HB 3687: Entertainment Industry Growth Act
GENERAL BILL by Tourism ; Barreiro ; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Bullard ; Prewitt ; Harrington ; Greene ; Sindler ; Culp ; Livingston ; Melvin ; Bronson
Entertainment Industry Growth Act; creates "Fla. Entertainment Industry Growth Act"; creates Office of Entertainment Industry Commissioner; authorizes application for approval by Entertainment Industry Office as qualified production company for purposes of receiving sales tax exemptions & refunds; revises language re property used as integral part of performance of qualified production services, etc. Amends FS.
Last Action: 5/1/1998 Senate - Died in Messages
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF
Bill History
Date Chamber Action 2/17/1998 House • Prefiled
3/3/1998 House • Introduced -HJ 00050
3/5/1998 House • Referred to Governmental Rules & Regulations (GRC); Finance & Taxation (FRC); Transportation & Economic Development Appropriations -HJ 00147
3/11/1998 House • On Committee agenda-- Governmental Rules & Regulations (GRC), 03/17/98, 1:30 pm, 314-HOB
3/17/1998 House • Comm. Action: Unanimously Favorable with 9 amendment(s) by Governmental Rules & Regulations (GRC) -HJ 00306
3/19/1998 House • Now in Finance & Taxation (FRC) -HJ 00306
4/8/1998 House • On Committee agenda-- Finance & Taxation (FRC), 04/14/98, 3:45 pm, Morris Hall
4/14/1998 House • Comm. Action: Unanimously Favorable by Finance & Taxation (FRC) -HJ 00690
4/16/1998 House • Now in Transportation & Economic Development Appropriations -HJ 00690
4/20/1998 House • On Committee agenda-- Transportation & Economic Development Appropriations, 04/21/98, 10:15 am, 413C
4/21/1998 House • Comm. Action:-Unanimously Favorable with 9 amendment(s) by Transportation & Economic Development Appropriations -HJ 00999
4/22/1998 House • Pending Consent Calendar -HJ 00999
4/23/1998 House • Placed on General Calendar; Read second time -HJ 01067; Amendment(s) adopted -HJ 01068; Amendment(s) reconsidered, failed -HJ 01069
4/24/1998 House • Temporarily postponed, on Third Reading
4/28/1998 House • Read third time -HJ 01480; Amendment(s) adopted -HJ 01481; Passed as amended; YEAS 117 NAYS 0 -HJ 01481
4/28/1998 Senate • In Messages
5/1/1998 Senate • Died in Messages
HB 3687, Engrossed 2 (Current Bill Version) Posted 8/28/2000 at 11:08 AM
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF Analyses: None Related Bills (3)
Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location S 1612 (c1) Entertainment Industry Growth Act Harris Similar Last Action: 5/1/1998 S Placed on Special Order Calendar -SJ 01522, -SJ 01808; Died on Special Order Calendar
Location:H 4125 (c1) Public Record/Entertainment Industry Barreiro Compare Last Action: 5/1/1998 S Died in Committee on Commerce and Economic Opportunities
Location:S 1614 (c1) Public Record/Entertainment Industry Harris Compare Last Action: 5/1/1998 S Placed on Special Order Calendar -SJ 01522, -SJ 01808; Died on Special Order Calendar
Location:Floor Votes (1)
Date Chamber Result 4/28/1998 2:00 PM House 117 Yeas - 0 Nays Citations - Statutes (23)
Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help 14.2015 Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development; creation; powers and duties. 212.031 Lease or rental of or license in real property. 212.06 Sales, storage, use tax; collectible from dealers; "dealer" defined; dealers to collect from purchasers; legislative intent as to scope of tax. 212.0602 Education; limited exemption. 212.08 Sales, rental, use, consumption, distribution, and storage tax; specified exemptions. 213.053 Confidentiality and information sharing. 288.051 Short title. 288.052 Legislative findings. 288.053 Florida Film and Television Investment Board; creation; purpose; membership. 288.054 Administration; powers. 288.056 Conditions for film and television investment. 288.057 Annual report. 288.108 High-impact business. 288.1228 Promotion and development of entertainment industries; direct-support organization; powers and duties. 288.12285 Promotion and development of entertainment industries; direct-support organization; confidentiality of donor identities. 288.125 288.1251 288.1252 288.1253 288.1254 288.1255 288.1258 288.90152 Pilot matching grant program. -
HB 3687, Engrossed 1 Posted 8/28/2000 at 11:08 AM
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF Analyses: None Floor Amendments (5)
Amendment Sponsor Filed Last Floor Action Format 230371 - Amendment
Barreiro 4/27/1998
8:53 PMWeb Page
PDF381307 - Amendment
Barreiro 4/27/1998
8:54 PMWeb Page
PDF484699 - Amendment
Barreiro 4/27/1998
8:54 PMWeb Page
PDF591881 - Amendment
Barreiro 4/27/1998
8:54 PMWeb Page
PDF873615 - Amendment
Barreiro 4/27/1998
8:55 PMWeb Page
PDFCitations - Statutes (23)
Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help 14.2015 Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development; creation; powers and duties. 212.031 Lease or rental of or license in real property. 212.06 Sales, storage, use tax; collectible from dealers; "dealer" defined; dealers to collect from purchasers; legislative intent as to scope of tax. 212.0602 Education; limited exemption. 212.08 Sales, rental, use, consumption, distribution, and storage tax; specified exemptions. 213.053 Confidentiality and information sharing. 288.051 Short title. 288.052 Legislative findings. 288.053 Florida Film and Television Investment Board; creation; purpose; membership. 288.054 Administration; powers. 288.056 Conditions for film and television investment. 288.057 Annual report. 288.108 High-impact business. 288.1228 Promotion and development of entertainment industries; direct-support organization; powers and duties. 288.12285 Promotion and development of entertainment industries; direct-support organization; confidentiality of donor identities. 288.125 288.1251 288.1252 288.1253 288.1254 288.1255 288.1258 288.90152 Pilot matching grant program. -
HB 3687, Original Filed Version Posted 8/28/2000 at 11:08 AM
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF Committee Amendments (18)
Amendment Sponsor Filed Last Committee Action Format 243029 - Amendment
Transportation & Economic Development Appropriations 4/22/1998
8:34 PMWeb Page
PDF273929 - Amendment
Transportation & Economic Development Appropriations 4/22/1998
8:35 PMWeb Page
PDF331369 - Amendment
Governmental Rules & Regulations 4/22/1998
8:38 PMWeb Page
PDF341031 - Amendment
Transportation & Economic Development Appropriations 4/22/1998
8:38 PMWeb Page
PDF364025 - Amendment
Governmental Rules & Regulations 4/22/1998
8:39 PMWeb Page
PDF394155 - Amendment
Governmental Rules & Regulations 4/22/1998
8:40 PMWeb Page
PDF481527 - Amendment
Governmental Rules & Regulations 4/22/1998
8:43 PMWeb Page
PDF522711 - Amendment
Transportation & Economic Development Appropriations 4/22/1998
8:45 PMWeb Page
PDF531217 - Amendment
Transportation & Economic Development Appropriations 4/22/1998
8:45 PMWeb Page
PDF562903 - Amendment
Governmental Rules & Regulations 4/22/1998
8:46 PMWeb Page
PDF564373 - Amendment
Transportation & Economic Development Appropriations 4/22/1998
8:46 PMWeb Page
PDF591645 - Amendment
Governmental Rules & Regulations 4/22/1998
8:47 PMWeb Page
PDF701373 - Amendment
Governmental Rules & Regulations 4/22/1998
8:49 PMWeb Page
PDF784617 - Amendment
Transportation & Economic Development Appropriations 4/22/1998
8:51 PMWeb Page
PDF805497 - Amendment
Governmental Rules & Regulations 4/22/1998
8:51 PMWeb Page
PDF882393 - Amendment
Governmental Rules & Regulations 4/22/1998
8:52 PMWeb Page
PDF940729 - Amendment
Transportation & Economic Development Appropriations 4/22/1998
8:53 PMWeb Page
PDF945037 - Amendment
Transportation & Economic Development Appropriations 4/22/1998
8:53 PMWeb Page
PDFCitations - Statutes (23)
Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help 14.2015 Office of Tourism, Trade, and Economic Development; creation; powers and duties. 212.031 Lease or rental of or license in real property. 212.06 Sales, storage, use tax; collectible from dealers; "dealer" defined; dealers to collect from purchasers; legislative intent as to scope of tax. 212.0602 Education; limited exemption. 212.08 Sales, rental, use, consumption, distribution, and storage tax; specified exemptions. 213.053 Confidentiality and information sharing. 288.051 Short title. 288.052 Legislative findings. 288.053 Florida Film and Television Investment Board; creation; purpose; membership. 288.054 Administration; powers. 288.056 Conditions for film and television investment. 288.057 Annual report. 288.108 High-impact business. 288.1228 Promotion and development of entertainment industries; direct-support organization; powers and duties. 288.12285 Promotion and development of entertainment industries; direct-support organization; confidentiality of donor identities. 288.125 288.1251 288.1252 288.1253 288.1254 288.1255 288.1258 288.90152 Pilot matching grant program.
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