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The Florida Senate

CS/SB 296: Local Fuel Tax/Homeless Assistance

GENERAL BILL by Comprehensive Planning, Local and Military Affairs ; Forman ; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Campbell ; Klein ; Geller

Local Fuel Tax/Homeless Assistance; authorizes certain charter counties to use portion of certain proceeds of local option fuel tax for county transportation systems for homeless assistance programs; provides for an interlocal agreement; requires adoption of resolution specifying that county is meeting certain transportation needs; requires county to continue funding such programs from other sources at specified level; defines "homeless assistance program", etc. Amends 336.025.

Effective Date: 10/01/1999
Last Action: 4/30/1999 Senate - Died on Calendar
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF

Bill History

Date Chamber Action
12/22/1998 Senate • Prefiled
1/20/1999 Senate • Referred to Comprehensive Planning, Local and Military Affairs; Fiscal Resource
2/9/1999 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Comprehensive Planning, Local and Military Affairs, 02/16/99, 3:00 pm, Room-309C
2/16/1999 Senate • Comm. Action: CS by Comprehensive Planning, Local and Military Affairs
2/17/1999 Senate • Now in Fiscal Resource
3/2/1999 Senate • Introduced, referred to Comprehensive Planning, Local and Military Affairs; Fiscal Resource -SJ 00032; On Committee agenda-- Comprehensive Planning, Local and Military Affairs, 02/16/99, 3:00 pm, Room-309C; Comm. Action: CS by Comprehensive Planning, Local and Military Affairs -SJ 00015; CS read first time on 03/02/99 -SJ 00105; Now in Fiscal Resource -SJ 00015; On Committee agenda-- Fiscal Resource, 03/03/99, 1:00 pm, Room-110S
3/3/1999 Senate • Comm. Action:-Favorable by Fiscal Resource -SJ 00125; Placed on Calendar -SJ 00125
4/30/1999 Senate • Died on Calendar