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Searching: 2019, Senate and House Bills

3493 Bills Found

Number Title Filed By Last Action and Location Track Bill
HB 1013 Suspension or Revocation of Driver Licenses Rep. Polsky Last Action: 5/3/2019 H Died in Criminal Justice Subcommittee, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/HB 7125 (Ch. 2019-167)
SB 1014 Film and Television Production Sen. Taddeo Last Action: 5/3/2019 S Died in Commerce and Tourism
HB 1015 Female Inmates with Newborn Children Rep. Newton Last Action: 2/22/2019 H Withdrawn prior to introduction -HJ 105
SB 1016 Public Records/Florida Motion Picture Capital Corporation Sen. Taddeo Last Action: 5/3/2019 S Died in Commerce and Tourism
HB 1017 Children and Youth Cabinet Rep. Williams Last Action: 5/3/2019 H Died in Health and Human Services Committee
SCR 1018 Joint Session for Purpose of Receiving Governor's Message Sen. Benacquisto Last Action: 3/6/2019 Signed by Officers and filed with Secretary of State -SJ 193
HB 1019 Takings Claims within Areas of Critical State Concern Rep. Altman Last Action: 5/3/2019 H Died in Civil Justice Subcommittee
SB 1020 State Hemp Program Sen. Bradley Last Action: 6/26/2019 Chapter No. 2019-132
HB 1021 DNA Database Rep. Latvala Last Action: 6/10/2019 Chapter No. 2019-91, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/HB 7125 (Ch. 2019-167)
SB 1022 Onsite Sewage Treatment and Disposal Systems Sen. Albritton Last Action: 5/3/2019 S Died in Appropriations Subcommittee on Agriculture, Environment, and General Government
HB 1023 Mobile Home Park Lot Tenancies Rep. Grant Last Action: 5/3/2019 H Died in Civil Justice Subcommittee
SB 1024 Blockchain Technology Sen. Gruters Last Action: 5/24/2019 Chapter No. 2019-52, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/CS/HB 1393 (Ch. 2019-140)
HB 1025 Sale, Transfer, or Storage of Firearms Rep. Polsky Last Action: 5/3/2019 H Died in Criminal Justice Subcommittee
SB 1026 Fees/Advanced Birth Centers Sen. Harrell Last Action: 5/3/2019 S Died in Children, Families, and Elder Affairs
HB 1027 Office of Early Learning Rep. Aloupis Last Action: 6/25/2019 Chapter No. 2019-126
SB 1028 School Funding Sen. Hutson Last Action: 5/3/2019 S Died in Education
HB 1029 Detention Facilities Rep. Beltran Last Action: 5/3/2019 H Died in Judiciary Committee, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/HB 7125 (Ch. 2019-167)
SB 1030 Mitigating Circumstances in Sentencing Sen. Bracy Last Action: 5/3/2019 S Died in Appropriations
HB 1031 District Cost Differential Rep. Aloupis Last Action: 5/3/2019 H Died in PreK-12 Appropriations Subcommittee
SB 1032 Inmate Placement Sen. Bracy Last Action: 5/3/2019 S Died in Criminal Justice
HB 1033 Continuing Care Contracts Rep. Yarborough, Stevenson Last Action: 6/28/2019 Chapter No. 2019-160
SB 1034 Assignment of Consumer Debts Sen. Gruters Last Action: 5/3/2019 S Died in Rules
HB 1035 Patient Access to Records Rep. Rommel Last Action: 5/3/2019 S Died in Health Policy
SB 1036 Florida Building Code Enforcement Sen. Gruters Last Action: 5/3/2019 S Died in Innovation, Industry, and Technology, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 447 (Ch. 2019-75)
HB 1037 Civic Education Rep. Diamond Last Action: 5/3/2019 H Died in PreK-12 Innovation Subcommittee
SB 1038 Increment Revenues Sen. Rader Last Action: 5/3/2019 S Died in Community Affairs
HB 1039 Assignment of Consumer Debt Rep. Latvala Last Action: 5/3/2019 H Died on Calendar
SB 1040 Discretionary Sales Surtaxes Sen. Lee Last Action: 5/3/2019 S Died in Appropriations, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/HB 5 (Ch. 2019-64)
HB 1041 Tobacco Products Rep. Duran, Toledo Last Action: 5/3/2019 H Died in Business and Professions Subcommittee, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/HB 7125 (Ch. 2019-167)
SB 1042 Marriage and Family Therapists Sen. Torres Last Action: 5/3/2019 S Died in Health Policy
HB 1043 Cyberharassment Rep. Stevenson Last Action: 5/3/2019 H Died in Judiciary Committee, companion bill(s) passed, see SB 1136 (Ch. 2019-53), CS/HB 7125 (Ch. 2019-167)
SB 1044 Department of Transportation Sen. Albritton Last Action: 5/1/2019 S Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/CS/HB 905 (Ch. 2019-153), CS/CS/CS/HB 385 (Ch. 2019-169) -SJ 672
HB 1045 Closing the Gap Grant Proposals Rep. Brown Last Action: 6/27/2019 Chapter No. 2019-154
SB 1046 Tobacco Products Sen. Mayfield Last Action: 5/3/2019 S Died in Innovation, Industry, and Technology
HB 1047 Government Integrity Public Integrity and Ethics Committee Last Action: 5/3/2019 H Died in State Affairs Committee
SB 1048 Agreement Among the States to Elect the President by National Popular Vote Sen. Torres Last Action: 5/3/2019 S Died in Ethics and Elections
HR 1049 Lottery Funds to Support Public Education Rep. Alexander Last Action: 5/3/2019 H Died in PreK-12 Appropriations Subcommittee
SB 1050 Pharmacy Sen. Diaz Last Action: 5/3/2019 S Died in Health Policy
HB 1051 Gardiner Scholarship Rep. Fetterhoff Last Action: 5/3/2019 H Died in PreK-12 Innovation Subcommittee
SB 1052 Motor Vehicle Insurance Sen. Lee Last Action: 5/3/2019 S Died in Appropriations
HB 1053 Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles Rep. Brannan Last Action: 5/3/2019 S Died in Infrastructure and Security, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/CS/HB 385 (Ch. 2019-169), CS/CS/HB 725 (Ch. 2019-149), CS/HB 1057 (Ch. 2019-92)
SB 1054 Community Redevelopment Agencies Sen. Lee Last Action: 4/30/2019 S Laid on Table, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/HB 9 (Ch. 2019-163) -SJ 642
HB 1055 Pub. Rec./Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles Rep. Brannan Last Action: 5/3/2019 H Died in Oversight, Transparency and Public Management Subcommittee
SB 1056 Florida Disaster Resilience Task Force Sen. Rodriguez Last Action: 5/3/2019 S Died in Environment and Natural Resources
HB 1057 Motor Vehicles Rep. McClure Last Action: 6/10/2019 Chapter No. 2019-92
SB 1058 State Hemp Program Sen. Albritton Last Action: 5/3/2019 S Died in Innovation, Industry, and Technology, companion bill(s) passed, see CS/CS/SB 1020 (Ch. 2019-132)
HB 1059 Civil Actions Rep. Hill Last Action: 5/3/2019 H Died in Civil Justice Subcommittee
SB 1060 Specialty License Plates/Palm Beach Zoo and Conservation Society Sen. Powell Last Action: 5/3/2019 S Died in Infrastructure and Security
HB 1061 Funds for the Operation of Schools Rep. Overdorf, Plasencia Last Action: 5/3/2019 S Died in Education
SB 1062 Fees/Palm Beach Zoo and Conservation Society License Plate Sen. Powell Last Action: 5/3/2019 S Died in Infrastructure and Security