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The Florida Senate

2004 Florida Statutes

Section 349.04, Florida Statutes 2004

349.04  Purposes and powers.--

(1)(a)  The authority created and established by the provisions of this chapter is hereby granted and shall have the right to acquire, hold, construct, improve, maintain, operate, own, and lease in the capacity of lessor the Jacksonville Expressway System (hereinafter referred to as "system"), heretofore partially constructed or acquired by the Florida State Improvement Commission in the Jacksonville, Duval County, metropolitan area, as more specifically described in the proceedings of the commission which authorized the issuance of $28 million in bonds of the commission for such purpose, and as hereafter completed or improved or extended as authorized by this chapter, and all appurtenant facilities, including all approaches, streets, roads, bicycle paths, bridges, and avenues of access for the Jacksonville Expressway System, and to construct or acquire extensions, additions, and improvements to the system and to complete the construction and acquisition of the system.

(b)  The authority may, in addition, acquire, hold, construct, improve, operate, maintain, and lease in the capacity of lessor a mass transit system employing motor cars or buses; street railway systems beneath the surface, on the surface, or above the surface; or any other means determined useful to the rapid transfer of large numbers of people among the locations of residence, commerce, industry, and education in the City of Jacksonville.

(c)  The authority may further plan, coordinate, and recommend to appropriate officers and agencies of federal, state, and local governments methods and facilities for the parking of vehicles, the movement of pedestrians, and vehicular traffic (including bicycles), public and private, in the City of Jacksonville, to accomplish a coordinated transportation system for the greater Jacksonville area. The authority may construct and operate passenger terminals for the parking of automobiles and movement by public conveyance of persons and construct and operate all other facilities necessary to a complete and coordinated transportation system in the Jacksonville area.

(d)  It is the express intention of this chapter that the authority, in completing the construction of the Jacksonville Expressway System, is not limited to the description thereof contained in the proceedings of the commission which authorized the issuance of $28 million in bonds to finance part of the cost thereof, but it is authorized to construct any additional extensions, additions, or improvements to the system, or appurtenant facilities, including all necessary approaches, roads, bicycle ways, bridges, and avenues of access, with such changes, modifications, or revisions of the project as are deemed desirable and proper. It is the intent of this chapter, and to effect its purposes the Legislature determines, that bonds issued under this chapter be deemed to be state capital improvement bonds to finance or refinance the cost of state capital projects. However, the provisions of s. 316.091(2), relating to bicycles, do not apply to this system.

(e)  The authority, in addition to the other powers and duties provided, shall have the power and responsibility to formulate and implement a plan for a mass transit system which will serve the consolidated City of Jacksonville.

(2)  The authority is hereby granted, and shall have and may exercise all powers necessary, appurtenant, convenient, or incidental to the carrying out of the aforesaid purposes, including, but without being limited to, the right and power:

(a)  To sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded, and complain and defend in all courts.

(b)  To adopt, use, and alter at will a corporate seal.

(c)  To acquire, purchase, hold, lease as lessee, and use any franchise or any property, real, personal, or mixed, tangible or intangible, or any interest therein, necessary or desirable for carrying out the purposes of the authority and to sell, lease as lessor, transfer, and dispose of any property or interest therein at any time acquired by it.

(d)  To enter into and make leases for terms not exceeding 40 years, as either lessee or lessor, in order to carry out the right to lease as set forth in this chapter.

(e)  To enter into and make lease-purchase agreements with the department for terms not exceeding 40 years, or until any bonds secured by a pledge of rentals thereunder, and any refundings thereof, are fully paid as to both principal and interest, whichever is longer.

(f)  To fix, alter, charge, establish, and collect rates, fees, rentals, and other charges for the services and facilities of the Jacksonville Expressway System, which rates, fees, rentals, and other charges shall always be sufficient to comply with any covenants made with the holders of any bonds issued pursuant to this chapter; this right and power may be assigned or delegated by the authority to the department.

(g)1.  To borrow money and make and issue negotiable notes, bonds, refunding bonds, and other evidences of indebtedness or obligations, either in temporary or definitive form, (hereinafter in this chapter sometimes called "bonds") of the authority, for the purpose of funding or refunding, at or prior to maturity, any bonds theretofore issued by the authority, or by the Florida State Improvement Commission to finance part of the cost of the Jacksonville Expressway System, and purposes related thereto, and for the purpose of financing all or part of the completion or improvement or extension of the Jacksonville Expressway System, and appurtenant facilities, including all approaches, streets, roads, bridges, and avenues of access for the Jacksonville Expressway System and for any other purpose authorized by this chapter, such bonds to mature in not exceeding 40 years from the date of the issuance thereof; and to secure the payment of such bonds or any part thereof by a pledge of any or all of its revenues, rates, fees, rentals, or other charges, including all or any portion of the Duval County gasoline tax funds received by the authority pursuant to the terms of any lease-purchase agreement between the authority and the department; and in general to provide for the security of such bonds and the rights and remedies of the holders thereof.

2.  In the event that the authority determines to fund or refund any bonds theretofore issued by the authority, or by the commission as aforesaid, prior to the maturity thereof, the proceeds of such funding or refunding bonds shall, pending the prior redemption of the bonds to be funded or refunded, be invested in direct obligations of the United States; and it is the express intention of this chapter that such outstanding bonds may be funded or refunded by the issuance of bonds pursuant to this chapter notwithstanding that part of such outstanding bonds will not mature or become redeemable until 6 years after the date of issuance of bonds pursuant to this chapter to fund or refund such outstanding bonds.

(h)  To make contracts of every name and nature and to execute all instruments necessary or convenient for the carrying on of its business.

(i)  Without limitation of the foregoing, to borrow money and accept grants from, and to enter into contracts, leases, or other transactions with, any federal agency, the state, any agency of the state, the County of Duval, the City of Jacksonville, or any other public body of the state.

(j)  To have the power of eminent domain.

(k)  To pledge, hypothecate, or otherwise encumber all or any part of the revenues, rates, fees, rentals, or other charges or receipts of the authority, including all or any portion of the Duval County gasoline tax funds received by the authority pursuant to the terms of any lease-purchase agreement between the authority and the department, as security for all or any of the obligations of the authority.

(l)  To do all acts and things necessary or convenient for the conduct of its business and the general welfare of the authority, in order to carry out the powers granted to it by this chapter or any other law.

(m)  To borrow money and make and issue negotiable notes, bonds, refunding bonds, and other evidences of indebtedness, either in temporary or definitive form, of the authority for the purpose of funding or refunding the cost of the acquisition of motor or street railway vehicles, passenger terminals, automobile parking facilities, or administrative offices and for any other purposes authorized by this chapter, such bonds to mature in not exceeding 40 years from the date of the issuance thereof; to secure the payment of such bonds or any part thereof by a pledge of any or all of its revenues, rates, fees, rentals, or other charges; and in general to provide for the security of such bonds and the rights and remedies of the holders thereof.

(3)  The authority shall have no power at any time or in any manner to pledge the credit or taxing power of the state or any political subdivision or agency thereof; nor shall any of the obligations of the authority be deemed to be obligations of the state or of any political subdivision or agency thereof; nor shall the state or any political subdivision or agency thereof, except the authority, be liable for the payment of the principal of, or interest on, such obligations. However, this provision is not applicable to the type or manner of financing authorized by s. 9(c)(5), Art. XII of the State Constitution, as amended, and laws enacted pursuant thereto.

History.--s. 4, ch. 29996, 1955; ss. 23, 35, ch. 69-106; s. 2, ch. 70-381; ss. 1, 3, 4, 5, ch. 71-101; s. 210, ch. 81-259; s. 1, ch. 81-306; s. 269, ch. 84-309.