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2011 Florida Statutes

Powers and duties of district school board.
F.S. 1001.42
1001.42 Powers and duties of district school board.The district school board, acting as a board, shall exercise all powers and perform all duties listed below:
(1) REQUIRE MINUTES AND RECORDS TO BE KEPT.Require the district school superintendent, as secretary, to keep such minutes and records as are necessary to set forth clearly all actions and proceedings of the school board.
(a) Minutes, recording.The minutes of each meeting shall be reviewed, corrected if necessary, and approved at the next regular meeting, provided that this action may be taken at an intervening special meeting if the district school board desires. The minutes shall be kept as a public record in a permanent location.
(b) Minutes, contents.The minutes shall show the vote of each member present on all matters on which the district school board takes action. It shall be the duty of each member to see to it that both the matter and his or her vote thereon are properly recorded in the minutes. Unless otherwise shown by the minutes, it shall be presumed that the vote of each member present supported any action taken by the district school board in either the exercise of, violation of, or neglect of the powers and duties imposed upon the district school board by law or rule, whether such action is recorded in the minutes or is otherwise established. It shall also be presumed that the policies, appointments, programs, and expenditures not recorded in the minutes but made and actually in effect in the district school system were made and put into effect at the direction of the district school board, unless it can be shown that they were done without the actual or constructive knowledge of the members of the district school board.
(2) CONTROL PROPERTY.Subject to rules of the State Board of Education, control property and convey the title to real and personal property.
(3) ADOPT SCHOOL PROGRAM.Adopt a school program for the entire school district.
(4) ESTABLISHMENT, ORGANIZATION, AND OPERATION OF SCHOOLS.Adopt and provide for the execution of plans for the establishment, organization, and operation of the schools of the district, including, but not limited to, the following:
(a) Schools and enrollment plans.Establish schools and adopt enrollment plans that may include school attendance areas and open enrollment provisions.
(b) Elimination of school centers and consolidation of schools.Provide for the elimination of school centers and the consolidation of schools.
(c) Adequate educational facilities for all children without tuition.Provide adequate educational facilities for all children without payment of tuition.
(d) Cooperate with school boards of adjoining districts in maintaining schools.Approve plans for cooperating with school boards of adjoining districts in this state or in adjoining states for establishing school attendance areas composed of territory lying within the districts and for the joint maintenance of district-line schools or other schools which are to serve those attendance areas. The conditions of such cooperation shall be as follows:
1. Establishment.The establishment of a school to serve attendance areas lying in more than one district and the plans for maintaining the school and providing educational services to students shall be effected by annual resolutions spread upon the minutes of each district school board concerned, which resolutions shall set out the territorial limits of the areas from which children are to attend the school and the plan to be followed in maintaining and operating the school.
2. Control.Control of the school or schools involved shall be vested in the district school board of the district in which the school or schools are located unless otherwise agreed by the district school boards.
3. Settlement of disagreements.In the event an agreement cannot be reached relating to such attendance areas or to the school or schools therein, the matter may be referred jointly by the cooperating district school boards or by either district school board to the Department of Education for decision under rules of the State Board of Education, and its decision shall be binding on both school boards.
(e) Classification and standardization of schools.Provide for the classification and standardization of schools.
(f) Opening and closing of schools; fixing uniform date.Adopt policies for the opening and closing of schools and fix uniform dates; however, beginning with the 2007-2008 school year, the opening date for schools in the district may not be earlier than 14 days before Labor Day each year.
(g) Observance of school holidays and vacation periods.Designate the observance of school holidays and vacation periods.
(h) Career classes and schools.Provide for the establishment and maintenance of career schools, departments, or classes, giving instruction in career education as defined by rules of the State Board of Education, and use any moneys raised by public taxation in the same manner as moneys for other school purposes are used for the maintenance and support of public schools or classes.
(i) District school boards may establish public evening schools.Have the authority to establish public evening schools.
(j) Cooperate with other agencies in joint projects.Cooperate with other agencies in joint projects.
(k) Planning time for teachers.May adopt rules for planning time for teachers in accordance with the provisions of chapter 1012.
(l) Exceptional students.Provide for an appropriate program of special instruction, facilities, and services for exceptional students as prescribed by the State Board of Education as acceptable in accordance with the provisions of s. 1003.57.
(m) Alternative education programs for students in residential care facilities.Provide, in accordance with the provisions of s. 1003.58, educational programs according to rules of the State Board of Education to students who reside in residential care facilities operated by the Department of Children and Family Services.
(n) Educational services in detention facilities.In accordance with the provisions of chapter 1006, offer services to students in detention facilities.
(a) Designate positions to be filled, prescribe qualifications for those positions, and provide for the appointment, compensation, promotion, suspension, and dismissal of employees, subject to the requirements of chapter 1012. A district school board is encouraged to provide clerical personnel or volunteers who are not classroom teachers to assist teachers in noninstructional activities, including performing paperwork and recordkeeping duties. However, a teacher shall remain responsible for all instructional activities and for classroom management and grading student performance.
(b) Notwithstanding s. 1012.55 or any other provision of law or rule to the contrary and consistent with adopted district school board policy relating to alternative certification for school principals, have the authority to appoint persons to the position of school principal who do not hold educator certification.
(6) STANDARDS OF ETHICAL CONDUCT FOR INSTRUCTIONAL PERSONNEL AND SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS.Adopt policies establishing standards of ethical conduct for instructional personnel and school administrators. The policies must require all instructional personnel and school administrators, as defined in s. 1012.01, to complete training on the standards; establish the duty of instructional personnel and school administrators to report, and procedures for reporting, alleged misconduct by other instructional personnel and school administrators which affects the health, safety, or welfare of a student; and include an explanation of the liability protections provided under ss. 39.203 and 768.095. A district school board, or any of its employees, may not enter into a confidentiality agreement regarding terminated or dismissed instructional personnel or school administrators, or personnel or administrators who resign in lieu of termination, based in whole or in part on misconduct that affects the health, safety, or welfare of a student, and may not provide instructional personnel or school administrators with employment references or discuss the personnel’s or administrators’ performance with prospective employers in another educational setting, without disclosing the personnel’s or administrators’ misconduct. Any part of an agreement or contract that has the purpose or effect of concealing misconduct by instructional personnel or school administrators which affects the health, safety, or welfare of a student is void, is contrary to public policy, and may not be enforced.
(7) DISQUALIFICATION FROM EMPLOYMENT.Disqualify instructional personnel and school administrators, as defined in s. 1012.01, from employment in any position that requires direct contact with students if the personnel or administrators are ineligible for such employment under s. 1012.315. An elected or appointed school board official forfeits his or her salary for 1 year if:
(a) The school board official knowingly signs and transmits to any state official a report of alleged misconduct by instructional personnel or school administrators which affects the health, safety, or welfare of a student and the school board official knows the report to be false or incorrect; or
(b) The school board official knowingly fails to adopt policies that require instructional personnel and school administrators to report alleged misconduct by other instructional personnel and school administrators, or that require the investigation of all reports of alleged misconduct by instructional personnel and school administrators, if the misconduct affects the health, safety, or welfare of a student.
(a) In accordance with the provisions of chapters 1003 and 1006, provide for the proper accounting for all students of school age, for the attendance and control of students at school, and for proper attention to health, safety, and other matters relating to the welfare of students.
(b) In accordance with the provisions of ss. 1003.31 and 1003.32, fully support the authority of each teacher and school bus driver to remove disobedient, disrespectful, violent, abusive, uncontrollable, or disruptive students from the classroom and the school bus and the authority of the school board to place such students in an alternative educational setting, when appropriate and available.
(9) COURSES OF STUDY AND OTHER INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS.Provide adequate instructional materials for all students in accordance with the requirements of chapter 1006.
(10) TRANSPORTATION OF STUDENTS.After considering recommendations of the district school superintendent, make provision for the transportation of students to the public schools or school activities they are required or expected to attend; authorize transportation routes arranged efficiently and economically; provide the necessary transportation facilities, and, when authorized under rules of the State Board of Education and if more economical to do so, provide limited subsistence in lieu thereof; and adopt the necessary rules and regulations to ensure safety, economy, and efficiency in the operation of all buses, as prescribed in chapter 1006.
(11) SCHOOL PLANT.Approve plans for locating, planning, constructing, sanitating, insuring, maintaining, protecting, and condemning school property as prescribed in chapter 1013 and as follows:
(a) School building program.Approve and adopt a districtwide school building program.
(b) Sites, buildings, and equipment.
1. Select and purchase school sites, playgrounds, and recreational areas located at centers at which schools are to be constructed, of adequate size to meet the needs of projected students to be accommodated.
2. Approve the proposed purchase of any site, playground, or recreational area for which district funds are to be used.
3. Expand existing sites.
4. Rent buildings when necessary.
5. Enter into leases or lease-purchase arrangements, in accordance with the requirements and conditions provided in s. 1013.15(2), with private individuals or corporations for the rental of necessary grounds and educational facilities for school purposes or of educational facilities to be erected for school purposes. Current or other funds authorized by law may be used to make payments under a lease-purchase agreement. Notwithstanding any other statutes, if the rental is to be paid from funds received from ad valorem taxation and the agreement is for a period greater than 12 months, an approving referendum must be held. The provisions of such contracts, including building plans, shall be subject to approval by the Department of Education, and no such contract shall be entered into without such approval. As used in this section, “educational facilities” means the buildings and equipment that are built, installed, or established to serve educational purposes and that may lawfully be used. The State Board of Education may adopt such rules as are necessary to implement these provisions.
6. Provide for the proper supervision of construction.
7. Make or contract for additions, alterations, and repairs on buildings and other school properties.
8. Ensure that all plans and specifications for buildings provide adequately for the safety and well-being of students, as well as for economy of construction.
(c) Maintenance and upkeep of school plant.Provide adequately for the proper maintenance and upkeep of school plants, so that students may attend school without sanitary or physical hazards, and provide for the necessary heat, lights, water, power, and other supplies and utilities necessary for the operation of the schools.
(d) Insurance of school property.Carry insurance on every school building in all school plants including contents, boilers, and machinery, except buildings of three classrooms or less that are of frame construction and located in a tenth class public protection zone as defined by the Florida Inspection and Rating Bureau, and on all school buses and other property under the control of the district school board or title to which is vested in the district school board, except as exceptions may be authorized under rules of the State Board of Education.
(e) Condemnation of buildings.Condemn and prohibit the use for public school purposes of any building that can be shown for sanitary or other reasons to be no longer suitable for such use and, when any building is condemned by any state or other government agency as authorized in chapter 1013, see that it is no longer used for school purposes.
(12) FINANCE.Take steps to assure students adequate educational facilities through the financial procedure authorized in chapters 1010 and 1011 and as prescribed below:
(a) Provide for all schools to operate 180 days.Provide for the operation of all public schools, both elementary and secondary, as free schools for a term of 180 days or the equivalent on an hourly basis as specified by rules of the State Board of Education; determine district school funds necessary in addition to state funds to operate all schools for such minimum term; and arrange for the levying of district school taxes necessary to provide the amount needed from district sources.
(b) Annual budget.Cause to be prepared, adopt, and have submitted to the Department of Education as required by law and rules of the State Board of Education, the annual school budget, such budget to be so prepared and executed as to promote the improvement of the district school system.
(c) Tax levies.Adopt and spread on its minutes a resolution fixing the district school tax levy, provided for under s. 9, Art. VII of the State Constitution, necessary to carry on the school program adopted for the district for the next ensuing fiscal year as required by law, and fixing the district bond interest and sinking fund tax levy necessary for districts against which bonds are outstanding; and adopt and spread on its minutes a resolution suggesting the tax levy provided for in s. 9, Art. VII of the State Constitution, found necessary to carry on the school program adopted for the district for the next ensuing fiscal year.
(d) School funds.Require that an accurate account is kept of all funds that should be transmitted to the district school board for school purposes at various periods during the year from all sources and, if any funds are not transmitted promptly, take the necessary steps to have such funds made available.
(e) Borrow money.Borrow money, as prescribed in ss. 1011.12-1011.16, when necessary in anticipation of funds reasonably to be expected during the year as shown by the budget.
(f) Financial records and accounts.Provide for keeping of accurate records of all financial transactions.
(g) Approval and payment of accounts.Implement a system of accounting and budgetary control to ensure that payments do not exceed amounts budgeted, as required by law; make available all records for proper audit by state officials or independent certified public accountants; and have prepared required periodic statements to be filed with the Department of Education as provided by rules of the State Board of Education.
(h) Bonds of employees.Fix and prescribe the bonds, and pay the premium on all such bonds, of all school employees who are responsible for school funds in order to provide reasonable safeguards for all such funds or property.
(i) Contracts for materials, supplies, and services.Contract for materials, supplies, and services needed for the district school system. No contract for supplying these needs shall be made with any member of the district school board, with the district school superintendent, or with any business organization in which any district school board member or the district school superintendent has any financial interest whatsoever.
(j) Purchasing regulations to be secured from Department of Management Services.Secure purchasing regulations and amendments and changes thereto from the Department of Management Services and prior to any purchase have reported to it by its staff, and give consideration to the lowest price available to it under such regulations, provided a regulation applicable to the item or items being purchased has been adopted by the department. The department should meet with educational administrators to expand the inventory of standard items for common usage in all schools and postsecondary educational institutions.
(k) Protection against loss.Provide for adequate protection against any loss or damage to school property or loss resulting from any liability for which the district school board or its officers, agents, or employees may be responsible under law. In fulfilling this responsibility, the district school board may purchase insurance, to be self-insured, to enter into risk management programs managed by district school boards, school-related associations, or insurance companies, or to have any combination thereof in any area to the extent the district school board is either authorized or required by law to contract for insurance. Any risk management program entered into pursuant to this subsection shall provide for strict accountability of all funds to the member district school boards and an annual audit by an independent certified public accountant of all receipts and disbursements.
(l) Internal auditor.May employ an internal auditor to perform ongoing financial verification of the financial records of the school district. The internal auditor shall report directly to the district school board or its designee.
(m) Financial and performance audits.In addition to the audits required by ss. 11.45 and 218.39, may contract with an independent certified public accountant to conduct a financial or performance audit of its accounts and records retained by it and paid from its public funds.
(13) RECORDS AND REPORTS.Provide for the keeping of all necessary records and the making of all needed or required reports, as follows:
(a) Forms, blanks, and reports.Require all employees to keep accurately all records and to make promptly in the proper form all reports required by law or by rules of the State Board of Education.
(b) Reports to the department.Require that the district school superintendent prepare all reports to the Department of Education that may be required by law or rules of the State Board of Education; see that all such reports are promptly transmitted to the department; withhold the further payment of salary to the superintendent or employee when notified by the department that he or she has failed to file any report within the time or in the manner prescribed; and continue to withhold the salary until the district school board is notified by the department that such report has been received and accepted, provided that when any report has not been received by the date due and after due notice has been given to the district school board of that fact, the department, if it deems necessary, may require the report to be prepared by a member of its staff, and the district school board shall pay all expenses connected therewith. Any member of the district school board who is responsible for the violation of this provision is subject to suspension and removal.
(c) Reports to parents.Require that, at regular intervals, reports are made by school principals or teachers to parents, apprising them of the progress being made by the students in their studies and giving other needful information.
(14) COOPERATION WITH OTHER DISTRICT SCHOOL BOARDS.May establish and participate in educational consortia that are designed to provide joint programs and services to cooperating school districts, consistent with the provisions of s. 4(b), Art. IX of the State Constitution. The State Board of Education shall adopt rules providing for the establishment, funding, administration, and operation of such consortia.
(15) ENFORCEMENT OF LAW AND RULES.Require that all laws and rules of the State Board of Education or of the district school board are properly enforced.
(16) SCHOOL LUNCH PROGRAM.Assume such responsibilities and exercise such powers and perform such duties as may be assigned to it by law or as may be required by rules of the State Board of Education or, as in the opinion of the district school board, are necessary to ensure school lunch services, consistent with needs of students; effective and efficient operation of the program; and the proper articulation of the school lunch program with other phases of education in the district.
(a) Adopt procedures whereby the general public can be adequately informed of the educational programs, needs, and objectives of public education within the district, including educational opportunities available through the Florida Virtual School.
(b) Adopt rules to strengthen family involvement and empowerment pursuant to s. 1002.23. The rules shall be developed in collaboration with school administrators, parents, teachers, and community partners.
(c) Develop and disseminate a parent guide to successful student achievement which addresses what parents need to know about their child’s educational progress and how they can help their child to succeed in school.
(d) Develop and disseminate a checklist for parents to assist parents in becoming involved in their child’s educational progress.
(e) Encourage teachers and administrators to keep parents informed of student progress, student programs, student attendance requirements pursuant to ss. 1003.26, 1003.27, 414.1251, and 984.151, and availability of resources for academic assistance.
(18) IMPLEMENT SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT AND ACCOUNTABILITY.Maintain a state system of school improvement and education accountability as provided by statute and State Board of Education rule. This system of school improvement and education accountability shall be consistent with, and implemented through, the district’s continuing system of planning and budgeting required by this section and ss. 1008.385, 1010.01, and 1011.01. This system of school improvement and education accountability shall comply with the provisions of ss. 1008.33, 1008.34, 1008.345, and 1008.385 and include the following:
(a) School improvement plans.The district school board shall annually approve and require implementation of a new, amended, or continuation school improvement plan for each school in the district.
(b) Public disclosure.The district school board shall provide information regarding the performance of students and educational programs as required pursuant to ss. 1008.22 and 1008.385 and implement a system of school reports as required by statute and State Board of Education rule which shall include schools operating for the purpose of providing educational services to youth in Department of Juvenile Justice programs, and for those schools, report on the elements specified in s. 1003.52(19). Annual public disclosure reports shall be in an easy-to-read report card format and shall include the school’s grade, high school graduation rate calculated without GED tests, disaggregated by student ethnicity, and performance data as specified in state board rule.
(c) School improvement funds.The district school board shall provide funds to schools for developing and implementing school improvement plans. Such funds shall include those funds appropriated for the purpose of school improvement pursuant to s. 24.121(5)(c).
(a) Adopt policies that clearly encourage and enhance maximum decisionmaking appropriate to the school site. Such policies must include guidelines for schools in the adoption and purchase of district and school site instructional materials and technology, the implementation of student health and fitness standards, staff training, school advisory council member training, student support services, budgeting, and the allocation of staff resources.
(b) Adopt waiver process policies to enable all schools to exercise maximum flexibility and notify advisory councils of processes to waive school district and state policies.
(c) Develop policies for periodically monitoring the membership composition of school advisory councils to ensure compliance with requirements established in s. 1001.452.
(d) Adopt policies that assist in giving greater autonomy, including authority over the allocation of the school’s budget, to schools designated with a grade of “A,” making excellent progress, and schools rated as having improved at least two grades.
(20) OPPORTUNITY SCHOLARSHIPS.Adopt policies allowing students attending schools that have been designated with a grade of “D” or “F” pursuant to s. 1008.34 and that are in one of the two lowest-performing categories pursuant to s. 1008.33 to attend a higher-performing school in the district or any other district in the state, in conformance with s. 1002.38 and State Board of Education rule.
(21) AUTHORITY TO DECLARE AN EMERGENCY.May declare an emergency in cases in which one or more schools in the district are failing or are in danger of failing and negotiate special provisions of its contract with the appropriate bargaining units to free these schools from contract restrictions that limit the school’s ability to implement programs and strategies needed to improve student performance.
(22) SCHOOL-WITHIN-A-SCHOOL.In order to reduce the anonymity of students in large schools, adopt policies to encourage any large school to subdivide into schools-within-a-school that shall operate within existing resources in accordance with the provisions of chapter 1003.
(23) FLORIDA VIRTUAL SCHOOL.Provide students with access to courses available through the Florida Virtual School and award credit for successful completion of such courses. Access shall be available to students during and after the normal school day and through summer school enrollment.
(24) EMPLOYMENT CONTRACTS. A district school board may not enter into an employment contract that requires the district to pay from state funds an employee an amount in excess of 1 year of the employee’s annual salary for termination, buyout, or any other type of contract settlement. This subsection does not prohibit the payment of earned leave and benefits in accordance with the district’s leave and benefits policies which were accrued by the employee before the contract terminates.
(25) ADOPT RULES.Adopt rules pursuant to ss. 120.536(1) and 120.54 to implement this section.
History.s. 55, ch. 2002-387; s. 3, ch. 2003-118; s. 29, ch. 2003-391; s. 27, ch. 2004-41; s. 3, ch. 2004-255; s. 8, ch. 2004-333; s. 71, ch. 2004-357; s. 11, ch. 2006-74; s. 9, ch. 2008-108; s. 2, ch. 2009-3; s. 6, ch. 2009-59; s. 2, ch. 2009-144; s. 198, ch. 2010-102; s. 2, ch. 2011-128; s. 2, ch. 2011-175.