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The Florida Senate

SB 884: Obsolete/Outdated Agency Plans/Reports/Programs [RPCC]

GENERAL BILL by Haridopolos ; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Gaetz

Obsolete/Outdated Agency Plans/Reports/Programs [RPCC]; Amends, deletes, and repeals obsolete or outdated agency plans, reports, and programs, etc.

Effective Date: Upon becoming law
Last Action: 5/2/2008 Senate - Died in Committee on Governmental Operations, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to HB 5085 (Ch. 2008-143), HB 7137 (Ch. 2008-250), CS/CS/SB 1286 (Ch. 2008-106)
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF

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  • Bill History

    Date Chamber Action
    12/21/2007 Senate • Filed
    1/24/2008 Senate • Referred to Governmental Operations; Community Affairs; Judiciary; Finance and Tax; General Government Appropriations
    3/4/2008 Senate • Introduced, referred to Governmental Operations; Community Affairs; Judiciary; Finance and Tax; General Government Appropriations -SJ 00054
    5/2/2008 Senate • Died in Committee on Governmental Operations, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to HB 5085 (Ch. 2008-143), HB 7137 (Ch. 2008-250), CS/CS/SB 1286 (Ch. 2008-106)

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  • SB 884, Original Filed Version (Current Bill Version) Posted 12/21/2007 at 2:44 PM

    Bill Text:   Web Page | PDF
    Analyses:   None

    Related Bills (10)

    Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location
    H 5085 (e3) Sansom Compare Last Action: 6/10/2008 Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2008-143
    H 7111 (c1) Economic Development Cannon Compare Last Action: 5/1/2008 H Substituted CS/SB 2778 (Died in Senate returning Messages); Laid on Table, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/HB 1373 (Ch. 2008-89), HB 5071 (Ch. 2008-140), HB 7109 (Ch. 2008-149) -HJ 01818
    H 7137 (e1) Adams Compare Last Action: 6/30/2008 Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2008-250
    H 7147 Tax Administration Government Efficiency & Accountability Council Compare Last Action: 5/2/2008 H Died on Calendar, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/CS/HB 745 (Ch. 2008-193), CS/HB 909 (Ch. 2008-197)
    S 1286 (e1) Saunders Compare Last Action: 6/10/2008 Approved by Governor; Chapter No. 2008-106; See also HB 7091 (Ch. 2008-247)
    S 1312 Petroleum Cleanup [RPCC] Saunders Compare Last Action: 5/2/2008 S Died in Committee on Environmental Preservation and Conservation
    S 1614 (c4) Department of Corrections [LPCC] Criminal Justice Compare Last Action: 4/25/2008 S Substituted HB 7137 -SJ 00834; Laid on Table, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to HB 7137 (Ch. 2008-250) -SJ 00834
    S 2216 (e1) Adult Protection and Care/DCFS [SPCC] Storms Compare Last Action: 5/2/2008 S In returning messages; Died in returning Messages, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to HB 7077 (Ch. 2008-245)
    S 2778 (e2) Economic Development [EPCC] Fasano Compare Last Action: 5/2/2008 S Died in returning Messages, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/HB 1373 (Ch. 2008-89)
    S 2788 (c1) Tax Administration [FPCC] Haridopolos Compare Last Action: 5/2/2008 S Died in Committee on Regulated Industries, Link/Iden/Sim/Compare passed, refer to CS/CS/HB 745 (Ch. 2008-193)

    Citations - Statutes (210)

    Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help
    14.25 Florida State Commission on Hispanic Affairs.
    14.26 Citizen's Assistance Office.
    14.27 Florida Commission on African-American Affairs.
    16.58 Florida Legal Resource Center.
    17.32 Annual report of trust funds; duties of Chief Financial Officer.
    17.325 Governmental efficiency hotline; duties of Chief Financial Officer.
    20.057 Interagency agreements to delete duplication of inspections.
    20.19 Department of Children and Family Services.
    20.316 Department of Juvenile Justice.
    20.43 Department of Health.
    39.3065 Sheriffs of certain counties to provide child protective investigative services; procedures; funding.
    39.4086 Pilot program for attorneys ad litem for dependent children.
    39.523 Placement in residential group care.
    98.255 Voter education programs.
    110.1227 Florida Employee Long-Term-Care Plan Act.
    120.542 Variances and waivers.
    120.60 Licensing.
    120.695 Notice of noncompliance.
    121.45 Interstate compacts relating to pension portability.
    153.952 Legislative findings; intent.
    161.053 Coastal construction and excavation; regulation on county basis.
    161.161 Procedure for approval of projects.
    163.065 Miami River Improvement Act.
    163.2511 Urban infill and redevelopment.
    163.2514 Growth Policy Act; definitions.
    163.2526 Review and evaluation.
    163.3167 Scope of act.
    163.3177 Required and optional elements of comprehensive plan; studies and surveys.
    163.3178 Coastal management.
    163.3202 Land development regulations.
    163.519 Duties of Department of Legal Affairs.
    186.007 State comprehensive plan; preparation; revision.
    189.4035 Preparation of official list of special districts.
    189.412 Special District Information Program; duties and responsibilities.
    194.034 Hearing procedures; rules.
    206.606 Distribution of certain proceeds.
    212.054 Discretionary sales surtax; limitations, administration, and collection.
    212.08 Sales, rental, use, consumption, distribution, and storage tax; specified exemptions.
    213.0452 Required reporting.
    213.054 Persons claiming tax exemptions or deductions; annual report.
    215.70 State Board of Administration to act in case of defaults.
    216.011 Definitions.
    216.103 Agencies receiving federal funds; designation of coordinating official; duties.
    216.172 Meetings of legislative appropriations committees.
    216.181 Approved budgets for operations and fixed capital outlay.
    252.55 Civil Air Patrol, Florida Wing.
    253.7825 Recreational uses.
    253.7826 Canal structures.
    253.7829 Management plan for retention or disposition of former Cross Florida Barge Canal lands; authority to manage lands until disposition.
    259.037 Land Management Uniform Accounting Council.
    259.041 Acquisition of state-owned lands for preservation, conservation, and recreation purposes.
    259.101 Florida Preservation 2000 Act.
    267.074 State Historical Marker Program.
    272.121 Capitol Center long-range planning.
    284.50 Loss prevention program; safety coordinators; Interagency Advisory Council on Loss Prevention; employee recognition program.
    287.045 Procurement of products and materials with recycled content.
    287.059 Private attorney services.
    287.16 Powers and duties of department.
    288.1045 Qualified defense contractor tax refund program.
    288.108 High-impact business.
    288.1185 Recycling Markets Advisory Committee.
    288.1226 Florida Tourism Industry Marketing Corporation; use of property; board of directors; duties; audit.
    288.1229 Promotion and development of sports-related industries and amateur athletics; direct-support organization; powers and duties.
    288.7015 Appointment of rules ombudsman; duties.
    288.7771 Annual report of Florida Export Finance Corporation.
    288.8175 Linkage institutes between postsecondary institutions in this state and foreign countries.
    288.853 International sanctions against Castro government.
    288.95155 Florida Small Business Technology Growth Program.
    288.9604 Creation of the authority.
    288.9610 Annual reports of Florida Development Finance Corporation.
    292.04 Florida Commission on Veterans' Affairs.
    292.05 Duties of Department of Veterans' Affairs.
    296.16 Reports to the Governor, Cabinet, and Legislature.
    296.39 Reports to the Governor, Cabinet, and Legislature.
    315.03 Grant of powers.
    319.324 Odometer fraud prevention and detection; funding.
    322.181 Study of effects of aging on driving ability; advisory council.
    322.251 Notice of cancellation, suspension, revocation, or disqualification of license.
    366.82 Definition; goals; plans; programs; annual reports; energy audits.
    369.22 Nonindigenous aquatic plant control.
    369.305 Review of local comprehensive plans, land development regulations, Wekiva River development permits, and amendments.
    370.12 Marine animals; regulation.
    370.26 Aquaculture definitions; marine aquaculture products, producers, and facilities.
    372.5712 Florida waterfowl permit revenues.
    372.5715 Florida wild turkey permit revenues.
    372.673 Florida Panther Technical Advisory Council.
    373.0391 Technical assistance to local governments.
    373.046 Interagency agreements.
    376.121 Liability for damage to natural resources.
    376.17 Reports to the Legislature.
    376.30713 Preapproved advanced cleanup.
    377.703 Additional functions of the Department of Environmental Protection; energy emergency contingency plan; federal and state conservation programs.
    380.06 Developments of regional impact.
    380.0677 Green Swamp Land Authority.
    381.0011 Duties and powers of the Department of Health.
    381.0036 Planning for implementation of educational requirements concerning HIV and AIDS for specified applicants for professional licensure.
    381.731 Strategic planning.
    381.732 Short title; Healthy Communities, Healthy People Act.
    381.733 Definitions relating to Healthy Communities, Healthy People Act.
    381.795 Long-term community-based supports.
    381.931 Annual report on Medicaid expenditures.
    383.19 Standards; funding; ineligibility.
    383.21 Program review.
    383.2161 Maternal and child health report.
    394.4573 Continuity of care management system; measures of performance; reports.
    394.4985 Districtwide information and referral network; implementation.
    394.75 State and district substance abuse and mental health plans.
    394.82 Funding of expanded services.
    394.9082 Behavioral health service delivery strategies.
    394.9083 Behavioral Health Services Integration Workgroup.
    395.807 Retention of family practice residents.
    397.321 Duties of the department.
    397.332 Office of Drug Control.
    397.333 Statewide Drug Policy Advisory Council.
    397.94 Children's substance abuse services; information and referral network.
    400.148 Medicaid "Up-or-Out" Quality of Care Contract Management Program.
    400.967 Rules and classification of deficiencies.
    402.3016 Early Head Start collaboration grants.
    402.40 Child welfare training.
    403.4131 Litter control.
    406.02 Medical Examiners Commission; membership; terms; duties; staff.
    408.033 Local and state health planning.
    408.914 Phased implementation plan.
    408.915 Eligibility pilot project.
    408.917 Evaluation of the pilot project.
    409.1451 Independent living transition services.
    409.146 Children and families client and management information system.
    409.152 Service integration and family preservation.
    409.1679 Additional requirements, effective date, reimbursement methodology, and evaluation.
    409.1685 Children in foster care; annual report to Legislature.
    409.178 Child Care Executive Partnership Act; findings and intent; grant; limitation; rules.
    409.221 Consumer-directed care program.
    409.25575 Support enforcement; privatization.
    409.2558 Support distribution and disbursement.
    409.441 Runaway youth programs and centers.
    409.906 Optional Medicaid services.
    409.912 Cost-effective purchasing of health care.
    410.0245 Study of service needs; report; multiyear plan.
    410.604 Community care for disabled adults program; powers and duties of the department.
    411.01 School readiness programs; early learning coalitions.
    411.221 Prevention and early assistance strategic plan; agency responsibilities.
    411.232 Children's Early Investment Program.
    411.242 Florida Education Now and Babies Later
    414.1251 Learnfare program.
    414.14 Public assistance policy simplification.
    414.36 Public assistance overpayment recovery program; contracts.
    414.391 Automated fingerprint imaging.
    415.1045 Photographs, videotapes, and medical examinations; abrogation of privileged communications; confidential records and documents.
    415.111 Criminal penalties.
    420.622 State Office on Homelessness; Council on Homelessness.
    420.623 Local coalitions for the homeless.
    427.704 Powers and duties of the commission.
    427.706 Advisory committee.
    429.07 License required; fee.
    429.08 Unlicensed facilities; referral of person for residency to unlicensed facility; penalties; verification of licensure status.
    429.41 Rules establishing standards.
    430.04 Duties and responsibilities of the Department of Elderly Affairs.
    430.502 Alzheimer's disease; memory disorder clinics and day care and respite care programs.
    445.003 Implementation of the federal Workforce Investment Act of 1998.
    445.006 Strategic and operational plans for workforce development.
    445.022 Retention Incentive Training Accounts.
    446.50 Displaced homemakers; multiservice programs; report to the Legislature; Displaced Homemaker Trust Fund created.
    455.204 Long-range policy planning; plans, reports, and recommendations.
    455.2226 Funeral directors and embalmers; instruction on HIV and AIDS.
    455.2228 Barbers and cosmetologists; instruction on HIV and AIDS.
    456.005 Long-range policy planning; plans, reports, and recommendations.
    456.025 Fees; receipts; disposition.
    456.034 Athletic trainers and massage therapists; requirement for instruction on HIV and AIDS.
    517.302 Criminal penalties; alternative fine; Anti-Fraud Trust Fund; time limitation for criminal prosecution.
    531.415 Fees.
    553.975 Report to the Governor and Legislature.
    570.0705 Advisory committees.
    570.0725 Food recovery; legislative intent; department functions.
    570.543 Florida Consumers' Council.
    603.204 South Florida Tropical Fruit Plan.
    627.64872 Florida Health Insurance Plan.
    744.708 Reports and standards.
    765.5215 Education program relating to anatomical gifts.
    768.295 Strategic Lawsuits Against Public Participation
    775.084 Violent career criminals; habitual felony offenders and habitual violent felony offenders; three-time violent felony offenders; definitions; procedure; enhanced penalties or mandatory minimum prison terms.
    790.22 Use of BB guns, air or gas-operated guns, or electric weapons or devices by minor under 16; limitation; possession of firearms by minor under 18 prohibited; penalties.
    943.125 Law enforcement agency accreditation.
    943.68 Transportation and protective services.
    944.023 Comprehensive correctional master plan.
    944.801 Education for state prisoners.
    945.35 Requirement for education on human immunodeficiency virus, acquired immune deficiency syndrome, and other communicable diseases.
    948.10 Community control programs.
    958.045 Youthful offender basic training program.
    960.045 Department of Legal Affairs; powers and duties.
    985.02 Legislative intent for the juvenile justice system.
    985.047 Information systems.
    985.47 Serious or habitual juvenile offender.
    985.483 Intensive residential treatment program for offenders less than 13 years of age.
    985.61 Early delinquency intervention program; criteria.
    985.622 Multiagency plan for vocational education.
    985.632 Quality assurance and cost-effectiveness.
    1002.34 Charter technical career centers.
    1003.61 Pilot attendance project.
    1004.22 Divisions of sponsored research at state universities.
    1004.50 Institute on Urban Policy and Commerce.
    1004.94 Adult literacy.
    1004.95 Adult literacy centers.
    1006.0605 Students' summer nutrition.
    1006.67 Report of campus crime statistics.
    1009.70 Florida Education Fund.
    1011.32 Community College Facility Enhancement Challenge Grant Program.
    1011.62 Funds for operation of schools.
    1012.05 Teacher recruitment and retention.
    1012.42 Teacher teaching out-of-field.
    1013.11 Postsecondary institutions assessment of physical plant safety.

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