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The Florida Senate

SB 1012: Public Records/Personal Identifying Information of Child Residing With Sexual Offender or Sexual Predator


Public Records/Personal Identifying Information of Child Residing With Sexual Offender or Sexual Predator; Creating a public records exemption for personal identifying information revealing the name, age, and location of a child permanently residing with a sexual offender or sexual predator, which information is required to be provided to the appropriate local and state agencies under ss. 775.21, 943.0435, and 944.607, F.S.; authorizing the sheriff’s office, the Department of Law Enforcement, and the Department of Corrections to share with each other relevant information regarding the residence of a sexual offender or sexual predator and information involving instances of a sexual offender or sexual predator permanently residing with a child; providing for future legislative review and repeal of the exemption under the Open Government Sunset Review Act; providing a statement of public necessity, etc.

Effective Date: on the same date that SB 1044 or similar legislation takes effect, if such legislation is enacted in the same legislative session, or an extension thereof, and becomes law
Last Action: 3/9/2012 Senate - Died in Criminal Justice
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF
Senate Committee References:
  1. Criminal Justice (CJ)
  2. Governmental Oversight and Accountability (GO)

Bill History

Date Chamber Action
11/17/2011 Senate • Filed
12/8/2011 Senate • Referred to Criminal Justice; Governmental Oversight and Accountability -SJ 83
1/10/2012 Senate • Introduced -SJ 83
3/9/2012 Senate • Died in Criminal Justice