CS/SB 1214: Child Exploitation
GENERAL BILL by Children, Families, and Elder Affairs ; Book
Child Exploitation; Revising the types of offenses committed by a child in certain custody or supervision of the Department of Children and Families which require the department to provide notice to the school superintendent; revising the offenses for which a criminal defendant may seek an order of disclosure for certain confidential and exempt court records, for which the state may use a pseudonym instead of the victim’s name, and for which a publication or broadcast of trial testimony may not include certain victim identifying information; revising the offenses for which the licenses of massage therapists and massage establishments must be suspended, etc.
Last Action: 3/10/2018 Senate - Died in Criminal Justice
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF
- Children, Families, and Elder Affairs (CF)
- Criminal Justice (CJ)
- Appropriations (AP)
- Rules (RC)
Bill History
Date | Chamber | Action |
12/8/2017 | Senate |
• Filed |
12/18/2017 | Senate |
• Referred to Children, Families, and Elder Affairs; Criminal Justice; Appropriations; Rules -SJ 91 |
1/9/2018 | Senate |
• Introduced -SJ 90 |
1/24/2018 | Senate |
• On Committee agenda-- Children, Families, and Elder Affairs, 01/29/18, 4:00 pm, 401 Senate Office Building |
1/29/2018 | Senate |
• CS by Children, Families, and Elder Affairs; YEAS 4 NAYS 0 -SJ 243 |
1/30/2018 | Senate |
• Pending reference review under Rule 4.7(2) - (Committee Substitute) |
1/31/2018 | Senate |
• CS by Children, Families, and Elder Affairs read 1st time -SJ 244 |
2/1/2018 | Senate |
• Now in Criminal Justice -SJ 243 |
3/10/2018 | Senate |
• Indefinitely postponed and withdrawn from consideration • Died in Criminal Justice |
Related Bills
Bill Number | Subject | Filed By | Relationship | Last Action and Location | Track Bills |
S 1216 (c1) | Public Records/Videotaped Statement of a Minor | Book | Linked | Last Action: 3/10/2018 S Died in Rules |
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H 7017 (e1) | Child Exploitation | Criminal Justice Subcommittee | Similar | Last Action: 3/10/2018 S Died in Children, Families, and Elder Affairs |
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H 7019 | Pub. Rec./Minor Victims of Sexual Offenses | Criminal Justice Subcommittee | Compare | Last Action: 3/10/2018 S Died in Judiciary |
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Bill Text
Version | Posted | Format |
S 1214 Filed | 12/8/2017 2:48 PM | Web Page | PDF |
S 1214 c1 | 1/30/2018 3:47 PM | Web Page | PDF |
Committee Amendments
Amendment | Sponsor | Filed | Last Committee Action | Format |
283158 - Amendment Delete lines 1152 - 1156. |
Children, Families, and Elder Affairs (Book) |
1/26/2018 4:14 PM |
Replaced by Committee Substitute
1/30/2018 |
Web Page
666614 - Amendment Delete lines 1165 - 1167 and insert: |
Children, Families, and Elder Affairs (Book) |
1/26/2018 4:14 PM |
Replaced by Committee Substitute
1/30/2018 |
Web Page
659158 - Amendment Between lines 5805 and 5806 insert: |
Children, Families, and Elder Affairs (Book) |
1/26/2018 4:15 PM |
Replaced by Committee Substitute
1/30/2018 |
Web Page
Floor Amendments
Bill Analyses
Type | Analysis | Author | Posted | Format |
Bill Analysis | S 1214 | Children, Families, and Elder Affairs (Pre-Meeting) | 1/26/2018 4:19 PM | |
Bill Analysis | S 1214 | Children, Families, and Elder Affairs (Post-Meeting) | 1/30/2018 3:24 PM |
Vote History - Committee
Version | Committee | Date | Result |
S 1214 Filed | Children, Families, and Elder Affairs | 1/29/2018 4:00 PM | 4 Yeas - 0 Nays |
Vote History - Floor
No Vote History AvailableCitations - Statutes (119)
Citation | Catchline | Location in Bill Location In Bill Help |
16.56 | Office of Statewide Prosecution. | Page 9 (pdf) |
39.01 | Definitions. | Page 11 (pdf) |
39.0132 | Oaths, records, and confidential information. | Page 12 (pdf) |
39.0139 | Visitation or other contact; restrictions. | Page 12 (pdf) |
39.301 | Initiation of protective investigations. | Page 13 (pdf) |
39.402 | Placement in a shelter. | Page 144 (pdf) |
39.506 | Arraignment hearings. | Page 145 (pdf) |
39.509 | Grandparents rights. | Page 14 (pdf), Page 145 (pdf) |
39.521 | Disposition hearings; powers of disposition. | Page 146 (pdf) |
39.806 | Grounds for termination of parental rights. | Page 147 (pdf) |
63.089 | Proceeding to terminate parental rights pending adoption; hearing; grounds; dismissal of petition; judgment. | Page 149 (pdf) |
63.092 | Report to the court of intended placement by an adoption entity; at-risk placement; preliminary study. | Page 150 (pdf) |
68.07 | Change of name. | Page 153 (pdf) |
90.404 | Character evidence; when admissible. | Page 15 (pdf) |
92.55 | Judicial or other proceedings involving victim or witness under the age of 18, a person who has an intellectual disability, or a sexual offense victim or witness; special protections; use of therapy animals or facility dogs. | Page 154 (pdf) |
92.56 | Judicial proceedings and court records involving sexual offenses and human trafficking. | Page 16 (pdf) |
92.561 | Prohibition on reproduction of child pornography. | Page 18 (pdf) |
92.565 | Admissibility of confession in sexual abuse cases. | Page 18 (pdf) |
92.605 | Production of certain records by Florida businesses and out-of-state corporations. | Page 155 (pdf) |
322.141 | Color or markings of certain licenses or identification cards. | Page 155 (pdf) |
381.004 | HIV testing. | Page 156 (pdf) |
384.29 | Confidentiality. | Page 162 (pdf) |
390.01114 | Parental Notice of Abortion Act. | Page 163 (pdf) |
393.067 | Facility licensure. | Page 163 (pdf) |
394.495 | Child and adolescent mental health system of care; programs and services. | Page 164 (pdf) |
394.9125 | State attorney; authority to refer a person for civil commitment. | Page 165 (pdf) |
397.4872 | Exemption from disqualification; publication. | Page 165 (pdf) |
435.04 | Level 2 screening standards. | Page 19 (pdf) |
435.07 | Exemptions from disqualification. | Page 19 (pdf), Page 166 (pdf) |
456.074 | Certain health care practitioners; immediate suspension of license. | Page 22 (pdf) |
480.041 | Massage therapists; qualifications; licensure; endorsement. | Page 23 (pdf) |
480.043 | Massage establishments; requisites; licensure; inspection. | Page 24 (pdf) |
507.07 | Violations. | Page 166 (pdf) |
655.50 | Florida Control of Money Laundering and Terrorist Financing in Financial Institutions Act. | Page 167 (pdf) |
741.313 | Unlawful action against employees seeking protection. | Page 167 (pdf) |
743.067 | Certified unaccompanied homeless youths. | Page 24 (pdf) |
772.102 | Definitions. | Page 25 (pdf) |
775.082 | Penalties; applicability of sentencing structures; mandatory minimum sentences for certain reoffenders previously released from prison. | Page 27 (pdf) |
775.084 | Violent career criminals; habitual felony offenders and habitual violent felony offenders; three-time violent felony offenders; definitions; procedure; enhanced penalties or mandatory minimum prison terms. | Page 168 (pdf) |
775.0847 | Possession or promotion of certain images of child pornography; reclassification. | Page 30 (pdf) |
775.0862 | Sexual offenses against students by authority figures; reclassification. | Page 168 (pdf) |
775.0877 | Criminal transmission of HIV; procedures; penalties. | Page 31 (pdf) |
775.13 | Registration of convicted felons, exemptions; penalties. | Page 168 (pdf) |
775.21 | The Florida Sexual Predators Act. | Page 33 (pdf), Page 169 (pdf) |
775.215 | Residency restriction for persons convicted of certain sex offenses. | Page 35 (pdf) |
775.24 | Duty of the court to uphold laws governing sexual predators and sexual offenders. | Page 173 (pdf) |
775.25 | Prosecutions for acts or omissions. | Page 174 (pdf) |
775.261 | The Florida Career Offender Registration Act. | Page 174 (pdf) |
784.046 | Action by victim of repeat violence, sexual violence, or dating violence for protective injunction; dating violence investigations, notice to victims, and reporting; pretrial release violations; public records exemption. | Page 37 (pdf) |
784.049 | Sexual cyberharassment. | Page 175 (pdf) |
794.011 | Sexual battery. | Page 175 (pdf) |
794.0115 | Dangerous sexual felony offender; mandatory sentencing. | Page 37 (pdf) |
794.024 | Unlawful to disclose identifying information. | Page 39 (pdf) |
794.03 | Unlawful to publish or broadcast information identifying sexual offense victim. | Page 179 (pdf) |
794.056 | Rape Crisis Program Trust Fund. | Page 39 (pdf) |
794.075 | Sexual predators; erectile dysfunction drugs. | Page 180 (pdf) |
794.10 | Page 40 (pdf) | |
796.001 | Offenses by adults involving minors; intent. | Page 47 (pdf) |
827.071 | Sexual performance by a child; penalties. | Page 47 (pdf) |
847.001 | Definitions. | Page 47 (pdf) |
847.002 | Child pornography prosecutions. | Page 180 (pdf) |
847.003 | Page 48 (pdf) | |
847.012 | Harmful materials; sale or distribution to minors or using minors in production prohibited; penalty. | Page 181 (pdf) |
847.0135 | Computer pornography; prohibited computer usage; traveling to meet minor; penalties. | Page 49 (pdf) |
847.01357 | Exploited children’s civil remedy. | Page 51 (pdf), Page 182 (pdf) |
847.0137 | Transmission of pornography by electronic device or equipment prohibited; penalties. | Page 52 (pdf) |
847.0138 | Transmission of material harmful to minors to a minor by electronic device or equipment prohibited; penalties. | Page 182 (pdf) |
856.022 | Loitering or prowling by certain offenders in close proximity to children; penalty. | Page 56 (pdf) |
895.02 | Definitions. | Page 56 (pdf) |
896.101 | Florida Money Laundering Act; definitions; penalties; injunctions; seizure warrants; immunity. | Page 183 (pdf) |
903.0351 | Restrictions on pretrial release pending probation-violation hearing or community-control-violation hearing. | Page 184 (pdf) |
903.046 | Purpose of and criteria for bail determination. | Page 185 (pdf) |
905.34 | Powers and duties; law applicable. | Page 60 (pdf), Page 186 (pdf) |
921.0022 | Criminal Punishment Code; offense severity ranking chart. | Page 116 (pdf), Page 187 (pdf) |
921.141 | Sentence of death or life imprisonment for capital felonies; further proceedings to determine sentence. | Page 206 (pdf) |
934.07 | Authorization for interception of wire, oral, or electronic communications. | Page 62 (pdf) |
938.085 | Additional cost to fund rape crisis centers. | Page 63 (pdf) |
938.10 | Additional court cost imposed in cases of certain crimes. | Page 64 (pdf) |
943.0435 | Sexual offenders required to register with the department; penalty. | Page 64 (pdf), Page 207 (pdf) |
943.04354 | Removal of the requirement to register as a sexual offender or sexual predator in special circumstances. | Page 68 (pdf) |
943.0436 | Duty of the court to uphold laws governing sexual predators and sexual offenders. | Page 209 (pdf) |
943.0585 | Court-ordered expunction of criminal history records. | Page 69 (pdf) |
943.059 | Court-ordered sealing of criminal history records. | Page 80 (pdf) |
943.325 | DNA database. | Page 210 (pdf) |
944.11 | Department to regulate admission of books. | Page 211 (pdf) |
944.606 | Sexual offenders; notification upon release. | Page 88 (pdf) |
944.607 | Notification to Department of Law Enforcement of information on sexual offenders. | Page 89 (pdf), Page 212 (pdf) |
944.608 | Notification to Department of Law Enforcement of information on career offenders. | Page 213 (pdf) |
944.609 | Career offenders; notification upon release. | Page 214 (pdf) |
944.70 | Conditions for release from incarceration. | Page 214 (pdf) |
947.13 | Powers and duties of commission. | Page 215 (pdf) |
947.1405 | Conditional release program. | Page 90 (pdf), Page 216 (pdf) |
947.141 | Violations of conditional release, control release, or conditional medical release or addiction-recovery supervision. | Page 219 (pdf) |
948.013 | Administrative probation. | Page 221 (pdf) |
948.03 | Terms and conditions of probation. | Page 98 (pdf), Page 223 (pdf) |
948.04 | Period of probation; duty of probationer; early termination. | Page 99 (pdf) |
948.06 | Violation of probation or community control; revocation; modification; continuance; failure to pay restitution or cost of supervision. | Page 99 (pdf), Page 221 (pdf) |
948.062 | Reviewing and reporting serious offenses committed by offenders placed on probation or community control. | Page 104 (pdf) |
948.063 | Violations of probation or community control by designated sexual offenders and sexual predators. | Page 223 (pdf) |
948.064 | Notification of status as a violent felony offender of special concern. | Page 224 (pdf) |
948.08 | Pretrial intervention program. | Page 225 (pdf) |
948.101 | Terms and conditions of community control. | Page 105 (pdf) |
948.12 | Intensive supervision for postprison release of violent offenders. | Page 225 (pdf) |
948.30 | Additional terms and conditions of probation or community control for certain sex offenses. | Page 105 (pdf), Page 226 (pdf) |
948.31 | Evaluation and treatment of sexual predators and offenders on probation or community control. | Page 228 (pdf) |
948.32 | Requirements of law enforcement agency upon arrest of persons for certain sex offenses. | Page 113 (pdf) |
951.27 | Blood tests of inmates. | Page 229 (pdf) |
960.003 | Hepatitis and HIV testing for persons charged with or alleged by petition for delinquency to have committed certain offenses; disclosure of results to victims. | Page 230 (pdf) |
960.03 | Definitions; ss. 960.01-960.28. | Page 114 (pdf) |
960.065 | Eligibility for awards. | Page 223 (pdf) |
960.197 | Assistance to victims of online sexual exploitation and child pornography. | Page 114 (pdf) |
984.03 | Definitions. | Page 233 (pdf) |
985.0301 | Jurisdiction. | Page 223 (pdf) |
985.04 | Oaths; records; confidential information. | Page 115 (pdf), Page 234 (pdf) |
985.441 | Commitment. | Page 234 (pdf) |
985.475 | Juvenile sexual offenders. | Page 115 (pdf) |
985.4815 | Notification to Department of Law Enforcement of information on juvenile sexual offenders. | Page 235 (pdf) |
1012.315 | Disqualification from employment. | Page 116 (pdf) |
1012.467 | Noninstructional contractors who are permitted access to school grounds when students are present; background screening requirements. | Page 236 (pdf) |
Citations - Constitution (0)
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Citations - Chapter Law (0)
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