SB 1424: Pretrial Release
Pretrial Release; Abolishing monetary bail after a specified date; providing that the terms “bail” and “bond” in the Florida Statutes include any and all forms of pretrial release, etc.
Last Action: 1/18/2024 Senate - Withdrawn from further consideration
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF
- Criminal Justice (CJ)
- Appropriations Committee on Criminal and Civil Justice (ACJ)
- Fiscal Policy (FP)
Bill History
Date Chamber Action 1/5/2024 Senate • Filed
1/10/2024 Senate • Referred to Criminal Justice; Appropriations Committee on Criminal and Civil Justice; Fiscal Policy
• Introduced
1/18/2024 Senate • Withdrawn from Criminal Justice; Appropriations Committee on Criminal and Civil Justice; Fiscal Policy
• Withdrawn from further consideration
SB 1424, Original Filed Version (Current Bill Version) Posted 1/5/2024 at 8:20 AM
Bill Text: Web Page | PDF Analyses: None Related Bills (1)
Bill Number Subject Filed By Relationship Last Action and Location Track Bills S 1542 Bail Bonds Burgess Compare Last Action: 3/8/2024 S Died in Criminal Justice Citations - Statutes (93)
Citation Catchline Location in Bill Location In Bill Help 16.713 Florida Gaming Control Commission; appointment and employment restrictions. Page 19 (pdf) 27.52 Determination of indigent status. Page 20 (pdf) 44.407 Elder-focused dispute resolution process. Page 22 (pdf) 61.125 Parenting coordination. Page 23 (pdf) 79.08 Hearing and judgment. Page 23 (pdf) 142.01 Fine and forfeiture fund; disposition of revenue; clerk of the circuit court. Page 24 (pdf) 142.09 If defendant is not convicted or dies. Page 24 (pdf) 316.027 Crash involving death or personal injuries. Page 25 (pdf) 316.635 Courts having jurisdiction over traffic violations; powers relating to custody and detention of minors. Page 25 (pdf) 316.650 Traffic citations. Page 26 (pdf) 321.05 Duties, functions, and powers of patrol officers. Page 27 (pdf) 322.25 When court to forward license to department and report convictions. Page 29 (pdf) 322.26 Mandatory revocation of license by department. Page 29 (pdf) 322.28 Period of suspension or revocation. Page 29 (pdf) 327.74 Uniform boating citations. Page 30 (pdf) 341.3025 Multicounty public rail system fares and enforcement. Page 31 (pdf) 384.281 Prehearing detention. Page 31 (pdf) 394.915 Determination of probable cause; hearing; evaluation; respondent taken into custody; bail. Page 32 (pdf) 648.44 Prohibitions; penalty. Page 32 (pdf) 648.442 Collateral security. Page 32 (pdf) 648.571 Failure to return collateral; penalty. Page 32 (pdf) 741.2901 Domestic violence cases; prosecutors; legislative intent; investigation; duty of circuits; first appearance. Page 33 (pdf) 741.30 Domestic violence; injunction; powers and duties of court and clerk; petition; notice and hearing; temporary injunction; issuance of injunction; statewide verification system; enforcement; public records exemption. Page 34 (pdf) 784.046 Action by victim of repeat violence, sexual violence, or dating violence for protective injunction; dating violence investigations, notice to victims, and reporting; pretrial release violations; public records exemption. Page 34 (pdf) 784.0485 Stalking; injunction; powers and duties of court and clerk; petition; notice and hearing; temporary injunction; issuance of injunction; statewide verification system; enforcement. Page 35 (pdf) 784.0495 Mob intimidation. Page 35 (pdf) 825.1035 Injunction for protection against exploitation of a vulnerable adult. Page 35 (pdf) 843.15 Failure of defendant on bail to appear. Page 36 (pdf) 870.01 Affrays and riots. Page 37 (pdf) 870.02 Unlawful assemblies. Page 37 (pdf) 900.05 Criminal justice data collection. Page 37 (pdf) 901.07 Admission to bail when arrest occurs in another county. Page 40 (pdf) 901.08 Issue of warrant when offense triable in another county. Page 41 (pdf) 903.001 Page 3 (pdf) 903.011 Pretrial release; general terms; statewide uniform bond schedule. Page 3 (pdf) 903.02 Actions following denial; changes in bail conditions or bond amount; separation by charge or offense. Page 7 (pdf) 903.03 Jurisdiction of trial court to admit to bail; duties and responsibilities of Department of Corrections. Page 8 (pdf) 903.035 Applications for bail; information provided; hearing on application for modification; penalty for providing false or misleading information or omitting material information. Page 9 (pdf) 903.0351 Restrictions on pretrial release pending probation-violation hearing or community-control-violation hearing. Page 10 (pdf) 903.045 Nature of criminal surety bail bonds. Page 11 (pdf) 903.046 Purpose of and criteria for bail determination. Page 11 (pdf) 903.047 Conditions of pretrial release. Page 14 (pdf) 903.05 Qualification of sureties. Page 17 (pdf) 903.06 Validity of undertaking by minor. Page 17 (pdf) 903.101 Sureties; licensed persons; to have equal access. Page 17 (pdf) 903.105 Appearance bonds. Page 17 (pdf) 903.131 Bail on appeal, revocation; recommission. Page 17 (pdf) 903.132 Bail on appeal; conditions for granting; appellate review. Page 18 (pdf) 903.133 Bail on appeal; prohibited for certain felony convictions. Page 19 (pdf) 903.14 Contracts to indemnify sureties. Page 19 (pdf) 903.16 Deposit of money or bonds as bail. Page 19 (pdf) 903.17 Substitution of cash bail for other bail. Page 19 (pdf) 903.18 Bail after deposit of money or bonds. Page 19 (pdf) 903.20 Surrender of defendant. Page 19 (pdf) 903.21 Method of surrender; exoneration of obligors. Page 19 (pdf) 903.22 Arrest of principal by surety before forfeiture. Page 19 (pdf) 903.26 Forfeiture of the bond; when and how directed; discharge; how and when made; effect of payment. Page 19 (pdf) 903.27 Forfeiture to judgment. Page 19 (pdf) 903.28 Remission of forfeiture; conditions. Page 19 (pdf) 903.286 Return of cash bond; requirement to withhold unpaid fines, fees, court costs; cash bond forms. Page 19 (pdf) 903.29 Arrest of principal by surety after forfeiture. Page 19 (pdf) 903.31 Canceling the bond. Page 19 (pdf) 903.32 Defects in bond. Page 19 (pdf) 903.33 Bail not discharged for certain defects. Page 19 (pdf) 903.34 Who may admit to bail. Page 19 (pdf) 903.36 Guaranteed arrest bond certificates as cash bail. Page 19 (pdf) 907.04 Disposition of defendant upon arrest. Page 42 (pdf) 907.041 Pretrial detention and release. Page 42 (pdf) 907.043 Pretrial release; citizens’ right to know. Page 44 (pdf) 908.105 Duties related to immigration detainers. Page 46 (pdf) 918.03 Procedure when offense committed outside state. Page 47 (pdf) 918.04 Procedure when offense committed in another county. Page 47 (pdf) 921.0022 Criminal Punishment Code; offense severity ranking chart. Page 48 (pdf) 924.071 Additional grounds for appeal by the state; time for taking; stay of cause. Page 56 (pdf) 924.16 Discharge pending appeal. Page 57 (pdf) 925.08 Prisoners awaiting trial may be worked on roads and other projects. Page 57 (pdf) 939.14 County not to pay costs in cases where information is not filed or indictment found. Page 58 (pdf) 941.03 Form of demand. Page 58 (pdf) 941.10 Rights of accused person; application for writ of habeas corpus. Page 59 (pdf) 941.13 Arrest prior to requisition. Page 59 (pdf) 941.15 Commitment to await requisition; bail. Page 60 (pdf) 941.16 Bail; in what cases; conditions of bond. Page 61 (pdf) 941.17 Extension of time of commitment, adjournment. Page 61 (pdf) 941.18 Forfeiture of bail. Page 61 (pdf) 941.22 Fugitives from this state; duty of Governor. Page 62 (pdf) 941.23 Application for issuance of requisition; by whom made; contents. Page 62 (pdf) 941.26 Written waiver of extradition proceedings. Page 63 (pdf) 941.32 Fresh pursuit; arrest; etc. Page 64 (pdf) 944.405 Warrant for retaking offender who has escaped from custody or absconded from rehabilitative community reentry program, or who is ineligible for release. Page 65 (pdf) 947.22 Authority to arrest parole violators with or without warrant. Page 65 (pdf) 948.06 Violation of probation or community control; revocation; modification; continuance; failure to pay restitution or cost of supervision. Page 66 (pdf) 951.26 Public safety coordinating councils. Page 69 (pdf) 960.001 Guidelines for fair treatment of victims and witnesses in the criminal justice and juvenile justice systems. Page 70 (pdf)
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