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The Florida Senate


Maps & Statistics - State Senate Plans

The Florida Senate has made every effort to provide complete and accurate historical redistricting information. However, historical data was derived from antiquated file formats and unsupported technology. The naming conventions for redistricting plans have changed from one decade to the next. Plans may be referenced by more than one name. It is recommended that extra validation be performed prior to drawing conclusions based on data associated with a historical redistricting plan.

2022-2032: S027S8058

The 2022 Senate districts were passed by the House on February 2, 2022 and the Senate on February 3, 2022. See CS/SJR 100 (2022). During the constitutionally mandated judicial review of legislative apportionment, for the first time in nearly a century, the Legislature’s maps were not challenged and were subsequently declared valid by the Florida Supreme Court.The Senate plan is posted to this site as Plan S027S8058 and is being used for elections from 2022 to 2032.




2016-2022: FLSD2016

While litigation over the Senate plan was ongoing in 2015, the Florida Supreme Court ruling in League of Women Voters v. Detzner, 172 So. 3d 363 (Fla 2015) (“Apportionment VII”) prompted the Florida Legislature to redraw the Senate plan during a special session. The Legislature, however, adjourned without adopting a Senate plan, and the Circuit Court ordered the use of an alternative plan. See League of Women Voters v. Detzner, 2012-CA-2842 in the Circuit Court of the Second Judicial Circuit in and for Leon County, Florida. The Senate plan is posted to this site as Plan FLSD2016 and is being used for elections from 2016 to 2022. The plan was previously referred to as Plan 2012-CA-2842.




2012-2016: FLSD2012

Upon a facial review, the Florida Supreme Court invalidated the Senate plan originally adopted by the Legislature in 2012. A remedial plan was passed by the Senate on March 27, 2012 and by the House on March 27, 2012. See SJR 2-B (2012). The Senate plan is posted to this site as Plan FLSD2012 and was used for elections from 2012 to 2016. The plan was previously referred to as Plan S016S9030.




2012: S000S9008

The 2012 Senate districts were passed by the House on February 3, 2012 and by the Senate on February 9, 2012. See SJR 1176 (2012). Upon a facial review, the Florida Supreme Court ordered the Senate plan posted to this site as Plan S000S9008 to be redrawn. Accordingly, it was never used in any elections. See In re Senate Joint Resolution of Legislative Apportionment 1176, 83 So. 3d 597, 600 (Fla. 2012) (“Apportionment I”).




2002-2012: FLSD2002

The 2002 Senate districts were passed by the Senate on March 19, 2002 and by the House on March 22, 2002. See HJR 1987 (2002). The Senate plan posted to this site as Plan FLSD2002 was used for elections from 2002 to 2012. The plan was previously referred to as Plan S17S0036.




1996-2002: FLSD1996

The 1992 Florida Senate Districts were revised in agreement with the parties in Scott v. US Dept. of Justice in the United States District Court on March 19, 1996. See Scott v. US Dept. of Justice, 920 F. Supp. 1248 (M.D. Fla. 1996). The Senate plan posted to this site as Plan FLSD1996 was used for elections from 1996 to 2002. The plan was previously referred to as Plan 386 or as PUBS0000.




1992-1996: FLSD1992

In response to the preclearance determination from the United States Department of Justice, the Florida Supreme Court ordered the use of Senate Plan 330 on June 22, 1992. See In re Constitutionality of Senate Joint Resolution 2G, Special Apportionment Session, 601 So.2d 543 (Fla. 1992). The Senate plan posted to this site as Plan FLSD1992 was used for elections from 1992 to 1996. The plan was previously referred to as Plan 330




1992: Plan 267

The 1992 Senate districts were passed by the Senate on April 9, 1992, and by the House on April 10, 1992. See SJR 2-G (1992). The United States Department of Justice denied preclearance for the Senate plan posted to this site as Plan 267, and it was never used in any elections.


  • None currently available.



1982-1992: FLSD1982

The 1982 Senate districts were passed by the Senate and the House on April 7, 1982. See SRJ 1-E (1982). The Senate plan posted to this site as Plan FLSD1982 was used for elections from 1982 to 1992.


  • None currently available.

