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The Florida Senate

2002 Florida Statutes

Chapter 458, Florida Statutes 2002



458.301  Purpose.

458.303  Provisions not applicable to other practitioners; exceptions, etc.

458.305  Definitions.

458.307  Board of Medicine.

458.309  Rulemaking authority.

458.310  Restricted licenses.

458.311  Licensure by examination; requirements; fees.

458.3115  Restricted license; certain foreign-licensed physicians; examination; restrictions on practice; full licensure.

458.3124  Restricted license; certain experienced foreign-trained physicians.

458.313  Licensure by endorsement; requirements; fees.

458.3135  Temporary certificate for visiting physicians to practice in approved cancer centers.

458.314  Certification of foreign educational institutions.

458.3145  Medical faculty certificate.

458.3147  Medical school eligibility of military academy students or graduates.

458.315  Temporary certificate for practice in areas of critical need.

458.316  Public health certificate.

458.3165  Public psychiatry certificate.

458.317  Limited licenses.

458.319  Renewal of license.

458.320  Financial responsibility.

458.321  Inactive status.

458.323  Itemized patient billing.

458.324  Breast cancer; information on treatment alternatives.

458.325  Electroconvulsive and psychosurgical procedures.

458.3255  Electronic-communications diagnostic-imaging or treatment services.

458.326  Intractable pain; authorized treatment.

458.327  Penalty for violations.

458.329  Sexual misconduct in the practice of medicine.

458.3295  Concerted effort to refuse emergency room treatment to patients; penalties.

458.331  Grounds for disciplinary action; action by the board and department.

458.3312  Specialties.

458.335  Prescription or administration of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO).

458.336  Drugs to treat obesity; rules establishing guidelines.

458.337  Reports of disciplinary actions by medical organizations and hospitals.

458.339  Physician's consent; handwriting samples; mental or physical examinations.

458.341  Search warrants for certain violations.

458.343  Subpoena of certain records.

458.345  Registration of resident physicians, interns, and fellows; list of hospital employees; prescribing of medicinal drugs; penalty.

458.346  Public Sector Physician Advisory Committee.

458.347  Physician assistants.

458.348  Formal supervisory relationships, standing orders, and established protocols; notice; standards.

458.3485  Medical assistant.

458.351  Reports of adverse incidents in office practice settings.

458.301  Purpose.--The Legislature recognizes that the practice of medicine is potentially dangerous to the public if conducted by unsafe and incompetent practitioners. The Legislature finds further that it is difficult for the public to make an informed choice when selecting a physician and that the consequences of a wrong decision could seriously harm the public health and safety. The primary legislative purpose in enacting this chapter is to ensure that every physician practicing in this state meets minimum requirements for safe practice. It is the legislative intent that physicians who fall below minimum competency or who otherwise present a danger to the public shall be prohibited from practicing in this state.

History.--ss. 1, 8, ch. 79-302; ss. 2, 3, ch. 81-318; ss. 1, 25, 26, ch. 86-245; s. 4, ch. 91-429.

458.303  Provisions not applicable to other practitioners; exceptions, etc.--

(1)  The provisions of ss. 458.301, 458.303, 458.305, 458.307, 458.309, 458.311, 458.313, 458.315, 458.317, 458.319, 458.321, 458.327, 458.329, 458.331, 458.337, 458.339, 458.341, 458.343, 458.345, and 458.347 shall have no application to:

(a)  Other duly licensed health care practitioners acting within their scope of practice authorized by statute.

(b)  Any physician lawfully licensed in another state or territory or foreign country, when meeting duly licensed physicians of this state in consultation.

(c)  Commissioned medical officers of the Armed Forces of the United States and of the Public Health Service of the United States while on active duty and while acting within the scope of their military or public health responsibilities.

(d)  Any person while actually serving without salary or professional fees on the resident medical staff of a hospital in this state, subject to the provisions of s. 458.321.

(e)  Any person furnishing medical assistance in case of an emergency.

(f)  The domestic administration of recognized family remedies.

(g)  The practice of the religious tenets of any church in this state.

(h)  Any person or manufacturer who, without the use of drugs or medicine, mechanically fits or sells lenses, artificial eyes or limbs, or other apparatus or appliances or is engaged in the mechanical examination of eyes for the purpose of constructing or adjusting spectacles, eyeglasses, or lenses.

(2)  Nothing in s. 458.301, s. 458.303, s. 458.305, s. 458.307, s. 458.309, s. 458.311, s. 458.313, s. 458.319, s. 458.321, s. 458.327, s. 458.329, s. 458.331, s. 458.337, s. 458.339, s. 458.341, s. 458.343, s. 458.345, or s. 458.347 shall be construed to prohibit any service rendered by a registered nurse or a licensed practical nurse, if such service is rendered under the direct supervision and control of a licensed physician who provides specific direction for any service to be performed and gives final approval to all services performed. Further, nothing in this or any other chapter shall be construed to prohibit any service rendered by a medical assistant in accordance with the provisions of s. 458.3485.

History.--ss. 1, 8, ch. 79-302; s. 290, ch. 81-259; ss. 2, 3, ch. 81-318; s. 2, ch. 84-543; s. 1, ch. 84-552; s. 2, ch. 84-553; s. 9, ch. 85-196; s. 1, ch. 85-307; ss. 2, 25, 26, ch. 86-245; s. 15, ch. 88-1; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 14, ch. 97-264.

458.305  Definitions.--As used in this chapter:

(1)  "Board" means the Board of Medicine.

(2)  "Department" means the Department of Health.

(3)  "Practice of medicine" means the diagnosis, treatment, operation, or prescription for any human disease, pain, injury, deformity, or other physical or mental condition.

(4)  "Physician" means a person who is licensed to practice medicine in this state.

History.--ss. 1, 8, ch. 79-302; ss. 2, 3, ch. 81-318; ss. 3, 25, 26, ch. 86-245; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 103, ch. 94-218; s. 15, ch. 97-264.

458.307  Board of Medicine.--

(1)  There is created within the department the Board of Medicine, composed of 15 members appointed by the Governor and confirmed by the Senate.

(2)  Twelve members of the board must be licensed physicians in good standing in this state who are residents of the state and who have been engaged in the active practice or teaching of medicine for at least 4 years immediately preceding their appointment. One of the physicians must be on the full-time faculty of a medical school in this state, and one of the physicians must be in private practice and on the full-time staff of a statutory teaching hospital in this state as defined in s. 408.07. At least one of the physicians must be a graduate of a foreign medical school. The remaining three members must be residents of the state who are not, and never have been, licensed health care practitioners. One member must be a health care risk manager licensed under s. 395.10974. At least one member of the board must be 60 years of age or older.

(3)  As the terms of the members expire, the Governor shall appoint successors for terms of 4 years, and such members shall serve until their successors are appointed.

(4)  The board, in conjunction with the department, shall establish a disciplinary training program for board members. The program shall provide for initial and periodic training in the grounds for disciplinary action, the actions which may be taken by the board and the department, changes in relevant statutes and rules, and any relevant judicial and administrative decisions. No member of the board shall participate on probable cause panels or in disciplinary decisions of the board unless he or she has completed the disciplinary training program.

(5)  During the time members are appointed to a probable cause panel, they shall attempt to complete their work on every case presented to them. In the event that consideration of a case is begun but not completed during the term of those members on the panel, they may reconvene as a probable cause panel for the purpose of completing their deliberations on that case.

(6)  All provisions of chapter 456 relating to activities of the board shall apply.

History.--ss. 1, 8, ch. 79-302; s. 291, ch. 81-259; ss. 2, 3, ch. 81-318; s. 3, ch. 84-543; s. 3, ch. 84-553; s. 37, ch. 85-175; ss. 4, 25, 26, ch. 86-245; s. 10, ch. 87-172; s. 16, ch. 88-1; s. 13, ch. 88-392; s. 6, ch. 89-162; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 1, ch. 93-48; s. 104, ch. 94-218; s. 199, ch. 97-103; s. 16, ch. 97-264; s. 41, ch. 98-166; s. 91, ch. 99-397; s. 101, ch. 2000-160.

458.309  Rulemaking authority.--

(1)  The board has authority to adopt rules pursuant to ss. 120.536(1) and 120.54 to implement the provisions of this chapter conferring duties upon it.

(2)(a)  Any rules which the board adopts relating to the classroom phase of medical education shall not apply to any person who is enrolled in the classroom phase of medical education or has graduated prior to or at the time the rule becomes effective, so long as such person does not interrupt his or her medical education.

(b)1.  Any rules which the board adopts relating to the clinical clerkship phase of medical education shall not apply to any person who is enrolled in the clinical clerkship phase of medical education prior to or at the time the rule becomes effective, so long as such person does not interrupt his or her medical education.

2.  Rules adopted by the Florida Board of Medical Examiners prior to October 1, 1986, and relating to clinical clerkships for graduates of foreign medical schools do not apply to any such graduate who:

a.  Had completed a clinical clerkship prior to the effective date of the rule; or

b.  Had begun a clinical clerkship but had not completed the clinical clerkship prior to the effective date of the rule, so long as the clinical clerkship took no longer than 3 years to complete.

(c)  Any rules which the board adopts relating to residency shall not apply to any person who has begun his or her residency prior to or at the time the rule becomes effective, so long as such person does not interrupt the residency.

(3)  All physicians who perform level 2 procedures lasting more than 5 minutes and all level 3 surgical procedures in an office setting must register the office with the department unless that office is licensed as a facility pursuant to chapter 395. The department shall inspect the physician's office annually unless the office is accredited by a nationally recognized accrediting agency or an accrediting organization subsequently approved by the Board of Medicine. The actual costs for registration and inspection or accreditation shall be paid by the person seeking to register and operate the office setting in which office surgery is performed.

History.--ss. 1, 8, ch. 79-302; ss. 2, 3, ch. 81-318; ss. 5, 22, 25, 26, ch. 86-245; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 200, ch. 97-103; s. 120, ch. 98-200; s. 92, ch. 99-397.

458.310  Restricted licenses.--

(1)  It is the intent of the Legislature to provide medical services to all the residents of this state at an affordable cost.

(2)  The Board of Medicine may, by rule, develop criteria and, without examination, issue restricted licenses annually to up to 100 persons to practice medicine in this state who:

(a)  Meet the requirements of s. 458.311;

(b)  Show evidence of the active licensed practice of medicine in another jurisdiction for at least 2 years of the immediately preceding 4 years, or completion of board-approved postgraduate training within the year preceding the filing of an application; and

(c)  Enter into a contract to practice for a period of 24 months solely in the employ of the state or a federally funded community health center or migrant health center, at the current salary level for that position. The Board of Medicine shall designate areas of critical need in the state where these restricted licensees may practice.

(3)  Before the end of the 24-month practice period, the physician must take and successfully complete the licensure examination.

(4)  If the restricted licensee breaches the terms of the employment contract, he or she may not be licensed as a physician in this state under any licensing provisions.

History.--s. 50, ch. 92-149; s. 201, ch. 97-103.

458.311  Licensure by examination; requirements; fees.--

(1)  Any person desiring to be licensed as a physician, who does not hold a valid license in any state, shall apply to the department on forms furnished by the department. The department shall license each applicant who the board certifies:

(a)  Has completed the application form and remitted a nonrefundable application fee not to exceed $500.

(b)  Is at least 21 years of age.

(c)  Is of good moral character.

(d)  Has not committed any act or offense in this or any other jurisdiction which would constitute the basis for disciplining a physician pursuant to s. 458.331.

(e)  For any applicant who has graduated from medical school after October 1, 1992, has completed the equivalent of 2 academic years of preprofessional, postsecondary education, as determined by rule of the board, which shall include, at a minimum, courses in such fields as anatomy, biology, and chemistry prior to entering medical school.

(f)  Meets one of the following medical education and postgraduate training requirements:

1.a.  Is a graduate of an allopathic medical school or allopathic college recognized and approved by an accrediting agency recognized by the United States Office of Education or is a graduate of an allopathic medical school or allopathic college within a territorial jurisdiction of the United States recognized by the accrediting agency of the governmental body of that jurisdiction;

b.  If the language of instruction of the medical school is other than English, has demonstrated competency in English through presentation of a satisfactory grade on the Test of Spoken English of the Educational Testing Service or a similar test approved by rule of the board; and

c.  Has completed an approved residency of at least 1 year.

2.a.  Is a graduate of an allopathic foreign medical school registered with the World Health Organization and certified pursuant to s. 458.314 as having met the standards required to accredit medical schools in the United States or reasonably comparable standards;

b.  If the language of instruction of the foreign medical school is other than English, has demonstrated competency in English through presentation of the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates English proficiency certificate or by a satisfactory grade on the Test of Spoken English of the Educational Testing Service or a similar test approved by rule of the board; and

c.  Has completed an approved residency of at least 1 year.

3.a.  Is a graduate of an allopathic foreign medical school which has not been certified pursuant to s. 458.314;

b.  Has had his or her medical credentials evaluated by the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates, holds an active, valid certificate issued by that commission, and has passed the examination utilized by that commission; and

c.  Has completed an approved residency of at least 1 year; however, after October 1, 1992, the applicant shall have completed an approved residency or fellowship of at least 2 years in one specialty area. However, to be acceptable, the fellowship experience and training must be counted toward regular or subspecialty certification by a board recognized and certified by the American Board of Medical Specialties.

(g)  Has submitted to the department a set of fingerprints on a form and under procedures specified by the department, along with a payment in an amount equal to the costs incurred by the Department of Health for the criminal background check of the applicant.

(h)  Has obtained a passing score, as established by rule of the board, on the licensure examination of the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE); or a combination of the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE), the examination of the Federation of State Medical Boards of the United States, Inc. (FLEX), or the examination of the National Board of Medical Examiners up to the year 2000; or for the purpose of examination of any applicant who was licensed on the basis of a state board examination and who is currently licensed in at least one other jurisdiction of the United States or Canada, and who has practiced pursuant to such licensure for a period of at least 10 years, use of the Special Purpose Examination of the Federation of State Medical Boards of the United States (SPEX) upon receipt of a passing score as established by rule of the board. However, for the purpose of examination of any applicant who was licensed on the basis of a state board examination prior to 1974, who is currently licensed in at least three other jurisdictions of the United States or Canada, and who has practiced pursuant to such licensure for a period of at least 20 years, this paragraph does not apply.

(2)  As prescribed by board rule, the board may require an applicant who does not pass the national licensing examination after five attempts to complete additional remedial education or training. The board shall prescribe the additional requirements in a manner that permits the applicant to complete the requirements and be reexamined within 2 years after the date the applicant petitions the board to retake the examination a sixth or subsequent time.

(3)  Notwithstanding the provisions of subparagraph (1)(f)3., a graduate of a foreign medical school need not present the certificate issued by the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates or pass the examination utilized by that commission if the graduate:

(a)  Has received a bachelor's degree from an accredited United States college or university.

(b)  Has studied at a medical school which is recognized by the World Health Organization.

(c)  Has completed all of the formal requirements of the foreign medical school, except the internship or social service requirements, and has passed part I of the National Board of Medical Examiners examination or the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates examination equivalent.

(d)  Has completed an academic year of supervised clinical training in a hospital affiliated with a medical school approved by the Council on Medical Education of the American Medical Association and upon completion has passed part II of the National Board of Medical Examiners examination or the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates examination equivalent.

(4)  The department and the board shall assure that applicants for licensure meet the criteria in subsection (1) through an investigative process. When the investigative process is not completed within the time set out in s. 120.60(1) and the department or board has reason to believe that the applicant does not meet the criteria, the secretary or the secretary's designee may issue a 90-day licensure delay which shall be in writing and sufficient to notify the applicant of the reason for the delay. The provisions of this subsection shall control over any conflicting provisions of s. 120.60(1).

(5)  The board may not certify to the department for licensure any applicant who is under investigation in another jurisdiction for an offense which would constitute a violation of this chapter until such investigation is completed. Upon completion of the investigation, the provisions of s. 458.331 shall apply. Furthermore, the department may not issue an unrestricted license to any individual who has committed any act or offense in any jurisdiction which would constitute the basis for disciplining a physician pursuant to s. 458.331. When the board finds that an individual has committed an act or offense in any jurisdiction which would constitute the basis for disciplining a physician pursuant to s. 458.331, then the board may enter an order imposing one or more of the terms set forth in subsection (8).

(6)  Each applicant who meets the requirements of this chapter shall be licensed as a physician, with rights as defined by law.

(7)  Upon certification by the board, the department shall impose conditions, limitations, or restrictions on a license if the applicant is on probation in another jurisdiction for an act which would constitute a violation of this chapter.

(8)  When the board determines that any applicant for licensure has failed to meet, to the board's satisfaction, each of the appropriate requirements set forth in this section, it may enter an order requiring one or more of the following terms:

(a)  Refusal to certify to the department an application for licensure, certification, or registration;

(b)  Certification to the department of an application for licensure, certification, or registration with restrictions on the scope of practice of the licensee; or

(c)  Certification to the department of an application for licensure, certification, or registration with placement of the physician on probation for a period of time and subject to such conditions as the board may specify, including, but not limited to, requiring the physician to submit to treatment, attend continuing education courses, submit to reexamination, or work under the supervision of another physician.

History.--ss. 1, 8, ch. 79-302; s. 292, ch. 81-259; ss. 2, 3, ch. 81-318; s. 3, ch. 84-222; s. 4, ch. 84-543; s. 4, ch. 84-553; s. 29, ch. 85-175; s. 1, ch. 85-344; ss. 6, 25, 26, ch. 86-245; s. 17, ch. 88-1; s. 4, ch. 88-205; s. 18, ch. 89-162; s. 1, ch. 89-266; ss. 5, 42, ch. 89-374; s. 1, ch. 89-541; s. 3, ch. 90-60; s. 25, ch. 90-228; s. 2, ch. 90-249; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 1, ch. 92-53; s. 77, ch. 92-149; s. 20, ch. 95-145; s. 215, ch. 96-410; s. 1086, ch. 97-103; s. 133, ch. 97-237; s. 18, ch. 97-264; s. 9, ch. 97-273; s. 1, ch. 97-295; s. 42, ch. 98-166; s. 93, ch. 99-397; s. 115, ch. 2000-153.

458.3115  Restricted license; certain foreign-licensed physicians; examination; restrictions on practice; full licensure.--

(1)(a)  Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the department shall provide procedures under which certain physicians who are or were foreign-licensed and have practiced medicine no less than 2 years may take the USMLE or an examination developed by the department, in consultation with the board, to qualify for a restricted license to practice medicine in this state. The department-developed examination shall test the same areas of medical knowledge as the Federation of State Medical Boards of the United States, Inc. (FLEX) previously administered by the Florida Board of Medicine to grant medical licensure in Florida. The department-developed examination must be made available no later than December 31, 1998, to a physician who qualifies for licensure. A person who is eligible to take and elects to take the department-developed examination, who has previously passed part 1 or part 2 of the previously administered FLEX shall not be required to retake or pass the equivalent parts of the department-developed examination, and may sit for the department-developed examination five times within 5 years.

(b)  A person who is eligible to take and elects to take the USMLE who has previously passed part 1 or part 2 of the previously administered FLEX shall not be required to retake or pass the equivalent parts of the USMLE up to the year 2002.

(c)  A person shall be eligible to take such examination for restricted licensure if the person:

1.  Has taken, upon approval by the board, and completed, in November 1990 or November 1992, one of the special preparatory medical update courses authorized by the board and the University of Miami Medical School and subsequently passed the final course examination; upon approval by the board to take the course completed in 1990 or in 1992, has a certificate of successful completion of that course from the University of Miami or the Stanley H. Kaplan course; or can document to the department that he or she was one of the persons who took and successfully completed the Stanley H. Kaplan course that was approved by the board and supervised by the University of Miami. At a minimum, the documentation must include class attendance records and the test score on the final course examination;

2.  Applies to the department and submits an application fee that is nonrefundable and equivalent to the fee required for full licensure;

3.  Documents no less than 2 years of the active practice of medicine in any jurisdiction;

4.  Submits an examination fee that is nonrefundable and equivalent to the fee required for full licensure plus the actual per-applicant cost to the department to provide either examination described in this section;

5.  Has not committed any act or offense in this or any other jurisdiction that would constitute a substantial basis for disciplining a physician under chapter 456 or this chapter; and

6.  Is not under discipline, investigation, or prosecution in this or any other jurisdiction for an act that would constitute a violation of chapter 456 or this chapter and that substantially threatened or threatens the public health, safety, or welfare.

(d)  Every person eligible for restricted licensure under this section may sit for the USMLE or the department-developed examination five times within 5 calendar years. Applicants desiring to use portions of the FLEX and the USMLE may do so up to the year 2000. However, notwithstanding subparagraph (c)3., applicants applying under this section who fail the examination up to a total of five times will only be required to pay the examination fee required for full licensure for the second and subsequent times they take the examination.

(e)  The department and the board shall be responsible for working with one or more organizations to offer a medical refresher course designed to prepare applicants to take either licensure examination described in this section. The organizations may develop the medical refresher course, purchase such a course, or contract for such a course from a private organization that specializes in developing such courses.

(f)  The course shall require no less than two 16-week semesters of 16 contact hours per week for a total of 256 contact hours per student for each semester. The cost is to be paid by the students taking the course.

(2)(a)  Before the department may issue a restricted license to an applicant under this section, the applicant must have passed either of the two examinations described in this section. However, the board may impose reasonable restrictions on the applicant's license to practice. These restrictions may include, but are not limited to:

1.  Periodic and random department audits of the licensee's patient records and review of those records by the board or the department.

2.  Periodic appearances of the licensee before the board or the department.

3.  Submission of written reports to the board or the department.

(b)  A restricted licensee under this section shall practice under the supervision of a full licensee approved by the board with the first year of the licensure period being under direct supervision as defined by board rule and the second year being under indirect supervision as defined by board rule.

(c)  The board may adopt rules necessary to implement this subsection.

(3)(a)  A restricted license issued by the department under this section is valid for 2 years unless sooner revoked or suspended, and a restricted licensee is subject to the requirements of chapter 456, this chapter, and any other provision of law not in conflict with this section. Upon expiration of such restricted license, a restricted licensee shall become a full licensee if the restricted licensee:

1.  Is not under discipline, investigation, or prosecution for a violation which poses a substantial threat to the public health, safety, or welfare; and

2.  Pays all renewal fees required of a full licensee.

(b)  The department shall renew a restricted license under this section upon payment of the same fees required for renewal for a full license if the restricted licensee is under discipline, investigation, or prosecution for a violation which posed or poses a substantial threat to the public health, safety, or welfare and the board has not permanently revoked the restricted license. A restricted licensee who has renewed such restricted license shall become eligible for full licensure when the licensee is no longer under discipline, investigation, or prosecution.

(4)  The board shall adopt rules necessary to carry out the provisions of this section.

History.--s. 3, ch. 96-197; s. 8, ch. 96-309; s. 109, ch. 97-261; s. 2, ch. 97-264; ss. 43, 300, ch. 98-166; s. 16, ch. 99-332; ss. 94, 184, ch. 99-397; s. 102, ch. 2000-160.

458.3124  Restricted license; certain experienced foreign-trained physicians.--

(1)  A person who was trained in a medical school that is listed in the World Directory of Medical Schools published by the World Health Organization and is located in a country other than the United States, Canada, or Puerto Rico may apply to take Step III of the United States Medical Licensing Examination, if the person:

(a)  Legally practiced medicine for at least 5 years in the country in which the school is located;

(b)  Has passed Steps I and II of the United States Medical Licensing Examination;

(c)  Is certified by the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates as qualified for a restricted license to practice medicine;

(d)  Is not subject to discipline, investigation, or prosecution in any jurisdiction for acts that threaten the public health, safety, or welfare or violate chapter 456 or this chapter; and

(e)  Has been a resident of this state since July 1, 1996.

(2)  A person applying for licensure under this section must submit to the Department of Health on or before December 31, 2000:

(a)  A completed application and documentation required by the Board of Medicine to prove compliance with subsection (1); and

(b)  A nonrefundable application fee not to exceed $500 and a nonrefundable examination fee not to exceed $300 plus the actual cost to purchase and administer the examination.

(3)  A person applying under this section may take the examination a maximum of 5 times within 5 years.

(4)  A restricted licensee under this section must practice under the supervision of a licensee approved by the board, with the first year of licensure under direct supervision and the second year in community service under indirect supervision, including practicing with organizations that serve indigent populations, such as s. 501(c)(3) agencies, public health units, prisons, or other organizations approved by the board.

(5)  Notwithstanding s. 458.311(1)(f), a person who successfully meets the requirements of this section and who successfully passes Step III of the United States Medical Licensing Examination is eligible for full licensure as a physician.

(6)  The board shall adopt rules to implement this section.

History.--s. 110, ch. 97-261; s. 214, ch. 97-264; s. 44, ch. 98-166; s. 17, ch. 99-332; s. 185, ch. 99-397; s. 103, ch. 2000-160.

458.313  Licensure by endorsement; requirements; fees.--

(1)  The department shall issue a license by endorsement to any applicant who, upon applying to the department on forms furnished by the department and remitting a fee set by the board not to exceed $500, the board certifies:

(a)  Has met the qualifications for licensure in s. 458.311(1)(b)-(g) or in s. 458.311(1)(b)-(e) and (g) and (3);

(b)  Prior to January 1, 2000, has obtained a passing score, as established by rule of the board, on the licensure examination of the Federation of State Medical Boards of the United States, Inc. (FLEX), on the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE), or on the examination of the National Board of Medical Examiners, or on a combination thereof, and on or after January 1, 2000, has obtained a passing score on the United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE); and

(c)  Has submitted evidence of the active licensed practice of medicine in another jurisdiction, for at least 2 of the immediately preceding 4 years, or evidence of successful completion of either a board-approved postgraduate training program within 2 years preceding filing of an application or a board-approved clinical competency examination within the year preceding the filing of an application for licensure. For purposes of this paragraph, "active licensed practice of medicine" means that practice of medicine by physicians, including those employed by any governmental entity in community or public health, as defined by this chapter, medical directors under s. 641.495(11) who are practicing medicine, and those on the active teaching faculty of an accredited medical school.

(2)  The board may require an applicant for licensure by endorsement to take and pass the appropriate licensure examination prior to certifying the applicant as eligible for licensure.

(3)  The department and the board shall ensure that applicants for licensure by endorsement meet applicable criteria in this chapter through an investigative process. When the investigative process is not completed within the time set out in s. 120.60(1) and the department or board has reason to believe that the applicant does not meet the criteria, the secretary or the secretary's designee may issue a 90-day licensure delay which shall be in writing and sufficient to notify the applicant of the reason for the delay. The provisions of this subsection shall control over any conflicting provisions of s. 120.60(1).

(4)  The board may promulgate rules and regulations, to be applied on a uniform and consistent basis, which may be necessary to carry out the provisions of this section.

(5)  Upon certification by the board, the department shall impose conditions, limitations, or restrictions on a license by endorsement if the applicant is on probation in another jurisdiction for an act which would constitute a violation of this chapter.

(6)  The department shall not issue a license by endorsement to any applicant who is under investigation in any jurisdiction for an act or offense which would constitute a violation of this chapter until such time as the investigation is complete, at which time the provisions of s. 458.331 shall apply. Furthermore, the department may not issue an unrestricted license to any individual who has committed any act or offense in any jurisdiction which would constitute the basis for disciplining a physician pursuant to s. 458.331. When the board finds that an individual has committed an act or offense in any jurisdiction which would constitute the basis for disciplining a physician pursuant to s. 458.331, the board may enter an order imposing one or more of the terms set forth in subsection (7).

(7)  When the board determines that any applicant for licensure by endorsement has failed to meet, to the board's satisfaction, each of the appropriate requirements set forth in this section, it may enter an order requiring one or more of the following terms:

(a)  Refusal to certify to the department an application for licensure, certification, or registration;

(b)  Certification to the department of an application for licensure, certification, or registration with restrictions on the scope of practice of the licensee; or

(c)  Certification to the department of an application for licensure, certification, or registration with placement of the physician on probation for a period of time and subject to such conditions as the board may specify, including, but not limited to, requiring the physician to submit to treatment, attend continuing education courses, submit to reexamination, or work under the supervision of another physician.

History.--ss. 1, 8, ch. 79-302; ss. 2, 3, ch. 81-318; s. 5, ch. 84-543; s. 5, ch. 84-553; ss. 1, 3, ch. 85-56; ss. 7, 25, 26, ch. 86-245; ss. 1, 4, ch. 87-296; s. 18, ch. 88-1; s. 7, ch. 88-277; s. 14, ch. 88-392; s. 19, ch. 89-162; s. 6, ch. 89-374; s. 1, ch. 90-52; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 78, ch. 92-149; s. 216, ch. 96-410; s. 1087, ch. 97-103; s. 134, ch. 97-237; s. 19, ch. 97-264; s. 10, ch. 97-273; s. 95, ch. 99-397.

458.3135  Temporary certificate for visiting physicians to practice in approved cancer centers.--

(1)  Any physician who has been accepted for a course of training by a cancer center approved by the board and who meets all of the qualifications set forth in this section may be issued a temporary certificate to practice in a board-approved cancer center under the International Cancer Center Visiting Physician Program. A certificate may be issued to a physician who will be training under the direct supervision of a physician employed by or under contract with an approved cancer center for a period of no more than 1 year. The purpose of the International Cancer Center Visiting Physician Program is to provide to internationally respected and highly qualified physicians advanced education and training on cancer treatment techniques developed at an approved cancer center. The board may issue this temporary certificate in accordance with the restrictions set forth in this section.

(2)  A temporary certificate for practice in an approved cancer center may be issued without examination to an individual who:

(a)  Is a graduate of an accredited medical school or its equivalent, or is a graduate of a foreign medical school listed with the World Health Organization;

(b)  Holds a valid and unencumbered license to practice medicine in another country;

(c)  Has completed the application form adopted by the board and remitted a nonrefundable application fee not to exceed $300;

(d)  Has not committed any act in this or any other jurisdiction which would constitute the basis for disciplining a physician under s. 456.072 or s. 458.331;

(e)  Meets the financial responsibility requirements of s. 458.320; and

(f)  Has been accepted for a course of training by a cancer center approved by the board.

(3)  The board shall by rule establish qualifications for approval of cancer centers under this section, which at a minimum shall require the cancer center to be licensed under chapter 395 and have met the standards required to be a National Cancer Institute-designated cancer center. The board shall review the cancer centers approved under this section not less than annually to ascertain that the minimum requirements of this chapter and the rules adopted thereunder are being complied with. If it is determined that such minimum requirements are not being met by an approved cancer center, the board shall rescind its approval of that cancer center and no temporary certificate for that cancer center shall be valid until such time as the board reinstates its approval of that cancer center.

(4)  A recipient of a temporary certificate for practice in an approved cancer center may use the certificate to practice for the duration of the course of training at the approved cancer center so long as the duration of the course does not exceed 1 year. If at any time the cancer center is no longer approved by the board, the temporary certificate shall expire and the recipient shall no longer be authorized to practice in this state.

(5)  A recipient of a temporary certificate for practice in an approved cancer center is limited to practicing in facilities owned or operated by that approved cancer center and is limited to only practicing under the direct supervision of a physician who holds a valid, active, and unencumbered license to practice medicine in this state issued under this chapter or chapter 459.

(6)  The board shall not issue a temporary certificate for practice in an approved cancer center to any physician who is under investigation in another jurisdiction for an act that would constitute a violation of this chapter or chapter 456 until such time as the investigation is complete and the physician is found innocent of all charges.

(7)  A physician applying under this section is exempt from the requirements of ss. 456.039-456.046. All other provisions of chapters 456 and 458 apply.

(8)  In any year, the maximum number of temporary certificates that may be issued by the board under this section may not exceed 10 at each approved cancer center.

(9)  The board may adopt rules pursuant to ss. 120.536(1) and 120.54 as necessary to implement this section.

(10)  Nothing in this section may be construed to authorize a physician who is not licensed to practice medicine in this state to qualify for or otherwise engage in the practice of medicine in this state, except as provided in this section.

History.--s. 36, ch. 2000-318; s. 75, ch. 2001-62.

458.314  Certification of foreign educational institutions.--

(1)  The Legislature recognizes the need to ensure that graduates of foreign medical schools who have received an education which is reasonably comparable to that of similar accredited institutions in the United States and which adequately prepares its students for the practice of medicine shall be subject to the same licensure requirements as graduates of accredited medical schools or colleges. It is the purpose of this section to provide for the evaluation of foreign medical schools and the certification of those foreign medical schools which provide an education which is reasonably comparable to that of similar accredited institutions in the United States and which adequately prepares its students for the practice of medicine.

(2)  The department shall be responsible for the certification of foreign medical schools based on standards established pursuant to subsection (4). The department may contract with outside consultants or a national professional organization to survey and evaluate foreign medical schools. Such consultant or organization shall report to the department regarding its findings in the survey and evaluation.

(3)  The department shall establish a technical advisory group to review and comment upon the survey and evaluation of a foreign medical school contracted for by the department pursuant to subsection (2) prior to any final action by the department regarding certification of the foreign medical school. The technical advisory group shall be selected by the department and shall consist of four physicians, two of whom shall be selected from a list of five recognized United States medical educators recommended by the foreign school seeking certification. None of the members of the technical advisory group shall be affiliated with the school seeking certification.

(4)  Any foreign medical school which wishes to be certified pursuant to this section shall make application to the department for such certification, which shall be based upon a finding that the educational program of the foreign medical school is reasonably comparable to that of similar accredited institutions in the United States and adequately prepares its students for the practice of medicine. Curriculum, faculty qualifications, student attendance, plant and facilities, and other relevant factors shall be reviewed and evaluated. The board with the cooperation of the department shall identify, by rule, the standards and review procedures and methodology to be used in the certification process consistent with this subsection. The department shall not grant certification if deficiencies found are of such magnitude as to prevent the students in the school from receiving an educational base suitable for the practice of medicine.

(5)  Periodic surveys and evaluations of all certified schools shall be made to ensure continued compliance with this section. Certification shall include provisional and full certification. The provisional form of certification shall be for a period determined by the department not to exceed 3 years and shall be granted to an institution, in accordance with rule, to provide reasonable time for the school seeking permanent certification to overcome deficiencies found by the department. Prior to the expiration of a provisional certification and before the full certification is granted, the school shall be required to submit evidence that deficiencies noted at the time of initial application have been remedied. A school granted full certification shall provide evidence of continued compliance with this section. In the event that the department denies certification or recertification, the department shall give the school a specific listing of deficiencies which caused the department to disapprove it and what the department will require for compliance and shall permit the school, upon request, to demonstrate by satisfactory evidence, within 90 days, that it has remedied the deficiencies enumerated by the department.

(6)  A school shall pay a registration fee established by rule of the department, not to exceed $1,000, at the time of application for certification and shall pay all reasonable costs and expenses the department expects to incur, in an amount not to exceed $40,000, for the conduct of the certification survey.

(7)  The department shall renew a certification upon receipt of a renewal application from an institution and a fee not to exceed $500. Each fully certified institution shall provide a renewal application every 7 years. Any certification which is not renewed shall expire.

(8)  Each institution which has been surveyed before October 1, 1986, by the Commission to Evaluate Foreign Medical Schools or the Commission on Foreign Medical Education of the Federation of State Medical Boards, Inc., and whose survey and supporting documentation demonstrates that it provides an educational program, including curriculum, reasonably comparable to that of similar accredited institutions in the United States shall be considered fully certified, for purposes of chapter 86-245, Laws of Florida.

History.--ss. 8, 26, ch. 86-245; s. 4, ch. 91-429.

458.3145  Medical faculty certificate.--

(1)  A medical faculty certificate may be issued without examination to an individual who:

(a)  Is a graduate of an accredited medical school or its equivalent, or is a graduate of a foreign medical school listed with the World Health Organization;

(b)  Holds a valid, current license to practice medicine in another jurisdiction;

(c)  Has completed the application form and remitted a nonrefundable application fee not to exceed $500;

(d)  Has completed an approved residency or fellowship of at least 1 year or has received training which has been determined by the board to be equivalent to the 1-year residency requirement;

(e)  Is at least 21 years of age;

(f)  Is of good moral character;

(g)  Has not committed any act in this or any other jurisdiction which would constitute the basis for disciplining a physician under s. 458.331;

(h)  For any applicant who has graduated from medical school after October 1, 1992, has completed, before entering medical school, the equivalent of 2 academic years of preprofessional, postsecondary education, as determined by rule of the board, which must include, at a minimum, courses in such fields as anatomy, biology, and chemistry; and

(i)  Has been offered and has accepted a full-time faculty appointment to teach in a program of medicine at:

1.  The University of Florida,

2.  The University of Miami,

3.  The University of South Florida,

4.  The Florida State University, or

5.  The Mayo Medical School at the Mayo Clinic in Jacksonville, Florida.

(2)  The certificate authorizes the holder to practice only in conjunction with his or her faculty position at an accredited medical school and its affiliated clinical facilities or teaching hospitals that are registered with the Board of Medicine as sites at which holders of medical faculty certificates will be practicing. Such certificate automatically expires when the holder's relationship with the medical school is terminated or after a period of 24 months, whichever occurs sooner, and is renewable every 2 years by a holder who applies to the board on a form prescribed by the board and provides certification by the dean of the medical school that the holder is a distinguished medical scholar and an outstanding practicing physician.

(3)  The holder of a medical faculty certificate issued under this section has all rights and responsibilities prescribed by law for the holder of a license issued under s. 458.311, except as specifically provided otherwise by law. Such responsibilities include compliance with continuing medical education requirements as set forth by rule of the board. A hospital or ambulatory surgical center licensed under chapter 395, health maintenance organization certified under chapter 641, insurer as defined in s. 624.03, multiple-employer welfare arrangement as defined in s. 624.437, or any other entity in this state, in considering and acting upon an application for staff membership, clinical privileges, or other credentials as a health care provider, may not deny the application of an otherwise qualified physician for such staff membership, clinical privileges, or other credentials solely because the applicant is a holder of a medical faculty certificate under this section.

(4)  In any year, the maximum number of extended medical faculty certificateholders as provided in subsection (2) may not exceed 15 persons at each institution named in subparagraphs (1)(i)1.-4. and at the facility named in s. 1004.43 and may not exceed 5 persons at the institution named in subparagraph (1)(i)5.

(5)  Annual review of all such certificate recipients will be made by the deans of the accredited 4-year medical schools within this state and reported to the Board of Medicine.

(6)  Notwithstanding subsection (1), any physician, when providing medical care or treatment in connection with the education of students, residents, or faculty at the request of the dean of an accredited medical school within this state or at the request of the medical director of a statutory teaching hospital as defined in s. 408.07, may do so upon registration with the board and demonstration of financial responsibility pursuant to s. 458.320(1) or (2) unless such physician is exempt under s. 458.320(5)(a). The performance of such medical care or treatment must be limited to a single period of time, which may not exceed 180 consecutive days, and must be rendered within a facility registered under subsection (2) or within a statutory teaching hospital as defined in s. 408.07. A registration fee not to exceed $300, as set by the board, is required of each physician registered under this subsection. However, no more than three physicians per year per institution may be registered under this subsection, and an exemption under this subsection may not be granted to a physician more than once in any given 5-year period.

History.--ss. 9, 26, ch. 86-245; s. 1, ch. 88-218; s. 15, ch. 88-392; s. 1, ch. 90-30; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 79, ch. 92-149; s. 1, ch. 95-208; ss. 9, 10, ch. 96-309; s. 50, ch. 97-98; s. 1088, ch. 97-103; s. 37, ch. 2000-318; s. 1011, ch. 2002-387.

458.3147  Medical school eligibility of military academy students or graduates.--Any Florida resident who is a student at or a graduate of any of the United States military academies who has command approval to apply to medical school prior to assignment to the medical corps of the United States military shall be admitted to any medical school in the State University System. Each medical school in the State University System shall admit two such applicants each academic year.

History.--s. 146, ch. 2001-277.

458.315  Temporary certificate for practice in areas of critical need.--Any physician who is licensed to practice in any other state, whose license is currently valid, and who pays an application fee of $300 may be issued a temporary certificate to practice in communities of Florida where there is a critical need for physicians. A certificate may be issued to a physician who will be employed by a county health department, correctional facility, community health center funded by s. 329, s. 330, or s. 340 of the United States Public Health Services Act, or other entity that provides health care to indigents and that is approved by the State Health Officer. The Board of Medicine may issue this temporary certificate with the following restrictions:

(1)  The board shall determine the areas of critical need, and the physician so certified may practice in any of those areas for a time to be determined by the board. Such areas shall include, but not be limited to, health professional shortage areas designated by the United States Department of Health and Human Services.

(a)  A recipient of a temporary certificate for practice in areas of critical need may use the license to work for any approved employer in any area of critical need approved by the board.

(b)  The recipient of a temporary certificate for practice in areas of critical need shall, within 30 days after accepting employment, notify the board of all approved institutions in which the licensee practices and of all approved institutions where practice privileges have been denied.

(2)  The board may administer an abbreviated oral examination to determine the physician's competency, but no written regular examination is necessary. Within 60 days after receipt of an application for a temporary certificate, the board shall review the application and issue the temporary certificate or notify the applicant of denial.

(3)  Any certificate issued under this section shall be valid only so long as the area for which it is issued remains an area of critical need. The Board of Medicine shall review the service within said area not less than annually to ascertain that the minimum requirements of the Medical Practice Act and the rules and regulations promulgated thereunder are being complied with. If it is determined that such minimum requirements are not being met, the board shall forthwith revoke such certificate.

(4)  The board shall not issue a temporary certificate for practice in an area of critical need to any physician who is under investigation in another state for an act which would constitute a violation of this chapter until such time as the investigation is complete, at which time the provisions of s. 458.331 shall apply.

(5)  The application fee and all licensure fees, including neurological injury compensation assessments, shall be waived for those persons obtaining a temporary certificate to practice in areas of critical need for the purpose of providing volunteer, uncompensated care for low-income Floridians. The applicant must submit an affidavit from the employing agency or institution stating that the physician will not receive any compensation for any service involving the practice of medicine.

History.--ss. 1, 8, ch. 79-302; s. 293, ch. 81-259; ss. 2, 3, ch. 81-318; ss. 25, 26, ch. 86-245; s. 19, ch. 88-1; s. 8, ch. 88-277; s. 20, ch. 89-162; s. 8, ch. 89-374; s. 1, ch. 91-145; s. 12, ch. 91-220; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 141, ch. 97-101; s. 202, ch. 97-103; s. 96, ch. 99-397; s. 38, ch. 2000-318; s. 18, ch. 2001-277.

458.316  Public health certificate.--

(1)  Any person desiring to obtain a public health certificate shall submit an application fee not to exceed $300 and shall demonstrate to the board that he or she is a graduate of an accredited medical school and holds a master of public health degree or is board eligible or certified in public health or preventive medicine, or is licensed to practice medicine without restriction in another jurisdiction in the United States and holds a master of public health degree or is board eligible or certified in public health or preventive medicine, and shall meet the requirements in s. 458.311(1)(a)-(g) and (5).

(2)  Such certificate shall be issued pursuant to the following conditions:

(a)  The certificate shall authorize the holder to practice only in conjunction with his or her employment duties with the Department of Health and shall automatically expire when the holder's relationship with the department is terminated.

(b)  The certificate is subject to biennial renewal and shall be renewable only if the secretary of the Department of Health recommends in writing that the certificate be renewed.

History.--s. 6, ch. 81-239; s. 10, ch. 83-177; s. 1, ch. 85-65; ss. 10, 25, 26, ch. 86-245; s. 21, ch. 89-162; s. 9, ch. 89-374; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 203, ch. 97-103; ss. 72, 149, ch. 97-237; s. 25, ch. 97-273.

458.3165  Public psychiatry certificate.--The board shall issue a public psychiatry certificate to an individual who remits an application fee not to exceed $300, as set by the board, who is a board-certified psychiatrist, who is licensed to practice medicine without restriction in another state, and who meets the requirements in s. 458.311(1)(a)-(g) and (5). A recipient of a public psychiatry certificate may use the certificate to work at any public mental health facility or program funded in part or entirely by state funds.

(1)  Such certificate shall:

(a)  Authorize the holder to practice only in a public mental health facility or program funded in part or entirely by state funds.

(b)  Be issued and renewable biennially if the secretary of the Department of Health and the chair of the department of psychiatry at one of the public medical schools or the chair of the department of psychiatry at the accredited medical school at the University of Miami recommend in writing that the certificate be issued or renewed.

(c)  Automatically expire if the holder's relationship with a public mental health facility or program expires.

(d)  Not be issued to a person who has been adjudged unqualified or guilty of any of the prohibited acts in this chapter.

(2)  The board may take disciplinary action against a certificateholder for noncompliance with any part of this section or for any reason for which a regular licensee may be subject to discipline.

History.--ss. 11, 26, ch. 86-245; s. 20, ch. 88-1; s. 22, ch. 89-162; s. 10, ch. 89-374; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 204, ch. 97-103; s. 150, ch. 97-237; s. 26, ch. 97-273; s. 221, ch. 99-8; s. 97, ch. 99-397.

458.317  Limited licenses.--

(1)(a)  Any person desiring to obtain a limited license shall:

1.  Submit to the board, with an application and fee not to exceed $300, an affidavit stating that he or she has been licensed to practice medicine in any jurisdiction in the United States for at least 10 years and intends to practice only pursuant to the restrictions of a limited license granted pursuant to this section. However, a physician who is not fully retired in all jurisdictions may use a limited license only for noncompensated practice. If the person applying for a limited license submits a notarized statement from the employing agency or institution stating that he or she will not receive compensation for any service involving the practice of medicine, the application fee and all licensure fees shall be waived. However, any person who receives a waiver of fees for a limited license shall pay such fees if the person receives compensation for the practice of medicine.

2.  Meet the requirements in s. 458.311(1)(b)-(g) and (5). If the applicant graduated from medical school prior to 1946, the board or its appropriate committee may accept military medical training or medical experience as a substitute for the approved 1-year residency requirement in s. 458.311(1)(f).

(b)  After approval of an application under this section, no license shall be issued until the applicant provides to the board an affidavit that there have been no substantial changes in status since initial application.

(c)  If it has been more than 3 years since active practice was conducted by the applicant, the full-time director of the county health department or a licensed physician, approved by the board, shall supervise the applicant for a period of 6 months after he or she is granted a limited license for practice, unless the board determines that a shorter period of supervision will be sufficient to ensure that the applicant is qualified for licensure. Procedures for such supervision shall be established by the board.

(d)  The recipient of a limited license may practice only in the employ of public agencies or institutions or nonprofit agencies or institutions meeting the requirements of s. 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, which agencies or institutions are located in the areas of critical medical need as determined by the board. Determination of medically underserved areas shall be made by the board after consultation with the Department of Health and statewide medical organizations; however, such determination shall include, but not be limited to, health professional shortage areas designated by the United States Department of Health and Human Services. A recipient of a limited license may use the license to work for any approved employer in any area of critical need approved by the board.

(e)  The recipient of a limited license shall, within 30 days after accepting employment, notify the board of all approved institutions in which the licensee practices and of all approved institutions where practice privileges have been denied.

Nothing herein limits in any way any policy by the board, otherwise authorized by law, to grant licenses to physicians duly licensed in other states under conditions less restrictive than the requirements of this section. Notwithstanding the other provisions of this section, the board may refuse to authorize a physician otherwise qualified to practice in the employ of any agency or institution otherwise qualified if the agency or institution has caused or permitted violations of the provisions of this chapter which it knew or should have known were occurring.

(2)  The board shall notify the director of the full-time local county health department of any county in which a licensee intends to practice under the provisions of this act. The director of the full-time county health department shall assist in the supervision of any licensee within the county and shall notify the board which issued the licensee his or her license if he or she becomes aware of any actions by the licensee which would be grounds for revocation of the limited license. The board shall establish procedures for such supervision.

(3)  The board shall review the practice of each licensee biennially to verify compliance with the restrictions prescribed in this section and other applicable provisions of this chapter.

(4)  Any person holding an active license to practice medicine in the state may convert that license to a limited license for the purpose of providing volunteer, uncompensated care for low-income Floridians. The applicant must submit a statement from the employing agency or institution stating that he or she will not receive compensation for any service involving the practice of medicine. The application and all licensure fees, including neurological injury compensation assessments, shall be waived.

History.--ss. 1, 8, ch. 79-302; s. 294, ch. 81-259; ss. 2, 3, ch. 81-318; ss. 12, 25, 26, ch. 86-245; s. 23, ch. 89-162; s. 1, ch. 91-88; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 80, ch. 92-149; s. 1, ch. 97-3; s. 142, ch. 97-101; s. 205, ch. 97-103; s. 151, ch. 97-237; s. 20, ch. 97-264; s. 27, ch. 97-273; s. 243, ch. 98-166; s. 98, ch. 99-397.

458.319  Renewal of license.--

(1)  The department shall renew a license upon receipt of the renewal application, evidence that the applicant has actively practiced medicine or has been on the active teaching faculty of an accredited medical school for at least 2 years of the immediately preceding 4 years, and a fee not to exceed $500; provided, however, that if the licensee is either a resident physician, assistant resident physician, fellow, house physician, or intern in an approved postgraduate training program, as defined by the board by rule, the fee shall not exceed $100 per annum. If the licensee has not actively practiced medicine for at least 2 years of the immediately preceding 4 years, the board shall require that the licensee successfully complete a board-approved clinical competency examination prior to renewal of the license. "Actively practiced medicine" means that practice of medicine by physicians, including those employed by any governmental entity in community or public health, as defined by this chapter, including physicians practicing administrative medicine. An applicant for a renewed license must also submit the information required under s. 456.039 to the department on a form and under procedures specified by the department, along with payment in an amount equal to the costs incurred by the Department of Health for the statewide criminal background check of the applicant. The applicant must submit a set of fingerprints to the Department of Health on a form and under procedures specified by the department, along with payment in an amount equal to the costs incurred by the department for a national criminal background check of the applicant for the initial renewal of his or her license after January 1, 2000. If the applicant fails to submit either the information required under s. 456.039 or a set of fingerprints to the department as required by this section, the department shall issue a notice of noncompliance, and the applicant will be given 30 additional days to comply. If the applicant fails to comply within 30 days after the notice of noncompliance is issued, the department or board, as appropriate, may issue a citation to the applicant and may fine the applicant up to $50 for each day that the applicant is not in compliance with the requirements of s. 456.039. The citation must clearly state that the applicant may choose, in lieu of accepting the citation, to follow the procedure under s. 456.073. If the applicant disputes the matter in the citation, the procedures set forth in s. 456.073 must be followed. However, if the applicant does not dispute the matter in the citation with the department within 30 days after the citation is served, the citation becomes a final order and constitutes discipline. Service of a citation may be made by personal service or certified mail, restricted delivery, to the subject at the applicant's last known address. If an applicant has submitted fingerprints to the department for a national criminal history check upon initial licensure and is renewing his or her license for the first time, then the applicant need only submit the information and fee required for a statewide criminal history check.

(2)  The department shall adopt rules establishing a procedure for the biennial renewal of licenses.

(3)  The licensee must have on file with the department the address of his or her primary place of practice within this state prior to engaging in that practice. Prior to changing the address of the primary place of practice, whether or not within this state, the licensee shall notify the department of the address of the new primary place of practice.

(4)  Notwithstanding the provisions of s. 456.033, a physician may complete continuing education on end-of-life care and palliative care in lieu of continuing education in AIDS/HIV, if that physician has completed the AIDS/HIV continuing education in the immediately preceding biennium.

(5)(a)  Notwithstanding any provision of this chapter or chapter 456, the requirements for the biennial renewal of the license of any licensee who is a member of the Legislature shall stand continued and extended without the requirement of any filing by such a licensee of any notice or application for renewal with the board or the department and such licensee's license shall be an active status license under this chapter, throughout the period that the licensee is a member of the Legislature and for a period of 60 days after the licensee ceases to be a member of the Legislature.

(b)  At any time during the licensee's legislative term of office and during the period of 60 days after the licensee ceases to be a member of the Legislature, the licensee may file a completed renewal application that shall consist solely of:

1.  A license renewal fee of $250 for each year the licensee's license renewal has been continued and extended pursuant to the terms of this subsection since the last otherwise regularly scheduled biennial renewal year and each year during which the renewed license shall be effective until the next regularly scheduled biennial renewal date;

2.  Documentation of the completion by the licensee of 10 hours of continuing medical education credits for each year from the effective date of the last renewed license for the licensee until the year in which the application is filed;

3.  The information from the licensee expressly required in s. 456.039(1)(a)1.-8. and (b), and (4)(a), (b), and (c).

(c)  The department and board may not impose any additional requirements for the renewal of such licenses and, not later than 20 days after receipt of a completed application as specified in paragraph (b), shall renew the active status license of the licensee, effective on and retroactive to the last previous renewal date of the licensee's license. Said license renewal shall be valid until the next regularly scheduled biennial renewal date for said license, and thereafter shall be subject to the biennial requirements for renewal in this chapter and chapter 456.

History.--ss. 1, 8, ch. 79-302; ss. 2, 3, ch. 81-318; s. 6, ch. 84-543; s. 6, ch. 84-553; ss. 13, 25, 26, ch. 86-245; s. 21, ch. 88-1; s. 16, ch. 88-392; s. 1, ch. 90-60; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 163, ch. 94-119; s. 206, ch. 97-103; s. 135, ch. 97-237; s. 21, ch. 97-264; s. 11, ch. 97-273; s. 45, ch. 98-166; s. 10, ch. 99-331; s. 104, ch. 2000-160; s. 1, ch. 2000-356; s. 76, ch. 2001-62; s. 129, ch. 2001-277.

458.320  Financial responsibility.--

(1)  As a condition of licensing and prior to the issuance or renewal of an active license or reactivation of an inactive license for the practice of medicine, an applicant shall by one of the following methods demonstrate to the satisfaction of the board and the department financial responsibility to pay claims and costs ancillary thereto arising out of the rendering of, or the failure to render, medical care or services:

(a)  Establishing and maintaining an escrow account consisting of cash or assets eligible for deposit in accordance with s. 625.52 in the per claim amounts specified in paragraph (b).

(b)  Obtaining and maintaining professional liability coverage in an amount not less than $100,000 per claim, with a minimum annual aggregate of not less than $300,000, from an authorized insurer as defined under s. 624.09, from a surplus lines insurer as defined under s. 626.914(2), from a risk retention group as defined under s. 627.942, from the Joint Underwriting Association established under s. 627.351(4), or through a plan of self-insurance as provided in s. 627.357.

(c)  Obtaining and maintaining an unexpired, irrevocable letter of credit, established pursuant to chapter 675, in an amount not less than $100,000 per claim, with a minimum aggregate availability of credit of not less than $300,000. The letter of credit shall be payable to the physician as beneficiary upon presentment of a final judgment indicating liability and awarding damages to be paid by the physician or upon presentment of a settlement agreement signed by all parties to such agreement when such final judgment or settlement is a result of a claim arising out of the rendering of, or the failure to render, medical care and services. Such letter of credit shall be nonassignable and nontransferable. Such letter of credit shall be issued by any bank or savings association organized and existing under the laws of this state or any bank or savings association organized under the laws of the United States that has its principal place of business in this state or has a branch office which is authorized under the laws of this state or of the United States to receive deposits in this state.

(2)  As a continuing condition of hospital staff privileges, physicians with staff privileges shall also be required to establish financial responsibility by one of the following methods:

(a)  Establishing and maintaining an escrow account consisting of cash or assets eligible for deposit in accordance with s. 625.52 in the per claim amounts specified in paragraph (b).

(b)  Obtaining and maintaining professional liability coverage in an amount not less than $250,000 per claim, with a minimum annual aggregate of not less than $750,000 from an authorized insurer as defined under s. 624.09, from a surplus lines insurer as defined under s. 626.914(2), from a risk retention group as defined under s. 627.942, from the Joint Underwriting Association established under s. 627.351(4), through a plan of self-insurance as provided in s. 627.357, or through a plan of self-insurance which meets the conditions specified for satisfying financial responsibility in s. 766.110.

(c)  Obtaining and maintaining an unexpired irrevocable letter of credit, established pursuant to chapter 675, in an amount not less than $250,000 per claim, with a minimum aggregate availability of credit of not less than $750,000. The letter of credit shall be payable to the physician as beneficiary upon presentment of a final judgment indicating liability and awarding damages to be paid by the physician or upon presentment of a settlement agreement signed by all parties to such agreement when such final judgment or settlement is a result of a claim arising out of the rendering of, or the failure to render, medical care and services. Such letter of credit shall be nonassignable and nontransferable. Such letter of credit shall be issued by any bank or savings association organized and existing under the laws of this state or any bank or savings association organized under the laws of the United States that has its principal place of business in this state or has a branch office which is authorized under the laws of this state or of the United States to receive deposits in this state.

This subsection shall be inclusive of the coverage in subsection (1).

(3)(a)  The financial responsibility requirements of subsections (1) and (2) shall apply to claims for incidents that occur on or after January 1, 1987, or the initial date of licensure in this state, whichever is later.

(b)  Meeting the financial responsibility requirements of this section or the criteria for any exemption from such requirements shall be established at the time of issuance or renewal of a license on or after January 1, 1987.

(c)  Any person may, at any time, submit to the department a request for an advisory opinion regarding such person's qualifications for exemption.

(4)(a)  Each insurer, self-insurer, risk retention group, or Joint Underwriting Association shall promptly notify the department of cancellation or nonrenewal of insurance required by this section. Unless the physician demonstrates that he or she is otherwise in compliance with the requirements of this section, the department shall suspend the license of the physician pursuant to ss. 120.569 and 120.57 and notify all health care facilities licensed under chapter 395 of such action. Any suspension under this subsection shall remain in effect until the physician demonstrates compliance with the requirements of this section, except that a license suspended under paragraph (5)(g) shall not be reinstated until the physician demonstrates compliance with the requirements of that provision.

(b)  If financial responsibility requirements are met by maintaining an escrow account or letter of credit as provided in this section, upon the entry of an adverse final judgment arising from a medical malpractice arbitration award, from a claim of medical malpractice either in contract or tort, or from noncompliance with the terms of a settlement agreement arising from a claim of medical malpractice either in contract or tort, the licensee shall pay the entire amount of the judgment together with all accrued interest, or the amount maintained in the escrow account or provided in the letter of credit as required by this section, whichever is less, within 60 days after the date such judgment became final and subject to execution, unless otherwise mutually agreed to in writing by the parties. If timely payment is not made by the physician, the department shall suspend the license of the physician pursuant to procedures set forth in subparagraphs (5)(g)3., 4., and 5. Nothing in this paragraph shall abrogate a judgment debtor's obligation to satisfy the entire amount of any judgment.

(5)  The requirements of subsections (1), (2), and (3) shall not apply to:

(a)  Any person licensed under this chapter who practices medicine exclusively as an officer, employee, or agent of the Federal Government or of the state or its agencies or its subdivisions. For the purposes of this subsection, an agent of the state, its agencies, or its subdivisions is a person who is eligible for coverage under any self-insurance or insurance program authorized by the provisions of s. 768.28(15).

(b)  Any person whose license has become inactive under this chapter and who is not practicing medicine in this state. Any person applying for reactivation of a license must show either that such licensee maintained tail insurance coverage which provided liability coverage for incidents that occurred on or after January 1, 1987, or the initial date of licensure in this state, whichever is later, and incidents that occurred before the date on which the license became inactive; or such licensee must submit an affidavit stating that such licensee has no unsatisfied medical malpractice judgments or settlements at the time of application for reactivation.

(c)  Any person holding a limited license pursuant to s. 458.317 and practicing under the scope of such limited license.

(d)  Any person licensed or certified under this chapter who practices only in conjunction with his or her teaching duties at an accredited medical school or in its main teaching hospitals. Such person may engage in the practice of medicine to the extent that such practice is incidental to and a necessary part of duties in connection with the teaching position in the medical school.

(e)  Any person holding an active license under this chapter who is not practicing medicine in this state. If such person initiates or resumes any practice of medicine in this state, he or she must notify the department of such activity.

(f)  Any person holding an active license under this chapter who meets all of the following criteria:

1.  The licensee has held an active license to practice in this state or another state or some combination thereof for more than 15 years.

2.  The licensee has either retired from the practice of medicine or maintains a part-time practice of no more than 1,000 patient contact hours per year.

3.  The licensee has had no more than two claims for medical malpractice resulting in an indemnity exceeding $25,000 within the previous 5-year period.

4.  The licensee has not been convicted of, or pled guilty or nolo contendere to, any criminal violation specified in this chapter or the medical practice act of any other state.

5.  The licensee has not been subject within the last 10 years of practice to license revocation or suspension for any period of time; probation for a period of 3 years or longer; or a fine of $500 or more for a violation of this chapter or the medical practice act of another jurisdiction. The regulatory agency's acceptance of a physician's relinquishment of a license, stipulation, consent order, or other settlement, offered in response to or in anticipation of the filing of administrative charges against the physician's license, shall be construed as action against the physician's license for the purposes of this paragraph.

6.  The licensee has submitted a form supplying necessary information as required by the department and an affidavit affirming compliance with the provisions of this paragraph.

7.  The licensee shall submit biennially to the department certification stating compliance with the provisions of this paragraph. The licensee shall, upon request, demonstrate to the department information verifying compliance with this paragraph.

A licensee who meets the requirements of this paragraph shall be required either to post notice in the form of a sign prominently displayed in the reception area and clearly noticeable by all patients or provide a written statement to any person to whom medical services are being provided. Such sign or statement shall state that: Under Florida law, physicians are generally required to carry medical malpractice insurance or otherwise demonstrate financial responsibility to cover potential claims for medical malpractice. However, certain part-time physicians who meet state requirements are exempt from the financial responsibility law. YOUR DOCTOR MEETS THESE REQUIREMENTS AND HAS DECIDED NOT TO CARRY MEDICAL MALPRACTICE INSURANCE. This notice is provided pursuant to Florida law.

(g)  Any person holding an active license under this chapter who agrees to meet all of the following criteria:

1.  Upon the entry of an adverse final judgment arising from a medical malpractice arbitration award, from a claim of medical malpractice either in contract or tort, or from noncompliance with the terms of a settlement agreement arising from a claim of medical malpractice either in contract or tort, the licensee shall pay the judgment creditor the lesser of the entire amount of the judgment with all accrued interest or either $100,000, if the physician is licensed pursuant to this chapter but does not maintain hospital staff privileges, or $250,000, if the physician is licensed pursuant to this chapter and maintains hospital staff privileges, within 60 days after the date such judgment became final and subject to execution, unless otherwise mutually agreed to in writing by the parties. Such adverse final judgment shall include any cross-claim, counterclaim, or claim for indemnity or contribution arising from the claim of medical malpractice. Upon notification of the existence of an unsatisfied judgment or payment pursuant to this subparagraph, the department shall notify the licensee by certified mail that he or she shall be subject to disciplinary action unless, within 30 days from the date of mailing, he or she either:

a.  Shows proof that the unsatisfied judgment has been paid in the amount specified in this subparagraph; or

b.  Furnishes the department with a copy of a timely filed notice of appeal and either:

(I)  A copy of a supersedeas bond properly posted in the amount required by law; or

(II)  An order from a court of competent jurisdiction staying execution on the final judgment pending disposition of the appeal.

2.  The Department of Health shall issue an emergency order suspending the license of any licensee who, after 30 days following receipt of a notice from the Department of Health, has failed to: satisfy a medical malpractice claim against him or her; furnish the Department of Health a copy of a timely filed notice of appeal; furnish the Department of Health a copy of a supersedeas bond properly posted in the amount required by law; or furnish the Department of Health an order from a court of competent jurisdiction staying execution on the final judgment pending disposition of the appeal.

3.  Upon the next meeting of the probable cause panel of the board following 30 days after the date of mailing the notice of disciplinary action to the licensee, the panel shall make a determination of whether probable cause exists to take disciplinary action against the licensee pursuant to subparagraph 1.

4.  If the board determines that the factual requirements of subparagraph 1. are met, it shall take disciplinary action as it deems appropriate against the licensee. Such disciplinary action shall include, at a minimum, probation of the license with the restriction that the licensee must make payments to the judgment creditor on a schedule determined by the board to be reasonable and within the financial capability of the physician. Notwithstanding any other disciplinary penalty imposed, the disciplinary penalty may include suspension of the license for a period not to exceed 5 years. In the event that an agreement to satisfy a judgment has been met, the board shall remove any restriction on the license.

5.  The licensee has completed a form supplying necessary information as required by the department.

A licensee who meets the requirements of this paragraph shall be required either to post notice in the form of a sign prominently displayed in the reception area and clearly noticeable by all patients or to provide a written statement to any person to whom medical services are being provided. Such sign or statement shall state: "Under Florida law, physicians are generally required to carry medical malpractice insurance or otherwise demonstrate financial responsibility to cover potential claims for medical malpractice. YOUR DOCTOR HAS DECIDED NOT TO CARRY MEDICAL MALPRACTICE INSURANCE. This is permitted under Florida law subject to certain conditions. Florida law imposes penalties against noninsured physicians who fail to satisfy adverse judgments arising from claims of medical malpractice. This notice is provided pursuant to Florida law."

(6)  Any deceptive, untrue, or fraudulent representation by the licensee with respect to any provision of this section shall result in permanent disqualification from any exemption to mandated financial responsibility as provided in this section and shall constitute grounds for disciplinary action under s. 458.331.

(7)  Any licensee who relies on any exemption from the financial responsibility requirement shall notify the department, in writing, of any change of circumstance regarding his or her qualifications for such exemption and shall demonstrate that he or she is in compliance with the requirements of this section.

(8)  The board shall adopt rules to implement the provisions of this section.

History.--ss. 27, 50, ch. 85-175; ss. 47, 67, ch. 86-160; s. 26, ch. 86-245; s. 22, ch. 88-1; s. 2, ch. 90-158; s. 184, ch. 91-108; s. 59, ch. 91-220; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 106, ch. 94-218; s. 217, ch. 96-410; s. 1089, ch. 97-103; s. 144, ch. 97-237; s. 104, ch. 97-261; s. 22, ch. 97-264; s. 20, ch. 97-273; s. 9, ch. 98-166; s. 116, ch. 2000-153; s. 20, ch. 2001-277.

458.321  Inactive status.--

(1)  A license that has become inactive may be reactivated under s. 458.319 upon application to the department. The board shall prescribe by rule continuing education requirements as a condition of reactivating a license. The continuing education requirements for reactivating a license must not be fewer than 20 classroom hours for each year the license was inactive.

(2)  The board shall adopt rules relating to licenses that have become inactive and for the reactivation of inactive licenses, including criteria an applicant must meet in order to activate an inactive license.

History.--ss. 1, 8, ch. 79-302; s. 295, ch. 81-259; ss. 2, 3, ch. 81-318; s. 96, ch. 83-329; ss. 14, 25, 26, ch. 86-245; s. 24, ch. 89-162; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 164, ch. 94-119.

458.323  Itemized patient billing.--Whenever a physician licensed under this chapter renders professional services to a patient, the physician is required, upon request, to submit to the patient, the patient's insurer, or the administrative agency for any federal or state health program under which the patient is entitled to benefits an itemized statement of the specific services rendered and the charge for each, no later than the physician's next regular billing cycle which follows the fifth day after the rendering of professional services. A physician may not condition the furnishing of an itemized statement upon prior payment of the bill.

History.--s. 3, ch. 79-198; s. 2, ch. 81-318; ss. 25, 26, ch. 86-245; s. 4, ch. 91-429.

458.324  Breast cancer; information on treatment alternatives.--

(1)  DEFINITION.--As used in this section, the term "medically viable," as applied to treatment alternatives, means modes of treatment generally considered by the medical profession to be within the scope of current, acceptable standards, including treatment alternatives described in the written summary prepared by the Florida Cancer Control and Research Advisory Council in accordance with s. 1004.435(4)(m).

(2)  COMMUNICATION OF TREATMENT ALTERNATIVES.--Each physician treating a patient who is, or in the judgment of the physician is at high risk of being, diagnosed as having breast cancer shall inform such patient of the medically viable treatment alternatives available to such patient; shall describe such treatment alternatives; and shall explain the relative advantages, disadvantages, and risks associated with the treatment alternatives to the extent deemed necessary to allow the patient to make a prudent decision regarding such treatment options. In compliance with this subsection:

(a)  The physician may, in his or her discretion:

1.  Orally communicate such information directly to the patient or the patient's legal representative;

2.  Provide the patient or the patient's legal representative with a copy of the written summary prepared in accordance with s. 1004.435(4)(m) and express a willingness to discuss the summary with the patient or the patient's legal representative; or

3.  Both communicate such information directly and provide a copy of the written summary to the patient or the patient's legal representative for further consideration and possible later discussion.

(b)  In providing such information, the physician shall take into consideration the emotional state of the patient, the physical state of the patient, and the patient's ability to understand the information.

(c)  The physician may, in his or her discretion and without restriction, recommend any mode of treatment which is in his or her judgment the best treatment for the patient.

Nothing in this subsection shall reduce other provisions of law regarding informed consent.

(3)  RECORDS.--Every physician treating a patient who is, or in the judgment of the physician is at high risk of being, diagnosed as having breast cancer shall indicate on such patient's medical record compliance or noncompliance with the provisions of subsection (2).

History.--s. 2, ch. 84-222; s. 1, ch. 85-65; ss. 16, 25, 26, ch. 86-245; s. 2, ch. 90-314; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 1, ch. 93-267; s. 207, ch. 97-103; s. 1012, ch. 2002-387.

458.325  Electroconvulsive and psychosurgical procedures.--

(1)  In each case of utilization of electroconvulsive or psychosurgical procedures, prior written consent shall be obtained after disclosure to the patient, if he or she is competent, or to the patient's guardian, if he or she is a minor or incompetent, of the purpose of the procedure, the common side effects thereof, alternative treatment modalities, and the approximate number of such procedures considered necessary and that any consent given may be revoked by the patient or the patient's guardian prior to or between treatments.

(2)  Before convulsive therapy or psychosurgery may be administered, the patient's treatment record shall be reviewed and the proposed convulsive therapy or psychosurgery agreed to by one other physician not directly involved with the patient. Such agreement shall be documented in the patient's treatment record and shall be signed by both physicians.

History.--s. 1, ch. 79-302; s. 2, ch. 81-318; ss. 25, 26, ch. 86-245; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 208, ch. 97-103.

458.3255  Electronic-communications diagnostic-imaging or treatment services.--Only a physician licensed in this state or otherwise authorized to practice medicine in this state may order, from a person located outside this state, electronic-communications diagnostic-imaging or treatment services for a person located in this state.

History.--s. 2, ch. 95-208.

458.326  Intractable pain; authorized treatment.--

(1)  For the purposes of this section, the term "intractable pain" means pain for which, in the generally accepted course of medical practice, the cause cannot be removed and otherwise treated.

(2)  Intractable pain must be diagnosed by a physician licensed under this chapter and qualified by experience to render such diagnosis.

(3)  Notwithstanding any other provision of law, a physician may prescribe or administer any controlled substance under Schedules II-V, as provided for in s. 893.03, to a person for the treatment of intractable pain, provided the physician does so in accordance with that level of care, skill, and treatment recognized by a reasonably prudent physician under similar conditions and circumstances.

(4)  Nothing in this section shall be construed to condone, authorize, or approve mercy killing or euthanasia, and no treatment authorized by this section may be used for such purpose.

History.--s. 3, ch. 94-96; s. 100, ch. 97-264; s. 4, ch. 99-186; s. 6, ch. 2002-78.

458.327  Penalty for violations.--

(1)  Each of the following acts constitutes a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084:

(a)  The practice of medicine or an attempt to practice medicine without a license to practice in Florida.

(b)  The use or attempted use of a license which is suspended or revoked to practice medicine.

(c)  Attempting to obtain or obtaining a license to practice medicine by knowing misrepresentation.

(d)  Attempting to obtain or obtaining a position as a medical practitioner or medical resident in a clinic or hospital through knowing misrepresentation of education, training, or experience.

(2)  Each of the following acts constitutes a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083:

(a)  Knowingly concealing information relating to violations of this chapter.

(b)  Making any willfully false oath or affirmation whenever an oath or affirmation is required by this chapter.

(c)  Referring any patient, for health care goods or services, to a partnership, firm, corporation, or other business entity in which the physician or the physician's employer has an equity interest of 10 percent or more unless, prior to such referral, the physician notifies the patient of his or her financial interest and of the patient's right to obtain such goods or services at the location of the patient's choice. This section does not apply to the following types of equity interest:

1.  The ownership of registered securities issued by a publicly held corporation or the ownership of securities issued by a publicly held corporation, the shares of which are traded on a national exchange or the over-the-counter market;

2.  A physician's own practice, whether he or she is a sole practitioner or part of a group, when the health care good or service is prescribed or provided solely for the physician's own patients and is provided or performed by the physician or under the physician's supervision; or

3.  An interest in real property resulting in a landlord-tenant relationship between the physician and the entity in which the equity interest is held, unless the rent is determined, in whole or in part, by the business volume or profitability of the tenant or is otherwise unrelated to fair market value.

(d)  Leading the public to believe that one is licensed as a medical doctor, or is engaged in the licensed practice of medicine, without holding a valid, active license.

(e)  Practicing medicine or attempting to practice medicine with an inactive or delinquent license.

History.--ss. 1, 8, ch. 79-302; ss. 2, 3, ch. 81-318; s. 32, ch. 85-175; ss. 17, 25, 26, ch. 86-245; s. 23, ch. 88-1; s. 86, ch. 91-224; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 81, ch. 92-149; s. 165, ch. 94-119; s. 209, ch. 97-103; s. 48, ch. 2000-318.

458.329  Sexual misconduct in the practice of medicine.--The physician-patient relationship is founded on mutual trust. Sexual misconduct in the practice of medicine means violation of the physician-patient relationship through which the physician uses said relationship to induce or attempt to induce the patient to engage, or to engage or attempt to engage the patient, in sexual activity outside the scope of the practice or the scope of generally accepted examination or treatment of the patient. Sexual misconduct in the practice of medicine is prohibited.

History.--ss. 1, 8, ch. 79-302; s. 296, ch. 81-259; ss. 2, 3, ch. 81-318; ss. 25, 26, ch. 86-245; s. 4, ch. 91-429.

458.3295  Concerted effort to refuse emergency room treatment to patients; penalties.--

(1)  A physician licensed pursuant to this chapter may not instigate or engage in a concerted effort to refuse or get physicians to refuse to render services to a patient or patients in a hospital emergency room by failing to report for duty, absenting themselves from their positions, submitting their resignations, abstaining from the full and faithful performance of their medical duties, or otherwise causing conduct that adversely affects the services of the hospital. For the purposes of this subsection, the term "concerted" means contrived or arranged by agreement, planned or devised together, or done or performed together in cooperation.

(2)  If a physician or group of physicians engages in conduct in violation of subsection (1), either the department or the hospital where the conduct occurs may file suit in circuit court to enjoin such conduct.

(a)  Upon such suit being filed, the court shall conduct a hearing, with notice to the department, the board, and all interested parties, at the earliest practicable time. If the plaintiff makes a showing that a violation of subsection (1) is in progress or that there is a clear, real, and present danger that such a violation is about to commence, the court shall issue a temporary injunction enjoining such violation. Upon final hearing, the court shall either make the injunction permanent or dissolve it.

(b)  A physician found to be in contempt of court for violating such an injunction shall be fined an amount considered appropriate by the court, but not less than $5,000. In determining the appropriate fine, the court shall objectively consider the extent of services lost to the hospital and its patients.

(3)  A violation by a physician of subsection (1) constitutes ground for disciplinary action against him or her by the board, including the suspension or revocation of the physician's license, and subjects him or her to liability for any damages that the hospital or any patient therein sustains as a result of the violation.

History.--s. 24, ch. 88-1; s. 9, ch. 88-277; s. 1, ch. 89-296; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 210, ch. 97-103.

458.331  Grounds for disciplinary action; action by the board and department.--

(1)  The following acts constitute grounds for denial of a license or disciplinary action, as specified in s. 456.072(2):

(a)  Attempting to obtain, obtaining, or renewing a license to practice medicine by bribery, by fraudulent misrepresentations, or through an error of the department or the board.

(b)  Having a license or the authority to practice medicine revoked, suspended, or otherwise acted against, including the denial of licensure, by the licensing authority of any jurisdiction, including its agencies or subdivisions. The licensing authority's acceptance of a physician's relinquishment of a license, stipulation, consent order, or other settlement, offered in response to or in anticipation of the filing of administrative charges against the physician's license, shall be construed as action against the physician's license.

(c)  Being convicted or found guilty of, or entering a plea of nolo contendere to, regardless of adjudication, a crime in any jurisdiction which directly relates to the practice of medicine or to the ability to practice medicine.

(d)  False, deceptive, or misleading advertising.

(e)  Failing to report to the department any person who the licensee knows is in violation of this chapter or of the rules of the department or the board. A treatment provider approved pursuant to s. 456.076 shall provide the department or consultant with information in accordance with the requirements of s. 456.076(3), (4), (5), and (6).

(f)  Aiding, assisting, procuring, or advising any unlicensed person to practice medicine contrary to this chapter or to a rule of the department or the board.

(g)  Failing to perform any statutory or legal obligation placed upon a licensed physician.

(h)  Making or filing a report which the licensee knows to be false, intentionally or negligently failing to file a report or record required by state or federal law, willfully impeding or obstructing such filing or inducing another person to do so. Such reports or records shall include only those which are signed in the capacity as a licensed physician.

(i)  Paying or receiving any commission, bonus, kickback, or rebate, or engaging in any split-fee arrangement in any form whatsoever with a physician, organization, agency, or person, either directly or indirectly, for patients referred to providers of health care goods and services, including, but not limited to, hospitals, nursing homes, clinical laboratories, ambulatory surgical centers, or pharmacies. The provisions of this paragraph shall not be construed to prevent a physician from receiving a fee for professional consultation services.

(j)  Exercising influence within a patient-physician relationship for purposes of engaging a patient in sexual activity. A patient shall be presumed to be incapable of giving free, full, and informed consent to sexual activity with his or her physician.

(k)  Making deceptive, untrue, or fraudulent representations in or related to the practice of medicine or employing a trick or scheme in the practice of medicine.

(l)  Soliciting patients, either personally or through an agent, through the use of fraud, intimidation, undue influence, or a form of overreaching or vexatious conduct. A solicitation is any communication which directly or implicitly requests an immediate oral response from the recipient.

(m)  Failing to keep legible, as defined by department rule in consultation with the board, medical records that identify the licensed physician or the physician extender and supervising physician by name and professional title who is or are responsible for rendering, ordering, supervising, or billing for each diagnostic or treatment procedure and that justify the course of treatment of the patient, including, but not limited to, patient histories; examination results; test results; records of drugs prescribed, dispensed, or administered; and reports of consultations and hospitalizations.

(n)  Exercising influence on the patient or client in such a manner as to exploit the patient or client for financial gain of the licensee or of a third party, which shall include, but not be limited to, the promoting or selling of services, goods, appliances, or drugs.

(o)  Promoting or advertising on any prescription form of a community pharmacy unless the form shall also state "This prescription may be filled at any pharmacy of your choice."

(p)  Performing professional services which have not been duly authorized by the patient or client, or his or her legal representative, except as provided in s. 743.064, s. 766.103, or s. 768.13.

(q)  Prescribing, dispensing, administering, mixing, or otherwise preparing a legend drug, including any controlled substance, other than in the course of the physician's professional practice. For the purposes of this paragraph, it shall be legally presumed that prescribing, dispensing, administering, mixing, or otherwise preparing legend drugs, including all controlled substances, inappropriately or in excessive or inappropriate quantities is not in the best interest of the patient and is not in the course of the physician's professional practice, without regard to his or her intent.

(r)  Prescribing, dispensing, or administering any medicinal drug appearing on any schedule set forth in chapter 893 by the physician to himself or herself, except one prescribed, dispensed, or administered to the physician by another practitioner authorized to prescribe, dispense, or administer medicinal drugs.

(s)  Being unable to practice medicine with reasonable skill and safety to patients by reason of illness or use of alcohol, drugs, narcotics, chemicals, or any other type of material or as a result of any mental or physical condition. In enforcing this paragraph, the department shall have, upon a finding of the secretary or the secretary's designee that probable cause exists to believe that the licensee is unable to practice medicine because of the reasons stated in this paragraph, the authority to issue an order to compel a licensee to submit to a mental or physical examination by physicians designated by the department. If the licensee refuses to comply with such order, the department's order directing such examination may be enforced by filing a petition for enforcement in the circuit court where the licensee resides or does business. The licensee against whom the petition is filed may not be named or identified by initials in any public court records or documents, and the proceedings shall be closed to the public. The department shall be entitled to the summary procedure provided in s. 51.011. A licensee or certificateholder affected under this paragraph shall at reasonable intervals be afforded an opportunity to demonstrate that he or she can resume the competent practice of medicine with reasonable skill and safety to patients.

(t)  Gross or repeated malpractice or the failure to practice medicine with that level of care, skill, and treatment which is recognized by a reasonably prudent similar physician as being acceptable under similar conditions and circumstances. The board shall give great weight to the provisions of s. 766.102 when enforcing this paragraph. As used in this paragraph, "repeated malpractice" includes, but is not limited to, three or more claims for medical malpractice within the previous 5-year period resulting in indemnities being paid in excess of $25,000 each to the claimant in a judgment or settlement and which incidents involved negligent conduct by the physician. As used in this paragraph, "gross malpractice" or "the failure to practice medicine with that level of care, skill, and treatment which is recognized by a reasonably prudent similar physician as being acceptable under similar conditions and circumstances," shall not be construed so as to require more than one instance, event, or act. Nothing in this paragraph shall be construed to require that a physician be incompetent to practice medicine in order to be disciplined pursuant to this paragraph.

(u)  Performing any procedure or prescribing any therapy which, by the prevailing standards of medical practice in the community, would constitute experimentation on a human subject, without first obtaining full, informed, and written consent.

(v)  Practicing or offering to practice beyond the scope permitted by law or accepting and performing professional responsibilities which the licensee knows or has reason to know that he or she is not competent to perform. The board may establish by rule standards of practice and standards of care for particular practice settings, including, but not limited to, education and training, equipment and supplies, medications including anesthetics, assistance of and delegation to other personnel, transfer agreements, sterilization, records, performance of complex or multiple procedures, informed consent, and policy and procedure manuals.

(w)  Delegating professional responsibilities to a person when the licensee delegating such responsibilities knows or has reason to know that such person is not qualified by training, experience, or licensure to perform them.

(x)  Violating a lawful order of the board or department previously entered in a disciplinary hearing or failing to comply with a lawfully issued subpoena of the department.

(y)  Conspiring with another licensee or with any other person to commit an act, or committing an act, which would tend to coerce, intimidate, or preclude another licensee from lawfully advertising his or her services.

(z)  Procuring, or aiding or abetting in the procuring of, an unlawful termination of pregnancy.

(aa)  Presigning blank prescription forms.

(bb)  Prescribing any medicinal drug appearing on Schedule II in chapter 893 by the physician for office use.

(cc)  Prescribing, ordering, dispensing, administering, supplying, selling, or giving any drug which is a Schedule II amphetamine or a Schedule II sympathomimetic amine drug or any compound thereof, pursuant to chapter 893, to or for any person except for:

1.  The treatment of narcolepsy; hyperkinesis; behavioral syndrome characterized by the developmentally inappropriate symptoms of moderate to severe distractability, short attention span, hyperactivity, emotional lability, and impulsivity; or drug-induced brain dysfunction;

2.  The differential diagnostic psychiatric evaluation of depression or the treatment of depression shown to be refractory to other therapeutic modalities; or

3.  The clinical investigation of the effects of such drugs or compounds when an investigative protocol therefor is submitted to, reviewed, and approved by the board before such investigation is begun.

(dd)  Failing to supervise adequately the activities of those physician assistants, paramedics, emergency medical technicians, or advanced registered nurse practitioners acting under the supervision of the physician.

(ee)  Prescribing, ordering, dispensing, administering, supplying, selling, or giving growth hormones, testosterone or its analogs, human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG), or other hormones for the purpose of muscle building or to enhance athletic performance. For the purposes of this subsection, the term "muscle building" does not include the treatment of injured muscle. A prescription written for the drug products listed above may be dispensed by the pharmacist with the presumption that the prescription is for legitimate medical use.

(ff)  Prescribing, ordering, dispensing, administering, supplying, selling, or giving amygdalin (laetrile) to any person.

(gg)  Misrepresenting or concealing a material fact at any time during any phase of a licensing or disciplinary process or procedure.

(hh)  Improperly interfering with an investigation or with any disciplinary proceeding.

(ii)  Failing to report to the department any licensee under this chapter or under chapter 459 who the physician or physician assistant knows has violated the grounds for disciplinary action set out in the law under which that person is licensed and who provides health care services in a facility licensed under chapter 395, or a health maintenance organization certificated under part I of chapter 641, in which the physician or physician assistant also provides services.

(jj)  Being found by any court in this state to have provided corroborating written medical expert opinion attached to any statutorily required notice of claim or intent or to any statutorily required response rejecting a claim, without reasonable investigation.

(kk)  Failing to report to the board, in writing, within 30 days if action as defined in paragraph (b) has been taken against one's license to practice medicine in another state, territory, or country.

(ll)  Advertising or holding oneself out as a board-certified specialist, if not qualified under s. 458.3312, in violation of this chapter.

(mm)  Failing to comply with the requirements of ss. 381.026 and 381.0261 to provide patients with information about their patient rights and how to file a patient complaint.

(nn)  Violating any provision of this chapter or chapter 456, or any rules adopted pursuant thereto.

(2)  The board may enter an order denying licensure or imposing any of the penalties in s. 456.072(2) against any applicant for licensure or licensee who is found guilty of violating any provision of subsection (1) of this section or who is found guilty of violating any provision of s. 456.072(1). In determining what action is appropriate, the board must first consider what sanctions are necessary to protect the public or to compensate the patient. Only after those sanctions have been imposed may the disciplining authority consider and include in the order requirements designed to rehabilitate the physician. All costs associated with compliance with orders issued under this subsection are the obligation of the physician.

(3)  In any administrative action against a physician which does not involve revocation or suspension of license, the division shall have the burden, by the greater weight of the evidence, to establish the existence of grounds for disciplinary action. The division shall establish grounds for revocation or suspension of license by clear and convincing evidence.

(4)  The board shall not reinstate the license of a physician, or cause a license to be issued to a person it deems or has deemed unqualified, until such time as it is satisfied that he or she has complied with all the terms and conditions set forth in the final order and that such person is capable of safely engaging in the practice of medicine.

(5)  The board shall by rule establish guidelines for the disposition of disciplinary cases involving specific types of violations. Such guidelines may include minimum and maximum fines, periods of supervision or probation, or conditions of probation or reissuance of a license. "Gross malpractice," "repeated malpractice," and "failure to practice medicine with that level of care, skill, and treatment which is recognized as being acceptable under similar circumstances" under subsection (10) shall each be considered distinct types of violations requiring specific individual guidelines.

(6)  Upon the department's receipt from an insurer or self-insurer of a report of a closed claim against a physician pursuant to s. 627.912 or from a health care practitioner of a report pursuant to s. 456.049, or upon the receipt from a claimant of a presuit notice against a physician pursuant to s. 766.106, the department shall review each report and determine whether it potentially involved conduct by a licensee that is subject to disciplinary action, in which case the provisions of s. 456.073 shall apply. However, if it is reported that a physician has had three or more claims with indemnities exceeding $25,000 each within the previous 5-year period, the department shall investigate the occurrences upon which the claims were based and determine if action by the department against the physician is warranted.

(7)  Upon the department's receipt from the Agency for Health Care Administration pursuant to s. 395.0197 of the name of a physician whose conduct may constitute grounds for disciplinary action by the department, the department shall investigate the occurrences upon which the report was based and determine if action by the department against the physician is warranted.

(8)  If any physician regulated by the Division of Medical Quality Assurance is guilty of such unprofessional conduct, negligence, or mental or physical incapacity or impairment that the division determines that the physician is unable to practice with reasonable skill and safety and presents a danger to patients, the division shall be authorized to maintain an action in circuit court enjoining such physician from providing medical services to the public until the physician demonstrates the ability to practice with reasonable skill and safety and without danger to patients.

(9)  When an investigation of a physician is undertaken, the department shall promptly furnish to the physician or the physician's attorney a copy of the complaint or document which resulted in the initiation of the investigation. For purposes of this subsection, such documents include, but are not limited to: the pertinent portions of an annual report submitted to the department pursuant to s. 395.0197(6); a report of an adverse incident which is provided to the department pursuant to s. 395.0197; a report of peer review disciplinary action submitted to the department pursuant to s. 395.0193(4) or s. 458.337, providing that the investigations, proceedings, and records relating to such peer review disciplinary action shall continue to retain their privileged status even as to the licensee who is the subject of the investigation, as provided by ss. 395.0193(8) and 458.337(3); a report of a closed claim submitted pursuant to s. 627.912; a presuit notice submitted pursuant to s. 766.106(2); and a petition brought under the Florida Birth-Related Neurological Injury Compensation Plan, pursuant to s. 766.305(2). The physician may submit a written response to the information contained in the complaint or document which resulted in the initiation of the investigation within 45 days after service to the physician of the complaint or document. The physician's written response shall be considered by the probable cause panel.

(10)  A recommended order by an administrative law judge, or a final order of the board finding a violation under this section shall specify whether the licensee was found to have committed "gross malpractice," "repeated malpractice," or "failure to practice medicine with that level of care, skill, and treatment which is recognized as being acceptable under similar conditions and circumstances" or any combination thereof, and any publication by the board shall so specify.

History.--ss. 1, 8, ch. 79-302; s. 2, ch. 80-354; s. 297, ch. 81-259; ss. 2, 3, ch. 81-318; ss. 2, 4, ch. 82-32; s. 15, ch. 83-329; s. 1, ch. 85-6; s. 4, ch. 85-175; ss. 18, 25, 26, ch. 86-245; s. 25, ch. 88-1; s. 18, ch. 89-275; s. 16, ch. 89-283; ss. 11, 72, ch. 89-374; s. 2, ch. 90-44; s. 4, ch. 90-60; s. 26, ch. 90-228; s. 60, ch. 91-220; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 39, ch. 92-149; s. 1, ch. 92-178; s. 83, ch. 92-289; s. 218, ch. 96-410; s. 1090, ch. 97-103; s. 106, ch. 97-261; s. 23, ch. 97-264; s. 37, ch. 98-89; s. 46, ch. 98-166; s. 222, ch. 99-8; s. 99, ch. 99-397; s. 105, ch. 2000-160; ss. 21, 76, ch. 2001-277.

458.3312  Specialties.--A physician licensed under this chapter may not hold himself or herself out as a board-certified specialist unless the physician has received formal recognition as a specialist from a specialty board of the American Board of Medical Specialties or other recognizing agency approved by the board. However, a physician may indicate the services offered and may state that his or her practice is limited to one or more types of services when this accurately reflects the scope of practice of the physician.

History.--s. 24, ch. 97-264.

458.335  Prescription or administration of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO).--

(1)  As used in this section, unless the context clearly requires otherwise, "physician" means a doctor of medicine or osteopathic medicine licensed under this chapter or chapter 459.

(2)  No physician shall be subject to disciplinary action by the Board of Medicine or Board of Osteopathic Medicine for prescribing or administering dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) to a patient under his or her care who has requested the substance.

(3)  The patient, after being fully informed as to alternative methods of treatment and their potential for cure and upon request for the administration of dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) by his or her physician, shall sign a written release, releasing the physician and, when applicable, the hospital or health facility from any liability therefor.

(4)  The physician shall inform the patient in writing if dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) has not been approved as a treatment or cure by the Food and Drug Administration of the United States Department of Health and Human Services for the disorder for which it is being prescribed.

(5)  This act shall not apply to conditions for which dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO) has been approved as a treatment by the Food and Drug Administration of the United States Department of Health and Human Services.

History.--s. 1, ch. 79-302; s. 5, ch. 80-340; s. 299, ch. 81-259; s. 2, ch. 81-318; ss. 25, 26, ch. 86-245; s. 14, ch. 91-220; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 82, ch. 92-149; s. 211, ch. 97-103.

458.336  Drugs to treat obesity; rules establishing guidelines.--The Board of Medicine shall adopt rules to establish practice guidelines for physicians to safely prescribe phentermine, fenfluramine, and other drugs used to treat obesity.

History.--s. 188, ch. 97-264.

458.337  Reports of disciplinary actions by medical organizations and hospitals.--

(1)(a)  The department shall be notified when any physician:

1.  Has been removed or suspended or has had any other disciplinary action taken by his or her peers within any professional medical association, society, body, or professional standards review organization established pursuant to Pub. L. No. 92-603, s. 249F, or similarly constituted professional organization, whether or not such association, society, body, or organization is local, regional, state, national, or international in scope; or

2.  Has been disciplined by a licensed hospital, health maintenance organization, prepaid health clinic, ambulatory surgical center, or nursing home or the medical staff of such a hospital, health maintenance organization, prepaid health clinic, ambulatory surgical center, or nursing home, including allowing the physician to resign, for any act that constitutes a violation of this chapter. If a physician resigns or withdraws from privileges when such facility notifies the physician that it is conducting an investigation or inquiry regarding an act which is potentially a violation of this chapter, the facility shall complete its investigation or inquiry and shall notify the department of the physician's resignation or withdrawal from privileges if the completed investigation or inquiry results in a finding that such act constitutes a violation of this chapter for which the facility would have disciplined the physician or allowed the physician to resign or withdraw from privileges.

(b)  Within 20 days of receipt of such notification, the department shall notify all hospitals and health maintenance organizations in the state of any disciplinary action which is severe enough for expulsion or resignation reported pursuant to subparagraph (a)2., identifying the disciplined physician, the action taken, and the reason for such action.

(2)  Any organization taking action as set forth in this section shall report that action to the department within 30 days of its initial occurrence, regardless of the pendency of appeals therefrom. The notification shall identify the disciplined physician, the action taken, and the reason for such action. Any organization failing to report such action pursuant to this section shall be subject to a fine assessed by the department in an amount not exceeding $1,000.

(3)  Any organization taking action as set forth in this section shall, upon department subpoena, provide copies of the records concerning the action to the department. However, those records shall be used solely for the purpose of the department and the board in disciplinary proceedings. The records shall otherwise be confidential and exempt from s. 119.07(1). These records shall not be subject to discovery or introduction into evidence in any administrative or civil action.

(4)  There shall be no monetary liability on the part of, and no cause of action for damages shall arise against, the department or any association, society, body, organization, hospital, hospital medical staff, or hospital disciplinary body or its agents, investigators, witnesses, employees, or any other person for any action taken without intentional fraud in carrying out the provisions of this section. However, this exemption applies only to actions taken in providing notice pursuant to this section.

History.--ss. 1, 8, ch. 79-302; ss. 2, 3, ch. 81-318; s. 1, ch. 83-50; s. 17, ch. 83-329; s. 40, ch. 85-175; ss. 25, 26, ch. 86-245; s. 28, ch. 87-236; s. 27, ch. 88-1; s. 9, ch. 91-140; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 311, ch. 96-406; s. 1091, ch. 97-103; s. 47, ch. 98-166.

458.339  Physician's consent; handwriting samples; mental or physical examinations.--Every physician who accepts a license to practice medicine in this state shall, by so accepting the license or by making and filing a renewal of licensure to practice in this state, be deemed to have given his or her consent, during a lawful investigation of a complaint, to the following:

(1)  To render a handwriting sample to an agent of the department and, further, to have waived any objections to its use as evidence against him or her.

(2)  To waive the confidentiality and authorize the preparation and release of medical reports pertaining to the mental or physical condition of the physician himself or herself when the department has reason to believe that a violation of this chapter has occurred and when the department issues an order, based on the need for additional information, to produce such medical reports for the time period relevant to the complaint. As used in this section, "medical reports" means a compilation of medical treatment of the physician himself or herself which shall include symptoms, diagnosis, treatment prescribed, relevant history, and progress.

(3)  To waive any objection to the admissibility of the reports as constituting privileged communications. Such material maintained by the department shall remain confidential and exempt from s. 119.07(1) until probable cause is found and an administrative complaint issued.

History.--ss. 1, 8, ch. 79-302; ss. 1, 3, ch. 80-352; ss. 2, 3, ch. 81-318; ss. 25, 26, ch. 86-245; s. 10, ch. 91-140; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 312, ch. 96-406; s. 1092, ch. 97-103.

458.341  Search warrants for certain violations.--When the department has reason to believe that violations of s. 458.331(1)(q) or (r) have occurred or are occurring, its agents or other duly authorized persons may search a physician's place of practice at reasonable hours for purposes of securing such evidence as may be needed for prosecution. Such evidence shall not include any medical records of patients unless pursuant to the patients' written consent. Notwithstanding the consent of the patient, such records maintained by the department are confidential and exempt from s. 119.07(1). This section shall not limit the psychotherapist-patient privileges of s. 90.503. Prior to a search, the department shall secure a search warrant from any judge authorized by law to issue them. The search warrant shall be issued upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation particularly describing the things to be seized. The application for the warrant shall be sworn to and subscribed, and the judge may require further testimony from witnesses, supporting affidavits, or depositions in writing to support the application. The application and supporting information, if required, must set forth the facts tending to establish the grounds of the application or probable cause that they exist. If the judge is satisfied that probable cause exists, he or she shall issue a search warrant signed by him or her with the judge's name of office to any agent or other person duly authorized by the department to execute process, commanding the agent or person to search the place described in the warrant for the property specified. The search warrant shall be served only by the agent or person mentioned in it and by no other person except an aide of the agent or person when such agent or person is present and acting in its execution.

History.--ss. 1, 8, ch. 79-302; ss. 2, 3, ch. 81-318; ss. 25, 26, ch. 86-245; s. 11, ch. 91-140; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 313, ch. 96-406; s. 1093, ch. 97-103.

458.343  Subpoena of certain records.--Notwithstanding the provisions of s. 456.057, the department may issue subpoenas duces tecum requiring the names and addresses of some or all of the patients of a physician against whom a complaint has been filed pursuant to s. 456.073.

History.--ss. 1, 8, ch. 79-302; s. 300, ch. 81-259; ss. 2, 3, ch. 81-318; ss. 25, 26, ch. 86-245; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 48, ch. 98-166; s. 106, ch. 2000-160.

458.345  Registration of resident physicians, interns, and fellows; list of hospital employees; prescribing of medicinal drugs; penalty.--

(1)  Any person desiring to practice as a resident physician, assistant resident physician, house physician, intern, or fellow in fellowship training which leads to subspecialty board certification in this state, or any person desiring to practice as a resident physician, assistant resident physician, house physician, intern, or fellow in fellowship training in a teaching hospital in this state as defined in s. 408.07(44) or s. 395.805(2), who does not hold a valid, active license issued under this chapter shall apply to the department to be registered and shall remit a fee not to exceed $300 as set by the board. The department shall register any applicant the board certifies has met the following requirements:

(a)  Is at least 21 years of age.

(b)  Has not committed any act or offense within or without the state which would constitute the basis for refusal to certify an application for licensure pursuant to s. 458.331.

(c)  Is a graduate of a medical school or college as specified in s. 458.311(1)(f).

(2)  The board shall not certify to the department for registration any applicant who is under investigation in any state or jurisdiction for an act which would constitute grounds for disciplinary action under s. 458.331 until such time as the investigation is completed, at which time the provisions of s. 458.331 shall apply.

(3)  Every hospital or teaching hospital employing or utilizing the services of a resident physician, assistant resident physician, house physician, intern, or fellow in fellowship training registered under this section shall designate a person who shall, on dates designated by the board, in consultation with the department, furnish the department with a list of such hospital's employees and such other information as the board may direct. The chief executive officer of each such hospital shall provide the executive director of the board with the name, title, and address of the person responsible for furnishing such reports.

(4)  Registration under this section shall automatically expire after 2 years without further action by the board or the department unless an application for renewal is approved by the board. No person registered under this section may be employed or utilized as a house physician or act as a resident physician, an assistant resident physician, an intern, or a fellow in fellowship training in a hospital or teaching hospital of this state for more than 2 years without a valid, active license or renewal of registration under this section. Requirements for renewal of registration shall be established by rule of the board. An application fee not to exceed $300 as set by the board shall accompany the application for renewal, except that resident physicians, assistant resident physicians, interns, and fellows in fellowship training registered under this section shall be exempt from payment of any renewal fees.

(5)  Notwithstanding any provision of this section or s. 120.52 to the contrary, any person who is registered under this section is subject to the provisions of s. 458.331.

(6)  A person registered as a resident physician under this section may in the normal course of his or her employment prescribe medicinal drugs described in schedules set out in chapter 893 when:

(a)  The person prescribes such medicinal drugs through use of a Drug Enforcement Administration number issued to the hospital or teaching hospital by which the person is employed or at which the person's services are used;

(b)  The person is identified by a discrete suffix to the identification number issued to such hospital; and

(c)  The use of the institutional identification number and individual suffixes conforms to the requirements of the federal Drug Enforcement Administration.

(7)  Any person willfully violating this section commits a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.

(8)  The board shall promulgate rules pursuant to ss. 120.536(1) and 120.54 as necessary to implement this section.

History.--ss. 1, 8, ch. 79-302; ss. 2, 3, ch. 81-318; ss. 25, 26, ch. 86-245; s. 28, ch. 88-1; s. 25, ch. 89-162; s. 12, ch. 89-374; s. 1, ch. 91-22; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 83, ch. 92-149; s. 25, ch. 97-264; s. 248, ch. 98-166; s. 39, ch. 2000-318; s. 22, ch. 2001-277.

458.346  Public Sector Physician Advisory Committee.--

(1)  LEGISLATIVE INTENT.--The purpose of this section is to recognize the unique circumstances encompassing the practice of medicine in the public sector by creating a Public Sector Physician Advisory Committee.

(2)  PUBLIC SECTOR PHYSICIAN ADVISORY COMMITTEE.--There is hereby created a Public Sector Physician Advisory Committee which shall be comprised of three physicians. One physician shall be appointed by the chair of the Board of Medicine. The two remaining physicians shall be appointed by the secretary of the department from recommendations of the appropriate organization, if any, representing such physicians for the purpose of collective bargaining. The chair of the committee shall be one of the two public sector physicians who shall be elected by majority vote of the committee members. Members of the committee shall serve 3-year terms and shall meet at least once each year or upon the call of the committee chair. The initial term for one public sector physician shall be for 2 years, and the other for 3 years. Members of the committee are subject to reappointment. Committee members shall receive reimbursement for per diem and travel expenses.

(3)  COMMITTEE RESPONSIBILITIES.--The committee shall have the following responsibilities:

(a)  The committee shall review and make recommendations to the board on all matters relating to public sector physicians that come before the board.

(b)  Make recommendations to the Governor for the appointment of one public sector physician to serve on the Board of Medicine. The committee shall recommend three public sector physicians for such appointment, all of which shall be qualified to serve in accordance with such qualifications as outlined in this chapter.

History.--s. 2, ch. 93-48; s. 107, ch. 94-218; s. 212, ch. 97-103; s. 26, ch. 97-264.

458.347  Physician assistants.--


(a)  The purpose of this section is to encourage more effective utilization of the skills of physicians or groups of physicians by enabling them to delegate health care tasks to qualified assistants when such delegation is consistent with the patient's health and welfare.

(b)  In order that maximum skills may be obtained within a minimum time period of education, a physician assistant shall be specialized to the extent that he or she can operate efficiently and effectively in the specialty areas in which he or she has been trained or is experienced.

(c)  The purpose of this section is to encourage the utilization of physician assistants by physicians and to allow for innovative development of programs for the education of physician assistants.

(2)  DEFINITIONS.--As used in this section:

(a)  "Approved program" means a program, formally approved by the boards, for the education of physician assistants.

(b)  "Boards" means the Board of Medicine and the Board of Osteopathic Medicine.

(c)  "Council" means the Council on Physician Assistants.

(d)  "Trainee" means a person who is currently enrolled in an approved program.

(e)  "Physician assistant" means a person who is a graduate of an approved program or its equivalent or meets standards approved by the boards and is licensed to perform medical services delegated by the supervising physician.

(f)  "Supervision" means responsible supervision and control. Except in cases of emergency, supervision requires the easy availability or physical presence of the licensed physician for consultation and direction of the actions of the physician assistant. For the purposes of this definition, the term "easy availability" includes the ability to communicate by way of telecommunication. The boards shall establish rules as to what constitutes responsible supervision of the physician assistant.

(g)  "Proficiency examination" means an entry-level examination approved by the boards, including, but not limited to, those examinations administered by the National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants.

(h)  "Continuing medical education" means courses recognized and approved by the boards, the American Academy of Physician Assistants, the American Medical Association, the American Osteopathic Association, or the Accreditation Council on Continuing Medical Education.

(3)  PERFORMANCE OF SUPERVISING PHYSICIAN.--Each physician or group of physicians supervising a licensed physician assistant must be qualified in the medical areas in which the physician assistant is to perform and shall be individually or collectively responsible and liable for the performance and the acts and omissions of the physician assistant. A physician may not supervise more than four currently licensed physician assistants at any one time.


(a)  The boards shall adopt, by rule, the general principles that supervising physicians must use in developing the scope of practice of a physician assistant under direct supervision and under indirect supervision. These principles shall recognize the diversity of both specialty and practice settings in which physician assistants are used.

(b)  This chapter does not prevent third-party payors from reimbursing employers of physician assistants for covered services rendered by licensed physician assistants.

(c)  Licensed physician assistants may not be denied clinical hospital privileges, except for cause, so long as the supervising physician is a staff member in good standing.

(d)  A supervisory physician may delegate to a licensed physician assistant, pursuant to a written protocol, the authority to act according to s. 154.04(1)(c). Such delegated authority is limited to the supervising physician's practice in connection with a county health department as defined and established pursuant to chapter 154. The boards shall adopt rules governing the supervision of physician assistants by physicians in county health departments.

(e)  A supervisory physician may delegate to a fully licensed physician assistant the authority to prescribe any medication used in the supervisory physician's practice unless such medication is listed on the formulary created pursuant to paragraph (f). A fully licensed physician assistant may only prescribe such medication under the following circumstances:

1.  A physician assistant must clearly identify to the patient that he or she is a physician assistant. Furthermore, the physician assistant must inform the patient that the patient has the right to see the physician prior to any prescription being prescribed by the physician assistant.

2.  The supervisory physician must notify the department of his or her intent to delegate, on a department-approved form, before delegating such authority and notify the department of any change in prescriptive privileges of the physician assistant.

3.  The physician assistant must file with the department, before commencing to prescribe, evidence that he or she has completed a continuing medical education course of at least 3 classroom hours in prescriptive practice, conducted by an accredited program approved by the boards, which course covers the limitations, responsibilities, and privileges involved in prescribing medicinal drugs, or evidence that he or she has received education comparable to the continuing education course as part of an accredited physician assistant training program.

4.  The physician assistant must file with the department, before commencing to prescribe, evidence that the physician assistant has a minimum of 3 months of clinical experience in the specialty area of the supervising physician.

5.  The physician assistant must file with the department a signed affidavit that he or she has completed a minimum of 10 continuing medical education hours in the specialty practice in which the physician assistant has prescriptive privileges with each licensure renewal application.

6.  The department shall issue a license and a prescriber number to the physician assistant granting authority for the prescribing of medicinal drugs authorized within this paragraph upon completion of the foregoing requirements.

7.  The prescription must be written in a form that complies with chapter 499 and must contain, in addition to the supervisory physician's name, address, and telephone number, the physician assistant's prescriber number. Unless it is a drug sample dispensed by the physician assistant, the prescription must be filled in a pharmacy permitted under chapter 465 and must be dispensed in that pharmacy by a pharmacist licensed under chapter 465. The appearance of the prescriber number creates a presumption that the physician assistant is authorized to prescribe the medicinal drug and the prescription is valid.

8.  The physician assistant must note the prescription in the appropriate medical record, and the supervisory physician must review and sign each notation. For dispensing purposes only, the failure of the supervisory physician to comply with these requirements does not affect the validity of the prescription.

9.  This paragraph does not prohibit a supervisory physician from delegating to a physician assistant the authority to order medication for a hospitalized patient of the supervisory physician.

This paragraph does not apply to facilities licensed pursuant to chapter 395.

(f)1.  The council shall establish a formulary of medicinal drugs that a fully licensed physician assistant, licensed under this section or s. 459.022, may not prescribe. The formulary must include controlled substances as defined in chapter 893, antipsychotics, general anesthetics and radiographic contrast materials, and all parenteral preparations except insulin and epinephrine.

2.  In establishing the formulary, the council shall consult with a pharmacist licensed under chapter 465, but not licensed under this chapter or chapter 459, who shall be selected by the Secretary of Health.

3.  Only the council shall add to, delete from, or modify the formulary. Any person who requests an addition, deletion, or modification of a medicinal drug listed on such formulary has the burden of proof to show cause why such addition, deletion, or modification should be made.

4.  The boards shall adopt the formulary required by this paragraph, and each addition, deletion, or modification to the formulary, by rule. Notwithstanding any provision of chapter 120 to the contrary, the formulary rule shall be effective 60 days after the date it is filed with the Secretary of State. Upon adoption of the formulary, the department shall mail a copy of such formulary to each fully licensed physician assistant, licensed under this section or s. 459.022, and to each pharmacy licensed by the state. The boards shall establish, by rule, a fee not to exceed $200 to fund the provisions of this paragraph and paragraph (e).

(5)  PERFORMANCE BY TRAINEES.--Notwithstanding any other law, a trainee may perform medical services when such services are rendered within the scope of an approved program.


(a)  The boards shall approve programs, based on recommendations by the council, for the education and training of physician assistants which meet standards established by rule of the boards. The council may recommend only those physician assistant programs that hold full accreditation or provisional accreditation from the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Programs or its successor organization. Any educational institution offering a physician assistant program approved by the boards pursuant to this paragraph may also offer the physician assistant program authorized in paragraph (c) for unlicensed physicians.

(b)  The boards shall adopt and publish standards to ensure that such programs operate in a manner that does not endanger the health or welfare of the patients who receive services within the scope of the programs. The boards shall review the quality of the curricula, faculties, and facilities of such programs and take whatever other action is necessary to determine that the purposes of this section are being met.

(c)  Any community college with the approval of the State Board of Community Colleges may conduct a physician assistant program which shall apply for national accreditation through the American Medical Association's Committee on Allied Health, Education, and Accreditation, or its successor organization, and which may admit unlicensed physicians, as authorized in subsection (7), who are graduates of foreign medical schools listed with the World Health Organization. The unlicensed physician must have been a resident of this state for a minimum of 12 months immediately prior to admission to the program. An evaluation of knowledge base by examination shall be required to grant advanced academic credit and to fulfill the necessary requirements to graduate. A minimum of one 16-week semester of supervised clinical and didactic education, which may be completed simultaneously, shall be required before graduation from the program. All other provisions of this section shall remain in effect.


(a)  Any person desiring to be licensed as a physician assistant must apply to the department. The department shall issue a license to any person certified by the council as having met the following requirements:

1.  Is at least 18 years of age.

2.  Has satisfactorily passed a proficiency examination by an acceptable score established by the National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants. If an applicant does not hold a current certificate issued by the National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants and has not actively practiced as a physician assistant within the immediately preceding 4 years, the applicant must retake and successfully complete the entry-level examination of the National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants to be eligible for licensure.

3.  Has completed the application form and remitted an application fee not to exceed $300 as set by the boards. An application for licensure made by a physician assistant must include:

a.  A certificate of completion of a physician assistant training program specified in subsection (6).

b.  A sworn statement of any prior felony convictions.

c.  A sworn statement of any previous revocation or denial of licensure or certification in any state.

d.  Two letters of recommendation.

(b)1.  Notwithstanding subparagraph (a)2. and sub-subparagraph (a)3.a., the department shall examine each applicant who the Board of Medicine certifies:

a.  Has completed the application form and remitted a nonrefundable application fee not to exceed $500 and an examination fee not to exceed $300, plus the actual cost to the department to provide the examination. The examination fee is refundable if the applicant is found to be ineligible to take the examination. The department shall not require the applicant to pass a separate practical component of the examination. For examinations given after July 1, 1998, competencies measured through practical examinations shall be incorporated into the written examination through a multiple-choice format. The department shall translate the examination into the native language of any applicant who requests and agrees to pay all costs of such translation, provided that the translation request is filed with the board office no later than 9 months before the scheduled examination and the applicant remits translation fees as specified by the department no later than 6 months before the scheduled examination, and provided that the applicant demonstrates to the department the ability to communicate orally in basic English. If the applicant is unable to pay translation costs, the applicant may take the next available examination in English if the applicant submits a request in writing by the application deadline and if the applicant is otherwise eligible under this section. To demonstrate the ability to communicate orally in basic English, a passing score or grade is required, as determined by the department or organization that developed it, on the test for spoken English (TSE) by the Educational Testing Service (ETS), the test of English as a foreign language (TOEFL) by ETS, a high school or college level English course, or the English examination for citizenship, Immigration and Naturalization Service. A notarized copy of an Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG) certificate may also be used to demonstrate the ability to communicate in basic English; and

b.(I)  Is an unlicensed physician who graduated from a foreign medical school listed with the World Health Organization who has not previously taken and failed the examination of the National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants and who has been certified by the Board of Medicine as having met the requirements for licensure as a medical doctor by examination as set forth in s. 458.311(1), (3), (4), and (5), with the exception that the applicant is not required to have completed an approved residency of at least 1 year and the applicant is not required to have passed the licensing examination specified under s. 458.311 or hold a valid, active certificate issued by the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates; was eligible and made initial application for certification as a physician assistant in this state between July 1, 1990, and June 30, 1991; and was a resident of this state on July 1, 1990, or was licensed or certified in any state in the United States as a physician assistant on July 1, 1990; or

(II)  Completed all coursework requirements of the Master of Medical Science Physician Assistant Program offered through the Florida College of Physician's Assistants prior to its closure in August of 1996. Prior to taking the examination, such applicant must successfully complete any clinical rotations that were not completed under such program prior to its termination and any additional clinical rotations with an appropriate physician assistant preceptor, not to exceed 6 months, that are determined necessary by the council. The boards shall determine, based on recommendations from the council, the facilities under which such incomplete or additional clinical rotations may be completed and shall also determine what constitutes successful completion thereof, provided such requirements are comparable to those established by accredited physician assistant programs. This sub-sub-subparagraph is repealed July 1, 2001.

2.  The department may grant temporary licensure to an applicant who meets the requirements of subparagraph 1. Between meetings of the council, the department may grant temporary licensure to practice based on the completion of all temporary licensure requirements. All such administratively issued licenses shall be reviewed and acted on at the next regular meeting of the council. A temporary license expires 30 days after receipt and notice of scores to the licenseholder from the first available examination specified in subparagraph 1. following licensure by the department. An applicant who fails the proficiency examination is no longer temporarily licensed, but may apply for a one-time extension of temporary licensure after reapplying for the next available examination. Extended licensure shall expire upon failure of the licenseholder to sit for the next available examination or upon receipt and notice of scores to the licenseholder from such examination.

3.  Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the examination specified pursuant to subparagraph 1. shall be administered by the department only five times. Applicants certified by the board for examination shall receive at least 6 months' notice of eligibility prior to the administration of the initial examination. Subsequent examinations shall be administered at 1-year intervals following the reporting of the scores of the first and subsequent examinations. For the purposes of this paragraph, the department may develop, contract for the development of, purchase, or approve an examination that adequately measures an applicant's ability to practice with reasonable skill and safety. The minimum passing score on the examination shall be established by the department, with the advice of the board. Those applicants failing to pass that examination or any subsequent examination shall receive notice of the administration of the next examination with the notice of scores following such examination. Any applicant who passes the examination and meets the requirements of this section shall be licensed as a physician assistant with all rights defined thereby.

(c)  The license must be renewed biennially. Each renewal must include:

1.  A renewal fee not to exceed $500 as set by the boards.

2.  A sworn statement of no felony convictions in the previous 2 years.

(d)  Each licensed physician assistant shall biennially complete 100 hours of continuing medical education or shall hold a current certificate issued by the National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants.

(e)  Upon employment as a physician assistant, a licensed physician assistant must notify the department in writing within 30 days after such employment or after any subsequent changes in the supervising physician. The notification must include the full name, Florida medical license number, specialty, and address of the supervising physician.

(f)  Notwithstanding subparagraph (a)2., the department may grant to a recent graduate of an approved program, as specified in subsection (6), who expects to take the first examination administered by the National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants available for registration after the applicant's graduation, a temporary license. The temporary license shall expire 30 days after receipt of scores of the proficiency examination administered by the National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants. Between meetings of the council, the department may grant a temporary license to practice based on the completion of all temporary licensure requirements. All such administratively issued licenses shall be reviewed and acted on at the next regular meeting of the council. The recent graduate may be licensed prior to employment, but must comply with paragraph (e). An applicant who has passed the proficiency examination may be granted permanent licensure. An applicant failing the proficiency examination is no longer temporarily licensed, but may reapply for a 1-year extension of temporary licensure. An applicant may not be granted more than two temporary licenses and may not be licensed as a physician assistant until he or she passes the examination administered by the National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants. As prescribed by board rule, the council may require an applicant who does not pass the licensing examination after five or more attempts to complete additional remedial education or training. The council shall prescribe the additional requirements in a manner that permits the applicant to complete the requirements and be reexamined within 2 years after the date the applicant petitions the council to retake the examination a sixth or subsequent time.

(g)  The Board of Medicine may impose any of the penalties authorized under ss. 456.072 and 458.331(2) upon a physician assistant if the physician assistant or the supervising physician has been found guilty of or is being investigated for any act that constitutes a violation of this chapter or chapter 456.

(8)  DELEGATION OF POWERS AND DUTIES.--The boards may delegate such powers and duties to the council as they may deem proper.

(9)  COUNCIL ON PHYSICIAN ASSISTANTS.--The Council on Physician Assistants is created within the department.

(a)  The council shall consist of five members appointed as follows:

1.  The chairperson of the Board of Medicine shall appoint three members who are physicians and members of the Board of Medicine. One of the physicians must supervise a physician assistant in the physician's practice.

2.  The chairperson of the Board of Osteopathic Medicine shall appoint one member who is a physician and a member of the Board of Osteopathic Medicine.

3.  The secretary of the department or his or her designee shall appoint a fully licensed physician assistant licensed under this chapter or chapter 459.

(b)  Two of the members appointed to the council must be physicians who supervise physician assistants in their practice. Members shall be appointed to terms of 4 years, except that of the initial appointments, two members shall be appointed to terms of 2 years, two members shall be appointed to terms of 3 years, and one member shall be appointed to a term of 4 years, as established by rule of the boards. Council members may not serve more than two consecutive terms. The council shall annually elect a chairperson from among its members.

(c)  The council shall:

1.  Recommend to the department the licensure of physician assistants.

2.  Develop all rules regulating the use of physician assistants by physicians under this chapter and chapter 459, except for rules relating to the formulary developed under paragraph (4)(f). The council shall also develop rules to ensure that the continuity of supervision is maintained in each practice setting. The boards shall consider adopting a proposed rule developed by the council at the regularly scheduled meeting immediately following the submission of the proposed rule by the council. A proposed rule submitted by the council may not be adopted by either board unless both boards have accepted and approved the identical language contained in the proposed rule. The language of all proposed rules submitted by the council must be approved by both boards pursuant to each respective board's guidelines and standards regarding the adoption of proposed rules. If either board rejects the council's proposed rule, that board must specify its objection to the council with particularity and include any recommendations it may have for the modification of the proposed rule.

3.  Make recommendations to the boards regarding all matters relating to physician assistants.

4.  Address concerns and problems of practicing physician assistants in order to improve safety in the clinical practices of licensed physician assistants.

(d)  When the council finds that an applicant for licensure has failed to meet, to the council's satisfaction, each of the requirements for licensure set forth in this section, the council may enter an order to:

1.  Refuse to certify the applicant for licensure;

2.  Approve the applicant for licensure with restrictions on the scope of practice or license; or

3.  Approve the applicant for conditional licensure. Such conditions may include placement of the licensee on probation for a period of time and subject to such conditions as the council may specify, including but not limited to, requiring the licensee to undergo treatment, to attend continuing education courses, to work under the direct supervision of a physician licensed in this state, or to take corrective action.

(10)  INACTIVE AND DELINQUENT STATUS.--A license on inactive or delinquent status may be reactivated only as provided in s. 456.036.

(11)  PENALTY.--Any person who has not been licensed by the council and approved by the department and who holds himself or herself out as a physician assistant or who uses any other term in indicating or implying that he or she is a physician assistant commits a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.084 or by a fine not exceeding $5,000.

(12)  DENIAL, SUSPENSION, OR REVOCATION OF LICENSURE.--The boards may deny, suspend, or revoke a physician assistant license if a board determines that the physician assistant has violated this chapter.

(13)  RULES.--The boards shall adopt rules to implement this section, including rules detailing the contents of the application for licensure and notification pursuant to subsection (7) and rules to ensure both the continued competency of physician assistants and the proper utilization of them by physicians or groups of physicians.

(14)  EXISTING PROGRAMS.--This section does not eliminate or supersede existing laws relating to other paramedical professions or services and is supplemental to all such existing laws relating to the licensure and practice of paramedical professions.

(15)  LIABILITY.--Each supervising physician using a physician assistant is liable for any acts or omissions of the physician assistant acting under the physician's supervision and control.

(16)  LEGAL SERVICES.--Legal services shall be provided to the council pursuant to s. 456.009(1).

(17)  FEES.--The department shall allocate the fees collected under this section to the council.

History.--ss. 1, 8, ch. 79-302; s. 301, ch. 81-259; ss. 2, 3, ch. 81-318; s. 8, ch. 84-543; s. 8, ch. 84-553; ss. 20, 25, 26, ch. 86-245; s. 29, ch. 88-1; s. 15, ch. 88-277; s. 3, ch. 88-361; s. 26, ch. 89-162; s. 2, ch. 90-60; ss. 33, 34, ch. 90-134; s. 2, ch. 91-22; s. 43, ch. 91-201; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 1, ch. 92-22; s. 108, ch. 94-218; s. 1, ch. 95-231; s. 1, ch. 96-197; s. 223, ch. 97-101; s. 1094, ch. 97-103; s. 27, ch. 97-264; s. 6, ch. 98-49; s. 49, ch. 98-166; s. 155, ch. 99-251; s. 1, ch. 99-370; s. 100, ch. 99-397; s. 107, ch. 2000-160; ss. 27, 42, ch. 2000-318; s. 1, ch. 2001-100; ss. 23, 55, ch. 2001-277; s. 75, ch. 2002-1.

458.348  Formal supervisory relationships, standing orders, and established protocols; notice; standards.--

(1)  NOTICE.--

(a)  When a physician enters into a formal supervisory relationship or standing orders with an emergency medical technician or paramedic licensed pursuant to s. 401.27, which relationship or orders contemplate the performance of medical acts, or when a physician enters into an established protocol with an advanced registered nurse practitioner, which protocol contemplates the performance of medical acts identified and approved by the joint committee pursuant to s. 464.003(3)(c) or acts set forth in s. 464.012(3) and (4), the physician shall submit notice to the board. The notice shall contain a statement in substantially the following form:

I,  (name and professional license number of physician) , of  (address of physician)  have hereby entered into a formal supervisory relationship, standing orders, or an established protocol with  (number of persons)  emergency medical technician(s),  (number of persons)  paramedic(s), or  (number of persons)  advanced registered nurse practitioner(s).

(b)  Notice shall be filed within 30 days of entering into the relationship, orders, or protocol. Notice also shall be provided within 30 days after the physician has terminated any such relationship, orders, or protocol.

(2)  ESTABLISHMENT OF STANDARDS BY JOINT COMMITTEE.--The joint committee created by s. 464.003(3)(c) shall determine minimum standards for the content of established protocols pursuant to which an advanced registered nurse practitioner may perform medical acts identified and approved by the joint committee pursuant to s. 464.003(3)(c) or acts set forth in s. 464.012(3) and (4) and shall determine minimum standards for supervision of such acts by the physician, unless the joint committee determines that any act set forth in s. 464.012(3) or (4) is not a medical act. Such standards shall be based on risk to the patient and acceptable standards of medical care and shall take into account the special problems of medically underserved areas. The standards developed by the joint committee shall be adopted as rules by the Board of Nursing and the Board of Medicine for purposes of carrying out their responsibilities pursuant to part I of chapter 464 and this chapter, respectively, but neither board shall have disciplinary powers over the licensees of the other board.

(3)  PROTOCOLS REQUIRING DIRECT SUPERVISION.--All protocols relating to electrolysis or electrology using laser or light-based hair removal or reduction by persons other than physicians licensed under this chapter or chapter 459 shall require the person performing such service to be appropriately trained and work only under the direct supervision and responsibility of a physician licensed under this chapter or chapter 459.

History.--ss. 1, 4, ch. 82-32; s. 33, ch. 83-215; s. 83, ch. 83-218; s. 65, ch. 86-220; ss. 25, 26, ch. 86-245; s. 4, ch. 88-361; s. 15, ch. 91-220; s. 4, ch. 91-429; ss. 40, 118, ch. 2000-318.

458.3485  Medical assistant.--

(1)  DEFINITION.--As used in this section, "medical assistant" means a professional multiskilled person dedicated to assisting in all aspects of medical practice under the direct supervision and responsibility of a physician. This practitioner assists with patient care management, executes administrative and clinical procedures, and often performs managerial and supervisory functions. Competence in the field also requires that a medical assistant adhere to ethical and legal standards of professional practice, recognize and respond to emergencies, and demonstrate professional characteristics.

(2)  DUTIES.--Under the direct supervision and responsibility of a licensed physician, a medical assistant may undertake the following duties:

(a)  Performing clinical procedures, to include:

1.  Performing aseptic procedures.

2.  Taking vital signs.

3.  Preparing patients for the physician's care.

4.  Performing venipunctures and nonintravenous injections.

5.  Observing and reporting patients' signs or symptoms.

(b)  Administering basic first aid.

(c)  Assisting with patient examinations or treatments.

(d)  Operating office medical equipment.

(e)  Collecting routine laboratory specimens as directed by the physician.

(f)  Administering medication as directed by the physician.

(g)  Performing basic laboratory procedures.

(h)  Performing office procedures including all general administrative duties required by the physician.

(i)  Performing dialysis procedures, including home dialysis.

(3)  CERTIFICATION.--Medical assistants may be certified by the American Association of Medical Assistants or as a Registered Medical Assistant by the American Society of Medical Technologists.

History.--s. 7, ch. 84-543; s. 7, ch. 84-553; ss. 21, 26, ch. 86-245; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 28, ch. 97-264.

458.351  Reports of adverse incidents in office practice settings.--

(1)  Any adverse incident that occurs on or after January 1, 2000, in any office maintained by a physician for the practice of medicine which is not licensed under chapter 395 must be reported to the department in accordance with the provisions of this section.

(2)  Any physician or other licensee under this chapter practicing in this state must notify the department if the physician or licensee was involved in an adverse incident that occurred on or after January 1, 2000, in any office maintained by a physician for the practice of medicine which is not licensed under chapter 395.

(3)  The required notification to the department must be submitted in writing by certified mail and postmarked within 15 days after the occurrence of the adverse incident.

(4)  For purposes of notification to the department pursuant to this section, the term "adverse incident" means an event over which the physician or licensee could exercise control and which is associated in whole or in part with a medical intervention, rather than the condition for which such intervention occurred, and which results in the following patient injuries:

(a)  The death of a patient.

(b)  Brain or spinal damage to a patient.

(c)  The performance of a surgical procedure on the wrong patient.

(d)1.  The performance of a wrong-site surgical procedure;

2.  The performance of a wrong surgical procedure; or

3.  The surgical repair of damage to a patient resulting from a planned surgical procedure where the damage is not a recognized specific risk as disclosed to the patient and documented through the informed-consent process

if it results in: death; brain or spinal damage; permanent disfigurement not to include the incision scar; fracture or dislocation of bones or joints; a limitation of neurological, physical, or sensory function; or any condition that required the transfer of the patient.

(e)  A procedure to remove unplanned foreign objects remaining from a surgical procedure.

(f)  Any condition that required the transfer of a patient to a hospital licensed under chapter 395 from an ambulatory surgical center licensed under chapter 395 or any facility or any office maintained by a physician for the practice of medicine which is not licensed under chapter 395.

(5)  The department shall review each incident and determine whether it potentially involved conduct by a health care professional who is subject to disciplinary action, in which case s. 456.073 applies. Disciplinary action, if any, shall be taken by the board under which the health care professional is licensed.

(6)  The board may adopt rules to administer this section.

History.--s. 197, ch. 99-397; s. 108, ch. 2000-160.