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The Florida Senate

Appropriation Amendment: \\legs-webdev1\itdreview\session\2005\Senate\appbills\html\SB7076am996004.html

Florida Senate - 2005                                Committee       Amendment
SB7076                                                   TA              5

The Committee on Transportation & Economic Development Appropriations (Hill) 
recommended the following amendment:

Section: 06              EXPLANATION:

On Page: 029             Earmarks $166,400 from Child Care and Development Block
                         Grant Funds in the Child Care Executive Partnership
Spec App: 2162H          (CCEP) program to be used for the Child Care
                         Development Services/Parental Workforce Development
                         program to facilitate safe learning environments for
                         children, in addition to providing parenting skills
                         training coupled with job skills development and
                         placement referral assistance.  Earmarking this amount
                         leaves $18.83 million for the CCEP program.

NET IMPACT ON:            Total Funds       General Revenue          Trust Funds
    Recurring -                    0                     0                    0 
Non-Recurring -                    0                     0                    0 

                                                  Positions & Amount   Positions & Amount
                                                      DELETE         INSERT

        Early Learning
        Early Learning Services  75900100

        In Section 06  On Page 029
2162H   Special Categories  103117
        Grants And Aids Child Care Executive                
        Partnership (Ccep)  IOEB

Immediately following Specific Appropriation 2162H, DELETE:

Funds  in  Specific  Appropriation  2162H  shall  be  designated  by the
Florida  Partnership  for School Readiness to be used for the Child Care
Executive  Partnership  Program  as  match  to  expand  the provision of
services  to  low  income families at or below 200 percent of poverty as
defined  in  section  409.178, Florida Statutes.  Funds for this program
may be used to match funds for statewide contracts.

Immediately following Specific Appropriation 2162H, INSERT:

     996004  Log:0027  FEM/FEM           03/21/05 08:35:17 PM  Senate  Page: 1
From the funds in  Specific  Appropriation  2162H, $18,883,600  shall 
be  designated  by the Florida  Partnership  for School Readiness to be
used for the Child Care Executive Partnership Program as match to 
expand the provision of services to low income families at or below 200
percent of poverty as defined in section 409.178, Florida Statutes. 
Funds for this program may be used to match funds for statewide

From the funds in Specific Appropriation 2162H, $166,400 is provided for
the Child Care Development Services/Parental Workforce Development
program to facilitate safe learning environments for children, in
addition to providing parenting skills training coupled with job skills
development and placement referral assistance.

Line item amendments are accepted as part of the amendatory process. However, due to the necessity of using computerized systems this may entail a different placement within a budget entity or the renumbering of the specific appropriation items.
996004 Log:0027 FEM/FEM 03/21/05 08:35:17 PM Senate Page: 2