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The Florida Senate

2010 Florida Statutes

F.S. 112.63

Actuarial reports and statements of actuarial impact; review.


Each retirement system or plan subject to the provisions of this act shall have regularly scheduled actuarial reports prepared and certified by an enrolled actuary. The actuarial report shall consist of, but shall not be limited to, the following:


Adequacy of employer and employee contribution rates in meeting levels of employee benefits provided in the system and changes, if any, needed in such rates to achieve or preserve a level of funding deemed adequate to enable payment through the indefinite future of the benefit amounts prescribed by the system, which shall include a valuation of present assets, based on statement value, and prospective assets and liabilities of the system and the extent of unfunded accrued liabilities, if any.


A plan to amortize any unfunded liability pursuant to s. 112.64 and a description of actions taken to reduce the unfunded liability.


A description and explanation of actuarial assumptions.


A schedule illustrating the amortization of unfunded liabilities, if any.


A comparative review illustrating the actual salary increases granted and the rate of investment return realized over the 3-year period preceding the actuarial report with the assumptions used in both the preceding and current actuarial reports.


A statement by the enrolled actuary that the report is complete and accurate and that in his or her opinion the techniques and assumptions used are reasonable and meet the requirements and intent of this act.

The actuarial cost methods utilized for establishing the amount of the annual actuarial normal cost to support the promised benefits shall only be those methods approved in the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 and as permitted under regulations prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury.


The frequency of actuarial reports must be at least every 3 years commencing from the last actuarial report of the plan or system or October 1, 1980, if no actuarial report has been issued within the 3-year period prior to October 1, 1979. The results of each actuarial report shall be filed with the plan administrator within 60 days of certification. Thereafter, the results of each actuarial report shall be made available for inspection upon request. Additionally, each retirement system or plan covered by this act which is not administered directly by the Department of Management Services shall furnish a copy of each actuarial report to the Department of Management Services within 60 days after receipt from the actuary. The requirements of this section are supplemental to actuarial valuations necessary to comply with the requirements of s. 218.39.


No unit of local government shall agree to a proposed change in retirement benefits unless the administrator of the system, prior to adoption of the change by the governing body, and prior to the last public hearing thereon, has issued a statement of the actuarial impact of the proposed change upon the local retirement system, consistent with the actuarial review, and has furnished a copy of such statement to the division. Such statement shall also indicate whether the proposed changes are in compliance with s. 14, Art. X of the State Constitution and with s. 112.64.


Upon receipt, pursuant to subsection (2), of an actuarial report, or upon receipt, pursuant to subsection (3), of a statement of actuarial impact, the Department of Management Services shall acknowledge such receipt, but shall only review and comment on each retirement system’s or plan’s actuarial valuations at least on a triennial basis. If the department finds that the actuarial valuation is not complete, accurate, or based on reasonable assumptions or otherwise materially fails to satisfy the requirements of this part, if the department requires additional material information necessary to complete its review of the actuarial valuation of a system or plan or material information necessary to satisfy the duties of the department pursuant to s. 112.665(1), or if the department does not receive the actuarial report or statement of actuarial impact, the department shall notify the administrator of the affected retirement system or plan and the affected governmental entity and request appropriate adjustment, the additional material information, or the required report or statement. The notification must inform the administrator of the affected retirement system or plan and the affected governmental entity of the consequences for failure to comply with the requirements of this subsection. If, after a reasonable period of time, a satisfactory adjustment is not made or the report, statement, or additional material information is not provided, the department may notify the Department of Revenue and the Department of Financial Services of such noncompliance, in which case the Department of Revenue and the Department of Financial Services shall withhold any funds not pledged for satisfaction of bond debt service which are payable to the affected governmental entity until the adjustment is made or the report, statement, or additional material information is provided to the department. The department shall specify the date such action is to begin, and notification by the department must be received by the Department of Revenue, the Department of Financial Services, and the affected governmental entity 30 days before the date the action begins.


Within 21 days after receipt of the notice, the affected governmental entity may petition for a hearing under ss. 120.569 and 120.57 with the Department of Management Services. The Department of Revenue and the Department of Financial Services may not be parties to any such hearing, but may request to intervene if requested by the Department of Management Services or if the Department of Revenue or the Department of Financial Services determines its interests may be adversely affected by the hearing. If the administrative law judge recommends in favor of the department, the department shall perform an actuarial review, prepare the statement of actuarial impact, or collect the requested material information. The cost to the department of performing such actuarial review, preparing the statement, or collecting the requested material information shall be charged to the affected governmental entity of which the employees are covered by the retirement system or plan. If payment of such costs is not received by the department within 60 days after receipt by the affected governmental entity of the request for payment, the department shall certify to the Department of Revenue and the Department of Financial Services the amount due, and the Department of Revenue and the Department of Financial Services shall pay such amount to the Department of Management Services from any funds not pledged for satisfaction of bond debt service which are payable to the affected governmental entity of which the employees are covered by the retirement system or plan. If the administrative law judge recommends in favor of the affected governmental entity and the department performs an actuarial review, prepares the statement of actuarial impact, or collects the requested material information, the cost to the department of performing the actuarial review, preparing the statement, or collecting the requested material information shall be paid by the Department of Management Services.


In the case of an affected special district, the Department of Management Services shall also notify the Department of Community Affairs. Upon receipt of notification, the Department of Community Affairs shall proceed pursuant to the provisions of s. 189.421 with regard to the special district.


Payments made to the fund as required by this chapter shall be based on the normal and past service costs contained in the most recent actuarial valuation, subject to being state-accepted.


Beginning July 1, 1980, each retirement system or plan of a unit of local government shall maintain, in accurate and accessible form, the following information:


For each active and inactive member of the system, a number or other means of identification; date of birth; sex; date of employment; period of credited service, split, if required, between prior service and current service; and occupational classification.


For each active member, current pay rate, cumulative contributions together with accumulated interest, if credited, age at entry into system, and current rate of contribution.


For each inactive member, average final compensation or equivalent and age at which deferred benefit is to begin.


For each retired member and other beneficiary, a number or other means of identification, date of birth, sex, beginning date of benefit, type of retirement and amount of monthly benefit, and type of survivor benefit.


s. 1, ch. 78-170; s. 15, ch. 79-183; s. 3, ch. 83-37; s. 48, ch. 92-279; s. 55, ch. 92-326; s. 23, ch. 94-249; s. 1418, ch. 95-147; s. 2, ch. 96-324; s. 16, ch. 96-410; s. 21, ch. 99-255; s. 1, ch. 99-392; s. 31, ch. 2001-266; s. 132, ch. 2003-261; s. 8, ch. 2004-305; s. 14, ch. 2005-2.