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CBIRS Request 1185
Community Budget Issue Requests - Tracking Id #1185
Stormwater Drainage Basin V Water Quality & Flood Mitigation Improvements
Requester: Vladimir A. Ryziw, P.E., PMP, Organization: City of Naples, Public Works Dept, 295 Riverside Circle, Naples, FL 34102
Project Title: Stormwater Drainage Basin V Water Quality & Flood Mitigation Improvements Date Submitted 1/11/2006 12:03:29 PM
Sponsors: Saunders
Statewide Interest:
The City of Naples' Stormwater Drainage Basin V Water Quality & Flood Mitigation Improvement project is part of the city's ten-year stormwater management capital outlay program which is intended to provide enhanced stormwater drainage services to its citizens by replacing and expanding basin-wide infrastructure to control (i.e., reduce and/or eliminate) nuisance, damaging and devastating flooding. This project also serves to provide long-term improvements to the quality of surface waters through application of Best Management Practices (BMP) and low impact development at locations of point and non-point discharge to downstream receiving waters (such as the Goodlette-Frank Road ditch, the Collier County Gordon River Water Quality Park and Naples Bay). Although local in scope and geography, this capital outlay initiative a) is intended to meet a documented need by EPA and FDEP for regional and statewide reduction of surface water pollution and accordingly is consistent with "Florida's Water Resource Management Program", b) addresses a statewide interest in preserving water resources pursuant to the Water Resources Act (Chapter 373, F.S.) and the Florida Air and Water Pollution Act (Chapter 187, F.S.), c) is intended to produce measurable results by increasing stormwater level of service parameters in Basin V to achieve public heath, safety and welfare objectives, d) will result in reduction of uncontrolled stormwater discharges to attain Total Maximum Daily Load threshold limits, and e) has tangible community support by local House and Senate representatives, staff of the South Florida Water Management District, the Big Cypress Basin Board, Collier County government, the Conservancy of Southwest Florida, and staff of the Florida Department of Environmental Protection. The city's Basin V project directly addresses local, regional and statewide interests in preserving / protecting water resources and hence is consistent with Chapter 216.052(1), F.S.
Recipient: City Council of the City of Naples (Mayor Bill Barnett)   Contact: Vladimir A. Ryziw, P.E. PMP, S  
  735 Eighth Street South   Contact Phone: (239) 213-5004  
  Naples 34102   Contact email:
Counties: Collier
Gov't Entity: Yes Private Organization (Profit/Not for Profit):  
Project Description:
SEE CBIR ATTACHMENT NO. 1. The City's Stormwater Drainage Basin V Water Quality & Flood Mitigation Improvement project was established as a result of a study / report by Camp Dresser & McKee (CDM) tilted "Basin V Stormwater System Improvement Plan - Phase I: Basin Assessment and Conceptual Improvement Plan" dated May 2005. This study / report documents the hydrologic and hydraulic analysis of the existing primary stormwater management system within drainage Basin V, which includes the storm sewer collection system, lakes and ponds, water level control structures and the major conveyance ditch that borders Goodlette-Frank Road throughout the northerly / southerly extent of the basin. CDM engineering and modeling efforts for Basin V are closely related to analyses and conclusions set forth by WilsonMiller in the Collier County Gordon River Extension Study and also to the County's design of the Gordon River Water Quality Park, particulary with regard to water quality impacts to the Gordon River and Naples Bay caused by urban stormwater runoff. The land in Basin V includes both residential and commerical land uses and its geographical location in the City, which encompasses a tributary drainage area of 780 Acres, is bounded by U.S. 41 (Tamiami Trail) to the west, by Goodlette-Frank Road to the east, by 6th Avenue North to the south and by Ridge Street to the North. Alternative No. 1 comprises of 21 distinct locations for replacement of existing storm sewers and culverts within and east of the Goodlette-Frank Road channel, widening segments of the existing Goodlette-Frank Road conveyance ditch and also constructing a 27 acre stormwater detention pond. Alternative No. 2 provides for system wide stormwater improvements within Basin V to achieve the City's preliminary level of service goals for 25 drainage problem areas. Stormwater infrastructure improvements under this alternative are intended to provide a Class B level of service benefit or no overtopping of road crown for the 25-year 72-hour design storm event. This level of service standard is more stringent that Alternative No. 1 which permits flooding of up to 6 inches above the road crown. Storm sewer construction under the Alternative No. 2 scenario involves extensive replacement of existing pipelines and installation of new storm sewers within Basin V west of Goodlette-Frank Road with no improvements within the conveyance ditch adjacent to Goodlette-Frank Road as such capacity improvements are designated in Alternative Nos. 1 and 3. Alternative No. 3 has been selected by the City for implementation based on a tiered Level of Service designation for the 5-year, 10-year, 25-year and 100-year design storm events.
Is this a project related to a federal or state declared disaster? No
Measurable Outcome Anticipated:
SEE CBIR ATTACHMENT NO. 4. a) Water quality improvements in receiving surface waters. Specifically, a planned reduction in pollutant loadings into Naples Bay in lbs/year, including BOD, Cd, COD, Cu, DP, NO23, Pb, TDS, TKN, TP, TSS and Zn. This water quality related measurable outcome is both anticipated and expected as a result of the proposed stormwater management improvements for Basin V as reported by CDM; b) Increase in the inflow capacity of street drainage inlets through a replacement of existing "custom inlets" with standard design structures by the State of Florida Department of Transportation; c) Mitigation of street and home flooding through implementation of CDM recommended Alternative No. 3.
Amount requested from the State for this project this year: $587,500
Total cost of the project: $1,175,000
Request has been made to fund: Construction
What type of match exists for this project? Local
  Cash Amount $587,500  
Was this project previously funded by the state?   No
Is future-year funding likely to be requested?   Yes
  Amount: $20,506,500 To Fund: Construction, Eng Design, Env. Permitting
Was this project included in an Agency's Budget Request?   No
Was this project included in the Governor's Recommended Budget? No
Is there a documented need for this project? Yes
  Documentation: City of Naples 10 Yr CIP, Basin V Study Report, Naples Comp Plan, SWIM for Naples Bay
Was this project request heard before a publicly noticed meeting of a body of elected officials (municipal, county, or state)?   Yes
  Hearing Body: City Council of the City of Naples
  Hearing Meeting Date: 05/31/2005
Is this a water project as described in Section 403.885, Laws of Florida?   Yes
Has the project been submitted to the Department of Environmental Protection? Yes
DEP identifying number: to be determined
Is this project eligible under section 403.885(5) F.S.? Yes
Is your project addressed in a state, regional or local plan (such as a SWIM plan, Comprehensive Plan, local master plan, etc.)? Yes
Name the plan and cite the pages on which the project is described:
a) The City of Naples Comprehensive Plan (pages P.F.W.R 1 through P.F.W.R 12 and Public Facilities Element Support Documents, pages 9-18) and b) SWIM Study for Naples Bay (in progress and being finalized by Debra Childs Woithe, Inc. for the SFWMD).
If you are requesting funding for a stormwater or surface water restoration project:
Which Water Management District has the jurisdiction of your project?
  South Florida Water Management District
Have you provided at least 50% match? Yes
  Match Amount: 587500
  Match Source: City of Naples FY 2006 5 yr CIP Budget
Will this project reduce pollutant loadings to a water management district designated 'priority' surface water body? Yes
  Name of water body: Naples Bay/Gordon River
Describe how it will reduce loadings, identify anticipated load reductions for total suspended solids, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, and other contaminants, and specify the practices that will be used to reduce loadings:
If you are requesting funding for a wastewater project:
Does your project qualify for funding from DEP's 'Small Community Wastewater Treatment Grant Program' under section 403.1838 F.S.? No
Other wastewater projects:
Have you received previous legislative funding for this project? No
Is the project under construction? No
Have you provided at least a 25% local match? No