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The Florida Senate

CS/CS/SB 900: Voting [GPSC]

GENERAL BILL by Transportation and Economic Development Appropriations ; Ethics and Elections ; Thrasher ; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Gaetz

Voting [GPSC]; Extends the deadline by which persons with disabilities will be required to vote on voter interface devices that meet certain requirements. Requires the supervisor of elections to notify the absent uniformed services voter and overseas voter of the free access system for determining absentee ballot status. Provides a timeframe for an absentee ballot to be sent to each absent uniformed services voter and overseas voter, etc.

Effective Date: Upon becoming law except as otherwise provided
Last Action: 4/26/2010 Senate - Placed on Special Order Calendar; Read 2nd time -SJ 00819; Amendment(s) adopted (952218) -SJ 00820; Amendment(s) failed -SJ 00820; Substituted CS/CS/HB 131 -SJ 00820; Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 131 (Ch. 2010-167) -SJ 00820
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF

Bill History

Date Chamber Action
12/10/2009 Senate • Filed
1/14/2010 Senate • Referred to Ethics and Elections; Transportation and Economic Development Appropriations; Rules
2/8/2010 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Ethics and Elections, 02/17/10, 8:00 am, 412-K
2/17/2010 Senate • CS by Ethics and Elections; YEAS 10 NAYS 0
2/19/2010 Senate • Pending reference review under Rule 4.7(2) - (Committee Substitute)
3/2/2010 Senate • Introduced, referred to Ethics and Elections; Transportation and Economic Development Appropriations; Rules -SJ 00065; On Committee agenda-- Ethics and Elections, 02/17/10, 8:00 am, 412-K; CS by Ethics and Elections; YEAS 10 NAYS 0 -SJ 00164; CS read 1st time on 03/02/10 -SJ 00157; Pending reference review under Rule 4.7(2) - (Committee Substitute)
3/8/2010 Senate • Original reference(s) removed: Rules; Now in Transportation and Economic Development Appropriations -SJ 00248
4/14/2010 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Transportation and Economic Development Appropriations, 04/19/10, 10:30 am, 309-C
4/19/2010 Senate • CS/CS by- Transportation and Economic Development Appropriations; YEAS 6 NAYS 0 -SJ 00703; CS read 1st time on 04/21/10 -SJ 00705
4/21/2010 Senate • Pending reference review -under Rule 4.7(2) - (Committee Substitute); Placed on Calendar, on 2nd reading -SJ 00703
4/23/2010 Senate • Placed on Special Order Calendar
4/26/2010 Senate • Placed on Special Order Calendar; Read 2nd time -SJ 00819; Amendment(s) adopted (952218) -SJ 00820; Amendment(s) failed -SJ 00820; Substituted CS/CS/HB 131 -SJ 00820; Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 131 (Ch. 2010-167) -SJ 00820