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The Florida Senate

HB 1463: Childhood Mental Health, Safety, and Welfare


Childhood Mental Health, Safety, and Welfare; Revises array of services offered by child & adolescent mental health system of care; requires specified professionals to complete course on technology addiction & pornography addiction; requires warning label be affixed to packaging of certain digital devices; requires commercial entity to verify age of individuals attempting to access certain material online; prohibits entity from retaining personal identifying information; revises definition of term "harmful to minors"; revises circumstances under which distribution of harmful material to minors is deemed to have occurred; provides exception for certain school-related materials; limits proportion of instructional time that may be delivered in an electronic or digital format; provides that instructional time includes certain standardized or progress monitoring assessments; requires schools to adopt policy regarding use of wireless communications device by students; requires district school boards to adopt policy that prohibits individual from posting student's image or location information on social media platform; removes time limit for parent of public school student to file petition to contest school board's adoption of specific instructional material; requires each district school board to annually publish list of websites for use by students for instructional purposes.

Effective Date: 7/1/2023
Last Action: 5/5/2023 House - Died in Commerce Committee
Bill Text: PDF

Bill History

Date Chamber Action
3/3/2023 House • Filed
3/7/2023 House • 1st Reading (Original Filed Version)
3/9/2023 House • Referred to Commerce Committee
• Referred to Education & Employment Committee
• Referred to Appropriations Committee
• Referred to Health & Human Services Committee
• Now in Commerce Committee
5/5/2023 House • Died in Commerce Committee