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The Florida Senate

SB 2074: Sales Disclosure/Property

GENERAL BILL by Diaz de la Portilla ; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Smith

Sales Disclosure/Property; specifies transactions that are subject to requirements of act; requires that certain disclosures be made by transferor or his or her agent re real property located within flood hazard area, area with severe constraints for development, area impacted by sinkhole activity, wellhead protection area, priority wetland zone, habitat conservation area, airport's environs, environmental hazard site, or radon gas zone, etc. Creates 475.423.

Effective Date: 07/01/2004
Last Action: 4/2/2004 Senate - Withdrawn from Judiciary; Banking and Insurance; Regulated Industries; Rules and Calendar -SJ 00549; Withdrawn from further consideration -SJ 00549
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF

Bill History

Date Chamber Action
2/12/2004 Senate • Prefiled
2/23/2004 Senate • Referred to Judiciary; Banking and Insurance; Regulated Industries; Rules and Calendar
3/2/2004 Senate • Introduced, referred to Judiciary; Banking and Insurance; Regulated Industries; Rules and Calendar -SJ 00120
4/2/2004 Senate • Withdrawn from Judiciary; Banking and Insurance; Regulated Industries; Rules and Calendar -SJ 00549; Withdrawn from further consideration -SJ 00549