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The Florida Senate

CS/HB 863: Insurance Agents


Insurance Agents; deletes references to solicitors to conform to prior deletions; revises certain fingerprinting requirements; provides for fee for certain late appointment filings; revises applicant address requirements; requires inclusion of fingerprints in certain inquiries or investigations; revises licensure eligibility criteria to specify United States citizenship or certain legal alien status, etc. Amends FS.

Effective Date: Upon becoming law
Last Action: 5/2/2003 House - Placed on Special Order Calendar -HJ 01103; Substituted CS/SB 2364; Laid on Table, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to HB 513 (Ch. 2003-281), CS/SB 2364 (Ch. 2003-267), SB 40-A (Ch. 2003-407) -HJ 01106
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF

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  • Bill History

    Date Chamber Action
    2/27/2003 House • Prefiled
    3/4/2003 House • Introduced -HJ 00076
    3/7/2003 House • Referred to Insurance Regulation (IN); Insurance; Finance & Tax -HJ 00163
    4/7/2003 House • On Subcommittee agenda-- Insurance Regulation (IN), 04/09/03, 1:00 pm, 212-K
    4/9/2003 House • Recommendation: Favorable with 1 amendment(s) by Insurance Regulation (IN); YEAS 9 NAYS 0
    4/10/2003 House • Now in Insurance
    4/11/2003 House • On Committee agenda-- Insurance, 04/15/03, 1:00 pm, 212-K
    4/15/2003 House • Favorable with CS amendment by Insurance; YEAS 18 NAYS 0 -HJ 00404
    4/23/2003 House • Pending review of CS under Rule 6.3(b)
    4/25/2003 House • Now in Finance & Tax -HJ 00404
    4/28/2003 House • Withdrawn from Finance & Tax -HJ 00703; Placed on Calendar
    5/1/2003 House • Placed on Special Order Calendar; Temporarily postponed, on Second Reading -HJ 00980
    5/2/2003 House • Placed on Special Order Calendar -HJ 01103; Substituted CS/SB 2364; Laid on Table, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to HB 513 (Ch. 2003-281), CS/SB 2364 (Ch. 2003-267), SB 40-A (Ch. 2003-407) -HJ 01106

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  • CS/HB 863, Committee Substitute 1 (Current Bill Version) Posted 4/23/2003 at 3:36 PM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Related Bills (2)

    Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location
    H 513 (e2) Benson Similar Last Action: 7/11/2003 Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2003-281; See also CS/SB 2364 (Ch. 2003-267), SB 2680 (Ch. 2003-21), SB 40-A (Ch. 2003-407)
    S 2364 (e2) Diaz de la Portilla Similar Last Action: 6/26/2003 Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2003-267; See also HB 513 (Ch. 2003-281), SB 2190 (Ch. 2003-99), CS/SB 32-A (Ch. 2003-411), SB 40-A (Ch. 2003-407)

    Citations - Statutes (71)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    624.04 "Person" defined.
    624.303 Seal; certified copies as evidence.
    624.313 Publications.
    624.317 Investigation of agents, adjusters, administrators, service companies, and others.
    624.34 Authority of Department of Law Enforcement to accept fingerprints of, and exchange criminal history records with respect to, certain persons.
    624.501 Filing, license, appointment, and miscellaneous fees.
    624.504 Liability for state, county tax.
    624.506 County tax; deposit and remittance.
    624.521 Deposit of certain tax receipts; refund of improper payments.
    626.015 Definitions.
    626.022 Scope of part.
    626.032 Administrative agents; continuing education and designation required.
    626.112 License and appointment required; agents, customer representatives, adjusters, insurance agencies, service representatives, managing general agents.
    626.171 Application for license.
    626.175 Temporary licensing.
    626.201 Investigation.
    626.202 Fingerprinting requirements.
    626.221 Examination requirement; exemptions.
    626.2815 Continuing education required; application; exceptions; requirements; penalties.
    626.2816 Regulation of continuing education for licensees, course providers, instructors, school officials, and monitor groups.
    626.2817 Regulation of course providers, instructors, school officials, and monitor groups involved in prelicensure education for insurance agents and other licensees.
    626.311 Scope of license.
    626.321 Limited licenses.
    626.322 License, appointment; certain military installations.
    626.341 Additional appointments; general lines, life, and health agents.
    626.361 Effective date of appointments.
    626.371 Payment of fees, taxes for appointment period without appointment.
    626.381 Renewal, continuation, reinstatement, or termination of appointment.
    626.451 Appointment of agent or other representative.
    626.461 Continuation of appointment of agent or other representative.
    626.471 Termination of appointment.
    626.601 Improper conduct; inquiry; fingerprinting.
    626.731 Qualifications for general lines agent's license.
    626.7315 Prohibition against the unlicensed transaction of general lines insurance.
    626.732 Requirement as to knowledge, experience, or instruction.
    626.733 Agency firms and corporations; special requirements.
    626.7351 Qualifications for customer representative's license.
    626.7354 Customer representative's powers; agent's or agency's responsibility.
    626.7355 Temporary license as customer representative pending examination.
    626.741 Nonresident agents; licensing and restrictions.
    626.753 Sharing commissions; penalty.
    626.785 Qualifications for license.
    626.7851 Requirement as to knowledge, experience, or instruction.
    626.797 Code of ethics.
    626.829 "Health agent" defined.
    626.831 Qualifications for license.
    626.8311 Requirement as to knowledge, experience, or instruction.
    626.8414 Qualifications for examination.
    626.8417 Title insurance agent licensure; exemptions.
    626.843 Renewal, continuation, reinstatement, termination of title insurance agent's appointment.
    626.865 Public adjuster's qualifications, bond.
    626.866 Independent adjuster's qualifications.
    626.867 Company employee adjuster's qualifications.
    626.869 License, adjusters.
    626.874 Catastrophe or emergency adjusters.
    626.878 Rules; code of ethics.
    626.9541 Unfair methods of competition and unfair or deceptive acts or practices defined.
    626.9916 Viatical settlement broker license required; application for license.
    627.7295 Motor vehicle insurance contracts.
    632.634 Licensing and appointment of agents.
    634.171 Salesperson to be licensed and appointed.
    634.420 License and appointment of sales representatives.
    642.034 License and appointment required.
    642.036 Sales representatives to be licensed and appointed.
    642.045 Procedure for refusal, suspension, or revocation of license and appointment of sales representative; departmental action upon violation by licensed insurance agent or solicitor.
    648.27 Licenses and appointments; general.
    648.34 Bail bond agents; qualifications.
    648.355 Temporary limited license as limited surety agent or professional bail bond agent; pending examination.
    648.382 Appointment of bail bond agents and temporary bail bond agents; effective date of appointment.
    648.383 Renewal, continuation, reinstatement, and termination of appointment; bail bond agents.
    648.50 Effect of suspension, revocation upon associated licenses and licensees.

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  • HB 863, Original Filed Version Posted 2/27/2003 at 6:09 PM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   Insurance (Post-Meeting) (pdf)
    Insurance (Post-Meeting) (pdf)
    Insurance (Post-Meeting) (pdf)

    Citations - Statutes (67)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    624.04 "Person" defined.
    624.303 Seal; certified copies as evidence.
    624.313 Publications.
    624.317 Investigation of agents, adjusters, administrators, service companies, and others.
    624.34 Authority of Department of Law Enforcement to accept fingerprints of, and exchange criminal history records with respect to, certain persons.
    624.501 Filing, license, appointment, and miscellaneous fees.
    624.504 Liability for state, county tax.
    624.506 County tax; deposit and remittance.
    624.521 Deposit of certain tax receipts; refund of improper payments.
    626.015 Definitions.
    626.022 Scope of part.
    626.032 Administrative agents; continuing education and designation required.
    626.112 License and appointment required; agents, customer representatives, adjusters, insurance agencies, service representatives, managing general agents.
    626.171 Application for license.
    626.175 Temporary licensing.
    626.202 Fingerprinting requirements.
    626.221 Examination requirement; exemptions.
    626.2815 Continuing education required; application; exceptions; requirements; penalties.
    626.2816 Regulation of continuing education for licensees, course providers, instructors, school officials, and monitor groups.
    626.2817 Regulation of course providers, instructors, school officials, and monitor groups involved in prelicensure education for insurance agents and other licensees.
    626.321 Limited licenses.
    626.322 License, appointment; certain military installations.
    626.341 Additional appointments; general lines, life, and health agents.
    626.361 Effective date of appointments.
    626.371 Payment of fees, taxes for appointment period without appointment.
    626.381 Renewal, continuation, reinstatement, or termination of appointment.
    626.451 Appointment of agent or other representative.
    626.461 Continuation of appointment of agent or other representative.
    626.471 Termination of appointment.
    626.601 Improper conduct; inquiry; fingerprinting.
    626.731 Qualifications for general lines agent's license.
    626.7315 Prohibition against the unlicensed transaction of general lines insurance.
    626.732 Requirement as to knowledge, experience, or instruction.
    626.733 Agency firms and corporations; special requirements.
    626.7351 Qualifications for customer representative's license.
    626.7354 Customer representative's powers; agent's or agency's responsibility.
    626.7355 Temporary license as customer representative pending examination.
    626.741 Nonresident agents; licensing and restrictions.
    626.753 Sharing commissions; penalty.
    626.785 Qualifications for license.
    626.7851 Requirement as to knowledge, experience, or instruction.
    626.797 Code of ethics.
    626.829 "Health agent" defined.
    626.831 Qualifications for license.
    626.8311 Requirement as to knowledge, experience, or instruction.
    626.8414 Qualifications for examination.
    626.8417 Title insurance agent licensure; exemptions.
    626.865 Public adjuster's qualifications, bond.
    626.866 Independent adjuster's qualifications.
    626.867 Company employee adjuster's qualifications.
    626.869 License, adjusters.
    626.874 Catastrophe or emergency adjusters.
    626.878 Rules; code of ethics.
    626.9541 Unfair methods of competition and unfair or deceptive acts or practices defined.
    626.9916 Viatical settlement broker license required; application for license.
    632.634 Licensing and appointment of agents.
    634.171 Salesperson to be licensed and appointed.
    634.420 License and appointment of sales representatives.
    642.034 License and appointment required.
    642.036 Sales representatives to be licensed and appointed.
    642.045 Procedure for refusal, suspension, or revocation of license and appointment of sales representative; departmental action upon violation by licensed insurance agent or solicitor.
    648.27 Licenses and appointments; general.
    648.34 Bail bond agents; qualifications.
    648.355 Temporary limited license as limited surety agent or professional bail bond agent; pending examination.
    648.382 Appointment of bail bond agents and temporary bail bond agents; effective date of appointment.
    648.383 Renewal, continuation, reinstatement, and termination of appointment; bail bond agents.
    648.50 Effect of suspension, revocation upon associated licenses and licensees.

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