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2018 Florida Statutes
CareerSource Florida, Inc.; creation; purpose; membership; duties and powers.
CareerSource Florida, Inc.; creation; purpose; membership; duties and powers.
445.004 CareerSource Florida, Inc.; creation; purpose; membership; duties and powers.—
(1) CareerSource Florida, Inc., is created as a not-for-profit corporation, which shall be registered, incorporated, organized, and operated in compliance with chapter 617. CareerSource Florida, Inc., is not a unit or entity of state government and is exempt from chapters 120 and 287. CareerSource Florida, Inc., shall apply the procurement and expenditure procedures required by federal law for the expenditure of federal funds. CareerSource Florida, Inc., shall be administratively housed within the Department of Economic Opportunity; however, CareerSource Florida, Inc., is not subject to control, supervision, or direction by the department in any manner. The Legislature finds that public policy dictates that CareerSource Florida, Inc., operate in the most open and accessible manner consistent with its public purpose. To this end, the Legislature specifically declares that CareerSource Florida, Inc., its board, councils, and any advisory committees or similar groups created by CareerSource Florida, Inc., are subject to the provisions of chapter 119 relating to public records, and those provisions of chapter 286 relating to public meetings.
(2) CareerSource Florida, Inc., is the principal workforce policy organization for the state. The purpose of CareerSource Florida, Inc., is to design and implement strategies that help Floridians enter, remain in, and advance in the workplace, so that they may become more highly skilled and successful, which benefits these Floridians, Florida businesses, and the entire state, and fosters the development of the state’s business climate.
(3)(a) CareerSource Florida, Inc., shall be governed by a board of directors, whose membership and appointment must be consistent with Pub. L. No. 113-128, Title I, s. 101(b). Members described in Pub. L. No. 113-128, Title I, s. 101(b)(1)(C)(iii)(I)(aa) shall be nonvoting members. The number of directors shall be determined by the Governor, who shall consider the importance of minority, gender, and geographic representation in making appointments to the board. When the Governor is in attendance, he or she shall preside at all meetings of the board of directors.
(b) The board of directors of CareerSource Florida, Inc., shall be chaired by a board member designated by the Governor pursuant to Pub. L. No. 113-128. A member may not serve more than two terms.
(c) Members appointed by the Governor may serve no more than two terms and must be appointed for 3-year terms. However, in order to establish staggered terms for board members, the Governor shall appoint or reappoint one-third of the board members for 1-year terms, one-third of the board members for 2-year terms, and one-third of the board members for 3-year terms beginning July 1, 2016. Subsequent appointments or reappointments shall be for 3-year terms, except that a member appointed to fill a vacancy on the board shall be appointed to serve only the remainder of the term of the member whom he or she is replacing, and may be appointed for a subsequent 3-year term. Private sector representatives of businesses, appointed by the Governor pursuant to Pub. L. No. 113-128, shall constitute a majority of the membership of the board. Private sector representatives shall be appointed from nominations received by the Governor, including, but not limited to, those nominations made by the President of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives. Private sector appointments to the board must be representative of the business community of this state; no fewer than one-half of the appointments must be representative of small businesses, and at least five members must have economic development experience. Members appointed by the Governor serve at the pleasure of the Governor and are eligible for reappointment.
(d) The board must include the vice chairperson of the board of directors of Enterprise Florida, Inc., and one member representing each of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act partners, including the Division of Career and Adult Education, and other entities representing programs identified in the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, as determined necessary.
(e) A member of the board of directors of CareerSource Florida, Inc., may be removed by the Governor for cause. Absence from three consecutive meetings results in automatic removal. The chair of CareerSource Florida, Inc., shall notify the Governor of such absences.
(f) Representatives of businesses appointed to the board of directors may not include providers of workforce services.
(4)(a) The president of CareerSource Florida, Inc., shall be hired by the board of directors of CareerSource Florida, Inc., and shall serve at the pleasure of the Governor in the capacity of an executive director and secretary of CareerSource Florida, Inc.
(b) The board of directors of CareerSource Florida, Inc., shall meet at least quarterly and at other times upon the call of its chair. The board and its committees, subcommittees, or other subdivisions may use any method of telecommunications to conduct meetings, including establishing a quorum through telecommunications, if the public is given proper notice of the telecommunications meeting and is given reasonable access to observe and, if appropriate, participate.
(c) A majority of the total current membership of the board of directors of CareerSource Florida, Inc., constitutes a quorum.
(d) A majority of those voting is required to organize and conduct the business of the board, except that a majority of the entire board of directors is required to adopt or amend the bylaws.
(e) Except as delegated or authorized by the board of directors of CareerSource Florida, Inc., individual members have no authority to control or direct the operations of CareerSource Florida, Inc., or the actions of its officers and employees, including the president.
(f) Members of the board of directors of CareerSource Florida, Inc., and its committees serve without compensation, but these members, the president, and the employees of CareerSource Florida, Inc., may be reimbursed for all reasonable, necessary, and actual expenses pursuant to s. 112.061.
(g) The board of directors of CareerSource Florida, Inc., may establish an executive committee consisting of the chair and at least six additional board members selected by the chair, one of whom must be a representative of organized labor. The executive committee and the president have such authority as the board delegates to them, except that the board of directors may not delegate to the executive committee authority to take action that requires approval by a majority of the entire board of directors.
(h) The chair may appoint committees to fulfill the board’s responsibilities, to comply with federal requirements, or to obtain technical assistance, and must incorporate members of local workforce development boards into its structure.
(5) CareerSource Florida, Inc., shall have all the powers and authority not explicitly prohibited by statute which are necessary or convenient to carry out and effectuate its purposes as determined by statute, Pub. L. No. 113-128, and the Governor, as well as its functions, duties, and responsibilities, including, but not limited to, the following:
(a) Serving as the state’s Workforce Development Board pursuant to Pub. L. No. 113-128. Unless otherwise required by federal law, at least 90 percent of workforce development funding must go toward direct customer service.
(b) Providing oversight and policy direction to ensure that the following programs are administered by the department in compliance with approved plans and under contract with CareerSource Florida, Inc.:
1. Programs authorized under Title I of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act, Pub. L. No. 113-128, with the exception of programs funded directly by the United States Department of Labor under Title I, s. 167.
2. Programs authorized under the Wagner-Peyser Act of 1933, as amended, 29 U.S.C. ss. 49 et seq.
3. Activities authorized under Title II of the Trade Act of 2002, as amended, 19 U.S.C. ss. 2272 et seq., and the Trade Adjustment Assistance Program.
4. Activities authorized under 38 U.S.C. chapter 41, including job counseling, training, and placement for veterans.
5. Employment and training activities carried out under funds awarded to this state by the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development.
6. Welfare transition services funded by the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Program, created under the Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, as amended, Pub. L. No. 104-193, and Title IV, s. 403, of the Social Security Act, as amended.
7. The Florida Bonding Program, provided under Pub. L. No. 97-300, s. 164(a)(1).
8. The Food Assistance Employment and Training Program, provided under the Food and Nutrition Act of 2008, 7 U.S.C. ss. 2011-2032; the Food Security Act of 1988, Pub. L. No. 99-198; and the Hunger Prevention Act, Pub. L. No. 100-435.
9. The Quick-Response Training Program, provided under ss. 288.046-288.047. Matching funds and in-kind contributions that are provided by clients of the Quick-Response Training Program shall count toward the requirements of s. 288.904, pertaining to the return on investment from activities of Enterprise Florida, Inc.
10. The Work Opportunity Tax Credit, provided under the Tax and Trade Relief Extension Act of 1998, Pub. L. No. 105-277, and the Taxpayer Relief Act of 1997, Pub. L. No. 105-34.
(c) The department may adopt rules necessary to administer this chapter which relate to implementing and administering the programs listed in paragraph (b) as well as rules related to eligible training providers and auditing and monitoring subrecipients of the workforce system grant funds.
(d) Contracting with public and private entities as necessary to further the directives of this section. All contracts executed by CareerSource Florida, Inc., must include specific performance expectations and deliverables. All CareerSource Florida, Inc., contracts, including those solicited, managed, or paid by the department pursuant to s. 20.60(5)(c) are exempt from s. 112.061, but shall be governed by subsection (1).
(e) Notifying the Governor, the President of the Senate, and the Speaker of the House of Representatives of noncompliance by the department or other agencies or obstruction of the board’s efforts by such agencies. Upon such notification, the Executive Office of the Governor shall assist agencies to bring them into compliance with board objectives.
(f) Ensuring that the state does not waste valuable training resources. The board shall direct that all resources, including equipment purchased for training Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act clients, be available for use at all times by eligible populations as first priority users. At times when eligible populations are not available, such resources shall be used for any other state-authorized education and training purpose. CareerSource Florida, Inc., may authorize expenditures to award suitable framed certificates, pins, or other tokens of recognition for performance by a local workforce development board, its committees and subdivisions, and other units of the workforce system. CareerSource Florida, Inc., may also authorize expenditures for promotional items, such as t-shirts, hats, or pens printed with messages promoting the state’s workforce system to employers, job seekers, and program participants. However, such expenditures are subject to federal regulations applicable to the expenditure of federal funds.
(g) Establishing a dispute resolution process for all memoranda of understanding or other contracts or agreements entered into between the department and local workforce development boards.
(h) Archiving records with the Bureau of Archives and Records Management of the Division of Library and Information Services of the Department of State.
(6) CareerSource Florida, Inc., may take action that it deems necessary to achieve the purposes of this section, including, but not limited to:
(a) Creating a state employment, education, and training policy that ensures that programs to prepare workers are responsive to present and future business and industry needs and complement the initiatives of Enterprise Florida, Inc.
(b) Establishing policy direction for a funding system that provides incentives to improve the outcomes of career education, registered apprenticeship, and work-based learning programs and that focuses resources on occupations related to new or emerging industries that add greatly to the value of the state’s economy.
(c) Establishing a comprehensive policy related to the education and training of target populations such as those who have disabilities, are economically disadvantaged, receive public assistance, are not proficient in English, or are dislocated workers. This approach should ensure the effective use of federal, state, local, and private resources in reducing the need for public assistance.
(d) Designating Institutes of Applied Technology composed of public and private postsecondary institutions working together with business and industry to ensure that career education programs use the most advanced technology and instructional methods available and respond to the changing needs of business and industry.
(e) Providing policy direction for a system to project and evaluate labor market supply and demand using the results of the Workforce Estimating Conference created in s. 216.136 and the career education performance standards identified under s. 1008.43.
(f) Reviewing the performance of public programs that are responsible for economic development, education, employment, and training. The review must include an analysis of the return on investment of these programs.
(g) Expanding the occupations identified by the Workforce Estimating Conference to meet needs created by local emergencies or plant closings or to capture occupations within emerging industries.
(7) By December 1 of each year, CareerSource Florida, Inc., shall submit to the Governor, the President of the Senate, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, the Senate Minority Leader, and the House Minority Leader a complete and detailed annual report setting forth:
(a) All audits, including any audit conducted under subsection (8).
(b) The operations and accomplishments of the board, including the programs or entities specified in subsection (6).
(8) Pursuant to his or her own authority or at the direction of the Legislative Auditing Committee, the Auditor General may conduct an audit of CareerSource Florida, Inc., or the programs or entities created by CareerSource Florida, Inc. The Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government Accountability, pursuant to its authority or at the direction of the Legislative Auditing Committee, may review the systems and controls related to performance outcomes and quality of services of CareerSource Florida, Inc.
(9) CareerSource Florida, Inc., in collaboration with the local workforce development boards and appropriate state agencies and local public and private service providers, shall establish uniform performance accountability measures that apply across the core programs to gauge the performance of the state and local workforce development boards in achieving the workforce development strategy.
(a) The performance accountability measures for the core programs consist of the primary indicators of performance, any additional indicators of performance, and a state-adjusted level of performance for each indicator pursuant to Pub. L. No. 113-128, Title I, s. 116(b).
(b) The performance accountability measures for each local area consist of the primary indicators of performance, any additional indicators of performance, and a local level of performance for each indicator pursuant to Pub. L. No. 113-128. The local level of performance is determined by the local board, the chief elected official, and the Governor pursuant to Pub. L. No. 113-128, Title I, s. 116(c).
(c) Performance accountability measures shall be used to generate performance reports pursuant to Pub. L. No. 113-128, Title I, s. 116(d).
(d) The performance accountability measures of success that are adopted by CareerSource Florida, Inc., or the local workforce development boards must be developed in a manner that provides for an equitable comparison of the relative success or failure of any service provider in terms of positive outcomes.
(10) The workforce development strategy for the state shall be designed by CareerSource Florida, Inc. The strategy must include efforts that enlist business, education, and community support for students to achieve long-term career goals, ensuring that young people have the academic and occupational skills required to succeed in the workplace. The strategy must also assist employers in upgrading or updating the skills of their employees and assisting workers to acquire the education or training needed to secure a better job with better wages. The strategy must assist the state’s efforts to attract and expand job-creating businesses offering high-paying, high-demand occupations.
(11) The workforce development system must use a charter-process approach aimed at encouraging local design and control of service delivery and targeted activities. CareerSource Florida, Inc., shall be responsible for granting charters to local workforce development boards that have a membership consistent with the requirements of federal and state law and have developed a plan consistent with the state’s workforce development strategy. The plan must specify methods for allocating the resources and programs in a manner that eliminates unwarranted duplication, minimizes administrative costs, meets the existing job market demands and the job market demands resulting from successful economic development activities, ensures access to quality workforce development services for all Floridians, allows for pro rata or partial distribution of benefits and services, prohibits the creation of a waiting list or other indication of an unserved population, serves as many individuals as possible within available resources, and maximizes successful outcomes. As part of the charter process, CareerSource Florida, Inc., shall establish incentives for effective coordination of federal and state programs, outline rewards for successful job placements, and institute collaborative approaches among local service providers. Local decisionmaking and control shall be important components for inclusion in this charter application.
(12) CareerSource Florida, Inc., shall enter into agreement with Space Florida and collaborate with vocational institutes, community colleges, colleges, and universities in this state to develop a workforce development strategy to implement the workforce provisions of s. 331.3051.
History.—s. 1, ch. 94-232; s. 875, ch. 95-148; s. 112, ch. 96-320; s. 6, ch. 96-404; s. 42, ch. 97-278; s. 52, ch. 99-8; s. 75, ch. 99-13; s. 53, ch. 99-251; s. 4, ch. 2000-165; s. 3, ch. 2001-66; s. 4, ch. 2001-175; s. 1003, ch. 2002-387; s. 42, ch. 2004-357; s. 3, ch. 2005-255; s. 66, ch. 2006-60; s. 12, ch. 2006-301; s. 121, ch. 2008-4; s. 35, ch. 2010-209; s. 382, ch. 2011-142; s. 28, ch. 2015-98; s. 27, ch. 2016-216; s. 10, ch. 2017-233.
Note.—Former s. 288.0475; s. 288.9620; s. 288.9952.