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2004 Florida Statutes

Chapter 44
Chapter 44, Florida Statutes 2004



44.1011  Definitions.

44.102  Court-ordered mediation.

44.103  Court-ordered, nonbinding arbitration.

44.104  Voluntary binding arbitration and voluntary trial resolution.

44.106  Standards and procedures for mediators and arbitrators; fees.

44.107  Immunity for arbitrators, mediators, and mediator trainees.

44.108  Funding of mediation and arbitration.

44.201  Citizen Dispute Settlement Centers; establishment; operation; confidentiality.

44.401  Mediation Confidentiality and Privilege Act.

44.402  Scope.

44.403  Mediation Confidentiality and Privilege Act; definitions.

44.404  Mediation; duration.

44.405  Confidentiality; privilege; exceptions.

44.406  Confidentiality; civil remedies.

44.1011  Definitions.--As used in this chapter:

(1)  "Arbitration" means a process whereby a neutral third person or panel, called an arbitrator or arbitration panel, considers the facts and arguments presented by the parties and renders a decision which may be binding or nonbinding as provided in this chapter.

(2)  "Mediation" means a process whereby a neutral third person called a mediator acts to encourage and facilitate the resolution of a dispute between two or more parties. It is an informal and nonadversarial process with the objective of helping the disputing parties reach a mutually acceptable and voluntary agreement. In mediation, decisionmaking authority rests with the parties. The role of the mediator includes, but is not limited to, assisting the parties in identifying issues, fostering joint problem solving, and exploring settlement alternatives. "Mediation" includes:

(a)  "Appellate court mediation," which means mediation that occurs during the pendency of an appeal of a civil case.

(b)  "Circuit court mediation," which means mediation of civil cases, other than family matters, in circuit court. If a party is represented by counsel, the counsel of record must appear unless stipulated to by the parties or otherwise ordered by the court.

(c)  "County court mediation," which means mediation of civil cases within the jurisdiction of county courts, including small claims. Negotiations in county court mediation are primarily conducted by the parties. Counsel for each party may participate. However, presence of counsel is not required.

(d)  "Family mediation" which means mediation of family matters, including married and unmarried persons, before and after judgments involving dissolution of marriage; property division; shared or sole parental responsibility; or child support, custody, and visitation involving emotional or financial considerations not usually present in other circuit civil cases. Negotiations in family mediation are primarily conducted by the parties. Counsel for each party may attend the mediation conference and privately communicate with their clients. However, presence of counsel is not required, and, in the discretion of the mediator, and with the agreement of the parties, mediation may proceed in the absence of counsel unless otherwise ordered by the court.

(e)  "Dependency or in need of services mediation," which means mediation of dependency, child in need of services, or family in need of services matters. Negotiations in dependency or in need of services mediation are primarily conducted by the parties. Counsel for each party may attend the mediation conference and privately communicate with their clients. However, presence of counsel is not required and, in the discretion of the mediator and with the agreement of the parties, mediation may proceed in the absence of counsel unless otherwise ordered by the court.

History.--s. 1, ch. 87-173; s. 1, ch. 90-188; s. 43, ch. 94-164; s. 54, ch. 95-280.

Note.--Former s. 44.301.

44.102  Court-ordered mediation.--

(1)  Court-ordered mediation shall be conducted according to rules of practice and procedure adopted by the Supreme Court.

(2)  A court, under rules adopted by the Supreme Court:

(a)  Must, upon request of one party, refer to mediation any filed civil action for monetary damages, provided the requesting party is willing and able to pay the costs of the mediation or the costs can be equitably divided between the parties, unless:

1.  The action is a landlord and tenant dispute that does not include a claim for personal injury.

2.  The action is filed for the purpose of collecting a debt.

3.  The action is a claim of medical malpractice.

4.  The action is governed by the Florida Small Claims Rules.

5.  The court determines that the action is proper for referral to nonbinding arbitration under this chapter.

6.  The parties have agreed to binding arbitration.

7.  The parties have agreed to an expedited trial pursuant to s. 45.075.

8.  The parties have agreed to voluntary trial resolution pursuant to s. 44.104.

(b)  May refer to mediation all or any part of a filed civil action for which mediation is not required under this section.

(c)  In circuits in which a family mediation program has been established and upon a court finding of a dispute, shall refer to mediation all or part of custody, visitation, or other parental responsibility issues as defined in s. 61.13. Upon motion or request of a party, a court shall not refer any case to mediation if it finds there has been a history of domestic violence that would compromise the mediation process.

(d)  In circuits in which a dependency or in need of services mediation program has been established, may refer to mediation all or any portion of a matter relating to dependency or to a child in need of services or a family in need of services.

(3)  All written communications in a mediation proceeding, other than an executed settlement agreement, shall be exempt from the requirements of chapter 119.

(4)  The chief judge of each judicial circuit shall maintain a list of mediators who have been certified by the Supreme Court and who have registered for appointment in that circuit.

(a)  Whenever possible, qualified individuals who have volunteered their time to serve as mediators shall be appointed. If a mediation program is funded pursuant to s. 44.108, volunteer mediators shall be entitled to reimbursement pursuant to s. 112.061 for all actual expenses necessitated by service as a mediator.

(b)  Nonvolunteer mediators shall be compensated according to rules adopted by the Supreme Court. If a mediation program is funded pursuant to s. 44.108, a mediator may be compensated by the county or by the parties. When a party has been declared indigent or insolvent, that party's pro rata share of a mediator's compensation shall be paid by the county at the rate set by administrative order of the chief judge of the circuit.

(5)(a)  When an action is referred to mediation by court order, the time periods for responding to an offer of settlement pursuant to s. 45.061, or to an offer or demand for judgment pursuant to s. 768.79, respectively, shall be tolled until:

1.  An impasse has been declared by the mediator; or

2.  The mediator has reported to the court that no agreement was reached.

(b)  Sections 45.061 and 768.79 notwithstanding, an offer of settlement or an offer or demand for judgment may be made at any time after an impasse has been declared by the mediator, or the mediator has reported that no agreement was reached. An offer is deemed rejected as of commencement of trial.

History.--s. 2, ch. 87-173; s. 2, ch. 89-31; s. 2, ch. 90-188; s. 2, ch. 93-161; s. 10, ch. 94-134; s. 10, ch. 94-135; s. 44, ch. 94-164; s. 18, ch. 96-406; s. 2, ch. 97-155; s. 2, ch. 99-225; s. 2, ch. 2002-65; s. 1, ch. 2004-291.

Note.--Former s. 44.302.

44.103  Court-ordered, nonbinding arbitration.--

(1)  Court-ordered, nonbinding arbitration shall be conducted according to the rules of practice and procedure adopted by the Supreme Court.

(2)  A court, pursuant to rules adopted by the Supreme Court, may refer any contested civil action filed in a circuit or county court to nonbinding arbitration.

(3)  Arbitrators shall be selected and compensated in accordance with rules adopted by the Supreme Court. Arbitrators shall be compensated by the parties, or, upon a finding by the court that a party is indigent, an arbitrator may be partially or fully compensated from state funds according to the party's present ability to pay. Prior to approving the use of state funds to reimburse an arbitrator, the court must ensure that the party reimburses the portion of the total cost that the party is immediately able to pay and that the party has agreed to a payment plan established by the clerk of the court that will fully reimburse the state for the balance of all state costs for both the arbitrator and any costs of administering the payment plan and any collection efforts that may be necessary in the future. Whenever possible, qualified individuals who have volunteered their time to serve as arbitrators shall be appointed. If an arbitration program is funded pursuant to s. 44.108, volunteer arbitrators shall be entitled to be reimbursed pursuant to s. 112.061 for all actual expenses necessitated by service as an arbitrator.

(4)  An arbitrator or, in the case of a panel, the chief arbitrator, shall have such power to administer oaths or affirmation and to conduct the proceedings as the rules of court shall provide. At the request of any party to the arbitration, such arbitrator shall issue subpoenas for the attendance of witnesses and the production of books, records, documents, and other evidence and may apply to the court for orders compelling such attendance and production. Subpoenas shall be served and shall be enforceable in the manner provided by law.

(5)  The arbitration decision shall be presented to the parties in writing. An arbitration decision shall be final if a request for a trial de novo is not filed within the time provided by rules promulgated by the Supreme Court. The decision shall not be made known to the judge who may preside over the case unless no request for trial de novo is made as herein provided or unless otherwise provided by law. If no request for trial de novo is made within the time provided, the decision shall be referred to the presiding judge in the case who shall enter such orders and judgments as are required to carry out the terms of the decision, which orders shall be enforceable by the contempt powers of the court, and for which judgments execution shall issue on request of a party.

(6)  The party having filed for a trial de novo may be assessed the arbitration costs, court costs, and other reasonable costs of the party, including attorney's fees, investigation expenses, and expenses for expert or other testimony or evidence incurred after the arbitration hearing if the judgment upon the trial de novo is not more favorable than the arbitration decision.

History.--s. 3, ch. 87-173; s. 3, ch. 89-31; s. 3, ch. 90-188; s. 3, ch. 93-161; s. 43, ch. 2004-265.

Note.--Former s. 44.303.

44.104  Voluntary binding arbitration and voluntary trial resolution.--

(1)  Two or more opposing parties who are involved in a civil dispute may agree in writing to submit the controversy to voluntary binding arbitration, or voluntary trial resolution, in lieu of litigation of the issues involved, prior to or after a lawsuit has been filed, provided no constitutional issue is involved.

(2)  If the parties have entered into an agreement which provides in voluntary binding arbitration for a method for appointing of one or more arbitrators, or which provides in voluntary trial resolution a method for appointing a member of The Florida Bar in good standing for more than 5 years to act as trial resolution judge, the court shall proceed with the appointment as prescribed. However, in voluntary binding arbitration at least one of the arbitrators, who shall serve as the chief arbitrator, shall meet the qualifications and training requirements adopted pursuant to s. 44.106. In the absence of an agreement, or if the agreement method fails or for any reason cannot be followed, the court, on application of a party, shall appoint one or more qualified arbitrators, or the trial resolution judge, as the case requires.

(3)  The arbitrators or trial resolution judge shall be compensated by the parties according to their agreement.

(4)  Within 10 days after the submission of the request for binding arbitration, or voluntary trial resolution, the court shall provide for the appointment of the arbitrator or arbitrators, or trial resolution judge, as the case requires. Once appointed, the arbitrators or trial resolution judge shall notify the parties of the time and place for the hearing.

(5)  Application for voluntary binding arbitration or voluntary trial resolution shall be filed and fees paid to the clerk of court as if for complaints initiating civil actions. The clerk of the court shall handle and account for these matters in all respects as if they were civil actions, except that the clerk of court shall keep separate the records of the applications for voluntary binding arbitration and the records of the applications for voluntary trial resolution from all other civil actions.

(6)  Filing of the application for binding arbitration or voluntary trial resolution will toll the running of the applicable statutes of limitation.

(7)  The chief arbitrator or trial resolution judge may administer oaths or affirmations and conduct the proceedings as the rules of court shall provide. At the request of any party, the chief arbitrator or trial resolution judge shall issue subpoenas for the attendance of witnesses and for the production of books, records, documents, and other evidence and may apply to the court for orders compelling attendance and production. Subpoenas shall be served and shall be enforceable in the manner provided by law.

(8)  A voluntary binding arbitration hearing shall be conducted by all of the arbitrators, but a majority may determine any question and render a final decision. A trial resolution judge shall conduct a voluntary trial resolution hearing. The trial resolution judge may determine any question and render a final decision.

(9)  The Florida Evidence Code shall apply to all proceedings under this section.

(10)  An appeal of a voluntary binding arbitration decision shall be taken to the circuit court and shall be limited to review on the record and not de novo, of:

(a)  Any alleged failure of the arbitrators to comply with the applicable rules of procedure or evidence.

(b)  Any alleged partiality or misconduct by an arbitrator prejudicing the rights of any party.

(c)  Whether the decision reaches a result contrary to the Constitution of the United States or of the State of Florida.

(11)  Any party may enforce a final decision rendered in a voluntary trial by filing a petition for final judgment in the circuit court in the circuit in which the voluntary trial took place. Upon entry of final judgment by the circuit court, any party may appeal to the appropriate appellate court. Factual findings determined in the voluntary trial are not subject to appeal.

(12)  The harmless error doctrine shall apply in all appeals. No further review shall be permitted unless a constitutional issue is raised.

(13)  If no appeal is taken within the time provided by rules promulgated by the Supreme Court, then the decision shall be referred to the presiding judge in the case, or if one has not been assigned, then to the chief judge of the circuit for assignment to a circuit judge, who shall enter such orders and judgments as are required to carry out the terms of the decision, which orders shall be enforceable by the contempt powers of the court and for which judgments execution shall issue on request of a party.

(14)  This section shall not apply to any dispute involving child custody, visitation, or child support, or to any dispute which involves the rights of a third party not a party to the arbitration or voluntary trial resolution when the third party would be an indispensable party if the dispute were resolved in court or when the third party notifies the chief arbitrator or the trial resolution judge that the third party would be a proper party if the dispute were resolved in court, that the third party intends to intervene in the action in court, and that the third party does not agree to proceed under this section.

History.--s. 4, ch. 87-173; s. 4, ch. 89-31; s. 4, ch. 90-188; s. 3, ch. 99-225.

Note.--Former s. 44.304.

44.106  Standards and procedures for mediators and arbitrators; fees.--The Supreme Court shall establish minimum standards and procedures for qualifications, certification, professional conduct, discipline, and training for mediators and arbitrators who are appointed pursuant to this chapter. The Supreme Court is authorized to set fees to be charged to applicants for certification and renewal of certification. The revenues generated from these fees shall be used to offset the costs of administration of the certification process. The Supreme Court may appoint or employ such personnel as are necessary to assist the court in exercising its powers and performing its duties under this chapter.

History.--s. 6, ch. 87-173; s. 6, ch. 90-188.

Note.--Former s. 44.306.

44.107  Immunity for arbitrators, mediators, and mediator trainees.--

(1)  Arbitrators serving under s. 44.103 or s. 44.104, mediators serving under s. 44.102, and trainees fulfilling the mentorship requirements for certification by the Supreme Court as a mediator shall have judicial immunity in the same manner and to the same extent as a judge.

(2)  A person serving as a mediator in any noncourt-ordered mediation shall have immunity from liability arising from the performance of that person's duties while acting within the scope of the mediation function if such mediation is:

(a)  Required by statute or agency rule or order;

(b)  Conducted under ss. 44.401-44.406 by express agreement of the mediation parties; or

(c)  Facilitated by a mediator certified by the Supreme Court, unless the mediation parties expressly agree not to be bound by ss. 44.401-44.406.

The mediator does not have immunity if he or she acts in bad faith, with malicious purpose, or in a manner exhibiting wanton and willful disregard of human rights, safety, or property.

(3)  A person serving under s. 44.106 to assist the Supreme Court in performing its disciplinary function shall have absolute immunity from liability arising from the performance of that person's duties while acting within the scope of that person's appointed function.

History.--s. 5, ch. 89-31; s. 7, ch. 90-188; s. 1, ch. 95-421; s. 2, ch. 2004-291.

Note.--Former s. 44.307.

44.108  Funding of mediation and arbitration.--

(1)  Mediation and arbitration should be accessible to all parties regardless of financial status. A filing fee of $1 is levied on all proceedings in the circuit or county courts to fund mediation and arbitration services which are the responsibility of the Supreme Court pursuant to the provisions of s. 44.106. The clerk of the court shall forward the moneys collected to the Department of Revenue for deposit in the state courts' Mediation and Arbitration Trust Fund.

(2)  When court-ordered mediation services are provided by a circuit court's mediation program, the following fees, unless otherwise established in the General Appropriations Act, shall be collected by the clerk of court:

(a)  Eighty dollars per person per session in family mediation when the parties' combined income is greater than $50,000, but less than $100,000 per year;

(b)  Forty dollars per person per session in family mediation when the parties' combined income is less than $50,000; or

(c)  Forty dollars per person per session in county court cases.

No mediation fees shall be assessed under this subsection in eviction cases, against a party found to be indigent, or for any small claims action. Fees collected by the clerk of court pursuant to this section shall be remitted to the Department of Revenue for deposit into the state courts' Mediation and Arbitration Trust Fund to fund court-ordered mediation. The clerk of court may deduct $1 per fee assessment for processing this fee.

History.--s. 6, ch. 89-31; s. 8, ch. 90-188; s. 6, ch. 91-152; s. 8, ch. 2001-122; s. 12, ch. 2001-380; s. 66, ch. 2003-402; s. 44, ch. 2004-265.

Note.--Former s. 44.308.

44.201  Citizen Dispute Settlement Centers; establishment; operation; confidentiality.--

(1)  The chief judge of a judicial circuit, after consultation with the board of county commissioners of a county or with two or more boards of county commissioners of counties within the judicial circuit, may establish a Citizen Dispute Settlement Center for such county or counties, with the approval of the Chief Justice.

(2)(a)  Each Citizen Dispute Settlement Center shall be administered in accordance with rules adopted by a council composed of at least seven members. The chief judge of the judicial circuit shall serve as chair of the council and shall appoint the other members of the council. The membership of the council shall include a representative of the state attorney, each sheriff, a county court judge, and each board of county commissioners within the geographical jurisdiction of the center. In addition, council membership shall include two members of the general public who are not representatives of such officers or boards. The membership of the council also may include other interested persons.

(b)  The council shall establish qualifications for and appoint a director of the center. The director shall administer the operations of the center.

(c)  A council may seek and accept contributions from counties and municipalities within the geographical jurisdiction of the Citizen Dispute Settlement Center and from agencies of the Federal Government, private sources, and other available funds and may expend such funds to carry out the purposes of this section.

(3)  The Citizen Dispute Settlement Center, subject to the approval of the council and the Chief Justice, shall formulate and implement a plan for creating an informal forum for the mediation and settlement of disputes. Such plan shall prescribe:

(a)  Objectives and purposes of the center;

(b)  Procedures for filing complaints with the center and for scheduling informal mediation sessions with the parties to a complaint;

(c)  Screening procedures to ensure that each dispute mediated by the center meets the criteria of fitness for mediation as set by the council;

(d)  Procedures for rejecting any dispute which does not meet the established criteria of fitness for mediation;

(e)  Procedures for giving notice of the time, place, and nature of the mediation session to the parties and for conducting mediation sessions;

(f)  Procedures to ensure that participation by all parties is voluntary; and

(g)  Procedures by which any dispute that was referred to the center by a law enforcement agency, state attorney, court, or other agency and that fails at mediation, or that reaches settlement that is later breached, is reported to the referring agency.

(4)(a)  Each mediation session conducted by a Citizen Dispute Settlement Center shall be nonjudicial and informal. No adjudication, sanction, or penalty may be made or imposed by the mediator or the center.

(b)  A Citizen Dispute Settlement Center may refer the parties to judicial or nonjudicial supportive service agencies.

(5)  Any information relating to a dispute obtained by any person while performing any duties for the center from the files, reports, case summaries, mediator's notes, or other communications or materials is exempt from the provisions of s. 119.07(1).

(6)  No officer, council member, employee, volunteer, or agent of a Citizen Dispute Settlement Center shall be held liable for civil damages for any act or omission in the scope of employment or function, unless such person acted in bad faith or with malicious purpose or in a manner exhibiting wanton and willful disregard of the rights, safety, or property of another.

(7)  Any Citizen Dispute Settlement Center in operation on October 1, 1985, may continue its operations in its current form with the approval of the chief judge of the judicial circuit in which such center is located, except that paragraph (4)(b) and subsections (5) and (6) shall apply to such centers.

(8)  Any utility regulated by the Florida Public Service Commission is excluded from the provisions of this act.

History.--s. 2, ch. 85-228; s. 16, ch. 90-360; s. 263, ch. 95-147; s. 19, ch. 96-406; s. 3, ch. 2004-291.

44.401  Mediation Confidentiality and Privilege Act.--Sections 44.401-44.406 may be known by the popular name the "Mediation Confidentiality and Privilege Act."

History.--s. 4, ch. 2004-291.

44.402  Scope.--

(1)  Except as otherwise provided, ss. 44.401-44.406 apply to any mediation:

(a)  Required by statute, court rule, agency rule or order, oral or written case-specific court order, or court administrative order;

(b)  Conducted under ss. 44.401-44.406 by express agreement of the mediation parties; or

(c)  Facilitated by a mediator certified by the Supreme Court, unless the mediation parties expressly agree not to be bound by ss. 44.401-44.406.

(2)  Notwithstanding any other provision, the mediation parties may agree in writing that any or all of s. 44.405(1), s. 44.405(2), or s. 44.406 will not apply to all or part of a mediation proceeding.

History.--s. 4, ch. 2004-291.

44.403  Mediation Confidentiality and Privilege Act; definitions.--As used in ss. 44.401-44.406, the term:

(1)  "Mediation communication" means an oral or written statement, or nonverbal conduct intended to make an assertion, by or to a mediation participant made during the course of a mediation, or prior to mediation if made in furtherance of a mediation. The commission of a crime during a mediation is not a mediation communication.

(2)  "Mediation participant" means a mediation party or a person who attends a mediation in person or by telephone, video conference, or other electronic means.

(3)  "Mediation party" or "party" means a person participating directly, or through a designated representative, in a mediation and a person who:

(a)  Is a named party;

(b)  Is a real party in interest; or

(c)  Would be a named party or real party in interest if an action relating to the subject matter of the mediation were brought in a court of law.

(4)  "Mediator" means a neutral, impartial third person who facilitates the mediation process. The mediator's role is to reduce obstacles to communication, assist in identifying issues, explore alternatives, and otherwise facilitate voluntary agreements to resolve disputes, without prescribing what the resolution must be.

(5)  "Subsequent proceeding" means an adjudicative process that follows a mediation, including related discovery.

History.--s. 4, ch. 2004-291.

44.404  Mediation; duration.--

(1)  A court-ordered mediation begins when an order is issued by the court and ends when:

(a)  A partial or complete settlement agreement, intended to resolve the dispute and end the mediation, is signed by the parties and, if required by law, approved by the court;

(b)  The mediator declares an impasse by reporting to the court or the parties the lack of an agreement;

(c)  The mediation is terminated by court order, court rule, or applicable law; or

(d)  The mediation is terminated, after party compliance with the court order to appear at mediation, by:

1.  Agreement of the parties; or

2.  One party giving written notice to all other parties in a multiparty mediation that the one party is terminating its participation in the mediation. Under this circumstance, the termination is effective only for the withdrawing party.

(2)  In all other mediations, the mediation begins when the parties agree to mediate or as required by agency rule, agency order, or statute, whichever occurs earlier, and ends when:

(a)  A partial or complete settlement agreement, intended to resolve the dispute and end the mediation, is signed by the parties and, if required by law, approved by the court;

(b)  The mediator declares an impasse to the parties;

(c)  The mediation is terminated by court order, court rule, or applicable law; or

(d)  The mediation is terminated by:

1.  Agreement of the parties; or

2.  One party giving notice to all other parties in a multiparty mediation that the one party is terminating its participation in the mediation. Under this circumstance, the termination is effective only for the withdrawing party.

History.--s. 4, ch. 2004-291.

44.405  Confidentiality; privilege; exceptions.--

(1)  Except as provided in this section, all mediation communications shall be confidential. A mediation participant shall not disclose a mediation communication to a person other than another mediation participant or a participant's counsel. A violation of this section may be remedied as provided by s. 44.406. If the mediation is court ordered, a violation of this section may also subject the mediation participant to sanctions by the court, including, but not limited to, costs, attorney's fees, and mediator's fees.

(2)  A mediation party has a privilege to refuse to testify and to prevent any other person from testifying in a subsequent proceeding regarding mediation communications.

(3)  If, in a mediation involving more than two parties, a party gives written notice to the other parties that the party is terminating its participation in the mediation, the party giving notice shall have a privilege to refuse to testify and to prevent any other person from testifying in a subsequent proceeding regarding only those mediation communications that occurred prior to the delivery of the written notice of termination of mediation to the other parties.

(4)(a)  Notwithstanding subsections (1) and (2), there is no confidentiality or privilege attached to a signed written agreement reached during a mediation, unless the parties agree otherwise, or for any mediation communication:

1.  For which the confidentiality or privilege against disclosure has been waived by all parties;

2.  That is willfully used to plan a crime, commit or attempt to commit a crime, conceal ongoing criminal activity, or threaten violence;

3.  That requires a mandatory report pursuant to chapter 39 or chapter 415 solely for the purpose of making the mandatory report to the entity requiring the report;

4.  Offered to report, prove, or disprove professional malpractice occurring during the mediation, solely for the purpose of the professional malpractice proceeding;

5.  Offered for the limited purpose of establishing or refuting legally recognized grounds for voiding or reforming a settlement agreement reached during a mediation; or

6.  Offered to report, prove, or disprove professional misconduct occurring during the mediation, solely for the internal use of the body conducting the investigation of the conduct.

(b)  A mediation communication disclosed under any provision of subparagraphs (a)3., (a)4., (a)5., or (a)6. remains confidential and is not discoverable or admissible for any other purpose, unless otherwise permitted by this section.

(5)  Information that is otherwise admissible or subject to discovery does not become inadmissible or protected from discovery by reason of its disclosure or use in mediation.

(6)  A party that discloses or makes a representation about a privileged mediation communication waives that privilege, but only to the extent necessary for the other party to respond to the disclosure or representation.

History.--s. 4, ch. 2004-291.

44.406  Confidentiality; civil remedies.--

(1)  Any mediation participant who knowingly and willfully discloses a mediation communication in violation of s. 44.405 shall, upon application by any party to a court of competent jurisdiction, be subject to remedies, including:

(a)  Equitable relief.

(b)  Compensatory damages.

(c)  Attorney's fees, mediator's fees, and costs incurred in the mediation proceeding.

(d)  Reasonable attorney's fees and costs incurred in the application for remedies under this section.

(2)  Notwithstanding any other law, an application for relief filed under this section may not be commenced later than 2 years after the date on which the party had a reasonable opportunity to discover the breach of confidentiality, but in no case more than 4 years after the date of the breach.

(3)  A mediation participant shall not be subject to a civil action under this section for lawful compliance with the provisions of s. 119.07.

History.--s. 4, ch. 2004-291.