CS/HB 139: Motor Vehicle Licenses
GENERAL BILL by Transportation ; Heyman ; Bloom ; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Ritter ; Villalobos ; Healey ; Morroni ; Ogles ; Kelly ; Stafford ; Futch ; Warner ; Trovillion ; Bainter ; Valdes ; Henriquez ; Effman ; Gottlieb ; Boyd ; Turnbull ; Frankel ; Wilson ; Wasserman Schultz ; Kosmas ; Goode ; Lawson ; Levine ; Rojas ; Ritchie ; Crady ; Dennis ; Sublette ; Rayson ; Dockery ; Edwards ; Crist ; Roberts-Burke ; Melvin ; Byrd ; Murman ; Sanderson ; Brown ; Jacobs ; Greenstein ; Cosgrove ; Betancourt ; Miller
Motor Vehicle Licenses; eliminates requirement that permanent validation sticker be issued in connection with each license plate & revises requirements re annual validation sticker; requires that annual validation decal be issued in connection with each license plate in addition to annual validation sticker; provides for issuance of decals by tax collectors & delivery of decals by mail, etc. Amends Ch. 320, 921.0022.
Last Action: 4/30/1999 House - Died in Committee on Transportation & Economic Development Appropriations (FRC)
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF
Bill History
Date Chamber Action 12/8/1998 House • Prefiled
12/18/1998 House • Referred to Transportation (EDC); Law Enforcement & Crime Prevention (CRC); Finance & Taxation (FRC); Transportation & Economic Development Appropriations (FRC)
3/2/1999 House • Introduced, referred to Transportation (EDC); Law Enforcement & Crime Prevention (CRC); Finance & Taxation (FRC); Transportation & Economic Development Appropriations (FRC) -HJ 00028
3/9/1999 House • On Committee agenda-- Transportation (EDC), 03/11/99, 1:00 pm, 317C
3/11/1999 House • Comm. Action: CS by Transportation (EDC) -HJ 00382
3/24/1999 House • CS read first time on 03/24/99 -HJ 00377
3/18/1999 House • Pending review of CS under Rule 113
3/22/1999 House • Now in Law Enforcement & Crime Prevention (CRC) -HJ 00382
3/26/1999 House • On Committee agenda-- Law Enforcement & Crime Prevention (CRC), 03/30/99, 4:00 pm, 116K
3/30/1999 House • Comm. Action: Unanimously Favorable by Law Enforcement & Crime Prevention (CRC) -HJ 00511
3/31/1999 House • Now in Finance & Taxation (FRC) -HJ 00511
4/14/1999 House • On Committee agenda-- Finance & Taxation (FRC), 04/16/99, 9:30 am, Morris Hall
4/16/1999 House • Comm. Action: Unanimously Favorable by Finance & Taxation (FRC) -HJ 00750
4/19/1999 House • Now in Transportation & Economic Development Appropriations (FRC) -HJ 00750
4/30/1999 House • Died in Committee on Transportation & Economic Development Appropriations (FRC)
CS/HB 139, Committee Substitute 1 (Current Bill Version) Posted 8/28/2000 at 9:26 AM
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF Related Bills (1)
Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location S 1124 Motor Vehicle Licenses Silver Similar Last Action: 4/30/1999 S Died in Committee on Transportation
Location:Citations - Statutes (14)
Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help 320.03 Registration; duties of tax collectors; International Registration Plan. 320.031 Mailing of registration certificates, license plates, and validation stickers. 320.04 Registration service charge. 320.06 Registration certificates, license plates, and validation stickers generally. 320.0607 Replacement license plates, validation decal, or mobile home sticker. 320.061 Unlawful to alter motor vehicle registration certificates, license plates, mobile home stickers, or validation stickers; penalty. 320.0657 Permanent registration; fleet license plates. 320.07 Expiration of registration; annual renewal required; penalties. 320.071 Advance registration renewal; procedures. 320.084 Free motor vehicle license plate to certain disabled veterans. 320.10 Exemptions. 320.26 Counterfeiting license plates, validation stickers, mobile home stickers, cab cards, trip permits, or special temporary operational permits prohibited; penalty. 320.261 Attaching registration license plate not assigned unlawful; penalty. 921.0022 Criminal Punishment Code; offense severity ranking chart. -
HB 139, Original Filed Version Posted 8/28/2000 at 9:26 AM
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF Analyses: Transportation (Post-Meeting) 12/30/1998 (pdf)
Citations - Statutes (14)
Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help 320.03 Registration; duties of tax collectors; International Registration Plan. 320.031 Mailing of registration certificates, license plates, and validation stickers. 320.04 Registration service charge. 320.06 Registration certificates, license plates, and validation stickers generally. 320.0607 Replacement license plates, validation decal, or mobile home sticker. 320.061 Unlawful to alter motor vehicle registration certificates, license plates, mobile home stickers, or validation stickers; penalty. 320.0657 Permanent registration; fleet license plates. 320.07 Expiration of registration; annual renewal required; penalties. 320.071 Advance registration renewal; procedures. 320.084 Free motor vehicle license plate to certain disabled veterans. 320.10 Exemptions. 320.26 Counterfeiting license plates, validation stickers, mobile home stickers, cab cards, trip permits, or special temporary operational permits prohibited; penalty. 320.261 Attaching registration license plate not assigned unlawful; penalty. 921.0022 Criminal Punishment Code; offense severity ranking chart.
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