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The Florida Senate

HB 7113: Transportation

GENERAL BILL by Transportation and Tourism Appropriations Subcommittee ; Trumbull

Transportation; Creates Multi-use Corridors of Regional Economic Significance Program within DOT; requires appointment of task force for each corridor; provides membership & duties of task forces & duties of DOT; provides project funding eligibility requirements; authorizes sources of funding; authorizes DOT to accept certain donations of land; provides specified dates for construction of projects & opening of corridors; provides for specified transfers from State Transportation Trust Fund to General Revenue Fund; requires DOT to provide road & bridge construction workforce development program; removes requirement that specified fees from annual license taxes be deposited into General Revenue Fund; provides for disposition & use of funds resulting therefrom; requires reports to Governor & Legislature.

Effective Date: 7/1/2019
Last Action: 5/1/2019 House - Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/SB 7068 (Ch. 2019-43) -HJ 1097
Bill Text: PDF

Bill History

Date Chamber Action
4/1/2019 House • Filed
• Introduced -HJ 548
4/3/2019 House • Referred to Calendar -HJ 565
5/1/2019 House • Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/SB 7068 (Ch. 2019-43) -HJ 1097