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The Florida Senate

HB 9-A: Insurance

GENERAL BILL by Driskell ; (CO-INTRODUCERS) Arrington ; Bartleman ; Benjamin ; Bracy Davis ; Campbell ; Casello ; Cassel ; Chambliss ; Cross ; Daley ; Dunkley ; Edmonds ; Eskamani ; Gantt ; Gottlieb ; Harris ; Hart ; Hinson ; Hunschofsky ; Joseph ; López, J. ; Nixon ; Rayner-Goolsby ; Robinson, F. ; Skidmore ; Tant ; Valdés ; Waldron ; Williams ; Woodson

Insurance; Creates Property Insurance Commission; provides for election of Commissioner of Insurance Regulation; revises homeowners' eligibility criteria for mitigation grants; requires interests earned on insurance proceeds received by mortgagees & assignees to be paid to insureds; prohibits property insurers from claiming insolvency under certain circumstances; authorizes persons that engage in property insurance activities in other states to engage in insurance activities in this state only under certain circumstances; requires property insurers to cap premiums or to create sliding fee scales for premium rates; prohibits property insurers from using certain defenses as claims denials; revises requirements for risk assignment agreements; provides duties of OIR; requires DFS to adopt rules regarding allegations of insurance fraud; requires OPPAGA to conduct study of effectiveness of property insurance mediation program; increases appropriation to specified program. APPROPRIATION: $300,000,000

Effective Date: 7/1/2023
Last Action: 12/16/2022 House - Died, introduction refused
Bill Text: PDF

Bill History

Date Chamber Action
12/11/2022 House • Filed
12/12/2022 House • Introduction refused
12/16/2022 House • Died, introduction refused