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The Florida Senate

CS/SB 420: Pharmacy Discount Program

GENERAL BILL by Health, Aging and Long-Term Care ; Brown-Waite ; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Klein

Pharmacy Discount Program; authorizes as new optional Medicaid service pharmacy discount program, to be administered by AHCA; directs AHCA to seek federal Medicaid waiver for said program; specifies program eligibility & eligibility determination; specifies means of deriving subsidy for program participants. Amends 409.906.

Effective Date: 10/01/2001
Last Action: 5/4/2001 Senate - Died in Committee on Governmental Oversight and Productivity
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF

Bill History

Date Chamber Action
1/25/2001 Senate • Prefiled
2/8/2001 Senate • Referred to Health, Aging and Long-Term Care; Governmental Oversight and Productivity; Finance and Taxation; Appropriations Subcommittee on Health and Human Services; Appropriations
3/6/2001 Senate • Introduced, referred to Health, Aging and Long-Term Care; Governmental Oversight and Productivity; Finance and Taxation; Appropriations Subcommittee on Health and Human Services; Appropriations -SJ 00034
3/9/2001 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Health, Aging and Long-Term Care, 03/14/01, 12:15 pm, 110-S
3/14/2001 Senate • CS by Health, Aging and Long-Term Care; YEAS 10 NAYS 0 -SJ 00149; CS read first time on 03/16/01 -SJ 00178
3/16/2001 Senate • Now in Governmental Oversight and Productivity -SJ 00149
4/4/2001 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Governmental Oversight and Productivity, 04/05/01, 10:00 am, 37-S --Temporarily postponed
4/12/2001 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Governmental Oversight and Productivity, 04/17/01, 2:00 pm, 37-S --Temporarily postponed
5/4/2001 Senate • Died in Committee on Governmental Oversight and Productivity