CS/SB 146: Senior Services/Independent Special Districts [WPSC]
GENERAL BILL by Finance and Tax ; Rich
Senior Services/Independent Special Districts [WPSC]; Authorizes a county to create an independent special district by ordinance to provide funding for services for seniors. Requires approval by a majority vote of electors to annually levy ad valorem taxes. Creates a governing council for the district. Requires the council to prepare a tentative annual budget and compute a millage rate to fund the district. Provides legislative intent with respect to the use of funds collected by the council, etc.
Last Action: 4/30/2010 Senate - Died in Committee on Health and Human Services Appropriations
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF
Bill History
Date Chamber Action 10/5/2009 Senate • Filed
12/9/2009 Senate • Referred to Community Affairs; Children, Families, and Elder Affairs; Finance and Tax; Health and Human Services Appropriations; Policy & Steering Committee on Ways and Means
1/22/2010 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Community Affairs, 02/02/10, 8:15 am, 412-K
2/2/2010 Senate • Favorable with 1 amendment(s) by Community Affairs (308224); YEAS 9 NAYS 0
2/3/2010 Senate • Pending reference review under Rule 4.7(2) - (Amendments)
2/8/2010 Senate • Now in Children, Families, and Elder Affairs
3/1/2010 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Children, Families, and Elder Affairs, 03/04/10, 8:00 am, 401-S
3/2/2010 Senate • Introduced, referred to Community Affairs; Children, Families, and Elder Affairs; Finance and Tax; Health and Human Services Appropriations; Policy & Steering Committee on Ways and Means -SJ 00020; On Committee agenda-- Community Affairs, 02/02/10, 8:15 am, 412-K; Favorable with 1 amendment(s) by Community Affairs (308224); YEAS 9 NAYS 0 -SJ 00162; Pending reference review under Rule 4.7(2) - (Amendments); Now in Children, Families, and Elder Affairs -SJ 00162; On Committee agenda-- Children, Families, and Elder Affairs, 03/04/10, 8:00 am, 401-S
3/4/2010 Senate • Favorable by Children, Families, and Elder Affairs; YEAS 7 NAYS 0 -SJ 00188; Now in Finance and Tax -SJ 00188
3/11/2010 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Finance and Tax, 03/16/10, 9:00 am, 301-S
3/16/2010 Senate • CS by Finance and Tax; YEAS 5 NAYS 0 -SJ 00270; CS read 1st time on 03/18/10 -SJ 00271
3/17/2010 Senate • Pending reference review under Rule 4.7(2) - (Committee Substitute)
3/22/2010 Senate • Now in Health and Human Services Appropriations -SJ 00270
4/1/2010 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Health and Human Services Appropriations, 04/06/10, 3:15 pm, 110-S --Temporarily postponed
4/14/2010 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Health and Human Services Appropriations, 04/19/10, 10:30 am, 110-S --Temporarily postponed
4/15/2010 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Policy & Steering Committee on Ways and Means, 04/20/10, 2:15 pm, 412-K --Not received
4/30/2010 Senate • Died in Committee on Health and Human Services Appropriations
CS/SB 146, Committee Substitute 1 (Current Bill Version) Posted 3/17/2010 at 9:39 AM
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF Analyses: Finance and Tax (Post-Meeting) (pdf)
Health and Human Services Appropriations (Post-Meeting) (pdf)
Related Bills (1)
Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location H 153 Senior Services Pafford Similar Last Action: 4/30/2010 H Died in Committee on Military & Local Affairs Policy (EDCA)
Location: -
SB 146, Original Filed Version Posted 11/15/2009 at 1:18 AM
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF Analyses: Community Affairs (Post-Meeting) 1/24/2010 (pdf)
Children, Families, and Elder Affairs (Post-Meeting) (pdf)
Committee Amendments (1)
Amendment Sponsor Filed Last Committee Action Format 308224 - Amendment
Community Affairs
12:54 PMFavorable
2/2/2010PDF Committee Votes (3)
Date Committee Result 2/2/2010 8:15 AM Community Affairs 9 Yeas - 0 Nays 3/4/2010 8:00 AM Children, Families, and Elder Affairs 7 Yeas - 0 Nays 3/16/2010 9:00 AM Finance and Tax 5 Yeas - 0 Nays
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Linked bill
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