ch. 76-168; s. 1, ch. 77-457; ss. 2, 16, ch. 80-35; s. 2, ch. 81-318; ss. 1, 20, 22, ch. 89-292; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 14, ch. 92-284.

366.03  General duties of public utility.--Each public utility shall furnish to each person applying therefor reasonably sufficient, adequate, and efficient service upon terms as required by the commission. No public utility shall be required to furnish electricity or gas for resale except that a public utility may be required to furnish gas for containerized resale. All rates and charges made, demanded, or received by any public utility for any service rendered, or to be rendered by it, and each rule and regulation of such public utility, shall be fair and reasonable. No public utility shall make or give any undue or unreasonable preference or advantage to any person or locality, or subject the same to any undue or unreasonable prejudice or disadvantage in any respect.

History.--s. 3, ch. 26545, 1951; s. 3, ch. 76-168; s. 1, ch. 77-457; s. 16, ch. 80-35; s. 2, ch. 81-318; ss. 1, 15, ch. 82-25; ss. 20, 22, ch. 89-292; s. 4, ch. 91-429.

366.031  Definitions; preference relating to cable television prohibited; penalties.--

(1)  As used in this section, the term:

(a)  "Affiliate," when used in relation to any person, means another person who owns or controls, is owned or controlled by, or is under common ownership or control with, such person.

(b)  "Cable service" means:

1.  The one-way transmission to subscribers of video programming or any other programming service; and

2.  Subscriber interaction, if any, which is required for the selection of such video programming or other programming service.

(c)  "Cable system" means a facility, consisting of a set of closed transmission paths and associated signal generation, reception, and control equipment that is designed to provide cable service which includes video programming and which is provided to multiple subscribers within a community, but such term does not include:

1.  A facility that serves only to retransmit the television signals of one or more television broadcast stations;

2.  A facility that serves only subscribers in one or more multiple-unit dwellings under common ownership, control, or management, unless such facility or facilities uses any public right-of-way;

3.  A facility of a common carrier, except that such facility shall be considered a cable system to the extent such facility is used in the transmission of video programming directly to subscribers; or

4.  Any facilities of any electric utility used solely for operating its electric utility systems.

(d)  "Video programming" means programming provided by or generally considered comparable to programming provided by a television broadcast station or cable system.

(2)  No electric utility shall make or give any preference or advantage to any person as an accommodation or inducement to that person to contract with or take the services of any entity which is an affiliate of such electric utility and which entity provides video programming to persons within all or any part of the service area of such electric utility.

(3)  No electric utility shall make or give any preference or advantage over any entity which is not an affiliate of such electric utility, and which entity provides video programming to persons within all or any part of the service area of such electric utility, to any entity which is an affiliate of such electric utility and which entity provides video programming to persons within all or any part of the service area of such electric utility.

(4)  Upon a finding by a court of competent jurisdiction that either any electric utility or its affiliate providing video programming services within all or any part of the service area of the electric utility has violated the provisions of this section, the court:

(a)  May award actual damages to any other entity not an affiliate of the electric utility providing video programming services to persons within all or any part of the service area of the electric utility, and may grant injunctive relief.

(b)  Shall award costs of any action, together with reasonable attorney's fees, to the prevailing party.

History.--s. 4, ch. 87-266; s. 22, ch. 89-292; s. 4, ch. 91-429.

366.04  Jurisdiction of commission.--

(1)  In addition to its existing functions, the commission shall have jurisdiction to regulate and supervise each public utility with respect to its rates and service; assumption by it of liabilities or obligations as guarantor, endorser, or surety; and the issuance and sale of its securities, except a security which is a note or draft maturing not more than 1 year after the date of such issuance and sale and aggregating (together with all other then-outstanding notes and drafts of a maturity of 1 year or less on which such public utility is liable) not more than 5 percent of the par value of the other securities of the public utility then outstanding. In the case of securities having no par value, the par value for the purpose of this section shall be the fair market value as of the date of issue. The commission, upon application by a public utility, may authorize the utility to issue and sell securities of one or more offerings, or of one or more types, over a period of up to 12 months; or, if the securities are notes or drafts maturing not more than 1 year after the date of issuance and sale, the commission, upon such application, may authorize the utility to issue and sell such securities over a period of up to 24 months. The commission may take final action to grant an application by a public utility to issue and sell securities or to assume liabilities or obligations after having given notice in the Florida Administrative Weekly published at least 7 days in advance of final agency action. In taking final action on such application, the commission may deny authorization for the issuance or sale of a security or assumption of a liability or obligation if the security, liability, or obligation is for nonutility purposes; and shall deny authorization for the issuance or sale of a security or assumption of a liability or obligation if the financial viability of the public utility is adversely affected such that the public utility's ability to provide reasonable service at reasonable rates is jeopardized. Securities issued by a public utility or liabilities or obligations assumed by a public utility as guarantor, endorser, or surety pursuant to an order of the commission, which order is certified by the clerk of the commission and which order approves or authorizes the issuance and sale of such securities or the assumption of such liabilities or obligations, shall not be invalidated by a modification, repeal, or amendment to that order or by a supplemental order; however, the commission's approval of the issuance of securities or the assumption of liabilities or obligations shall constitute approval only as to the legality of the issue or assumption, and in no way shall it be considered commission approval of the rates, service, accounts, valuation, estimates, or determinations of cost or any other such matter. The jurisdiction conferred upon the commission shall be exclusive and superior to that of all other boards, agencies, political subdivisions, municipalities, towns, villages, or counties, and, in case of conflict therewith, all lawful acts, orders, rules, and regulations of the commission shall in each instance prevail.

(2)  In the exercise of its jurisdiction, the commission shall have power over electric utilities for the following purposes:

(a)  To prescribe uniform systems and classifications of accounts.

(b)  To prescribe a rate structure for all electric utilities.

(c)  To require electric power conservation and reliability within a coordinated grid, for operational as well as emergency purposes.

(d)  To approve territorial agreements between and among rural electric cooperatives, municipal electric utilities, and other electric utilities under its jurisdiction. However, nothing in this chapter shall be construed to alter existing territorial agreements as between the parties to such agreements.

(e)  To resolve, upon petition of a utility or on its own motion, any territorial dispute involving service areas between and among rural electric cooperatives, municipal electric utilities, and other electric utilities under its jurisdiction. In resolving territorial disputes, the commission may consider, but not be limited to consideration of, the ability of the utilities to expand services within their own capabilities and the nature of the area involved, including population, the degree of urbanization of the area, its proximity to other urban areas, and the present and reasonably foreseeable future requirements of the area for other utility services.

(f)  To prescribe and require the filing of periodic reports and other data as may be reasonably available and as necessary to exercise its jurisdiction hereunder.

No provision of this chapter shall be construed or applied to impede, prevent, or prohibit any municipally owned electric utility system from distributing at retail electrical energy within its corporate limits, as such corporate limits exist on July 1, 1974; however, existing territorial agreements shall not be altered or abridged hereby.

(3)  In the exercise of its jurisdiction, the commission shall have the authority over natural gas utilities for the following purposes:

(a)  To approve territorial agreements between and among natural gas utilities. However, nothing in this chapter shall be construed to alter existing territorial agreements between the parties to such agreements.

(b)  To resolve, upon petition of a utility or on its own motion, any territorial dispute involving service areas between and among natural gas utilities. In resolving territorial disputes, the commission may consider, but not be limited to consideration of, the ability of the utilities to expand services within their own capabilities and the nature of the area involved, including population, the degree of urbanization of the area, its proximity to other urban areas, and the present and reasonably foreseeable future requirements of the area for other utility services.

(c)  For purposes of this subsection, "natural gas utility" means any utility which supplies natural gas or manufactured gas or liquefied gas with air admixture, or similar gaseous substance by pipeline, to or for the public and includes gas public utilities, gas districts, and natural gas utilities or municipalities or agencies thereof.

(4)  Any customer shall be given an opportunity to present oral or written communications in commission proceedings to approve territorial agreements or resolve territorial disputes. If the commission proposes to consider such material, then all parties shall be given an opportunity to cross-examine or challenge or rebut it. Any substantially affected customer shall have the right to intervene in such proceedings.

(5)  The commission shall further have jurisdiction over the planning, development, and maintenance of a coordinated electric power grid throughout Florida to assure an adequate and reliable source of energy for operational and emergency purposes in Florida and the avoidance of further uneconomic duplication of generation, transmission, and distribution facilities.

(6)  The commission shall further have exclusive jurisdiction to prescribe and enforce safety standards for transmission and distribution facilities of all public electric utilities, cooperatives organized under the Rural Electric Cooperative Law, and electric utilities owned and operated by municipalities. In adopting safety standards, the commission shall:

(a)  Adopt the 1984 edition of the National Electrical Safety Code (ANSI C2) as initial standards; and

(b)  Adopt, after review, any new edition of the National Electrical Safety Code (ANSI C2).

The standards prescribed by the current 1984 edition of the National Electrical Safety Code (ANSI C2) shall constitute acceptable and adequate requirements for the protection of the safety of the public, and compliance with the minimum requirements of that code shall constitute good engineering practice by the utilities. The administrative authority referred to in the 1984 edition of the National Electrical Safety Code is the commission. However, nothing herein shall be construed as superseding, repealing, or amending the provisions of s. 403.523(1) and (10).

History.--s. 4, ch. 26545, 1951; s. 1, ch. 63-288; s. 1, ch. 63-279; s. 1, ch. 65-52; s. 1, ch. 74-196; s. 3, ch. 76-168; s. 1, ch. 77-457; ss. 3, 16, ch. 80-35; s. 2, ch. 81-318; s. 4, ch. 86-173; ss. 2, 20, 22, ch. 89-292; s. 50, ch. 90-331; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 13, ch. 95-146.

366.041  Rate fixing; adequacy of facilities as criterion.--

(1)  In fixing the just, reasonable, and compensatory rates, charges, fares, tolls, or rentals to be observed and charged for service within the state by any and all public utilities under its jurisdiction, the commission is authorized to give consideration, among other things, to the efficiency, sufficiency, and adequacy of the facilities provided and the services rendered; the cost of providing such service and the value of such service to the public; the ability of the utility to improve such service and facilities; and energy conservation and the efficient use of alternative energy resources; provided that no public utility shall be denied a reasonable rate of return upon its rate base in any order entered pursuant to such proceedings. In its consideration thereof, the commission shall have authority, and it shall be the commission's duty, to hear service complaints, if any, that may be presented by subscribers and the public during any proceedings involving such rates, charges, fares, tolls, or rentals; however, no service complaints shall be taken up or considered by the commission at any proceedings involving rates, charges, fares, tolls, or rentals unless the utility has been given at least 30 days' written notice thereof, and any proceeding may be extended, prior to final determination, for such period; further, no order hereunder shall be made effective until a reasonable time has been given the utility involved to correct the cause of service complaints, considering the factor of growth in the community and availability of necessary equipment.

(2)  The power and authority herein conferred upon the commission shall not cancel or amend any existing punitive powers of the commission but shall be supplementary thereto and shall be construed liberally to further the legislative intent that adequate service be rendered by public utilities in the state in consideration for the rates, charges, fares, tolls, and rentals fixed by said commission and observed by said utilities under its jurisdiction.

(3)  The term "public utility" as used herein means all persons or corporations which the commission has the authority, power, and duty to regulate for the purpose of fixing rates and charges for services rendered and requiring the rendition of adequate service.

(4)  No electric utility may collect impact fees designed to recover capital costs in initiating new service unless the utility can demonstrate and the commission finds that such fees are fair, just, and reasonable and are collected from the ultimate utility customer of record at such time as or after permanent electric service is provided. This prohibition shall not apply to underground electric distribution lines or line extension charges collected pursuant to approved tariffs.

History.--ss. 1, 2, 3, 4, ch. 67-326; s. 3, ch. 76-168; s. 1, ch. 77-457; s. 53, ch. 78-95; ss. 4, 16, ch. 80-35; s. 2, ch. 81-318; ss. 3, 20, 22, ch. 89-292; s. 4, ch. 91-429.

366.05  Powers.--

(1)  In the exercise of such jurisdiction, the commission shall have power to prescribe fair and reasonable rates and charges, classifications, standards of quality and measurements, and service rules and regulations to be observed by each public utility; to require repairs, improvements, additions, and extensions to the plant and equipment of any public utility when reasonably necessary to promote the convenience and welfare of the public and secure adequate service or facilities for those reasonably entitled thereto; to employ and fix the compensation for such examiners and technical, legal, and clerical employees as it deems necessary to carry out the provisions of this chapter; and to adopt rules pursuant to ss. 120.536(1) and 120.54 to implement and enforce the provisions of this chapter.

(2)  Every public utility, as defined in s. 366.02, which in addition to the production, transmission, delivery or furnishing of heat, light, or power also sells appliances or other merchandise shall keep separate and individual accounts for the sale and profit deriving from such sales. No profit or loss shall be taken into consideration by the commission from the sale of such items in arriving at any rate to be charged for service by any public utility.

(3)  The commission shall provide for the examination and testing of all meters used for measuring any product or service of a public utility.

(4)  Any consumer or user may have any such meter tested upon payment of the fees fixed by the commission.

(5)  The commission shall establish reasonable fees to be paid for testing such meters on the request of the consumers or users, the fee to be paid by the consumer or user at the time of his or her request, but to be paid by the public utility and repaid to the consumer or user if the meter is found defective or incorrect to the disadvantage of the consumer or user, in excess of the degree or amount of tolerance customarily allowed for such meters, or as may be provided for in rules and regulations of the commission.

(6)  The commission may purchase materials, apparatus, and standard measuring instruments for such examination and tests.

(7)  The commission shall have the power to require reports from all electric utilities to assure the development of adequate and reliable energy grids.

(8)  If the commission determines that there is probable cause to believe that inadequacies exist with respect to the energy grids developed by the electric utility industry, it shall have the power, after proceedings as provided by law, and after a finding that mutual benefits will accrue to the electric utilities involved, to require installation or repair of necessary facilities, including generating plants and transmission facilities, with the costs to be distributed in proportion to the benefits received, and to take all necessary steps to ensure compliance. The electric utilities involved in any action taken or orders issued pursuant to this subsection shall have full power and authority, notwithstanding any general or special laws to the contrary, to jointly plan, finance, build, operate, or lease generating and transmission facilities and shall be further authorized to exercise the powers granted to corporations in chapter 361. This subsection shall not supersede or control any provision of the Florida Electrical Power Plant Siting Act, ss. 403.501-403.518.

(9)  The commission may require the filing of reports and other data by a public utility or its affiliated companies, including its parent company, regarding transactions, or allocations of common costs, among the utility and such affiliated companies. The commission may also require such reports or other data necessary to ensure that a utility's ratepayers do not subsidize nonutility activities.

(10)  The Legislature finds that violations of commission orders or rules, in connection with the impairment of a public utility's operations or service, constitute irreparable harm for which there is no adequate remedy at law. The commission is authorized to seek relief in circuit court including temporary and permanent injunctions, restraining orders, or any other appropriate order. Such remedies shall be in addition to and supplementary to any other remedies available for enforcement of agency action under s. 120.69 or the provisions of this chapter. The commission shall establish procedures implementing this section by rule.

(11)  The commission has the authority to assess a public utility for reasonable travel costs associated with reviewing the records of the public utility and its affiliates when such records are kept out of state. The public utility may bring the records back into the state for review.

History.--s. 5, ch. 26545, 1951; s. 2, ch. 74-196; s. 3, ch. 76-168; s. 1, ch. 77-457; s. 53, ch. 78-95; ss. 5, 16, ch. 80-35; s. 1, ch. 81-131; s. 2, ch. 81-318; ss. 4, 20, 22, ch. 89-292; s. 51, ch. 90-331; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 3, ch. 93-35; s. 552, ch. 95-148; s. 72, ch. 98-200.

366.051  Cogeneration; small power production; commission jurisdiction.--Electricity produced by cogeneration and small power production is of benefit to the public when included as part of the total energy supply of the entire electric grid of the state or consumed by a cogenerator or small power producer. The electric utility in whose service area a cogenerator or small power producer is located shall purchase, in accordance with applicable law, all electricity offered for sale by such cogenerator or small power producer; or the cogenerator or small power producer may sell such electricity to any other electric utility in the state. The commission shall establish guidelines relating to the purchase of power or energy by public utilities from cogenerators or small power producers and may set rates at which a public utility must purchase power or energy from a cogenerator or small power producer. In fixing rates for power purchased by public utilities from cogenerators or small power producers, the commission shall authorize a rate equal to the purchasing utility's full avoided costs. A utility's "full avoided costs" are the incremental costs to the utility of the electric energy or capacity, or both, which, but for the purchase from cogenerators or small power producers, such utility would generate itself or purchase from another source. The commission may use a statewide avoided unit when setting full avoided capacity costs. If the cogenerator or small power producer provides adequate security, based on its financial stability, and no costs in excess of full avoided costs are likely to be incurred by the electric utility over the term during which electricity is to be provided, the commission shall authorize the levelization of payments and the elimination of discounts due to risk factors in determining the rates. Public utilities shall provide transmission or distribution service to enable a retail customer to transmit electrical power generated by the customer at one location to the customer's facilities at another location, if the commission finds that the provision of this service, and the charges, terms, and other conditions associated with the provision of this service, are not likely to result in higher cost electric service to the utility's general body of retail and wholesale customers or adversely affect the adequacy or reliability of electric service to all customers. Notwithstanding any other provision of law, power generated by the customer and provided by the utility to the customers' facility at another location is subject to the gross receipts tax imposed under s. 203.01 and the use tax imposed under s. 212.06. Such taxes shall apply at the time the power is provided at such other location and shall be based upon the cost price of such power as provided in s. 212.06(1)(b).

History.--ss. 5, 22, ch. 89-292; s. 4, ch. 91-429.

366.055  Availability of, and payment for, energy reserves.--

(1)  Energy reserves of all utilities in the Florida energy grid shall be available at all times to ensure that grid reliability and integrity are maintained. The commission is authorized to take such action as is necessary to assure compliance. However, prior commitments as to energy use:

(a)  In interstate commerce, as approved by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission;

(b)  Between one electric utility and another, which have been approved by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission; or

(c)  Between an electric utility which is a part of the energy grid created herein and another energy grid

shall not be abridged or altered except during an energy emergency as declared by the Governor and Cabinet.

(2)(a)  When the energy produced by one electric utility is transferred to another or others through the energy grid and under the powers granted by this section, the commission shall direct the appropriate recipient utility or utilities to reimburse the producing utility in accordance with the latest wholesale electric rates approved for the producing utility by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for such purposes.

(b)  Any utility which provides a portion of those transmission facilities involved in the transfer of energy from a producing utility to a recipient utility or utilities shall be entitled to receive an appropriate reimbursement commensurate with the transmission facilities and services provided. However, no utility shall be required to sell purchased power to a recipient utility or utilities at a rate lower than the rate at which the power is purchased from a producing utility.

(3)  To assure efficient and reliable operation of a state energy grid, the commission shall have the power to require any electric utility to transmit electrical energy over its transmission lines from one utility to another or as a part of the total energy supply of the entire grid, subject to the provisions hereof.

History.--s. 3, ch. 74-196; s. 3, ch. 76-168; s. 1, ch. 77-457; ss. 6, 16, ch. 80-35; s. 2, ch. 81-318; ss. 20, 22, ch. 89-292; s. 4, ch. 91-429.

366.06  Rates; procedure for fixing and changing.--

(1)  A public utility shall not, directly or indirectly, charge or receive any rate not on file with the commission for the particular class of service involved, and no change shall be made in any schedule. All applications for changes in rates shall be made to the commission in writing under rules and regulations prescribed, and the commission shall have the authority to determine and fix fair, just, and reasonable rates that may be requested, demanded, charged, or collected by any public utility for its service. The commission shall investigate and determine the actual legitimate costs of the property of each utility company, actually used and useful in the public service, and shall keep a current record of the net investment of each public utility company in such property which value, as determined by the commission, shall be used for ratemaking purposes and shall be the money honestly and prudently invested by the public utility company in such property used and useful in serving the public, less accrued depreciation, and shall not include any goodwill or going-concern value or franchise value in excess of payment made therefor. In fixing fair, just, and reasonable rates for each customer class, the commission shall, to the extent practicable, consider the cost of providing service to the class, as well as the rate history, value of service, and experience of the public utility; the consumption and load characteristics of the various classes of customers; and public acceptance of rate structures.

(2)  Whenever the commission finds, upon request made or upon its own motion, that the rates demanded, charged, or collected by any public utility for public utility service, or that the rules, regulations, or practices of any public utility affecting such rates, are unjust, unreasonable, unjustly discriminatory, or in violation of law; that such rates are insufficient to yield reasonable compensation for the services rendered; that such rates yield excessive compensation for services rendered; or that such service is inadequate or cannot be obtained, the commission shall order and hold a public hearing, giving notice to the public and to the public utility, and shall thereafter determine just and reasonable rates to be thereafter charged for such service and promulgate rules and regulations affecting equipment, facilities, and service to be thereafter installed, furnished, and used.

(3)  Pending a final order by the commission in any rate proceeding under this section, the commission may withhold consent to the operation of all or any portion of the new rate schedules, delivering to the utility requesting such increase, within 60 days, a reason or written statement of good cause for withholding its consent. Such consent shall not be withheld for a period longer than 8 months from the date of filing the new schedules. The new rates or any portion not consented to shall go into effect under bond or corporate undertaking at the end of such period, but the commission shall, by order, require such public utility to keep accurate account in detail of all amounts received by reason of such increase, specifying by whom and in whose behalf such amounts were paid and, upon completion of hearing and final decision in such proceeding, shall by further order require such public utility to refund with interest at a fair rate, to be determined by the commission in such manner as it may direct, such portion of the increased rate or charge as by its decision shall be found not justified. Any portion of such refund not thus refunded to patrons or customers of the public utility shall be refunded or disposed of by the public utility as the commission may direct; however, no such funds shall accrue to the benefit of the public utility. The commission shall take final commission action in the docket and enter its final order within 12 months of the commencement date for final agency action. As used in this subsection, the "commencement date for final agency action" means the date upon which it has been determined by the commission or its designee that the utility has filed with the clerk the minimum filing requirements as established by rule of the commission. Within 30 days after receipt of the application, rate request, or other written document for which the commencement date for final agency action is to be established, the commission or its designee shall either determine the commencement date for final agency action or issue a statement of deficiencies to the applicant, specifically listing why said applicant has failed to meet the minimum filing requirements. Such statement of deficiencies shall be binding upon the commission to the extent that, once the deficiencies in the statement are satisfied, the commencement date for final agency action shall be promptly established as provided herein. Thereafter, within 15 days after the applicant indicates to the commission that it believes that it has met the minimum filing requirements, the commission or its designee shall either determine the commencement date for final agency action or specifically enumerate in writing why the requirements have not been met, in which case this procedure shall be repeated until the commencement date for final agency action is established. When the commission initiates a proceeding, the commencement date for final agency action shall be the date upon which the order initiating the proceeding is issued.

(4)  A natural gas utility or a public electric utility whose annual sales to end-use customers amount to less than 500 gigawatt hours may specifically request the commission to process its petition for rate relief using the agency's proposed agency action procedure, as prescribed by commission rule. The commission shall enter its vote on the proposed agency action within 5 months of the commencement date for final agency action. If the commission's proposed action is protested, the final decision must be rendered by the commission within 8 months of the date the protest is filed. At the expiration of 5 months following the commencement date for final agency action, if the commission has not taken action or if the commission's action is protested by a party other than the utility, the utility may place its requested rates into effect under bond, escrow, or corporate undertaking subject to refund, upon notice to the commission and upon filing the appropriate tariffs. The utility must keep accurate records of amounts received as provided by subsection (3).

History.--s. 6, ch. 26545, 1951; s. 4, ch. 74-195; s. 3, ch. 76-168; s. 1, ch. 77-457; ss. 7, 16, ch. 80-35; s. 2, ch. 81-318; ss. 8, 20, 22, ch. 89-292; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 5, ch. 93-35; s. 5, ch. 95-328.

366.07  Rates; adjustment.--Whenever the commission, after public hearing either upon its own motion or upon complaint, shall find the rates, rentals, charges or classifications, or any of them, proposed, demanded, observed, charged or collected by any public utility for any service, or in connection therewith, or the rules, regulations, measurements, practices or contracts, or any of them, relating thereto, are unjust, unreasonable, insufficient, excessive, or unjustly discriminatory or preferential, or in anywise in violation of law, or any service is inadequate or cannot be obtained, the commission shall determine and by order fix the fair and reasonable rates, rentals, charges or classifications, and reasonable rules, regulations, measurements, practices, contracts or service, to be imposed, observed, furnished or followed in the future.

History.--s. 7, ch. 26545, 1951; s. 24, ch. 57-1; s. 3, ch. 76-168; s. 1, ch. 77-457; s. 16, ch. 80-35; s. 2, ch. 81-318; ss. 9, 20, 22, ch. 89-292; s. 4, ch. 91-429.

366.071  Interim rates; procedure.--

(1)  The commission may, during any proceeding for a change of rates, upon its own motion, or upon petition from any party, or by a tariff filing of a public utility, authorize the collection of interim rates until the effective date of the final order. Such interim rates may be based upon a test period different from the test period used in the request for permanent rate relief. To establish a prima facie entitlement for interim relief, the commission, the petitioning party, or the public utility shall demonstrate that the public utility is earning outside the range of reasonableness on rate of return calculated in accordance with subsection (5).

(2)(a)  In a proceeding for an interim increase in rates, the commission shall authorize, within 60 days of the filing for such relief, the collection of rates sufficient to earn the minimum of the range of rate of return calculated in accordance with subparagraph (5)(b)2. The difference between the interim rates and the previously authorized rates shall be collected under bond or corporate undertaking subject to refund with interest at a rate ordered by the commission.

(b)  In a proceeding for an interim decrease in rates, the commission shall authorize, within 60 days of the filing for such relief, the continued collection of the previously authorized rates; however, revenues collected under those rates sufficient to reduce the achieved rate of return to the maximum of the range of rate of return calculated in accordance with subparagraph (5)(b)2. shall be placed under bond or corporate undertaking subject to refund with interest at a rate ordered by the commission.

(c)  The commission shall determine whether a corporate undertaking may be filed in lieu of the bond.

(3)  In granting such relief, the commission may, in an expedited hearing but within 60 days of the commencement of the proceeding, upon petition or upon its own motion, preclude the recovery of any extraordinary or imprudently incurred expenditures or, for good cause shown, increase the amount of the bond or corporate undertaking.

(4)  Any refund ordered by the commission shall be calculated to reduce the rate of return of the public utility during the pendency of the proceeding to the same level within the range of the newly authorized rate of return which is found fair and reasonable on a prospective basis, but the refund shall not be in excess of the amount of the revenues collected subject to refund and in accordance with paragraph (2)(b). In addition, the commission may require interest on the refund at a rate established by the commission.

(5)(a)  In setting interim rates or setting revenues subject to refund, the commission shall determine the revenue deficiency or excess by calculating the difference between the achieved rate of return of a public utility and its required rate of return applied to an average investment rate base or an end-of-period investment rate base.

(b)  For purposes of this subsection:

1.  "Achieved rate of return" means the rate of return earned by the public utility for the most recent 12-month period. The achieved rate of return shall be calculated by applying appropriate adjustments consistent with those which were used in the most recent individual rate proceeding of the public utility and annualizing any rate changes occurring during such period.

2.  "Required rate of return" shall be calculated as the weighted average cost of capital for the most recent 12-month period, using the last authorized rate of return on equity of the public utility, the current embedded cost of fixed-rate capital, the actual cost of short-term debt, the actual cost of variable-cost debt, and the actual cost of other sources of capital which were used in the last individual rate proceeding of the public utility.

3.  In a proceeding for an interim increase, the term "last authorized rate of return on equity" used in subparagraph 2. means the minimum of the range of the last authorized rate of return on equity established in the most recent individual rate proceeding of the public utility. In a proceeding for an interim decrease, the term "last authorized rate of return on equity" used in subparagraph 2. means the maximum of the range of the last authorized rate of return on equity established in the most recent individual rate proceeding of the public utility. The last authorized return on equity for purposes of this subsection shall be established only: in the most recent rate case of the utility; in a limited scope proceeding for the individual utility; or by voluntary stipulation of the utility approved by the commission.

History.--s. 8, ch. 80-35; s. 2, ch. 81-318; ss. 3, 15, ch. 82-25; ss. 20, 22, ch. 89-292; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 6, ch. 93-35; s. 6, ch. 95-328.

366.072  Rate adjustment orders.--Any order issued by the commission adjusting general increases or reductions of the rates of an electric or gas company shall be reduced to writing including any dissenting or concurring opinions within 20 days of the official vote of the commission. Within said 20 days, the commission shall also mail a copy of the order to the clerk of the circuit court of each county in which customers are served who are affected by the rate adjustment, which copy shall be kept on file and made available to the public. The commission shall notify all parties of record in the proceeding of the date of such mailing. Such an order shall not be considered rendered for purposes of appeal, rehearing, or judicial review until the date the copies are mailed as required by this section. This provision shall not delay the effective date of the order. Such an order shall be considered rendered on the date of the official vote for the purposes of s. 366.06(3).

History.--s. 1, ch. 78-137; s. 10, ch. 80-35; s. 2, ch. 81-318; ss. 10, 20, 22, ch. 89-292; s. 4, ch. 91-429.

366.075  Experimental and transitional rates.--

(1)  The commission is authorized to approve rates on an experimental or transitional basis for any public utility to encourage energy conservation or to encourage efficiency. The application of such rates may be for limited geographic areas and for a limited period.

(2)  The commission is authorized to approve the geographic area used in testing experimental rates and shall specify in the order setting those rates the area affected. The commission may extend the period designated for the test if it determines that further testing is necessary to fully evaluate the effectiveness of such experimental rates.

History.--s. 9, ch. 80-35; s. 2, ch. 81-318; ss. 20, 22, ch. 89-292; s. 4, ch. 91-429.

366.076  Limited proceedings; rules on subsequent adjustments.--

(1)  Upon petition or its own motion, the commission may conduct a limited proceeding to consider and act upon any matter within its jurisdiction, including any matter the resolution of which requires a public utility to adjust its rates to consist with the provisions of this chapter. The commission shall determine the issues to be considered during such a proceeding and may grant or deny any request to expand the scope of the proceeding to include other matters.

(2)  The commission may adopt rules for the determination of rates in full revenue requirement proceedings which rules provide for adjustments of rates based on revenues and costs during the period new rates are to be in effect and for incremental adjustments in rates for subsequent periods.

History.--s. 13, ch. 83-222; s. 22, ch. 89-292; s. 4, ch. 91-429.

366.08  Investigations, inspections; power of commission.--The commission or its duly authorized representatives may during all reasonable hours enter upon any premises occupied by any public utility and may set up and use thereon all necessary apparatus and appliances for the purpose of making investigations, inspections, examinations and tests and exercising any power conferred by this chapter; provided, such public utility shall have the right to be notified of and be represented at the making of such investigations, inspections, examinations and tests.

History.--s. 8, ch. 26545, 1951; s. 3, ch. 76-168; s. 1, ch. 77-457; s. 16, ch. 80-35; s. 2, ch. 81-318; ss. 20, 22, ch. 89-292; s. 4, ch. 91-429.

366.09  Incrimination at hearing of commission.--Any person called upon to testify before the commission or one of its examiners shall not be excused from answering on the ground or claim that his or her testimony would tend to incriminate himself or herself; but no person having so testified shall be prosecuted or subjected to any penalty or forfeiture for or on account of any transaction, matter, or thing concerning which he or she may have testified or produced documentary evidence provided that no person so testifying shall be exempted from prosecution or punishment for perjury in so testifying.

History.--s. 9, ch. 26545, 1951; s. 3, ch. 76-168; s. 1, ch. 77-457; s. 16, ch. 80-35; s. 2, ch. 81-318; ss. 20, 22, ch. 89-292; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 553, ch. 95-148.

366.093  Public utility records; confidentiality.--

(1)  The commission shall continue to have reasonable access to all public utility records and records of the utility's affiliated companies, including its parent company, regarding transactions or cost allocations among the utility and such affiliated companies, and such records necessary to ensure that a utility's ratepayers do not subsidize nonutility activities. Upon request of the public utility or other person, any records received by the commission which are shown and found by the commission to be proprietary confidential business information shall be kept confidential and shall be exempt from s. 119.07(1).

(2)  Discovery in any docket or proceeding before the commission shall be in the manner provided for in Rule 1.280 of the Florida Rules of Civil Procedure. Information which affects a utility's rates or cost of service shall be considered relevant for purposes of discovery in any docket or proceeding where the utility's rates or cost of service are at issue. The commission shall determine whether information requested in discovery affects a utility's rates or cost of service. Upon a showing by a utility or other person and a finding by the commission that discovery will require the disclosure of proprietary confidential business information, the commission shall issue appropriate protective orders designating the manner for handling such information during the course of the proceeding and for protecting such information from disclosure outside the proceeding. Such proprietary confidential business information shall be exempt from s. 119.07(1). Any records provided pursuant to a discovery request for which proprietary confidential business information status is requested shall be treated by the commission and the office of the Public Counsel and any other party subject to the public records law as confidential and shall be exempt from s. 119.07(1), pending a formal ruling on such request by the commission or the return of the records to the person providing the records. Any record which has been determined to be proprietary confidential business information and is not entered into the official record of the proceeding must be returned to the person providing the record within 60 days after the final order, unless the final order is appealed. If the final order is appealed, any such record must be returned within 30 days after the decision on appeal. The commission shall adopt the necessary rules to implement this provision.

(3)  Proprietary confidential business information means information, regardless of form or characteristics, which is owned or controlled by the person or company, is intended to be and is treated by the person or company as private in that the disclosure of the information would cause harm to the ratepayers or the person's or company's business operations, and has not been disclosed unless disclosed pursuant to a statutory provision, an order of a court or administrative body, or private agreement that provides that the information will not be released to the public. Proprietary confidential business information includes, but is not limited to:

(a)  Trade secrets.

(b)  Internal auditing controls and reports of internal auditors.

(c)  Security measures, systems, or procedures.

(d)  Information concerning bids or other contractual data, the disclosure of which would impair the efforts of the public utility or its affiliates to contract for goods or services on favorable terms.

(e)  Information relating to competitive interests, the disclosure of which would impair the competitive business of the provider of the information.

(f)  Employee personnel information unrelated to compensation, duties, qualifications, or responsibilities.

(4)  Any finding by the commission that records contain proprietary confidential business information is effective for a period set by the commission not to exceed 18 months, unless the commission finds, for good cause, that the protection from disclosure shall be for a specified longer period. The commission shall order the return of records containing proprietary confidential business information when such records are no longer necessary for the commission to conduct its business. At that time, the commission shall order any other person holding such records to return them to the person providing the records. Records containing proprietary confidential business information which have not been returned at the conclusion of the period set pursuant to this subsection shall no longer be exempt from s. 119.07(1) unless the public utility or affected person shows, and the commission finds, that the records continue to contain proprietary confidential business information. Upon such finding, the commission may extend the period for confidential treatment for a period not to exceed 18 months unless the commission finds, for good cause, that the protection from disclosure shall be for a specified longer period. During commission consideration of an extension, the records in question will remain exempt from s. 119.07(1). The commission shall adopt rules to implement this provision which shall include notice to the public utility or affected person regarding the expiration of confidential treatment.

History.--ss. 2, 15, ch. 82-25; ss. 11, 20, 22, ch. 89-292; s. 4, ch. 91-429.

366.095  Penalties.--The commission shall have the power to impose upon any entity subject to its jurisdiction under this chapter that is found to have refused to comply with or to have willfully violated any lawful rule or order of the commission or any provision of this chapter a penalty for each offense of not more than $5,000, which penalty shall be fixed, imposed, and collected by the commission. Each day that such refusal or violation continues shall constitute a separate offense. Each penalty shall be a lien upon the real and personal property of the entity, enforceable by the commission as a statutory lien under chapter 85.

History.--ss. 2, 15, ch. 82-25; ss. 12, 20, 22, ch. 89-292; s. 4, ch. 91-429.

366.10  Judicial review.--As authorized by s. 3(b)(2), Art. V of the State Constitution, the Supreme Court shall review, upon petition, any action of the commission relating to rates or service of utilities providing electric or gas service.

History.--s. 10, ch. 26545, 1951; s. 3, ch. 76-168; s. 1, ch. 77-457; ss. 11, 16, ch. 80-35; s. 2, ch. 81-318; ss. 20, 22, ch. 89-292; s. 4, ch. 91-429.

366.11  Certain exemptions.--

(1)  No provision of this chapter shall apply in any manner, other than as specified in ss. 366.04, 366.05(7) and (8), 366.051, 366.055, 366.093, 366.095, 366.14, and 366.80-366.85, to utilities owned and operated by municipalities, whether within or without any municipality, or by cooperatives organized and existing under the Rural Electric Cooperative Law of the state, or to the sale of electricity, manufactured gas, or natural gas at wholesale by any public utility to, and the purchase by, any municipality or cooperative under and pursuant to any contracts now in effect or which may be entered into in the future, when such municipality or cooperative is engaged in the sale and distribution of electricity or manufactured or natural gas, or to the rates provided for in such contracts.

(2)  Nothing herein shall restrict the police power of municipalities over their streets, highways, and public places or the power to maintain or require the maintenance thereof or the right of a municipality to levy taxes on public services under s. 166.231 or affect the right of any municipality to continue to receive revenue from any public utility as is now provided or as may be hereafter provided in any franchise.

History.--s. 11, ch. 26545, 1951; s. 5, ch. 74-196; s. 3, ch. 76-168; s. 7, ch. 76-265; s. 108, ch. 77-104; s. 1, ch. 77-457; ss. 12, 16, ch. 80-35; s. 217, ch. 81-259; s. 2, ch. 81-318; ss. 13, 20, 22, ch. 89-292; s. 4, ch. 91-429.

366.125  Natural gas jurisdiction limits.--Any provision of this chapter to the contrary notwithstanding, the jurisdiction of the commission over the sale of natural gas shall not extend beyond the outlet of the customer's meter set assembly when the means of delivery of natural gas is other than by pipeline.

History.--ss. 4, 15, ch. 82-25; ss. 20, 22, ch. 89-292; s. 4, ch. 91-429.

366.13  Taxes, not affected.--No provision of this chapter shall in any way affect any municipal tax or franchise tax in any manner whatsoever.

History.--s. 13A, ch. 26545, 1951; s. 3, ch. 76-168; s. 1, ch. 77-457; s. 16, ch. 80-35; s. 2, ch. 81-318; ss. 20, 22, ch. 89-292; s. 4, ch. 91-429.

366.14  Regulatory assessment fees.--Notwithstanding any provision of law to the contrary, each regulated company under the jurisdiction of the commission which was in operation for any part of the preceding 6-month period shall pay to the commission within 30 days following the end of each 6-month period a fee based upon its gross operating revenues for that period. The fee may not be greater than:

(1)  For each public utility that supplies electricity, 0.125 percent of its gross operating revenues derived from intrastate business, excluding sales for resale between public utilities, municipal electric utilities, and rural electric cooperatives or any combination thereof;

(2)  For each public utility that supplies gas (natural, manufactured, or similar gaseous substance), 0.5 percent of its gross operating revenues derived from intrastate business, excluding sales for resale between public utilities and municipal gas utilities or any combination thereof;

(3)  For each municipal gas utility or gas district, 0.25 percent of its gross operating revenues derived from intrastate business, excluding sales for resale between public utilities and municipal gas utilities or any combination thereof; and

(4)  For each municipal electric utility or rural electric cooperative, 0.015625 percent of its gross operating revenues derived from intrastate business, excluding sales for resale between public utilities, municipal electric utilities, or rural electric cooperatives or any combination thereof.

History.--ss. 16, 22, ch. 89-292; s. 4, ch. 91-429.

366.15  Medically essential electric public utility service.--

(1)  As used in this section, the term "medically essential" means the medical dependence on electric-powered equipment that must be operated continuously or as circumstances require as specified by a physician to avoid the loss of life or immediate hospitalization of the customer or another permanent resident at the residential service address.

(2)  Each public utility shall designate employees who are authorized to direct an ordered continuation or restoration of medically essential electric service. A public utility shall not impose upon any customer any additional deposit to continue or restore medically essential electric service.

(3)(a)  Each public utility shall annually provide a written explanation of the certification process for medically essential electric service to each utility customer. Certification of a customer's electricity needs as medically essential requires the customer to complete forms supplied by the public utility and to submit a form completed by a physician licensed in this state pursuant to chapter 458 or chapter 459 which states in medical and nonmedical terms why the electric service is medically essential. False certification of medically essential service by a physician is a violation of s. 458.331(1)(h) or s. 459.015(1)(i).

(b)  Medically essential service shall be recertified once every 12 months. The public utility shall send the certified customer by regular mail a package of recertification materials, including recertification forms, at least 30 days prior to the expiration of the customer's certification. The materials shall advise the certified customer that he or she must complete and submit the recertification forms within 30 days after the expiration of customer's existing certification. If the recertification forms are not received within this 30-day period, the public utility may terminate the customer's certification.

(4)  Each public utility shall certify a customer's electric service as medically essential if the customer completes the requirements of subsection (3).

(5)  Notwithstanding any other provision of this section, a public utility may disconnect service to a residence whenever an emergency may threaten the health or safety of a person, the surrounding area, or the public utility's distribution system. The public utility shall act promptly to restore service as soon as feasible.

(6)  No later than 24 hours before any scheduled disconnection of service for nonpayment of bills to a customer who requires medically essential service, a public utility shall attempt to contact the customer by telephone in order to provide notice of the scheduled disconnection. If the customer does not have a telephone number listed on the account or if the public utility cannot reach the customer or other adult resident of the premises by telephone by the specified time, the public utility shall send a representative to the customer's residence to attempt to contact the customer, no later than 4 p.m. of the day before scheduled disconnection. If contact is not made, however, the public utility may leave written notification at the residence advising the customer of the scheduled disconnection. Thereafter, the public utility may disconnect service on the specified date.

(7)  Each public utility customer who requires medically essential service is responsible for making satisfactory arrangements with the public utility to ensure payment for such service, and such arrangements must be consistent with the requirements of the utility's tariff.

(8)  Each public utility customer who requires medically essential service is solely responsible for any backup equipment or power supply and a planned course of action in the event of a power outage or interruption of service.

(9)  Each public utility that provides electric service to any customer who requires medically essential service shall call, contact, or otherwise advise such customer of scheduled service interruptions.

(10)(a)  Each public utility shall provide information on sources of state or local agency funding which may provide financial assistance to the public utility's customers who require medically essential service and who notify the public utility of their need for financial assistance.

(b)1.  Each public utility that operates a program to receive voluntary financial contributions from the public utility's customers to provide assistance to persons who are unable to pay for the public utility's services shall maintain a list of all agencies to which the public utility distributes such funds for such purposes and shall make the list available to any such person who requests the list.

2.  Each public utility that operates such a program shall:

a.  Maintain a system of accounting for the specific amounts distributed to each such agency, and the public utility and such agencies shall maintain a system of accounting for the specific amounts distributed to persons under such respective programs.

b.  Train its customer service representatives to assist any person who possesses a medically essential certification as provided in this section in identifying such agencies and programs.

(11)  Nothing in this act shall form the basis for any cause of action against a public utility. Failure to comply with any obligation created by this act does not constitute evidence of negligence on the part of the public utility.

History.--ss. 1, 2, ch. 2001-49.

366.80  Short title.--Sections 366.80-366.85 and 403.519 shall be known and may be cited as the "Florida Energy Efficiency and Conservation Act."

History.--s. 5, ch. 80-65; s. 2, ch. 81-318; ss. 20, 22, ch. 89-292; s. 4, ch. 91-429.

366.81  Legislative findings and intent.--The Legislature finds and declares that it is critical to utilize the most efficient and cost-effective energy conservation systems in order to protect the health, prosperity, and general welfare of the state and its citizens. Reduction in, and control of, the growth rates of electric consumption and of weather-sensitive peak demand are of particular importance. The Legislature further finds that the Florida Public Service Commission is the appropriate agency to adopt goals and approve plans related to the conservation of electric energy and natural gas usage. The Legislature directs the commission to develop and adopt overall goals and authorizes the commission to require each utility to develop plans and implement programs for increasing energy efficiency and conservation within its service area, subject to the approval of the commission. Since solutions to our energy problems are complex, the Legislature intends that the use of solar energy, renewable energy sources, highly efficient systems, cogeneration, and load-control systems be encouraged. Accordingly, in exercising its jurisdiction, the commission shall not approve any rate or rate structure which discriminates against any class of customers on account of the use of such facilities, systems, or devices. This expression of legislative intent shall not be construed to preclude experimental rates, rate structures, or programs. The Legislature further finds and declares that ss. 366.80-366.85 and 403.519 are to be liberally construed in order to meet the complex problems of reducing and controlling the growth rates of electric consumption and reducing the growth rates of weather-sensitive peak demand; increasing the overall efficiency and cost-effectiveness of electricity and natural gas production and use; encouraging further development of cogeneration facilities; and conserving expensive resources, particularly petroleum fuels.

History.--s. 5, ch. 80-65; s. 2, ch. 81-318; ss. 14, 20, 22, ch. 89-292; s. 4, ch. 91-429.

366.82  Definition; goals; plans; programs; annual reports; energy audits.--

(1)  For the purposes of ss. 366.80-366.85 and 403.519, "utility" means any person or entity of whatever form which provides electricity or natural gas at retail to the public, specifically including municipalities or instrumentalities thereof and cooperatives organized under the Rural Electric Cooperative Law and specifically excluding any municipality or instrumentality thereof, any cooperative organized under the Rural Electric Cooperative Law, or any other person or entity providing natural gas at retail to the public whose annual sales volume is less than 100 million therms or any municipality or instrumentality thereof and any cooperative organized under the Rural Electric Cooperative Law providing electricity at retail to the public whose annual sales as of July 1, 1993, to end-use customers is less than 2,000 gigawatt hours.

(2)  The commission shall adopt appropriate goals for increasing the efficiency of energy consumption and increasing the development of cogeneration, specifically including goals designed to increase the conservation of expensive resources, such as petroleum fuels, to reduce and control the growth rates of electric consumption, and to reduce the growth rates of weather-sensitive peak demand. The Executive Office of the Governor shall be a party in the proceedings to adopt goals. The commission may change the goals for reasonable cause. The time period to review the goals, however, shall not exceed 5 years. After the programs and plans to meet those goals are completed, the commission shall determine what further goals, programs, or plans are warranted and, if so, shall adopt them.

(3)  Following adoption of goals pursuant to subsection (2), the commission shall require each utility to develop plans and programs to meet the overall goals within its service area. If any plan or program includes loans, collection of loans, or similar banking functions by a utility and the plan is approved by the commission, the utility shall perform such functions, notwithstanding any other provision of the law. The commission may pledge up to $5 million of the Florida Public Service Regulatory Trust Fund to guarantee such loans. However, no utility shall be required to loan its funds for the purpose of purchasing or otherwise acquiring conservation measures or devices, but nothing herein shall prohibit or impair the administration or implementation of a utility plan as submitted by a utility and approved by the commission under this subsection. If the commission disapproves a plan, it shall specify the reasons for disapproval, and the utility whose plan is disapproved shall resubmit its modified plan within 30 days. Prior approval by the commission shall be required to modify or discontinue a plan, or part thereof, which has been approved. If any utility has not implemented its programs and is not substantially in compliance with the provisions of its approved plan at any time, the commission shall adopt programs required for that utility to achieve the overall goals. Utility programs may include variations in rate design, load control, cogeneration, residential energy conservation subsidy, or any other measure within the jurisdiction of the commission which the commission finds likely to be effective; this provision shall not be construed to preclude these measures in any plan or program.

(4)  The commission shall require periodic reports from each utility and shall provide the Legislature and the Governor with an annual report by March 1 of the goals it has adopted and its progress toward meeting those goals. The commission shall also consider the performance of each utility pursuant to ss. 366.80-366.85 and 403.519 when establishing rates for those utilities over which the commission has ratesetting authority.

(5)  The commission shall require each utility to offer, or to contract to offer, energy audits to its residential customers. This requirement need not be uniform, but may be based on such factors as level of usage, geographic location, or any other reasonable criterion, so long as all eligible customers are notified. The commission may extend this requirement to some or all commercial customers. The commission shall set the charge for audits by rule, not to exceed the actual cost, and may describe by rule the general form and content of an audit. In the event one utility contracts with another utility to perform audits for it, the utility for which the audits are performed shall pay the contracting utility the reasonable cost of performing the audits. Each utility over which the commission has ratesetting authority shall estimate its costs and revenues for audits, conservation programs, and implementation of its plan for the immediately following 6-month period. Reasonable and prudent unreimbursed costs projected to be incurred, or any portion of such costs, may be added to the rates which would otherwise be charged by a utility upon approval by the commission, provided that the commission shall not allow the recovery of the cost of any company image-enhancing advertising or of any advertising not directly related to an approved conservation program. Following each 6-month period, each utility shall report the actual results for that period to the commission, and the difference, if any, between actual and projected results shall be taken into account in succeeding periods. The state plan as submitted for consideration under the National Energy Conservation Policy Act shall not be in conflict with any state law or regulation.

(6)(a)  Notwithstanding the provisions of s. 377.703, the commission shall be the responsible state agency for performing, coordinating, implementing, or administering the functions of the state plan submitted for consideration under the National Energy Conservation Policy Act and any acts amendatory thereof or supplemental thereto and for performing, coordinating, implementing, or administering the functions of any future federal program delegated to the state which relates to consumption, utilization, or conservation of electricity or natural gas; and the commission shall have exclusive responsibility for preparing all reports, information, analyses, recommendations, and materials related to consumption, utilization, or conservation of electrical energy which are required or authorized by s. 377.703.

(b)  The Executive Office of the Governor shall be a party in the proceedings to adopt goals and shall file with the commission comments on the proposed goals including, but not limited to:

1.  An evaluation of utility load forecasts, including an assessment of alternative supply and demand side resource options.

2.  An analysis of various policy options which can be implemented to achieve a least-cost strategy.

(7)  The commission shall establish all minimum requirements for energy auditors used by each utility. The commission is authorized to contract with any public agency or other person to provide any training, testing, evaluation, or other step necessary to fulfill the provisions of this subsection.

History.--s. 5, ch. 80-65; s. 2, ch. 81-131; s. 2, ch. 81-318; ss. 5, 15, ch. 82-25; ss. 15, 20, 22, ch. 89-292; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 81, ch. 96-321.

366.825  Clean Air Act compliance; definitions; goals; plans.--

(1)  For the purposes of this section, reference to the "Clean Air Act" means 42 U.S.C. ss. 7401 et seq. as the same may hereinafter be amended and any related state or local legislation.

(2)  Each public utility which owns or operates at least one electric generating unit affected by s. 404 or s. 405 of the Clean Air Act may submit, for commission approval, a plan to bring generating units into compliance with the Clean Air Act. A plan to implement compliance submitted by public utilities must include, at a minimum:

(a)  The number and identity of affected generating units;

(b)  A description of the proposed action, and alternative actions considered by the public utility, to reduce sulfur dioxide emissions to levels required by the Clean Air Act at each affected unit;

(c)  A description of the proposed action, and alternative actions considered by the public utility, to comply with nitrogen oxide emission rates required by the Clean Air Act at each affected unit;

(d)  Estimated effects of the public utility's proposed plan on the following:

1.  Requirements for construction and operation of proposed or alternative facilities;

2.  Achievable emissions reductions and methods for monitoring emissions;

3.  The public utility's proposed schedule for implements of compliance activities;

4.  The estimated cost of implementation of the public utility's compliance plan to the utility's customers;

5.  The public utility's present and potential future sources of fuel; and

6.  A statement of why the public utility's proposed compliance plan is reasonable and in the public interest.

(e)  A description of the proposed actions to comply with federal, state, and local requirements to implement the Clean Air Act.

(3)  The commission shall review a plan to implement the Clean Air Act compliance submitted by public utilities pursuant to this section in order to determine whether such plans, the costs necessarily incurred in implementing such plans, and any effect on rates resulting from such implementation are in the public interest. The commission shall by order approve or disapprove plans to implement compliance submitted by public utilities within 8 months after the date of filing. Approval of a plan submitted by a public utility shall establish that the utility's plan to implement compliance is prudent and the commission shall retain jurisdiction to determine in a subsequent proceeding that the actual costs of implementing the compliance plan are reasonable; provided, however, that nothing in this section shall be construed to interfere with the authority of the Department of Environmental Protection to determine whether a public utility is in compliance with ss. 403.087 and 403.0872 or the State Air Implementation Plan for the Clean Air Act.

History.--s. 22, ch. 92-132; s. 182, ch. 94-356.

366.8255  Environmental cost recovery.--

(1)  As used in this section, the term:

(a)  "Electric utility" or "utility" means any investor-owned electric utility that owns, maintains, or operates an electric generation, transmission, or distribution system within the State of Florida and that is regulated under this chapter.

(b)  "Commission" means the Florida Public Service Commission.

(c)  "Environmental laws or regulations" includes all federal, state, or local statutes, administrative regulations, orders, ordinances, resolutions, or other requirements that apply to electric utilities and are designed to protect the environment.

(d)  "Environmental compliance costs" includes all costs or expenses incurred by an electric utility in complying with environmental laws or regulations, including but not limited to:

1.  Inservice capital investments, including the electric utility's last authorized rate of return on equity thereon;

2.  Operation and maintenance expenses;

3.  Fuel procurement costs;

4.  Purchased power costs;

5.  Emission allowance costs;

6.  Direct taxes on environmental equipment; and

7.  Costs or expenses prudently incurred by an electric utility pursuant to an agreement entered into on or after the effective date of this act and prior to October 1, 2002, between the electric utility and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection or the United States Environmental Protection Agency for the exclusive purpose of ensuring compliance with ozone ambient air quality standards by an electrical generating facility owned by the electric utility.

(2)  An electric utility may submit to the commission a petition describing the utility's proposed environmental compliance activities and projected environmental compliance costs in addition to any Clean Air Act compliance activities and costs shown in a utility's filing under s. 366.825. If approved, the commission shall allow recovery of the utility's prudently incurred environmental compliance costs, including the costs incurred in compliance with the Clean Air Act, and any amendments thereto or any change in the application or enforcement thereof, through an environmental compliance cost-recovery factor that is separate and apart from the utility's base rates. An adjustment for the level of costs currently being recovered through base rates or other rate-adjustment clauses must be included in the filing.

(3)  The environmental compliance cost-recovery factor must be set periodically, but at least annually, based on projections of the utility's environmental compliance costs during the forthcoming recovery period, and must be adjusted for variations in line losses. The environmental compliance cost-recovery factor must provide for periodic true-up of the utility's actual environmental compliance costs with the projections on which past factors have been set, and must further require that any refund or collection made as part of the true-up process include interest.

(4)  Environmental compliance costs recovered through the environmental cost-recovery factor shall be allocated to the customer classes using the criteria set out in s. 366.06(1), taking into account the manner in which similar types of investment or expense were allocated in the company's last rate case.

(5)  Recovery of environmental compliance costs under this section does not preclude inclusion of such costs in base rates in subsequent rate proceedings, if that inclusion is necessary and appropriate; however, any costs recovered in base rates may not also be recovered in the environmental cost-recovery clause.

History.--s. 7, ch. 93-35; s. 1, ch. 2002-276.

366.83  Certain laws not applicable; saving clause.--No utility shall be held liable for the acts or omissions of any person in implementing or attempting to implement those measures found cost-effective by, or recommended as a result of, an energy audit. The findings and recommendations of an energy audit shall not be construed to be a warranty or guarantee of any kind, nor shall such findings or recommendations subject the utility to liability of any kind. Nothing in ss. 366.80-366.85 and 403.519 shall preempt or affect litigation pending on June 5, 1980, nor shall ss. 366.80-366.86 and 403.519 preempt federal law unless such preemption is expressly authorized by federal statute.

History.--s. 5, ch. 80-65; s. 2, ch. 81-318; ss. 20, 22, ch. 89-292; s. 4, ch. 91-429.

366.85  Responsibilities of Division of Consumer Services.--The Division of Consumer Services of the Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services shall be the agency responsible for consumer conciliatory conferences, if such conferences are required pursuant to federal law. The division shall also be the agency responsible for preparing lists of sources for energy conservation products or services and of financial institutions offering energy conservation loans, if such lists are required pursuant to federal law. Notwithstanding any provision of federal law to the contrary, the division shall not require any manufacturer's warranty exceeding 1 year in order for a source of conservation products or services to be included on the appropriate list. The lists shall be prepared for the service area of each utility and shall be furnished to each utility for distribution to its customers. The division shall update the lists on a systematic basis and shall remove from any list any person who has been disciplined by any state agency or who has otherwise exhibited a pattern of unsatisfactory work and any person who requests removal from such lists. The division is authorized to adopt rules to implement the provisions of this section.

History.--s. 5, ch. 80-65; s. 2, ch. 81-318; ss. 20, 22, ch. 89-292; s. 4, ch. 91-429.