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2023 Florida Statutes (Including 2023C)
A business owner or lessee may authorize the removal of a vehicle or vessel by a towing company when the vehicle or vessel is parked in such a manner that restricts the normal operation of business; and if a vehicle or vessel parked on a public right-of-way obstructs access to a private driveway the owner, lessee, or agent may have the vehicle or vessel removed by a towing company upon signing an order that the vehicle or vessel be removed without a posted tow-away zone sign.
Notice of Right to Reclaim Abandoned Property
To: (Name of former tenant)
(Address of former tenant)
When you vacated the premises at (address of premises, including room or apartment number, if any) , the following personal property remained: (insert description of personal property) .
You may claim this property at (address where property may be claimed) .
Unless you pay the reasonable costs of storage and advertising, if any, for all the above-described property and take possession of the property which you claim, not later than (insert date not fewer than 10 days after notice is personally delivered or, if mailed, not fewer than 15 days after notice is deposited in the mail) , this property may be disposed of pursuant to s. 715.109.
(Insert here the statement required by subsection (2))
Dated: (Signature of landlord)
(Type or print name of landlord)
(Telephone number)
Notice of Right to Reclaim Abandoned Property
To: (Name)
When (name of former tenant) vacated the premises at (address of premises, including room or apartment number, if any) , the following personal property remained: (insert description of personal property) .
If you own any of this property, you may claim it at (address where property may be claimed) . Unless you pay the reasonable costs of storage and advertising, if any, and take possession of the property to which you are entitled, not later than (insert date not fewer than 10 days after notice is personally delivered or, if mailed, not fewer than 15 days after notice is deposited in the mail) , this property may be disposed of pursuant to s. 715.109.
(Insert here the statement required by subsection (2))
Dated: (Signature of landlord)
(Type or print name of landlord)
(Telephone number)
Any funds retained by the owner beyond the time period specified in this subsection shall accrue interest at the rate specified in subsection (5), computed from the date the payment is due to the date the payment is received by the contractor. If the contract between the owner and the contractor does not provide a time period for the owner to submit a written punchlist to the contractor, the time period shall be 15 days from the issuance of the certificate of substantial completion, the issuance of the certificate of occupancy, or the date the owner or the owner’s tenant takes possession of the project, whichever first occurs. If no written punchlist is given to the contractor within the time provided in this subsection, interest begins to accrue 14 days after the issuance of the certificate of substantial completion, the issuance of the certificate of occupancy, or the date the owner or the owner’s tenant takes possession of the project, whichever first occurs. For construction projects that are to be built in phases, this subsection applies to each phase of the total project. The contract between the owner and the contractor may specify a shorter time period for disbursing all or any portion of the final payment and the retainage.
Amounts may not be withdrawn in excess of the market value of the securities listed in subparagraphs 1., 2., and 3. at the time of such withdrawal or in excess of the par value of such securities, whichever is less. The obligee shall execute and deliver all documents reasonably required to allow the obligor to document the transfer and the obligee shall pay any recording or registration costs incurred by the obligor in connection with the transfer. The obligor shall pay the obligee any interest or income earned on the securities so deposited within 30 days after the date such interest or income is received by the obligor. If the deposit is in the form of coupon bonds, the obligor shall deliver each coupon to the obligee within 30 days after the date the coupon matures. An obligee may withdraw funds retained from progress payments only to the extent the obligor has withdrawn such funds for the obligee’s labor, services, or materials from the person immediately above the obligor in the chain of contracts.