SB 1926: Children and Young Adults’ Fines and Fees
Children and Young Adults’ Fines and Fees; Citing this act as the “Debt Free Justice for Children Act”; excluding children, their parents or legal guardians, or certain young adults, when seeking appointment of a public defender, from having to apply to the clerk of the court for a determination of indigent status; waiving the required application fee for such persons; excluding children or certain young adults from suspension of their driver licenses for failing to pay civil penalties or enter into a penalty payment plan for certain penalties; prohibiting such children or young adults from being charged specified fees; prohibiting such children or young adults from being charged specified fees, etc.
Last Action: 4/30/2021 Senate - Died in Judiciary
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF
- Judiciary (JU)
- Appropriations Subcommittee on Criminal and Civil Justice (ACJ)
- Appropriations (AP)
Bill History
Date | Chamber | Action |
3/1/2021 | Senate |
• Filed |
3/4/2021 | Senate |
• Referred to Judiciary; Appropriations Subcommittee on Criminal and Civil Justice; Appropriations -SJ 216 |
3/10/2021 | Senate |
• Introduced -SJ 214 |
4/30/2021 | Senate |
• Died in Judiciary |
Related Bills
Bill Number | Subject | Filed By | Relationship | Last Action and Location | Track Bills |
H 1391 | Elimination of Fines and Court-related Fees for Juveniles | Davis | Similar | Last Action: 4/30/2021 H Died in Criminal Justice & Public Safety Subcommittee |
![]() |
Committee Amendments
Floor Amendments
Bill Analyses
No Bill Analyses AvailableVote History - Committee
No Committee Vote History AvailableVote History - Floor
No Vote History AvailableCitations - Statutes (94)
Citation | Catchline | Location in Bill Location In Bill Help |
16.555 | Crime Stoppers Trust Fund; rulemaking. | Page 77 (pdf) |
27.02 | Duties before court. | Page 54 (pdf) |
27.51 | Duties of public defender. | Page 54 (pdf) |
27.511 | Offices of criminal conflict and civil regional counsel; legislative intent; qualifications; appointment; duties. | Page 56 (pdf) |
27.52 | Determination of indigent status. | Page 14 (pdf) |
27.525 | Indigent Criminal Defense Trust Fund. | Page 57 (pdf) |
27.562 | Disposition of funds. | Page 86 (pdf) |
27.702 | Duties of the capital collateral regional counsel; reports. | Page 58 (pdf), Page 86 (pdf) |
28.246 | Payment of court-related fines or other monetary penalties, fees, charges, and costs; partial payments; distribution of funds. | Page 87 (pdf) |
29.0185 | Provision of state-funded due process services to individuals. | Page 59 (pdf) |
39.0134 | Appointed counsel; compensation. | Page 88 (pdf) |
39.3035 | Child advocacy centers; standards; state funding. | Page 80 (pdf) |
39.304 | Photographs, medical examinations, X rays, and medical treatment of abused, abandoned, or neglected child. | Page 97 (pdf) |
55.03 | Judgments; rate of interest, generally. | Page 88 (pdf) |
57.081 | Costs; right to proceed where prepayment of costs and payment of filing fees waived. | Page 59 (pdf) |
162.30 | Civil actions to enforce county and municipal ordinances. | Page 60 (pdf) |
215.22 | Certain income and certain trust funds exempt. | Page 81 (pdf) |
318.14 | Noncriminal traffic infractions; exception; procedures. | Page 72 (pdf) |
318.15 | Failure to comply with civil penalty or to appear; penalty. | Page 20 (pdf) |
318.18 | Amount of penalties. | Page 82 (pdf) |
318.21 | Disposition of civil penalties by county courts. | Page 75 (pdf), Page 82 (pdf) |
320.571 | Failure of person charged with misdemeanor under this chapter to comply with court-ordered directives; suspension of license. | Page 73 (pdf) |
322.245 | Suspension of license upon failure of person charged with specified offense under chapter 316, chapter 320, or this chapter to comply with directives ordered by traffic court or upon failure to pay child support in non-IV-D cases as provided in chapt | Page 21 (pdf) |
322.29 | Surrender and return of license. | Page 70 (pdf) |
322.34 | Driving while license suspended, revoked, canceled, or disqualified. | Page 71 (pdf) |
322.391 | Failure of person charged with misdemeanor under this chapter to comply with court-ordered directives; suspension of license. | Page 73 (pdf) |
327.73 | Noncriminal infractions. | Page 83 (pdf) |
392.55 | Physical examination and treatment. | Page 61 (pdf) |
392.56 | Hospitalization, placement, and residential isolation. | Page 61 (pdf) |
624.128 | Crime victims exemption. | Page 98 (pdf) |
741.01 | County court judge or clerk of the circuit court to issue marriage license; fee. | Page 78 (pdf) |
775.083 | Fines. | Page 22 (pdf) |
775.0835 | Fines; surcharges; Crimes Compensation Trust Fund. | Page 75 (pdf) |
790.115 | Possessing or discharging weapons or firearms at a school-sponsored event or on school property prohibited; penalties; exceptions. | Page 104 (pdf) |
794.055 | Access to services for victims of sexual battery. | Page 79 (pdf) |
893.165 | County alcohol and other drug abuse treatment or education trust funds. | Page 84 (pdf) |
900.05 | Criminal justice data collection. | Page 62 (pdf) |
903.286 | Return of cash bond; requirement to withhold unpaid fines, fees, court costs; cash bond forms. | Page 69 (pdf) |
914.11 | Indigent defendants. | Page 65 (pdf) |
916.107 | Rights of forensic clients. | Page 66 (pdf) |
916.15 | Involuntary commitment of defendant adjudicated not guilty by reason of insanity. | Page 67 (pdf) |
921.187 | Disposition and sentencing; alternatives; restitution. | Page 76 (pdf), Page 85 (pdf) |
938.01 | Additional Court Cost Clearing Trust Fund. | Page 24 (pdf), Page 83 (pdf) |
938.03 | Crimes Compensation Trust Fund. | Page 25 (pdf) |
938.05 | Additional court costs for felonies, misdemeanors, and criminal traffic offenses. | Page 26 (pdf) |
938.055 | Operating Trust Fund of the Department of Law Enforcement. | Page 27 (pdf) |
938.06 | Cost for crime stoppers programs. | Page 27 (pdf) |
938.08 | Additional cost to fund programs in domestic violence. | Page 28 (pdf) |
938.085 | Additional cost to fund rape crisis centers. | Page 29 (pdf) |
938.10 | Additional court cost imposed in cases of certain crimes. | Page 29 (pdf) |
938.13 | Misdemeanor convictions involving drugs or alcohol. | Page 30 (pdf) |
938.15 | Criminal justice education for local government. | Page 30 (pdf), Page 74 (pdf) |
938.17 | County delinquency prevention; juvenile assessment centers and school board suspension programs. | Page 90 (pdf) |
938.19 | Teen courts. | Page 33 (pdf) |
938.23 | Assistance grants for alcohol and other drug abuse programs. | Page 33 (pdf) |
938.27 | Judgment for costs of prosecution and investigation. | Page 33 (pdf) |
938.29 | Legal assistance; lien for payment of attorney’s fees or costs. | Page 34 (pdf), Page 67 (pdf) |
938.30 | Financial obligations in criminal cases; supplementary proceedings. | Page 89 (pdf) |
939.06 | Acquitted defendant not liable for costs. | Page 68 (pdf) |
939.185 | Assessment of additional court costs and surcharges. | Page 39 (pdf) |
943.051 | Criminal justice information; collection and storage; fingerprinting. | Page 101 (pdf) |
943.0515 | Retention of criminal history records of minors. | Page 41 (pdf) |
943.053 | Dissemination of criminal justice information; fees. | Page 68 (pdf) |
943.0582 | Diversion program expunction. | Page 104 (pdf) |
943.25 | Criminal justice trust funds; source of funds; use of funds. | Page 84 (pdf) |
943.361 | Statewide criminal analysis laboratory system; funding through fine surcharges. | Page 77 (pdf) |
944.4731 | Addiction-Recovery Supervision Program. | Page 91 (pdf) |
947.1405 | Conditional release program. | Page 92 (pdf) |
947.18 | Conditions of parole. | Page 89 (pdf) |
948.01 | When court may place defendant on probation or into community control. | Page 95 (pdf) |
948.013 | Administrative probation. | Page 95 (pdf) |
948.03 | Terms and conditions of probation. | Page 70 (pdf) |
948.06 | Violation of probation or community control; revocation; modification; continuance; failure to pay restitution or cost of supervision. | Page 96 (pdf) |
948.09 | Payment for cost of supervision and other monetary obligations. | Page 43 (pdf) |
948.11 | Electronic monitoring devices. | Page 97 (pdf) |
960.13 | Awards. | Page 98 (pdf) |
960.14 | Manner of payment; execution or attachment. | Page 76 (pdf) |
960.28 | Payment for victims’ initial forensic physical examinations. | Page 45 (pdf) |
984.09 | Punishment for contempt of court; alternative sanctions. | Page 98 (pdf) |
984.226 | Physically secure setting. | Page 99 (pdf) |
985.032 | Legal representation for delinquency cases. | Page 45 (pdf) |
985.033 | Right to counsel. | Page 46 (pdf) |
985.037 | Punishment for contempt of court; alternative sanctions. | Page 100 (pdf) |
985.038 | Page 48 (pdf) | |
985.039 | Cost of supervision; cost of care. | Page 50 (pdf) |
985.11 | Fingerprinting and photographing. | Page 102 (pdf) |
985.12 | Civil citation or similar prearrest diversion programs. | Page 50 (pdf) |
985.145 | Responsibilities of the department during intake; screenings and assessments. | Page 53 (pdf) |
985.155 | Neighborhood restorative justice. | Page 51 (pdf) |
985.18 | Medical, psychiatric, psychological, substance abuse, and educational examination and treatment. | Page 52 (pdf) |
985.331 | Court and witness fees. | Page 53 (pdf) |
985.511 | Costs of representation. | Page 101 (pdf) |
985.514 | Responsibility for cost of care; fees. | Page 53 (pdf) |
985.64 | Rulemaking. | Page 105 (pdf) |
Citations - Constitution (0)
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