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The Florida Senate


The Florida Senate offers users a wealth of information.  Below are reference tools for common terms, publications, and links.  This section also provides frequently asked questions and information on how to use this site.  If you cannot find the information you seek, contact the Legislature to assist you.

In this Section


An alphabetical list of common terms used for legislation.  The term and definition are provided.  Also, a list of commonly used acronyms in The Florida Senate are provided.


A list of frequently asked questions, such as different types and versions of bills or how to tell the difference between a House and Senate bill.


Information on how to use this site.   


Links to common Senate and House publications are referenced.   Also provided are links to the  Calendar, Journal, Lobbyist Reports and Guides, Laws/Statutes/Constitution, Bill Information Reports, Citator, and Committee Reports. 


A list of Legislative and State Government websites.


The rules of the Senate are provided from 1839 to present.


The historic handbooks are provided from 1970 to the present.

Advisory Opinions 

Advisory Opinions are issued by the Senate General Counsel to answer questions from Senators relating to the interpretation and enforcement of Rules regulating legislative conduct and ethics.

Public Records 

Find out the definition of what can be included as public records and how to request public records from the Office of the Senate Secretary.