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The Florida Senate

2003 Florida Statutes

Chapter 630
Chapter 630, Florida Statutes 2003



630.011  Scope of chapter.

630.021  Required deposit of assets.

630.031  Existing trusts.

630.041  Purpose and duration.

630.051  Trust agreement; approval; amendment.

630.061  Authority to execute trust agreement.

630.071  Requirements and contents of trust agreement.

630.081  Withdrawal of assets, in general.

630.091  Statement of trustee.

630.101  Examination of assets.

630.111  Canadian insurers.

630.121  Domestication of alien insurer; definitions.

630.131  Domestication procedure.

630.141  Domestication agreement; authorization; execution.

630.151  Office approval of domestication agreement.

630.161  Consummation of domestication; transfer of assets and deposits.

630.011  Scope of chapter.--This chapter applies only to the trusteed assets of an alien insurer using Florida as a state of entry for transaction of insurance in the United States, and to the domestication of alien insurers in accordance with the procedures herein provided.

History.--s. 701, ch. 59-205; s. 809(1st), ch. 82-243; ss. 187, 188, ch. 91-108; s. 4, ch. 91-429.

630.021  Required deposit of assets.--

(1)  An alien insurer may use Florida as a state of entry to transact insurance in the United States by making and maintaining in this state a deposit of assets in trust with a solvent bank or trust company or savings and loan association approved by the office.

(2)  The deposit, together with other trust deposits of the insurer held in the United States for the same purpose, shall be in amount not less than the deposits required of an alien insurer under s. 624.412 and shall consist of cash or securities eligible for the investment of the funds of domestic insurers under part II of chapter 625.

(3)  Such a deposit may be referred to as "trusteed assets."

(4)  All trusteed assets shall be continuously kept within the United States.

History.--s. 702, ch. 59-205; ss. 13, 35, ch. 69-106; ss. 683, 809(1st), ch. 82-243; s. 126, ch. 83-216; ss. 187, 188, ch. 91-108; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 1331, ch. 2003-261.

630.031  Existing trusts.--All trusts of trusteed assets heretofore created and now existing shall be continued under the instruments creating them, unless inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter. No amendment of the deed of trust under which such assets are so held shall be effective unless approved by the office in accordance with the provisions of this chapter.

History.--s. 703, ch. 59-205; ss. 13, 35, ch. 69-106; s. 809(1st), ch. 82-243; ss. 187, 188, ch. 91-108; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 1332, ch. 2003-261.

630.041  Purpose and duration.--The deposit required by s. 630.021 shall be for the benefit, security, and protection of the policyholders, or policyholders and creditors, of the insurer in the United States. It shall be maintained as long as there is outstanding any liability of the insurer arising out of its insurance transactions in the United States.

History.--s. 704, ch. 59-205; s. 809(1st), ch. 82-243; ss. 187, 188, ch. 91-108; s. 4, ch. 91-429.

630.051  Trust agreement; approval; amendment.--

(1)  The deposit referred to in s. 630.021 shall be made under a written trust agreement between the insurer and the trustee, consistent with the provisions of this chapter; and the agreement and any amendments thereto shall be authenticated in such form and manner as the office may designate or approve.

(2)  The agreement shall not be effective until filed with and approved in writing by the office. If the office finds that the trust agreement is sufficient in form and in conformity with law, that the trustee or trustees are eligible as such, and that the trust agreement is adequate to protect the interests of the beneficiaries of the trust, it shall give its written approval thereof. If the office finds that any of the above-mentioned requisites do not exist, it shall refuse to approve the trust agreement.

(3)  If after a trust agreement has become effective the office finds that the requisites for approval of the agreement no longer exist, it may withdraw its approval.

(4)  A trust agreement may be amended, but no amendment shall be effective unless the agreement as so amended is found by the office to be consistent with the provisions of this chapter and the amendment is approved by it.

History.--s. 705, ch. 59-205; ss. 13, 35, ch. 69-106; s. 21, ch. 78-95; s. 809(1st), ch. 82-243; ss. 187, 188, ch. 91-108; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 1333, ch. 2003-261.

630.061  Authority to execute trust agreement.--An alien insurer proposing to use Florida as a state of entry to transact business of insurance in the United States, whether or not it is then authorized to transact insurance in this state, is authorized to make and execute any trust agreement required by this chapter.

History.--s. 706, ch. 59-205; s. 809(1st), ch. 82-243; ss. 187, 188, ch. 91-108; s. 4, ch. 91-429.

630.071  Requirements and contents of trust agreement.--Trusteed assets of an alien insurer held in this state under this chapter shall be subject to, and the trust agreement shall make provisions consistent with, the following conditions:

(1)  Legal title to the trusteed assets is vested in the trustee or trustees, and their successors lawfully appointed, in trust for the purposes and duration as stated in s. 630.041.

(2)  Substitution of a new trustee or trustees in case of a vacancy by death, resignation or otherwise may be made, subject to the office's approval.

(3)  All trusteed assets shall at all times be maintained as a trust fund separate and distinct from all other assets.

(4)  The trustee or trustees shall maintain a record at all times sufficient to identify the assets of the trust.

(5)  Withdrawal of or from the trusteed assets shall be made only as provided in s. 630.081.

History.--s. 707, ch. 59-205; ss. 13, 35, ch. 69-106; s. 809(1st), ch. 82-243; ss. 187, 188, ch. 91-108; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 1334, ch. 2003-261.

630.081  Withdrawal of assets, in general.--

(1)  The trust agreement shall provide, in substance, that no withdrawals of trusteed assets shall be made by the insurer or permitted by the trustee or trustees without the written authorization or approval of the office in advance thereof, except as follows:

(a)  Any or all income, earnings, dividends, or interest accumulations of the trusteed assets may be paid over to the United States manager of the insurer upon request of the insurer or the manager.

(b)  For substitution, coincidentally with such withdrawal, of other securities or assets of value at least equal in amount to those being withdrawn, if such substituted securities or assets are likewise such as are eligible for investment of the funds of domestic insurers under part II of chapter 625; and if such withdrawal is requested in writing by the insurer's United States manager pursuant to general or specific written authority previously given or delegated by the insurer's board of directors or other similar governing body, and a copy of such authority has been filed with the trustee or trustees.

(c)  For the purpose of making deposits required by law in any state in which the insurer is or thereafter becomes an authorized insurer, for the protection of the insurer's policyholders or policyholders and creditors in such state or in the United States, if such withdrawal does not reduce the insurer's deposit in this state to an amount less than the minimum deposit required under s. 624.412. The trustee or trustees shall transfer any assets so withdrawn, and in the amount so required to be deposited in the other state, directly to the depository required to receive such deposit in such other state, as certified in writing by the public official having supervision of insurance in the other state.

(d)  For the purpose of transferring the trusteed assets to an official liquidator, conservator, or rehabilitator pursuant to the order of a court of competent jurisdiction.

(2)  The office shall so authorize or approve withdrawal of only such assets as are in excess of the amount of assets required to be so held in trust under s. 630.021, or as may otherwise be consistent with the provisions of this chapter.

(3)  If at any time the insurer becomes insolvent, or if its assets held in the United States are less in amount than as required under s. 624.412(1), upon determination thereof the office shall in writing order the trustee to suspend the right of the insurer or any other person to withdraw assets as otherwise authorized under paragraphs (1)(a), (b), and (c); and the trustee shall comply with such order until the further order of the office.

(4)  In the case of withdrawal of trusteed assets deposited in another state in which the insurer is authorized to do business, it shall be sufficient if the trust agreement requires similar written approval of the insurance supervisory official of such state in lieu of any required approval of the office. In all such cases, the insurer shall notify the office in writing of the nature and extent of such withdrawal.

History.--s. 708, ch. 59-205; ss. 13, 35, ch. 69-106; ss. 684, 809(1st), ch. 82-243; ss. 187, 188, ch. 91-108; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 1335, ch. 2003-261.

630.091  Statement of trustee.--

(1)  The trustee or trustees of trusteed assets shall from time to time file with the office statements, in such form as it may designate and request in writing, certifying the character of such assets and the amounts thereof.

(2)  If the trustee or trustees fail to file any such statement after request therefor and expiration of a reasonable time thereafter, the office may suspend or revoke the certificate of authority of the insurer.

History.--s. 709, ch. 59-205; ss. 13, 35, ch. 69-106; s. 809(1st), ch. 82-243; ss. 187, 188, ch. 91-108; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 1336, ch. 2003-261.

630.101  Examination of assets.--The office may from time to time examine trusteed assets of any insurer in accordance with the same conditions and procedures governing the examination of insurers in general under part II of chapter 624.

History.--s. 710, ch. 59-205; ss. 13, 35, ch. 69-106; s. 809(1st), ch. 82-243; ss. 187, 188, ch. 91-108; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 1337, ch. 2003-261.

630.111  Canadian insurers.--The provisions of this chapter applicable to a United States manager shall, in the case of insurers domiciled in Canada, be deemed to refer to the president, vice president, secretary, or treasurer of such a Canadian insurer.

History.--s. 711, ch. 59-205; s. 809(1st), ch. 82-243; ss. 187, 188, ch. 91-108; s. 4, ch. 91-429.

630.121  Domestication of alien insurer; definitions.--

(1)  "Domestication" as used in ss. 630.131-630.161 means the reorganization of the United States branch of an alien insurer as the result of which a domestic insurer shall succeed to all the business and assets and assume all the liabilities of the United States branch of the alien insurer.

(2)  "United States branch" means the business unit through which business is transacted within the United States by an alien insurer and the assets and liabilities of such insurer within the United States pertaining to such business.

(3)  "Domestic insurer" as used in such sections means a stock insurer incorporated under the laws of this state.

History.--s. 712, ch. 59-205; s. 809(1st), ch. 82-243; ss. 187, 188, ch. 91-108; s. 4, ch. 91-429.

630.131  Domestication procedure.--

(1)  Upon compliance with ss. 630.131-630.161, any alien insurer authorized to do business in this state which owns beneficially, directly or indirectly, all of the outstanding capital stock of a domestic insurer may, with the prior written approval of the office and subject to the final approval of the office, domesticate its United States branch, if entered through this state, by entering into an agreement in writing with the domestic insurer providing for the acquisition by the domestic insurer of all the liabilities of the United States branch for no consideration other than the assumption of such liabilities; except that the agreement may further provide for additional consideration payable by the issuance by the acquiring domestic insurer of shares of its capital stock.

(2)  Such shares of capital stock of the acquiring domestic insurer, or voting trust certificates representing such shares, as are held among the trusteed assets of the United States branch of the alien insurer or are held in a trust created by the alien insurer and of which the alien insurer is a beneficiary shall be deemed to be shares held beneficially, but indirectly, by an alien insurer.

(3)  The acquisition of assets and assumption of liabilities of the United States branch by the domestic insurer shall be effected by the filing with the office of an instrument of transfer and assumption in form satisfactory to the office and executed by the alien insurer and the domestic insurer.

(4)  A domestic insurer may either be authorized to transact insurance in this state prior to entering into such domestication agreement or may, if the office so approves, be authorized effective with the consummation of the domestication agreement in accordance with the provisions of s. 630.161.

History.--s. 713, ch. 59-205; ss. 13, 35, ch. 69-106; ss. 685, 809(1st), ch. 82-243; ss. 187, 188, ch. 91-108; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 1338, ch. 2003-261.

630.141  Domestication agreement; authorization; execution.--

(1)  The domestication agreement referred to in s. 630.131 shall be authorized, adopted, approved, signed, and acknowledged by the alien insurer in accordance with the laws of the country under which it is organized.

(2)  In the case of a domestic insurer, the domestication agreement shall be approved, adopted, and authorized by its board of directors and executed by its president or any vice president and attested by its secretary or assistant secretary under its corporate seal.

History.--s. 714, ch. 59-205; s. 809(1st), ch. 82-243; ss. 187, 188, ch. 91-108; s. 4, ch. 91-429.

630.151  Office approval of domestication agreement.--An executed counterpart of the domestication agreement, together with certified copies of the corporate proceedings of the domestic insurer and the alien insurer, approving, adopting, and authorizing the execution of the domestication agreement, shall be submitted to the office for its approval. The office shall thereupon consider the agreement; and, if it finds that the same is in accordance with the provisions hereof and that the interests of policyholders and creditors of the United States branch of the alien insurer are not materially adversely affected, it may approve the domestication agreement and authorize the consummation thereof in compliance with the provisions of s. 630.161.

History.--s. 715, ch. 59-205; ss. 13, 35, ch. 69-106; s. 809(1st), ch. 82-243; ss. 187, 188, ch. 91-108; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 1339, ch. 2003-261.

630.161  Consummation of domestication; transfer of assets and deposits.--

(1)  Upon the filing with the office of a certified copy of the instrument of transfer and assumption pursuant to which a domestic insurer succeeds to the business and assets of the United States branch of an alien insurer and assumes all its liabilities as provided by ss. 630.131-630.161, the domestication of the United States branch shall be deemed to be effective; and thereupon all the rights, franchises, and interests of the United States branch in and to every species of property, real, personal, and mixed, and things in action thereunto belonging shall be deemed as transferred to and vested in the domestic insurer, and simultaneously therewith the domestic insurer shall be deemed to have assumed all of the liabilities of the United States branch.

(2)  All deposits of the United States branch held by the department, or state officers or other state regulatory agencies pursuant to requirements of state laws, shall be deemed to be held as security that the domestic insurer will fully perform its assumption as direct liabilities of all the liabilities to policyholders or policyholders and creditors within the United States of the United States branch; and such deposits shall be deemed to be assets of the domestic insurer and shall be reported as such in the annual financial statements and other reports which the domestic insurer may be required to file. Upon the ultimate release by any such state officer or agency of any such deposits, the securities and cash constituting such released deposit shall be delivered and paid over to the domestic insurer as the lawful successor in interest to the United States branch.

(3)  Contemporaneously with the consummation of the domestication of the United States branch, notwithstanding any provision of the statutes to the contrary, the department shall transfer to the insurer the securities deposited by the United States branch in compliance with the provisions of this law, and the department shall consent that the trustee of the trusteed assets deposited by the United States branch in compliance with the provisions of this law shall withdraw from the trusteed assets and transfer and deliver over to the domestic insurer all assets held by such trustee.

History.--s. 716, ch. 59-205; ss. 13, 35, ch. 69-106; s. 809(1st), ch. 82-243; ss. 187, 188, ch. 91-108; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 1340, ch. 2003-261.