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2022 Florida Statutes (Including 2022C, 2022D, 2022A, and 2023B)
if the right to full possession and to all of the use, services, output, and capacity of any such electric project during the original estimated useful life thereof is vested, subject to creditors’ rights, in any one or more of such legal entities, electric utilities, or foreign public utilities, or in any combination thereof. Any such public agency or legal entity, or both, may act as agent or designate one or more persons, whether or not participating in an electric project, to act as its agent in connection with the planning, design, engineering, licensing, acquisition, construction, completion, management, control, operation, maintenance, repair, renewal, addition, replacement, improvement, modification, insuring, decommissioning, cleanup, retirement, or disposal, or all of the foregoing, of such electric project or electric projects.
and if the right to full possession and to all of the use, services, output, and capacity of any such electric project during the original estimated useful life thereof is vested, subject to creditors’ rights, in any one or more of such legal entities, electric utilities, or foreign public utilities, or in any combination thereof, such public agency or legal entity, or both, may enter into an agreement or agreements with respect to such electric project with the other person or persons participating therein, and such legal entity may enter into an agreement or agreements with one or more public agencies who are parties to the interlocal agreement creating such legal entity. Any such agreement may be for such period, including, but not limited to, an unspecified period, and may contain such other terms, conditions, and provisions, consistent with the provisions of this section, as the parties thereto shall determine. In connection with entry into and performance pursuant to any such agreement, with the selection of any person or persons with which any such public agency or legal entity, or both, may enter into any such agreement, and with the selection of any electric project to which such agreement may relate, no such public agency or legal entity shall be required to comply with any general, local, or special statute, including, but not limited to, the provisions of s. 287.055, or with any charter provision of any public agency, which would otherwise require public bidding, competitive negotiation, or both.
However, under sub-subparagraph 2.b., such legal entity may not purchase wholesale power for resale to any of its members from any electric utility as a result of any legal proceeding commenced by the legal entity or any of its members after January 1, 1982, before any state or federal court or administrative body, to the extent that such purchase or proceeding would involuntarily expand the responsibility of the electric utility to provide such wholesale power.
Nothing contained in this paragraph shall prevent such legal entity from selling the output of its ownership interest in any such electric project to any electric utility or foreign public utility as emergency, scheduled maintenance, or economy interchange service.
All such parties who are made defendants and over whom the court acquires jurisdiction in such validation proceedings shall be required to show cause, if any exists, why such contract or agreement and the terms and conditions thereof should not be inquired into by the court, the validity of the terms thereof determined, and the matters and conditions which are imposed on the parties to such contract or agreement and all such undertakings thereof adjudicated to be valid and binding on the parties thereto. Notice of such proceedings shall be included in the notice of validation hearing required to be issued and published pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (7)(c); and a copy of the complaint in such proceedings, together with a copy of such notice, shall be served on each party defendant referred to in subparagraphs 1. and 2. who is made a defendant and over whom the court acquires jurisdiction in such validation proceedings. Any person resident of this state or any person not a resident of, or located within, this state, whether or not authorized to transact business in this state, who contracts with any such public agency or legal entity, or both, in any manner relating to such electric project, may intervene in the validation proceedings at or before the time set for the validation hearing and assert any ground or objection to the validity and binding effect of such contract or agreement on his or her own behalf and on behalf of any such public agency and of all citizens, residents, and property owners of the state. No appeal may be taken by any person who was not a party of record in such proceedings at the time the judgment appealed from was rendered. An adjudication as to the validity of any such contract or agreement from which no appeal has been taken within the time permitted by law from the date of entry of the judgment of validation or, if an appeal is filed, which is confirmed on appeal shall be forever conclusive and binding upon such legal entity and all such parties who are made defendants and over whom the court acquires jurisdiction in such validation proceedings.
and to pledge to such other person or persons or such legal entity, or both, for the benefit of such electric project any securities, contract rights, and other property. Each such legal entity is also authorized to pledge to, or for the benefit of, the holders of any bonds, notes, or other evidences of indebtedness issued by such legal entity, as security for the payment thereof, any revenues, securities, contract rights, or other property. Any such pledge shall specify the priority and ranking of such pledge in respect of other pledges, if any, of the same revenues, securities, contract rights, or other property by such public agency or legal entity. Any pledge of revenues, securities, contract rights, or other property made by any such public agency or legal entity, or both, pursuant to this section shall be valid and binding from the date the pledge is made. The revenues, securities, contract rights, or other property so pledged and then held or thereafter received by such public agency or legal entity, or any fiduciary, or such other person or persons shall immediately be subject to the lien of the pledge without any physical delivery thereof or further act; and the lien of the pledge shall be valid and binding as against all parties having claims of any kind in tort, in contract, or otherwise against the public agency or legal entity making such pledge, without regard to whether such parties have notice thereof. The resolution, trust indenture, security agreement, or other instrument by which a pledge is created need not be filed or recorded in any manner.
The governmental entity must provide notice of the public hearing to the owner of each parcel of property subject to the notice of intent at the address reflected in the county property appraiser’s records no later than 30 days before the public meeting. Such notice must be provided by certified mail with return receipt requested, publication in a newspaper of general circulation in the area where the parcels of property are located, and posting on the governmental entity’s website.
QUALIFYING IMPROVEMENTS FOR ENERGY EFFICIENCY, RENEWABLE ENERGY, OR WIND RESISTANCE.—The property being purchased is located within the jurisdiction of a local government that has placed an assessment on the property pursuant to s. 163.08, Florida Statutes. The assessment is for a qualifying improvement to the property relating to energy efficiency, renewable energy, or wind resistance, and is not based on the value of property. You are encouraged to contact the county property appraiser’s office to learn more about this and other assessments that may be provided by law.
The authority or at least one member of the authority must provide retail water or wastewater services to at least 75,000 customers.
“Neither the full faith and credit nor the taxing power of the State of Florida or any political subdivision thereof is pledged to the payment of the principal of, or interest on, this bond.”
In order to be authorized to recognize the exemption from local option sales surtaxes pursuant to subparagraph 2., the owner, lessee, or lessor of the new development, expanding existing development, or redevelopment within the urban infill and redevelopment area must file an application under oath with the governing body having jurisdiction over the urban infill and redevelopment area where the business is located. The application must include the name and address of the business claiming the exclusion from collecting local option surtaxes; an address and assessment roll parcel number of the urban infill and redevelopment area for which the exemption is being sought; a description of the improvements made to accomplish the new development, expanding development, or redevelopment of the real property; a copy of the building permit application or the building permit issued for the development of the real property; a new application for a certificate of registration with the Department of Revenue with the address of the new development, expanding development, or redevelopment; and the location of the property. The local government must review and approve the application and submit the completed application and documentation along with a copy of the ordinance adopted pursuant to subsection (5) to the Department of Revenue in order for the business to become eligible to make sales exempt from local option sales surtaxes in the urban infill and redevelopment area.
As used in this paragraph, the term “wetlands” has the same meaning as defined in s. 373.019.
I, (name of applicant) , understand that my property located at (address of nonagricultural land) , as further described in the attached legal description, is contiguous to sustainable agricultural land located at (address of agricultural land) , as further described in the attached legal description.
I acknowledge and understand that the farm operation on the contiguous sustainable agricultural land identified herein will be conducted according to generally accepted agricultural practices as provided in the Florida Right to Farm Act, s. 823.14, Florida Statutes.
Signature: (signature of applicant)
Date: (date)
The powers and authority set out in this act may be employed by municipalities and counties individually or jointly by mutual agreement in accord with this act and in such combinations as their common interests may dictate and require.
The commanding officer’s comments, underlying studies, and reports shall be considered by the local government in the same manner as the comments received from other reviewing agencies pursuant to s. 163.3184.
The following rights shall be considered in local decisionmaking:
1. The right of a property owner to physically possess and control his or her interests in the property, including easements, leases, or mineral rights.
2. The right of a property owner to use, maintain, develop, and improve his or her property for personal use or for the use of any other person, subject to state law and local ordinances.
3. The right of the property owner to privacy and to exclude others from the property to protect the owner’s possessions and property.
4. The right of a property owner to dispose of his or her property through sale or gift.
Notwithstanding such schedule requirements, as long as the schedule provides for the elimination of all transportation deficiencies within 10 years after the adoption of the transportation sufficiency plan, the final maturity date of any debt incurred to finance or refinance the related projects may be no later than 40 years after the date the debt is incurred and the authority may continue operations and administer the trust fund established as provided in subsection (5) for as long as the debt remains outstanding.
A long-term master plan adopted pursuant to this section may be based upon a planning period longer than the generally applicable planning period of the local comprehensive plan, shall specify the projected population within the planning area during the chosen planning period, and may include a phasing or staging schedule that allocates a portion of the local government’s future growth to the planning area through the planning period. A long-term master plan adopted pursuant to this section is not required to demonstrate need based upon projected population growth or on any other basis.
A detailed specific area plan adopted by local development order pursuant to this section may be based upon a planning period longer than the generally applicable planning period of the local comprehensive plan and shall specify the projected population within the specific planning area during the chosen planning period. A detailed specific area plan adopted pursuant to this section is not required to demonstrate need based upon projected population growth or on any other basis. All lands identified in the long-term master plan for permanent preservation shall be subject to a recorded conservation easement consistent with s. 704.06 before or concurrent with the effective date of the final detailed specific area plan to be approved within the planning area. Any such conservation easement may be based on digital orthophotography prepared by a surveyor and mapper licensed under chapter 472 and may include a right of adjustment authorizing the grantor to modify portions of the area protected by a conservation easement and substitute other lands in their place if the lands to be substituted contain no less gross acreage than the lands to be removed; have equivalent values in the proportion and quality of wetlands, uplands, and wildlife habitat; and are contiguous to other lands protected by the conservation easement. Substitution is accomplished by recording an amendment to the conservation easement as accepted by and with the consent of the grantee, and which consent may not be unreasonably withheld.
However, the term “blighted area” also means any area in which at least one of the factors identified in paragraphs (a) through (o) is present and all taxing authorities subject to s. 163.387(2)(a) agree, either by interlocal agreement with the agency or by resolution, that the area is blighted. Such agreement or resolution must be limited to a determination that the area is blighted. For purposes of qualifying for the tax credits authorized in chapter 220, “blighted area” means an area as defined in this subsection.
A general neighborhood redevelopment plan shall, in the determination of the governing body, conform to the general plan of the locality as a whole and the workable program of the county or municipality.
However, the governing body may, in the ordinance providing for the funding of a trust fund established with respect to any community redevelopment area, determine that the amount to be funded by each taxing authority annually shall be less than 95 percent of the difference between subparagraphs 1. and 2., but in no event shall such amount be less than 50 percent of such difference.
If at any time title to or possession of any property in a community redevelopment area is held by any public body or governmental agency, other than the county or municipality, but including any agency or instrumentality of the United States, which is authorized by law to engage in the undertaking, carrying out, or administration of community redevelopment and related activities, the provisions of the agreements referred to in this section shall inure to the benefit of and may be enforced by such public body or governmental agency. As used in this subsection, the term “county or municipality” also includes a community redevelopment agency.
“Do you favor the creation of the Special Residential Neighborhood Improvement District and approve the levy of up to 2 mills of ad valorem taxes by such proposed district?
Yes, for the Special Residential Neighborhood Improvement District.
No, against the Special Residential Neighborhood Improvement District.”
“Do you favor the creation of the Special Business Neighborhood Improvement District and approve the levy of up to 2 mills of ad valorem taxes by such proposed district?
Yes, for the Special Business Neighborhood Improvement District.
No, against the Special Business Neighborhood Improvement District.”
Note: Please Read Instructions Carefully Before
Marking Ballot and Completing Voter’s Certificate.
I, , am a duly qualified and registered (voter or freeholder, whichever is appropriate) of the proposed (name) (Special Residential or Business, whichever is appropriate) Neighborhood Improvement District; and I am entitled to vote this ballot. I do solemnly swear or affirm that I have not and will not vote more than one ballot in this election. I understand that failure to sign this certificate and have my signature witnessed will invalidate my ballot.
(Voter’s Signature)
Note: Your Signature Must Be Witnessed By One Witness 18 Years of Age or Older as provided in the Instruction Sheet.
I swear or affirm that the elector signed this Voter’s Certificate in my presence.
(Signature of Witness)
(Address) (City/State)
1. VERY IMPORTANT. In order to ensure that your ballot will be counted, it should be completed and returned as soon as possible so that it can reach the city clerk or the supervisor of elections no later than 7 p.m. on the (final day of the 120-day period given here).
2. Mark your ballot in secret as instructed on the ballot.
3. Place your marked ballot in the enclosed secrecy envelope.
4. Insert the secrecy envelope into the enclosed mailing envelope, which is addressed to the city clerk or the supervisor of elections.
5. Seal the mailing envelope and completely fill out the Voter’s Certificate on the back of the mailing envelope.
6. VERY IMPORTANT. Sign your name on the line provided for “(Voter’s Signature).”
7. VERY IMPORTANT. In order for your ballot to be counted, it must include the signature and address of a witness 18 years of age or older affixed to the Voter’s Certificate.
8. Mail, deliver, or have delivered the completed mailing envelope. Be sure there is sufficient postage if mailed.
“Do you favor the imposition of a special assessment of not greater than $500 for each individual parcel of land per year to pay for the expenses of operating the neighborhood improvement district?
Yes, for the special assessment.
No, against the special assessment.”