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The Florida Senate

CS/HB 7023 — Regional Workforce Boards

by Economic Affairs Committee; Business and Consumer Affairs Subcommittee; Rep. Brodeur (CS/CS/SB 1398 by Budget Subcommittee on Transportation, Tourism, and Economic Development Appropriations; Commerce and Tourism Committee; Senators Gardiner, Fasano, and Lynn)

This summary is provided for information only and does not represent the opinion of any Senator, Senate Officer, or Senate Office.

Prepared by: Commerce and Tourism Committee (CM)

This bill amends statutes related to Florida’s workforce system, and includes measures designed to increase the accountability of the workforce system.

Specifically the bill:

  • Limits the total membership of each local regional workforce board to the minimum membership required under federal law. However, upon approval by the Governor the local elected official may appoint additional members. Additionally, if a public education or training provider is on the board, both a representative of a private non-profit provider and a representative of a private for-profit provider must be appointed to the board;
  • Requires each member and the executive director or person responsible for the operational and administrative functions of a regional workforce board to file a disclosure of financial interest pursuant to s. 112.3145, F.S., if they are not already required to file a financial disclosure pursuant to Art. II, s. 8, State Constitution, or s. 112.3144, F.S.;
  • Provides authority for the Governor to remove any member of a regional workforce board or the executive director or person responsible for the operational and administrative functions of a regional workforce board for cause;
  • Requires the regional workforce board to develop an annual budget for the purpose of carrying out its duties that must be approved by the local elected official and submitted to Workforce Florida, Inc., within 2 weeks of approval;
  • Requires Workforce Florida, Inc., to evaluate the development of a single, statewide workforce-system brand for Florida and submit a report to the Governor by a date certain;
  • Revives from expiration the provision which prohibits the regional workforce boards from utilizing state or federal funds for meals, food, beverages, entertainment, or recreational activities;
  • Revives from expiration the provision which requires that any contract between a regional workforce board and a member of the board, or a contract between a board and a relative of a member or employee of the board, has to be approved by a two-thirds vote of the board;
  • Requires the regional workforce board’s procurement and expenditure procedures to comply with the policies of the Department of Economic Opportunity and Workforce Florida, Inc.;
  • Provides that making smaller, multiple payments for a single purchase with the intent to avoid procurement and expenditure procedures is grounds for removal for cause;
  • Requires regional workforce boards to provide the greatest possible choice of training providers, and prohibits the boards from limiting choice due to costs, location, or historical training arrangements; and
  • Saves from repeal a provision that provides that state workforce services participants in an adult or youth work experience activity are considered employees of the state for the purpose of workers’ compensation coverage.

If approved by the Governor, these provisions take effect July 1, 2012.

Vote: Senate 39-0; House 95-19