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The Florida Senate

CS/SB 1428: Procurement Procedures

GENERAL BILL by Governmental Oversight and Accountability ; Wright

Procurement Procedures; Requiring the Department of Management Services to develop procedures that require current and prospective contractors to disclose whether such contractor is owned or controlled by a foreign government before providing commodities or contractual services to the state; requiring any such disclosure to be in writing, under penalty of perjury, etc.

Effective Date: Upon becoming a law
Last Action: 4/30/2021 Senate - Died in Judiciary
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF
Senate Committee References:
  1. Governmental Oversight and Accountability (GO)
  2. Judiciary (JU)
  3. Rules (RC)

Bill History

Date Chamber Action
2/18/2021 Senate • Filed
2/24/2021 Senate • Referred to Governmental Oversight and Accountability; Judiciary; Rules -SJ 139
3/2/2021 Senate • Introduced -SJ 139
3/5/2021 Senate • On Committee agenda-- Governmental Oversight and Accountability, 03/10/21, 10:30 am, 37 Senate Building
3/10/2021 Senate • CS by Governmental Oversight and Accountability; YEAS 6 NAYS 0 -SJ 239
3/11/2021 Senate • Pending reference review under Rule 4.7(2) - (Committee Substitute)
• CS by Governmental Oversight and Accountability read 1st time -SJ 245
3/12/2021 Senate • Now in Judiciary
4/30/2021 Senate • Died in Judiciary