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2005 Florida Statutes
Administration; rules, publications, records; penalties; injunctions.
370.021 Administration; rules, publications, records; penalties; injunctions.--
(1) PENALTIES.--Unless otherwise provided by law, any person, firm, or corporation who is convicted for violating any provision of this chapter, or any rule of the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission relating to the conservation of marine resources, shall be punished:
(a) Upon a first conviction, by imprisonment for a period of not more than 60 days or by a fine of not less than $100 nor more than $500, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
(b) On a second or subsequent conviction within 12 months, by imprisonment for not more than 6 months or by a fine of not less than $250 nor more than $1,000, or by both such fine and imprisonment.
Upon final disposition of any alleged offense for which a citation for any violation of this chapter or the rules of the commission has been issued, the court shall, within 10 days, certify the disposition to the commission.
(2) MAJOR VIOLATIONS.--In addition to the penalties provided in paragraphs (1)(a) and (b), the court shall assess additional penalties against any person, firm, or corporation convicted of major violations as follows:
(a) For a violation involving more than 100 illegal blue crabs, crawfish, or stone crabs, an additional penalty of $10 for each illegal blue crab, crawfish, stone crab, or part thereof.
(b) For a violation involving the taking or harvesting of shrimp from a nursery or other prohibited area, or any two violations within a 12-month period involving shrimping gear, minimum size (count), or season, an additional penalty of $10 for each pound of illegal shrimp or part thereof.
(c) For a violation involving the taking or harvesting of oysters from nonapproved areas or the taking or possession of unculled oysters, an additional penalty of $10 for each bushel of illegal oysters.
(d) For a violation involving the taking or harvesting of clams from nonapproved areas, an additional penalty of $100 for each 500 count bag of illegal clams.
(e) For a violation involving the taking, harvesting, or possession of any of the following species, which are endangered, threatened, or of special concern:
1. Shortnose sturgeon (Acipenser brevirostrum);
2. Atlantic sturgeon (Acipenser oxyrhynchus);
3. Common snook (Centropomus undecimalis);
4. Atlantic loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta caretta);
5. Atlantic green turtle (Chelonia mydas mydas);
6. Leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea);
7. Atlantic hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata imbracata);
8. Atlantic ridley turtle (Lepidochelys kempi); or
9. West Indian manatee (Trichechus manatus latirostris),
an additional penalty of $100 for each unit of marine life or part thereof.
(f) For a second or subsequent conviction within 24 months for any violation of the same law or rule involving the taking or harvesting of more than 100 pounds of any finfish, an additional penalty of $5 for each pound of illegal finfish.
(g) For any violation involving the taking, harvesting, or possession of more than 1,000 pounds of any illegal finfish, an additional penalty equivalent to the wholesale value of the illegal finfish.
(h) Permits issued to any person, firm, or corporation by the commission to take or harvest saltwater products, or any license issued pursuant to s. 370.06 or s. 370.07 may be suspended or revoked by the commission, pursuant to the provisions and procedures of s. 120.60, for any major violation prescribed in this subsection:
1. Upon a first conviction, for up to 30 calendar days.
2. Upon a second conviction which occurs within 12 months after a prior violation, for up to 90 calendar days.
3. Upon a third conviction which occurs within 24 months after a prior conviction, for up to 180 calendar days.
4. Upon a fourth conviction which occurs within 36 months after a prior conviction, for a period of 6 months to 3 years.
(i) Upon the arrest and conviction for a major violation involving stone crabs, the licenseholder must show just cause why his or her license should not be suspended or revoked. For the purposes of this paragraph, a "major violation" means a major violation as prescribed for illegal stone crabs; any single violation involving possession of more than 25 stone crabs during the closed season or possession of 25 or more whole-bodied or egg-bearing stone crabs; any violation for trap molestation, trap robbing, or pulling traps at night; or any combination of violations in any 3-consecutive-year period wherein more than 75 illegal stone crabs in the aggregate are involved.
(j) Upon the arrest and conviction for a major violation involving crawfish, the licenseholder must show just cause why his or her license should not be suspended or revoked. For the purposes of this paragraph, a "major violation" means a major violation as prescribed for illegal crawfish; any single violation involving possession of more than 25 crawfish during the closed season or possession of more than 25 wrung crawfish tails or more than 25 egg-bearing or stripped crawfish; any violation for trap molestation, trap robbing, or pulling traps at night; or any combination of violations in any 3-consecutive-year period wherein more than 75 illegal crawfish in the aggregate are involved.
(k) Upon the arrest and conviction for a major violation involving blue crabs, the licenseholder shall show just cause why his or her saltwater products license should not be suspended or revoked. This paragraph shall not apply to an individual fishing with no more than five traps. For the purposes of this paragraph, a "major violation" means a major violation as prescribed for illegal blue crabs, any single violation wherein 50 or more illegal blue crabs are involved; any violation for trap molestation, trap robbing, or pulling traps at night; or any combination of violations in any 3-consecutive-year period wherein more than 100 illegal blue crabs in the aggregate are involved.
(l) Upon the conviction for a major violation involving finfish, the licenseholder must show just cause why his or her saltwater products license should not be suspended or revoked. For the purposes of this paragraph, a major violation is prescribed for the taking and harvesting of illegal finfish, any single violation involving the possession of more than 100 pounds of illegal finfish, or any combination of violations in any 3-consecutive-year period wherein more than 200 pounds of illegal finfish in the aggregate are involved.
(m) For a violation involving the taking or harvesting of any marine life species, as those species are defined by rule of the commission, the harvest of which is prohibited, or the taking or harvesting of such a species out of season, or with an illegal gear or chemical, or any violation involving the possession of 25 or more individual specimens of marine life species, or any combination of violations in any 3-year period involving more than 70 such specimens in the aggregate, the suspension or revocation of the licenseholder's marine life endorsement as provided in paragraph (h).
Notwithstanding the provisions of s. 948.01, no court may suspend, defer, or withhold adjudication of guilt or imposition of sentence for any major violation prescribed in this subsection. The proceeds from the penalties assessed pursuant to this subsection shall be deposited into the Marine Resources Conservation Trust Fund to be used for marine fisheries research or into the commission's Federal Law Enforcement Trust Fund as provided in s. 372.107, as applicable.
(a) It is a major violation pursuant to this section, punishable as provided in paragraph (b) for any person, firm, or corporation to be simultaneously in possession of any species of mullet in excess of the recreational daily bag limit and any gill or other entangling net as defined in s. 16(c), Art. X of the State Constitution. Simultaneous possession under this provision shall include possession of mullet and gill or other entangling nets on separate vessels or vehicles where such vessels or vehicles are operated in coordination with one another including vessels towed behind a main vessel. This subsection does not prohibit a resident of this state from transporting on land, from Alabama to this state, a commercial quantity of mullet together with a gill net if:
1. The person possesses a valid commercial fishing license that is issued by the State of Alabama and that allows the person to use a gill net to legally harvest mullet in commercial quantities from Alabama waters.
2. The person possesses a trip ticket issued in Alabama and filled out to match the quantity of mullet being transported, and the person is able to present such trip ticket immediately upon entering this state.
3. The mullet are to be sold to a wholesale saltwater products dealer located in Escambia County or Santa Rosa County, which dealer also possesses a valid seafood dealer's license issued by the State of Alabama. The dealer's name must be clearly indicated on the trip ticket.
4. The mullet being transported are totally removed from any net also being transported.
(b)1. A flagrant violation of any rule or statute which implements s. 16(b), Art. X of the State Constitution shall be considered a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083 For purposes of this paragraph, a flagrant violation shall be the illegal possession or use of a monofilament net or a net with a mesh area larger than 2,000 square feet. A violation means any judicial disposition other than acquittal or dismissal.
2. In addition to being subject to the other penalties provided in this chapter, any violation of s. 16(b), Art. X of the State Constitution, or any statute or rule of the commission which implements the gear prohibitions and restrictions specified therein shall be considered a major violation; and any person, firm, or corporation receiving any judicial disposition other than acquittal or dismissal of such violation shall be subject to the following additional penalties:
a. For a first major violation within a 7-year period, a civil penalty of $2,500 and suspension of all saltwater products license privileges for 90 calendar days following final disposition shall be imposed.
b. For a second major violation under this subparagraph charged within 7 years of a previous judicial disposition, which results in a second judicial disposition other than acquittal or dismissal, a civil penalty of $5,000 and suspension of all saltwater products license privileges for 12 months shall be imposed.
c. For a third or subsequent major violation under this subparagraph, charged within a 7-year period, resulting in a third or subsequent judicial disposition other than acquittal or dismissal, a civil penalty of $5,000, lifetime revocation of the saltwater products license, and forfeiture of all gear and equipment used in the violation shall be imposed.
d. For a first flagrant violation under this subparagraph, a civil penalty of $5,000 and a suspension of all saltwater license privileges for 12 months shall be imposed. For a second or subsequent flagrant violation under this subparagraph, a civil penalty of $5,000, a lifetime revocation of the saltwater products license, and the forfeiture of all gear and equipment used in the violation shall be imposed.
A court may suspend, defer, or withhold adjudication of guilt or imposition of sentence only for any first violation of s. 16, Art. X of the State Constitution, or any rule or statute implementing its restrictions, determined by a court only after consideration of competent evidence of mitigating circumstances to be a nonflagrant or minor violation of those restrictions upon the use of nets. Any violation of s. 16, Art. X of the State Constitution, or any rule or statute implementing its restrictions, occurring within a 7-year period commencing upon the conclusion of any judicial proceeding resulting in any outcome other than acquittal shall be punished as a second, third, or subsequent violation accordingly.
(c) During the period of suspension or revocation of saltwater license privileges under this subsection, the licensee shall not participate in the taking or harvesting, or attempt the taking or harvesting, of saltwater products from any vessel within the waters of the state; be aboard any vessel on which a commercial quantity of saltwater products is possessed through an activity requiring a license pursuant to this section; or engage in any other activity requiring a license, permit, or certificate issued pursuant to this chapter. Any person who is convicted of violating this paragraph:
1. Upon a first or second conviction, is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083
2. Upon a third or subsequent conviction, is guilty of a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084
(d) Upon reinstatement of saltwater license privileges suspended pursuant to a violation of this subsection, a licensee owning or operating a vessel containing or otherwise transporting in or on Florida waters any gill net or other entangling net, or containing or otherwise transporting in nearshore and inshore Florida waters any net containing more than 500 square feet of mesh area shall remain restricted for a period of 12 months following reinstatement, to operating under the following conditions:
1. Vessels subject to this reinstatement period shall be restricted to the corridors established by commission rule.
2. A violation of the reinstatement period provisions shall be punishable pursuant to paragraphs (1)(a) and (b).
(4) ADDITIONAL PENALTIES FOR MAJOR VIOLATIONS INVOLVING CERTAIN FINFISH.--It is a major violation pursuant to this section, punishable as provided in paragraph (3)(b), for any person to be in possession of any species of trout, snook, or redfish which is three fish in excess of the recreational or commercial daily bag limit.
(5) SALTWATER PRODUCTS; UNLICENSED SELLERS; ILLEGALLY HARVESTED PRODUCTS.--In addition to other penalties authorized in this chapter, any violation of s. 370.06 or s. 370.07, or rules of the commission implementing s. 370.06 or s. 370.07, involving the purchase of saltwater products by a commercial wholesale dealer, retail dealer, or restaurant facility for public consumption from an unlicensed person, firm, or corporation, or the sale of saltwater products by an unlicensed person, firm, or corporation or the purchase or sale of any saltwater product known to be taken in violation of s. 16, Art. X of the State Constitution, or rule or statute implementing the provisions thereof, by a commercial wholesale dealer, retail dealer, or restaurant facility, for public consumption, is a major violation, and the commission may assess the following penalties:
(a) For a first violation, the commission may assess a civil penalty of up to $2,500 and may suspend the wholesale or retail dealer's license privileges for up to 90 calendar days.
(b) For a second violation occurring within 12 months of a prior violation, the commission may assess a civil penalty of up to $5,000 and may suspend the wholesale or retail dealer's license privileges for up to 180 calendar days.
(c) For a third or subsequent violation occurring within a 24-month period, the commission shall assess a civil penalty of $5,000 and shall suspend the wholesale or retail dealer's license privileges for up to 24 months.
Any proceeds from the civil penalties assessed pursuant to this subsection shall be deposited into the Marine Resources Conservation Trust Fund and shall be used as follows: 40 percent for administration and processing purposes and 60 percent for law enforcement purposes.
(6) PENALTIES FOR UNLICENSED SALE, PURCHASE, OR HARVEST.--It is a major violation and punishable as provided in this subsection for an unlicensed person who is required to be licensed under this chapter to sell or purchase any saltwater product or to harvest or attempt to harvest any saltwater product with intent to sell the saltwater product.
(a) Any person who sells or purchases any saltwater product without having purchased the licenses required by this chapter for such sale is subject to additional penalties as follows:
1. A first violation is a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083
2. A second violation is a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083, and such person may also be assessed a civil penalty of up to $2,500 and is subject to a suspension of all license privileges under this chapter and chapter 372 for a period not exceeding 90 days.
3. A third violation is a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083, with a mandatory minimum term of imprisonment of 6 months, and such person may also be assessed a civil penalty of up to $5,000 and is subject to a suspension of all license privileges under this chapter and chapter 372 for a period not exceeding 6 months.
4. A third violation within 1 year after a second violation is a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083, with a mandatory minimum term of imprisonment of 1 year, and such person shall be assessed a civil penalty of $5,000 and all license privileges under this chapter and chapter 372 shall be permanently revoked.
5. A fourth or subsequent violation is a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083, with a mandatory minimum term of imprisonment of 1 year, and such person shall be assessed a civil penalty of $5,000 and all license privileges under this chapter and chapter 372 shall be permanently revoked.
(b) Any person whose license privileges under this chapter have been permanently revoked and who thereafter sells or purchases or who attempts to sell or purchase any saltwater product commits a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083, with a mandatory minimum term of imprisonment of 1 year, and such person shall also be assessed a civil penalty of $5,000. All property involved in such offense shall be forfeited pursuant to s. 370.061
(c) Any person whose license privileges under this chapter are under suspension and who during such period of suspension sells or purchases or attempts to sell or purchase any saltwater product shall be assessed the following penalties:
1. A first violation, or a second violation occurring more than 12 months after a first violation, is a first degree misdemeanor, punishable as provided in ss. 775.082 and 775.083, and such person may be assessed a civil penalty of up to $2,500 and an additional suspension of all license privileges under this chapter and chapter 372 for a period not exceeding 90 days.
2. A second violation occurring within 12 months of a first violation is a third degree felony, punishable as provided in ss. 775.082 and 775.083, with a mandatory minimum term of imprisonment of 1 year, and such person may be assessed a civil penalty of up to $5,000 and an additional suspension of all license privileges under this chapter and chapter 372 for a period not exceeding 180 days. All property involved in such offense shall be forfeited pursuant to s. 370.061
3. A third violation within 24 months of the second violation or subsequent violation is a third degree felony, punishable as provided in ss. 775.082 and 775.083, with a mandatory minimum term of imprisonment of 1 year, and such person shall be assessed a mandatory civil penalty of up to $5,000 and an additional suspension of all license privileges under this chapter and chapter 372 for a period not exceeding 24 months. All property involved in such offense shall be forfeited pursuant to s. 370.061
(d) Any person who harvests or attempts to harvest any saltwater product with intent to sell the saltwater product without having purchased a saltwater products license with the requisite endorsements is subject to penalties as follows:
1. A first violation is a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083
2. A second violation is a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083, and such person may also be assessed a civil penalty of up to $2,500 and is subject to a suspension of all license privileges under this chapter and chapter 372 for a period not exceeding 90 days.
3. A third violation is a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083, with a mandatory minimum term of imprisonment of 6 months, and such person may also be assessed a civil penalty of up to $5,000 and is subject to a suspension of all license privileges under this chapter and chapter 372 for a period not exceeding 6 months.
4. A third violation within 1 year after a second violation is a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083, with a mandatory minimum term of imprisonment of 1 year, and such person shall also be assessed a civil penalty of $5,000 and all license privileges under this chapter and chapter 372 shall be permanently revoked.
5. A fourth or subsequent violation is a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083, with a mandatory minimum term of imprisonment of 1 year, and such person shall also be assessed a mandatory civil penalty of $5,000 and all license privileges under this chapter and chapter 372 shall be permanently revoked.
For purposes of this subsection, a violation means any judicial disposition other than acquittal or dismissal.
(7) PUBLICATIONS BY COMMISSION.--The commission is given authority, from time to time in its discretion, to cause the statutory laws under its jurisdiction, together with any rules promulgated by it, to be published in pamphlet form for free distribution in this state. The commission is authorized to make charges for technical and educational publications and mimeographed material of use for educational or reference purposes. Such charges shall be made at the discretion of the commission. Such charges may be sufficient to cover cost of preparation, printing, publishing, and distribution. All moneys received for publications shall be deposited into the fund from which the cost of the publication was paid. The commission is further authorized to enter into agreements with persons, firms, corporations, governmental agencies, and other institutions whereby publications may be exchanged reciprocally in lieu of payments for said publications.
(a) Law enforcement officers of the commission are constituted law enforcement officers of this state with full power to investigate and arrest for any violation of the laws of this state and the rules of the commission under their jurisdiction. The general laws applicable to arrests by peace officers of this state shall also be applicable to law enforcement officers of the commission. Such law enforcement officers may enter upon any land or waters of the state for performance of their lawful duties and may take with them any necessary equipment, and such entry will not constitute a trespass. It is lawful for any boat, motor vehicle, or aircraft owned or chartered by the commission or its agents or employees to land on and depart from any of the beaches or waters of the state. Such law enforcement officers have the authority, without warrant, to board, inspect, and search any boat, fishing appliance, storage or processing plant, fishhouse, spongehouse, oysterhouse, or other warehouse, building, or vehicle engaged in transporting or storing any fish or fishery products. Such authority to search and inspect without a search warrant is limited to those cases in which such law enforcement officers have reason to believe that fish or any saltwater products are taken or kept for sale, barter, transportation, or other purposes in violation of laws or rules promulgated under this law. Any such law enforcement officer may at any time seize or take possession of any saltwater products or contraband which have been unlawfully caught, taken, or processed or which are unlawfully possessed or transported in violation of any of the laws of this state or any rule of the commission. Such law enforcement officers may arrest any person in the act of violating any of the provisions of this law, the rules of the commission, or any of the laws of this state. It is hereby declared unlawful for any person to resist such arrest or in any manner interfere, either by abetting or assisting such resistance or otherwise interfering, with any such law enforcement officer while engaged in the performance of the duties imposed upon him or her by law or rule of the commission.
(b) The Legislature finds that the checking and inspection of saltwater products aboard vessels is critical to good fishery management and conservation and that, because almost all saltwater products are either iced or cooled in closed areas or containers, the enforcement of seasons, size limits, and bag limits can only be effective when inspection of saltwater products so stored is immediate and routine. Therefore, in addition to the authority granted in paragraph (a), a law enforcement officer of the commission who has probable cause to believe that the vessel has been used for fishing prior to the inspection shall have full authority to open and inspect all containers or areas where saltwater products are normally kept aboard vessels while such vessels are on the water, such as refrigerated or iced locations, coolers, fish boxes, and bait wells, but specifically excluding such containers that are located in sleeping or living areas of the vessel.
(9) RETENTION, DESTRUCTION, AND REPRODUCTION OF RECORDS.--Records and documents of the commission created in compliance with and in the implementation of this chapter or former chapter 371 shall be retained by the commission as specified in record retention schedules established under the general provisions of chapters 119 and 257. Such records retained by the Department of Environmental Protection on July 1, 1999, shall be transferred to the commission. Further, the commission is authorized to:
(a) Destroy, or otherwise dispose of, those records and documents in conformity with the approved retention schedules.
(b) Photograph, microphotograph, or reproduce such records and documents on film, as authorized and directed by the approved retention schedules, whereby each page will be exposed in exact conformity with the original records and documents retained in compliance with the provisions of this section. Photographs or microphotographs in the form of film or print of any records, made in compliance with the provisions of this section, shall have the same force and effect as the originals thereof would have and shall be treated as originals for the purpose of their admissibility in evidence. Duly certified or authenticated reproductions of such photographs or microphotographs shall be admitted in evidence equally with the original photographs or microphotographs. The impression of the seal of the commission on a certificate made pursuant to the provisions hereof and signed by the executive director of the commission shall entitle the same to be received in evidence in all courts and in all proceedings in this state and shall be prima facie evidence of all factual matters set forth in the certificate. A certificate may relate to one or more records, as set forth in the certificate, or in a schedule continued on an attachment to the certificate.
(c) Furnish certified copies of such records for a fee of $1 which shall be deposited in the Marine Resources Conservation Trust Fund.
(10) COURTS OF EQUITY MAY ENJOIN.--Courts of equity in this state have jurisdiction to enforce the conservation laws of this state by injunction.
(11) REVOCATION OF LICENSES.--Any person licensed under this chapter who has been convicted of taking aquaculture species raised at a certified facility shall have his or her license revoked for 5 years by the commission pursuant to the provisions and procedures of s. 120.60
(12) LICENSES AND ENTITIES SUBJECT TO PENALTIES.--For purposes of imposing license or permit suspensions or revocations authorized by this chapter, the license or permit under which the violation was committed is subject to suspension or revocation by the commission. For purposes of assessing monetary civil or administrative penalties authorized by this chapter, the person, firm, or corporation cited and subsequently receiving a judicial disposition of other than dismissal or acquittal in a court of law is subject to the monetary penalty assessment by the commission. However, if the license or permitholder of record is not the person, firm, or corporation receiving the citation and judicial disposition, the license or permit may be suspended or revoked only after the license or permitholder has been notified by the commission that the license or permit has been cited in a major violation and is now subject to suspension or revocation should the license or permit be cited for subsequent major violations.
History.--s. 2, ch. 61-231; s. 1, ch. 61-22; ss. 11, 25, 35, ch. 69-106; s. 1, ch. 70-378; s. 1, ch. 70-439; s. 277, ch. 71-136; s. 1, ch. 75-180; s. 23, ch. 78-95; s. 31, ch. 79-65; s. 1, ch. 80-356; s. 220, ch. 81-259; s. 30, ch. 84-258; s. 2, ch. 85-234; s. 1, ch. 86-132; s. 5, ch. 87-116; s. 5, ch. 88-412; s. 11, ch. 90-310; s. 86, ch. 91-221; ss. 197, 481, ch. 94-356; s. 980, ch. 95-148; s. 8, ch. 95-150; s. 9, ch. 95-414; s. 10, ch. 96-247; s. 22, ch. 96-321; s. 57, ch. 97-100; s. 78, ch. 98-200; s. 11, ch. 98-203; s. 2, ch. 98-227; s. 2, ch. 98-390; s. 95, ch. 99-245; ss. 10, 42, ch. 2000-197; s. 36, ch. 2000-364; s. 1, ch. 2001-62; s. 1, ch. 2002-264; s. 1, ch. 2003-143; s. 1, ch. 2004-61; s. 13, ch. 2004-264.