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Appropriation Amendment: \\legs-webdev1\itdreview\session\2005\Senate\appbills\html\SB2600am997074.html

General Appropriations Bill                          Committee       Amendment
SB2600                                                  STW              7

Senator(s) Garcia moved the following amendment:

Section: 02              EXPLANATION:

On Page: 007             Deletes proviso regarding placing Miami-Dade School
                         Board PECO funds in reserve.
Spec App:   17

NET IMPACT ON:            Total Funds       General Revenue          Trust Funds
    Recurring -                    0                     0                    0 
Non-Recurring -                    0                     0                    0 

                                                  Positions & Amount   Positions & Amount
                                                      DELETE         INSERT

        Program: Education - Fixed Capital Outlay  48150000

        In Section 02  On Page 007
17      Fixed Capital Outlay  089000
        Maintenance, Repair, Renovation, And                
        Remodeling  IOEL

DELETE a portion of proviso immediately following Specific Appropriation 
17 :

Funds  in  Specific  Appropriation  17  for the Miami-Dade County School
Board shall be placed in reserve by the Executive Office of the Governor
until  the  Commissioner  of  Education  certifies  that  conditions for
release  of  funds  have  been  met.  These  conditions  shall include a
recommendation  for  release of funds received from the Land Acquisition
and  Facilities  Advisory  Board  appointed  by  the  Governor  and  the
Legislature.  Any recommendation from the Advisory Board for the release
of   funds   shall  include  certification  that  policies  established,
procedures  followed,  and  expenditures  made  by the Miami-Dade County
School  Board  related  to  site  acquisition  and  facilities planning,
construction, and facilities maintenance operations  are consistent with
recommendations  of  the  Land Acquisition and Facilities Advisory Board
and will accomplish corrective action recommended by the Auditor General
and  the Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government Accountability

18      Fixed Capital Outlay  089001

     997074  Log:0021  SEC/SEC           04/06/05 03:33:43 PM  Senate  Page: 1
        Survey Recommended Needs - Public Schools  IOEL

DELETE a portion of proviso immediately following Specific Appropriation 

Funds  in  Specific  Appropriation  18  for the Miami-Dade County School
Board shall be placed in reserve by the Executive Office of the Governor
until  the  Commissioner  of  Education  certifies  that  conditions for
release  of  funds  have  been  met.  These  conditions  shall include a
recommendation  for  release of funds received from the Land Acquisition
and  Facilities  Advisory  Board  appointed  by  the  Governor  and  the
Legislature.  Any recommendation from the Advisory Board for the release
of   funds   shall  include  certification  that  policies  established,
procedures  followed,  and  expenditures  made  by the Miami-Dade County
School  Board  related  to  site  acquisition  and  facilities planning,
construction, and facilities maintenance operations  are consistent with
recommendations  of  the  Land Acquisition and Facilities Advisory Board
and will accomplish corrective action recommended by the Auditor General
and  the Office of Program Policy Analysis and Government Accountability

Line item amendments are accepted as part of the amendatory process. However, due to the necessity of using computerized systems this may entail a different placement within a budget entity or the renumbering of the specific appropriation items.

997074 Log:0021 SEC/SEC 04/06/05 03:33:43 PM Senate Page: 2