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The Florida Senate

SB 1660: Contracts for the Sale or Lease of a Motor Vehicle


Contracts for the Sale or Lease of a Motor Vehicle; Requiring that contracts between a buyer and seller which are executed contemporaneously with a retail installment contract for the sale of a motor vehicle be read and construed together despite the existence of a merger or integration clause in the retail installment contract; requiring that contracts between a retail lessor and lessee which are executed contemporaneously with the lease of a motor vehicle be read and construed together despite the existence of a merger or integration clause in the lease agreement, etc.

Effective Date: 7/1/2012
Last Action: 3/9/2012 Senate - Died in Transportation
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF
Senate Committee References:
  1. Transportation (TR)
  2. Commerce and Tourism (CM)
  3. Budget (BC)

Bill History

Date Chamber Action
1/6/2012 Senate • Filed
1/17/2012 Senate • Referred to Transportation; Commerce and Tourism; Budget -SJ 226
• Introduced -SJ 226
3/9/2012 Senate • Died in Transportation