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2004 Florida Statutes
Agency for Workforce Innovation.
20.50 Agency for Workforce Innovation.--There is created the Agency for Workforce Innovation within the Department of Management Services. The agency shall be a separate budget entity, and the director of the agency shall be the agency head for all purposes. The agency shall not be subject to control, supervision, or direction by the Department of Management Services in any manner, including, but not limited to, personnel, purchasing, transactions involving real or personal property, and budgetary matters.
(1) The Agency for Workforce Innovation shall ensure that the state appropriately administers federal and state workforce funding by administering plans and policies of Workforce Florida, Inc., under contract with Workforce Florida, Inc. The operating budget and midyear amendments thereto must be part of such contract.
(a) All program and fiscal instructions to regional workforce boards shall emanate from the agency pursuant to plans and policies of Workforce Florida, Inc. Workforce Florida, Inc., shall be responsible for all policy directions to the regional boards.
(b) Unless otherwise provided by agreement with Workforce Florida, Inc., administrative and personnel policies of the Agency for Workforce Innovation shall apply.
(2) The Agency for Workforce Innovation shall be the designated administrative agency for receipt of federal workforce development grants and other federal funds, and shall carry out the duties and responsibilities assigned by the Governor under each federal grant assigned to the agency. The agency shall be a separate budget entity and shall expend each revenue source as provided by federal and state law and as provided in plans developed by and agreements with Workforce Florida, Inc. The agency shall prepare and submit as a separate budget entity a unified budget request for workforce development, in accordance with chapter 216 for, and in conjunction with, Workforce Florida, Inc., and its board. The head of the agency is the director of Workforce Innovation, who shall be appointed by the Governor. Accountability and reporting functions of the agency shall be administered by the director or his or her designee. Included in these functions are budget management, financial management, audit, performance management standards and controls, assessing outcomes of service delivery, and financial administration of workforce programs pursuant to s. 445.004(5) and (9). Within the agency's overall organizational structure, the agency shall include the following offices which shall have the specified responsibilities:
(a) The Office of Workforce Services shall administer the unemployment compensation program, the Rapid Response program, the Work Opportunity Tax Credit program, the Alien Labor Certification program, and any other programs that are delivered directly by agency staff rather than through the one-stop delivery system. The office shall be directed by the Deputy Director for Workforce Services, who shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the director.
(b) The Office of Program Support and Accountability shall administer state merit system program staff within the workforce service delivery system, pursuant to policies of Workforce Florida, Inc. The office shall be responsible for delivering services through the one-stop delivery system and for ensuring that participants in welfare transition programs receive case management services, diversion assistance, support services, including subsidized child care and transportation services, Medicaid services, and transition assistance to enable them to succeed in the workforce. The office shall also be responsible for program quality assurance, grants and contract management, contracting, financial management, and reporting. The office shall be directed by the Deputy Director for Program Support and Accountability, who shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the director. The office shall be responsible for:
1. Establishing monitoring, quality assurance, and quality improvement systems that routinely assess the quality and effectiveness of contracted programs and services.
2. Annual review of each regional workforce board and administrative entity to ensure adequate systems of reporting and control are in place, and monitoring, quality assurance, and quality improvement activities are conducted routinely, and corrective action is taken to eliminate deficiencies.
(c) The Office of Agency Support Services shall be responsible for procurement, human resource services, and information services including delivering information on labor markets, employment, occupations, and performance, and shall implement and maintain information systems that are required for the effective operation of the one-stop delivery system and the school readiness services system, including, but not limited to, those systems described in s. 445.009 The office will be under the direction of the Deputy Director for Agency Support Services, who shall be appointed by and serve at the pleasure of the director. The office shall be responsible for establishing:
1. Information systems and controls that report reliable, timely and accurate fiscal and performance data for assessing outcomes, service delivery, and financial administration of workforce programs pursuant to s. 445.004(5) and (9).
2. Information systems that support service integration and case management by providing for case tracking for participants in welfare transition programs.
3. Information systems that support school readiness services.
(d) The Unemployment Appeals Commission, authorized by s. 443.012, shall not be subject to the control, supervision, or direction by the Agency for Workforce Innovation in the performance of its powers and duties but shall receive any and all support and assistance from the agency that may be required for the performance of its duties.
(3) The Agency for Workforce Innovation shall serve as the designated agency for purposes of each federal workforce development grant assigned to it for administration. The agency shall carry out the duties assigned to it by the Governor, under the terms and conditions of each grant. The agency shall have the level of authority and autonomy necessary to be the designated recipient of each federal grant assigned to it, and shall disperse such grants pursuant to the plans and policies of Workforce Florida, Inc. The director may, upon delegation from the Governor and pursuant to agreement with Workforce Florida, Inc., sign contracts, grants, and other instruments as necessary to execute functions assigned to the agency. Notwithstanding other provisions of law, the following federal grants and other funds are assigned for administration to the Agency for Workforce Innovation:
(a) Programs authorized under Title I of the Workforce Investment Act of 1998, Pub. L. No. 105-220, except for programs funded directly by the United States Department of Labor under Title I, s. 167.
(b) Programs authorized under the Wagner-Peyser Act of 1933, as amended, 29 U.S.C. ss. 49 et seq.
(c) Welfare-to-work grants administered by the United States Department of Labor under Title IV, s. 403, of the Social Security Act, as amended.
(d) Activities authorized under Title II of the Trade Act of 1974, as amended, 2 U.S.C. ss. 2271 et seq., and the Trade Adjustment Assistance Program.
(e) Activities authorized under chapter 41 of Title 38 U.S.C., including job counseling, training, and placement for veterans.
(f) Employment and training activities carried out under the Community Services Block Grant Act, 42 U.S.C. ss. 9901 et seq.
(g) Employment and training activities carried out under funds awarded to this state by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development.
(h) Designated state and local program expenditures under part A of Title IV of the Social Security Act for welfare transition workforce services associated with the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Program.
(i) Programs authorized under the National and Community Service Act of 1990, 42 U.S.C. ss. 12501 et seq., and the Service-America programs, the National Service Trust programs, the Civilian Community Corps, the Corporation for National and Community Service, the American Conservation and Youth Service Corps, and the Points of Light Foundation programs, if such programs are awarded to the state.
(j) The Unemployment Compensation program provided pursuant to chapter 443.
(k) Other programs funded by federal or state appropriations, as determined by the Legislature in the General Appropriations Act or by law.
(4) The Agency for Workforce Innovation shall provide or contract for training for employees of administrative entities and case managers of any contracted providers to ensure they have the necessary competencies and skills to provide adequate administrative oversight and delivery of the full array of client services pursuant to s. 445.004(5)(b). Training requirements include, but are not limited to:
(a) Minimum skills, knowledge, and abilities required for each classification of program personnel utilized in the regional workforce boards' service delivery plans.
(b) Minimum requirements for development of a regional workforce board supported personnel training plan to include preservice and inservice components.
(c) Specifications or criteria under which any regional workforce board may award bonus points or otherwise give preference to competitive service provider applications that provide minimum criteria for assuring competent case management, including, but not limited to, maximum caseload per case manager, current staff turnover rate, minimum educational or work experience requirements, and a differentiated compensation plan based on the competency levels of personnel.
(d) Minimum skills, knowledge, and abilities required for contract management, including budgeting, expenditure, and performance information related to service delivery and financial administration, monitoring, quality assurance and improvement, and standards of conduct for employees of regional workforce boards and administrative entities specifically related to carrying out contracting responsibilities.
History.--s. 53, ch. 2000-165; s. 9, ch. 2001-60; s. 3, ch. 2002-194.