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The Florida Senate

SB 466: James E. "Jim" King, Jr., State Reserve [EPSC]


James E. "Jim" King, Jr., State Reserve [EPSC]; Designates certain lands located in Marion and Putnam Counties as the James E. "Jim" King, Jr., State Reserve. Requires that the Office of Greenways and Trails within the DEP develop multipurpose recreational opportunities and provide for the care, maintenance, and beautification of the state reserve. Authorizes the Division of State Lands within the DEP to acquire adjacent or contiguous property to the state reserve, etc.

Effective Date: 01/01/2011
Last Action: 3/18/2010 Senate - Withdrawn from Environmental Preservation and Conservation; General Government Appropriations -SJ 00268; Withdrawn from further consideration -SJ 00268
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF

Bill History

Date Chamber Action
10/15/2009 Senate • Filed
12/9/2009 Senate • Referred to Environmental Preservation and Conservation; General Government Appropriations
3/2/2010 Senate • Introduced, referred to Environmental Preservation and Conservation; General Government Appropriations -SJ 00040
3/18/2010 Senate • Withdrawn from Environmental Preservation and Conservation; General Government Appropriations -SJ 00268; Withdrawn from further consideration -SJ 00268