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2022 Florida Statutes (including 2022C, 2022D, 2022A, and 2023B)

Certificate of title; issuance in duplicate; delivery; liens and encumbrances.
F.S. 317.0014
317.0014 Certificate of title; issuance in duplicate; delivery; liens and encumbrances.
(1) The department shall assign a number to each certificate of title and shall issue each certificate of title and each corrected certificate in duplicate. The database record shall serve as the duplicate title certificate required in this section. One printed copy may be retained on file by the department.
(2) A duly authorized person shall sign the original certificate of title and each corrected certificate and, if there are no liens or encumbrances on the off-highway vehicle, as shown in the records of the department or as shown in the application, shall deliver the certificate to the applicant or to another person as directed by the applicant or person, agent, or attorney submitting the application. If there are one or more liens or encumbrances on the off-highway vehicle, the certificate shall be delivered by the department to the first lienholder as shown by department records or to the owner as indicated in the notice of lien filed by the first lienholder. If the notice of lien filed by the first lienholder indicates that the certificate should be delivered to the first lienholder, the department shall deliver to the first lienholder, along with the certificate, a form to be subsequently used by the lienholder as a satisfaction. If the notice of lien filed by the first lienholder directs the certificate of title to be delivered to the owner, then, upon delivery of the certificate of title by the department to the owner, the department shall deliver to the first lienholder confirmation of the receipt of the notice of lien and the date the certificate of title was issued to the owner at the owner’s address shown on the notice of lien and a form to be subsequently used by the lienholder as a satisfaction. If the application for certificate shows the name of a first lienholder different from the name of the first lienholder as shown by the records of the department, the certificate may not be issued to any person until after all parties who appear to hold a lien and the applicant for the certificate have been notified of the conflict in writing by the department by certified mail. If the parties do not amicably resolve the conflict within 10 days after the date the notice was mailed, the department shall serve notice in writing by certified mail on all persons appearing to hold liens on that particular vehicle, including the applicant for the certificate, to show cause within 15 days following the date the notice is mailed as to why it should not issue and deliver the certificate to the person indicated in the notice of lien filed by the lienholder whose name appears in the application as the first lienholder without showing any lien or liens as outstanding other than those appearing in the application or those that have been filed subsequent to the filing of the application for the certificate. If, within the 15-day period, any person other than the lienholder shown in the application or a party filing a subsequent lien, in answer to the notice to show cause, appears in person or by a representative, or responds in writing, and files a written statement under oath that his or her lien on that particular vehicle is still outstanding, the department may not issue the certificate to anyone until after the conflict has been settled by the lien claimants involved or by a court of competent jurisdiction. If the conflict is not settled amicably within 10 days after the final date for filing an answer to the notice to show cause, the complaining party shall have 10 days in which to obtain a ruling, or a stay order, from a court of competent jurisdiction. If a ruling or stay order is not issued and served on the department within the 10-day period, it shall issue the certificate showing no liens except those shown in the application or thereafter filed to the original applicant if there are no liens shown in the application and none are thereafter filed, or to the person indicated in the notice of lien filed by the lienholder whose name appears in the application as the first lienholder if there are liens shown in the application or thereafter filed. A duplicate certificate or corrected certificate shall show only the lien or liens as shown in the application and any subsequently filed liens that may be outstanding.
(3) Except as provided in subsection (4), the certificate of title shall be retained by the first lienholder or the owner as indicated in the notice of lien filed by the first lienholder. If the first lienholder is in possession of the certificate, the first lienholder is entitled to retain the certificate until the first lien is satisfied.
(4) If the owner of the vehicle, as shown on the title certificate, desires to place a second or subsequent lien or encumbrance against the vehicle when the title certificate is in the possession of the first lienholder, the owner shall send a written request to the first lienholder by certified mail, and the first lienholder shall forward the certificate to the department for endorsement. If the title certificate is in the possession of the owner, the owner shall forward the certificate to the department for endorsement. The department shall return the certificate to either the first lienholder or to the owner, as indicated in the notice of lien filed by the first lienholder, after endorsing the second or subsequent lien on the certificate and on the duplicate. If the first lienholder or owner fails, neglects, or refuses to forward the certificate of title to the department within 10 days after the date of the owner’s request, the department, on the written request of the subsequent lienholder or an assignee of the lien, shall demand of the first lienholder the return of the certificate for the notation of the second or subsequent lien or encumbrance.
(5)(a) Upon satisfaction of any first lien or encumbrance recorded by the department, the owner of the vehicle, as shown on the title certificate, or the person satisfying the lien is entitled to demand and receive from the lienholder a satisfaction of the lien. If the lienholder, upon satisfaction of the lien and upon demand, fails or refuses to furnish a satisfaction of the lien within 30 days after demand, he or she is liable for all costs, damages, and expenses, including reasonable attorney’s fees, lawfully incurred by the titled owner or person satisfying the lien in any suit brought in this state for cancellation of the lien. The lienholder receiving final payment as defined in s. 674.215 shall mail or otherwise deliver a lien satisfaction and the certificate of title indicating the satisfaction within 10 working days after receipt of final payment or notify the person satisfying the lien that the title is not available within 10 working days after receipt of final payment. If the lienholder is unable to provide the certificate of title and notifies the person of such, the lienholder shall provide a lien satisfaction and is responsible for the cost of a duplicate title, including expedited title charges as provided in s. 317.0016. This paragraph does not apply to electronic transactions under subsection (8).
(b) Following satisfaction of a lien, the lienholder shall enter a satisfaction thereof in the space provided on the face of the certificate of title. If the certificate of title was retained by the owner, the owner shall, within 5 days after satisfaction of the lien, deliver the certificate of title to the lienholder and the lienholder shall enter a satisfaction thereof in the space provided on the face of the certificate of title. If no subsequent liens are shown on the certificate of title, the certificate shall be delivered by the lienholder to the person satisfying the lien or encumbrance and an executed satisfaction on a form provided by the department shall be forwarded to the department by the lienholder within 10 days after satisfaction of the lien.
(c) If the certificate of title shows a subsequent lien not then being discharged, an executed satisfaction of the first lien shall be delivered by the lienholder to the person satisfying the lien and the certificate of title showing satisfaction of the first lien shall be forwarded by the lienholder to the department within 10 days after satisfaction of the lien.
(d) If, upon receipt of a title certificate showing satisfaction of the first lien, the department determines from its records that there are no subsequent liens or encumbrances upon the vehicle, the department shall forward to the owner, as shown on the face of the title, a corrected certificate showing no liens or encumbrances. If there is a subsequent lien not being discharged, the certificate of title shall be reissued showing the second or subsequent lienholder as the first lienholder and shall be delivered to either the new first lienholder or to the owner as indicated in the notice of lien filed by the new first lienholder. If the certificate of title is to be retained by the first lienholder on the reissued certificate, the first lienholder is entitled to retain the certificate of title except as provided in subsection (4) until his or her lien is satisfied. Upon satisfaction of the lien, the lienholder is subject to the procedures required of a first lienholder by subsection (4) and this subsection.
(6) When the original certificate of title cannot be returned to the department by the lienholder and evidence satisfactory to the department is produced that all liens or encumbrances have been satisfied, upon application by the owner for a duplicate copy of the certificate upon the form prescribed by the department, accompanied by the fee prescribed in this chapter, a duplicate copy of the certificate of title, without statement of liens or encumbrances, shall be issued by the department and delivered to the owner.
(7) Any person who fails, within 10 days after receipt of a demand by the department by certified mail, to return a certificate of title to the department as required by subsection (4) or who, upon satisfaction of a lien, fails within 10 days after receipt of such demand to forward the appropriate document to the department as required by paragraph (5)(b) or paragraph (5)(c) commits a misdemeanor of the second degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.
(8) Notwithstanding any requirements in this section or in s. 319.27 indicating that a lien on a vehicle shall be noted on the face of the Florida certificate of title, if there are one or more liens or encumbrances on the off-highway vehicle, the department may electronically transmit the lien to the first lienholder and notify the first lienholder of any additional liens. Subsequent lien satisfactions may be electronically transmitted to the department and must include the name and address of the person or entity satisfying the lien. When electronic transmission of liens and lien satisfactions are used, the issuance of a certificate of title may be waived until the last lien is satisfied and a clear certificate of title is issued to the owner of the vehicle.
(9) In sending any notice, the department is required to use only the last known address, as shown by its records.
History.s. 52, ch. 2005-164.