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The Florida Senate

2007 Florida Statutes

Chapter 472
Chapter 472, Florida Statutes 2007



472.001  Purpose.

472.003  Persons not affected by ss. 472.001-472.037.

472.005  Definitions.

472.007  Board of Professional Surveyors and Mappers.

472.008  Rules of the board.

472.009  Board headquarters.

472.011  Fees.

472.013  Examinations, prerequisites.

472.015  Licensure.

472.017  Renewal of license.

472.018  Continuing education.

472.019  Reactivation; continuing education.

472.021  Certification of partnerships and corporations.

472.023  Surveyors and mappers and firms of other states; temporary certificates to practice in this state.

472.025  Seals.

472.027  Minimum technical standards for surveying and mapping.

472.029  Authorization to enter lands of third parties; conditions.

472.031  Prohibitions; penalties.

472.033  Disciplinary proceedings.

472.037  Application of ss. 472.001-472.037.

472.001  Purpose.--The Legislature deems it necessary to regulate surveyors and mappers as provided in ss. 472.001-472.037.

History.--ss. 20, 42, ch. 79-243; ss. 2, 3, ch. 81-318; ss. 5, 7, ch. 89-137; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 83, ch. 94-119; s. 6, ch. 2000-332; s. 3, ch. 2001-63.

472.003  Persons not affected by ss. 472.001-472.037.--Sections 472.001-472.037 do not apply to:

(1)  Any surveyor and mapper working as a salaried employee of the United States Government when engaged in work solely for the United States Government.

(2)  A registered professional engineer who takes or contracts for professional surveying and mapping services incidental to her or his practice of engineering and who delegates such surveying and mapping services to a registered professional surveyor and mapper qualified within her or his firm or contracts for such professional surveying and mapping services to be performed by others who are registered professional surveyors and mappers under the provisions of ss. 472.001-472.037.

(3)  The following persons when performing construction layout from boundary, horizontal, and vertical controls that have been established by a registered professional surveyor and mapper:

(a)  Contractors performing work on bridges, roads, streets, highways, or railroads, or utilities and services incidental thereto, or employees who are subordinates of such contractors provided that the employee does not hold herself or himself out for hire or engage in such contracting except as an employee;

(b)  Certified or registered contractors licensed pursuant to part I of chapter 489 or employees who are subordinates of such contractors provided that the employee does not hold herself or himself out for hire or engage in contracting except as an employee; and

(c)  Registered professional engineers licensed pursuant to chapter 471 and employees of a firm, corporation, or partnership who are the subordinates of the registered professional engineer in responsible charge.

(4)  Persons employed by county property appraisers, as defined at s. 192.001(3), and persons employed by the Department of Revenue, to prepare maps for property appraisal purposes only, but only to the extent that they perform mapping services which do not include any surveying activities as described in s. 472.005(4)(a) and (b).

(5)(a)  Persons who are employees of any state, county, municipal, or other governmental unit of this state and who are the subordinates of a person in responsible charge registered under this chapter, to the extent that the supervision meets standards adopted by rule of the board, if any.

(b)  Persons who are employees of any employee leasing company licensed pursuant to part XI of chapter 468 and who work as subordinates of a person in responsible charge registered under this chapter.

(c)  Persons who are employees of an individual registered or legal entity certified under this chapter and who are the subordinates of a person in responsible charge registered under this chapter, to the extent that the supervision meets standards adopted by rule of the board, if any.

History.--ss. 29, 42, ch. 79-243; ss. 2, 3, ch. 81-318; ss. 1, 5, 6, 7, ch. 89-137; ss. 1, 2, ch. 90-118; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 84, ch. 94-119; s. 337, ch. 97-103; s. 4, ch. 2001-63; s. 1, ch. 2002-41.

472.005  Definitions.--As used in ss. 472.001-472.037:

(1)  "Board" means the Board of Professional Surveyors and Mappers.

(2)  "Department" means the Department of Business and Professional Regulation.

(3)  "Surveyor and mapper" includes the term "professional surveyor and mapper" and means a person who is registered to engage in the practice of surveying and mapping under ss. 472.001-472.037. For the purposes of this statute, a surveyor and mapper means a person who determines and displays the facts of size, shape, topography, tidal datum planes, legal or geodetic location or relation, and orientation of improved or unimproved real property through direct measurement or from certifiable measurement through accepted photogrammetric procedures.

(4)(a)  "Practice of surveying and mapping" means, among other things, any professional service or work, the adequate performance of which involves the application of special knowledge of the principles of mathematics, the related physical and applied sciences, and the relevant requirements of law for adequate evidence of the act of measuring, locating, establishing, or reestablishing lines, angles, elevations, natural and manmade features in the air, on the surface and immediate subsurface of the earth, within underground workings, and on the beds or surface of bodies of water, for the purpose of determining, establishing, describing, displaying, or interpreting the facts of size, shape, topography, tidal datum planes, legal or geodetic location or relocation, and orientation of improved or unimproved real property and appurtenances thereto, including acreage and condominiums.

(b)  The practice of surveying and mapping also includes, but is not limited to, photogrammetric control; the monumentation and remonumentation of property boundaries and subdivisions; the measurement of and preparation of plans showing existing improvements after construction; the layout of proposed improvements; the preparation of descriptions for use in legal instruments of conveyance of real property and property rights; the preparation of subdivision planning maps and record plats, as provided for in chapter 177; the determination of, but not the design of, grades and elevations of roads and land in connection with subdivisions or divisions of land; and the creation and perpetuation of alignments related to maps, record plats, field note records, reports, property descriptions, and plans and drawings that represent them.

(5)  The term "surveyor and mapper intern" includes the term "surveyor-mapper-in-training" and means a person who complies with the requirements provided by ss. 472.001-472.037 and who has passed an examination as provided by rules adopted by the board.

(6)  The term "responsible charge" means direct control and personal supervision of surveying and mapping work, but does not include experience as a chainperson, rodperson, instrumentperson, ordinary draftsperson, digitizer, scriber, photo lab technician, ordinary stereo plotter operator, aerial photo pilot, photo interpreter, and other positions of routine work.

(7)  The term "license" means the registration of surveyors and mappers or the certification of businesses to practice surveying and mapping in this state.

(8)  "Photogrammetrist" means any person who engages in the practice of surveying and mapping using aerial or terrestrial photography or other sources of images.

(9)  "Employee" means a person who receives compensation from and is under the supervision and control of an employer who regularly deducts the F.I.C.A. and withholding tax and provides workers' compensation, all as prescribed by law.

(10)  "Subordinate" means an employee who performs work under the direction, supervision, and responsible charge of a person who is registered under this chapter.

(11)  "Monument" means an artificial or natural object that is permanent or semipermanent and used or presumed to occupy any real property corner, any point on a boundary line, or any reference point or other point to be used for horizontal or vertical control.

(12)  "Legal entity" means a corporation, partnership, association, or person practicing under a fictitious name who is certified under s. 472.021.

(13)  "Retired professional surveyor and mapper" means a person who has been licensed as a professional surveyor and mapper by the board and who chooses to relinquish or not to renew his or her license and applies to and is approved by the board to use the title "Professional Surveyor and Mapper, Retired."

History.--ss. 21, 42, ch. 79-243; ss. 2, 3, ch. 81-318; s. 48, ch. 83-329; ss. 5, 7, ch. 89-137; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 85, ch. 94-119; s. 153, ch. 94-218; s. 5, ch. 2001-63; s. 2, ch. 2002-41; s. 4, ch. 2005-129.

472.007  Board of Professional Surveyors and Mappers.--There is created in the Department of Business and Professional Regulation the Board of Professional Surveyors and Mappers. The board shall consist of nine members, six of whom shall be registered surveyors and mappers primarily engaged in the practice of surveying and mapping, one of whom shall be a registered surveyor and mapper with the designation of photogrammetrist, and two of whom shall be laypersons who are not and have never been surveyors and mappers or members of any closely related profession or occupation. Members shall be appointed for 4-year terms.

History.--ss. 22, 42, ch. 79-243; ss. 2, 3, ch. 81-318; ss. 15, 44, ch. 82-179; s. 49, ch. 83-329; ss. 5, 7, ch. 89-137; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 48, ch. 92-149; s. 86, ch. 94-119; s. 154, ch. 94-218; s. 5, ch. 2005-129.

472.008  Rules of the board.--

(1)  The board has authority to adopt rules pursuant to ss. 120.536(1) and 120.54 to implement the provisions of this chapter conferring duties upon it.

(2)  The board shall adopt rules authorizing the use of professional titles by retired surveyors and mappers. Such rules shall establish guidelines designed to avoid abuse by retirees and confusion on the part of the general public. The rules shall not require continuing education requirements in order to use a professional title by a retiree.

History.--ss. 4, 6, ch. 87-349; s. 23, ch. 88-392; ss. 5, 7, ch. 89-137; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 87, ch. 94-119; s. 143, ch. 98-200; s. 3, ch. 2002-41.

472.009  Board headquarters.--The headquarters of the board shall be in Tallahassee.

History.--ss. 22, 42, ch. 79-243; ss. 2, 3, ch. 81-318; ss. 5, 7, ch. 89-137; s. 4, ch. 91-429.

472.011  Fees.--

(1)  The board, by rule, may establish fees to be paid for applications, examination, reexamination, licensing and renewal, inactive status application and reactivation of inactive licenses, recordmaking and recordkeeping, and applications for providers of continuing education. The board may also establish by rule a delinquency fee. The board shall establish fees that are adequate to ensure the continued operation of the board. Fees shall be based on department estimates of the revenue required to implement ss. 472.001-472.037 and the provisions of law with respect to the regulation of surveyors and mappers.

(2)  The initial application and examination fee shall not exceed $125 plus the actual per applicant cost to the department to purchase the examination from the National Council of Engineering Examiners or a similar national organization. The examination fee shall be in an amount which covers the cost of obtaining and administering the examination and shall be refunded if the applicant is found ineligible to sit for the examination. The application fee shall be nonrefundable.

(3)  The initial license fee shall not exceed $200.

(4)  The fee for a certificate of authorization shall not exceed $125.

(5)  The biennial renewal fee shall not exceed $500.

(6)  The fee for a temporary registration or certificate to practice surveying and mapping may not exceed $100 for an individual or $200 for a business firm.

(7)  The fee for licensure by endorsement shall not exceed $200.

(8)  The fee for application for inactive status or for reactivation of an inactive license shall not exceed $150.

(9)  The fee for applications from providers of continuing education may not exceed $500.

History.--ss. 23, 42, ch. 79-243; ss. 2, 3, ch. 81-318; ss. 16, 44, ch. 82-179; s. 21, ch. 88-205; ss. 2, 5, 7, ch. 89-137; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 88, ch. 94-119; s. 6, ch. 2001-63.

472.013  Examinations, prerequisites.--

(1)  A person desiring to be licensed as a surveyor and mapper shall apply to the department for licensure.

(2)  An applicant shall be entitled to take the licensure examination to practice in this state as a surveyor and mapper if the applicant is of good moral character and has satisfied one of the following requirements:

(a)  The applicant received a degree in surveying and mapping of 4 years or more in a surveying and mapping degree program from a college or university recognized by the board and has a specific experience record of 4 or more years as a subordinate to a professional surveyor and mapper in the active practice of surveying and mapping, which experience is of a nature indicating that the applicant was in responsible charge of the accuracy and correctness of the surveying and mapping work performed. The completed surveying and mapping degree of 4 years or more in a surveying and mapping degree program must have included not fewer than 32 semester hours of study, or its academic equivalent, in the science of surveying and mapping or in board-approved surveying-and-mapping-related courses. Work experience acquired as a part of the education requirement shall not be construed as experience in responsible charge.

(b)  The applicant is a graduate of a 4-year course of study, other than in surveying and mapping, at an accredited college or university and has a specific experience record of 6 or more years as a subordinate to a registered surveyor and mapper in the active practice of surveying and mapping, 5 years of which shall be of a nature indicating that the applicant was in responsible charge of the accuracy and correctness of the surveying and mapping work performed. The course of study in disciplines other than surveying and mapping must have included not fewer than 32 semester hours of study or its academic equivalent. The applicant must have completed a minimum of 25 semester hours from a college or university approved by the board in surveying and mapping subjects or in any combination of courses in civil engineering, surveying, mapping, mathematics, photogrammetry, forestry, or land law and the physical sciences. Any of the required 25 semester hours of study completed not as a part of the 4-year course of study shall be approved at the discretion of the board. Work experience acquired as a part of the education requirement shall not be construed as experience in responsible charge.

(3)  A person shall be entitled to take an examination for the purpose of determining whether he or she is qualified to practice in this state as a surveyor and mapper intern if the person is in the final year, or is a graduate, of an approved surveying and mapping curriculum in a school that has been approved by the board.

(4)  The board shall adopt rules providing for the review and approval of schools and colleges and the courses of study in surveying and mapping in such schools and colleges. The rules shall be based on the educational requirements for surveying and mapping as defined in s. 472.005. The board may adopt rules providing for the acceptance of the approval and accreditation of schools and courses of study by a nationally accepted accreditation organization.

(5)(a)  Good moral character means a personal history of honesty, fairness, and respect for the rights of others and for the laws of this state and nation.

(b)  The board may refuse to certify an applicant for failure to satisfy this requirement only if:

1.  There is a substantial connection between the lack of good moral character of the applicant and the professional responsibilities of a registered surveyor and mapper; and

2.  The finding by the board of lack of good moral character is supported by clear and convincing evidence.

(c)  When an applicant is found to be unqualified for a license because of a lack of good moral character, the board shall furnish the applicant a statement containing the findings of the board, a complete record of the evidence upon which the determination was based, and a notice of the rights of the applicant to a rehearing and appeal.

History.--ss. 24, 42, ch. 79-243; ss. 2, 3, ch. 81-318; s. 50, ch. 83-329; s. 73, ch. 85-81; s. 24, ch. 88-392; ss. 5, 7, ch. 89-137; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 89, ch. 94-119; s. 338, ch. 97-103; s. 23, ch. 2000-157; s. 7, ch. 2000-332; s. 4, ch. 2002-41; s. 1, ch. 2005-129.

472.015  Licensure.--

(1)  The department shall license any applicant who the board certifies is qualified to practice surveying and mapping.

(2)  The board shall certify for licensure any applicant who satisfies the requirements of s. 472.013 and who has passed the licensing examination. The board may refuse to certify any applicant who has violated any of the provisions of s. 472.031.

(3)(a)  The board shall certify as qualified for a license by endorsement an applicant who:

1.  Holds a valid license to practice surveying and mapping issued prior to July 1, 1999, by another state or territory of the United States; has passed a national, regional, state, or territorial licensing examination that is substantially equivalent to the examination required by s. 472.013; and has a specific experience record of at least 8 years as a subordinate to a registered surveyor and mapper in the active practice of surveying and mapping, 6 years of which must be of a nature indicating that the applicant was in responsible charge of the accuracy and correctness of the surveying and mapping work performed;

2.  Holds a valid license to practice surveying and mapping issued by another state or territory of the United States if the criteria for issuance of the license were substantially the same as the licensure criteria that existed in Florida at the time the license was issued; or

3.  Is a practicing photogrammetrist who holds the Certified Photogrammetrist designation of the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing and held such designation on or before July 1, 2005; is a graduate of a 4-year course of study at an accredited college or university; and has a specific experience record of 6 or more years as a subordinate to a Certified Photogrammetrist of the American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing in the active practice of surveying and mapping, 5 years of which shall be of a nature indicating that the applicant was in responsible charge of the accuracy and correctness of the surveying and mapping work performed. The course of study must have included not fewer than 32 semester hours of study or its academic equivalent. The applicant must have completed a minimum of 25 semester hours from a college or university approved by the board in surveying and mapping subjects or in any combination of courses in civil engineering, surveying, mapping, mathematics, photogrammetry, forestry, or land law and the physical sciences. Any of the required 25 semester hours of study completed not as a part of the 4-year course of study shall be approved at the discretion of the board. Work experience acquired as a part of the education requirement shall not be construed as experience in responsible charge. The applicant must have applied to the department for licensure on or before July 1, 2007.

(b)  All applicants for licensure by endorsement must pass the Florida law and rules portion of the examination prior to licensure.

(4)  The department shall not issue a license by endorsement to any applicant who is under investigation in another state for any act that would constitute a violation of ss. 472.001-472.037 or chapter 455 until such time as the investigation is complete and disciplinary proceedings have been terminated.

(5)  A licensee or business entity that meets the requirements of this section or s. 472.021 must carry professional liability insurance or provide notice to any person or entity to which surveying and mapping services are offered that the licensee or business entity does not carry professional liability insurance. The notice must consist of a sign prominently displayed in the reception area and written statements provided in a form and frequency as required by rule of the Board of Professional Surveyors and Mappers.

(6)  The department may revoke the license of a licensee or business entity that fails to pay a final judgment in connection with the provision of, or failure to provide, services under this chapter.

History.--ss. 25, 42, ch. 79-243; ss. 2, 3, ch. 81-318; ss. 5, 7, ch. 89-137; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 90, ch. 94-119; s. 113, ch. 98-166; s. 174, ch. 2000-160; s. 7, ch. 2001-63; s. 5, ch. 2002-41; s. 2, ch. 2005-129.

472.017  Renewal of license.--

(1)  The department shall renew a license upon receipt of the renewal application and fee, upon proof of compliance with the continuing education requirement of s. 472.018, and, if a demonstration of competency is required by law or rule, upon certification by the board that the licensee has satisfactorily demonstrated his or her competence in surveying and mapping.

(2)  The department shall adopt rules establishing a procedure for the biennial renewal of licenses.

History.--ss. 26, 42, ch. 79-243; ss. 2, 3, ch. 81-318; s. 7, ch. 87-349; ss. 5, 7, ch. 89-137; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 218, ch. 94-119; s. 339, ch. 97-103.

472.018  Continuing education.--The department may not renew a license until the licensee submits proof satisfactory to the board that during the 2 years prior to her or his application for renewal the licensee has completed at least 24 hours of continuing education. Criteria and course content shall be approved by the board by rule.

History.--ss. 6, 8, ch. 87-349; ss. 5, 7, ch. 89-137; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 340, ch. 97-103.

472.019  Reactivation; continuing education.--

(1)  The continuing education requirements for reactivating a license may not exceed 12 classroom hours for each year the license was inactive.

(2)  The board shall promulgate rules relating to licenses which have become inactive and for the renewal of inactive licenses. The board shall prescribe by rule a fee not to exceed $50 for the reactivation of an inactive license and a fee not to exceed $50 for the renewal of an inactive license.

History.--ss. 27, 42, ch. 79-243; s. 342, ch. 81-259; ss. 2, 3, ch. 81-318; s. 105, ch. 83-329; ss. 5, 7, ch. 89-137; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 219, ch. 94-119.

472.021  Certification of partnerships and corporations.--

(1)  The practice of or the offer to practice surveying and mapping by registrants through a corporation or partnership offering surveying and mapping services to the public, or by a corporation or partnership offering said services to the public through registrants under ss. 472.001-472.037 as agents, employees, officers, or partners, is permitted subject to the provisions of ss. 472.001-472.037, provided that one or more of the principal officers of the corporation or one or more partners of the partnership and all personnel of the corporation or partnership who act in its behalf as surveyors and mappers in this state are registered as provided by ss. 472.001-472.037, and, further, provided that the corporation or partnership has been issued a certificate of authorization by the board as provided in this section. All final drawings, specifications, plans, reports, or other papers or documents involving the practice of surveying and mapping which are prepared or approved for the use of the corporation or partnership or for delivery to any person or for public record within the state must be dated and must bear the signature and seal of the registrant who prepared or approved them. Nothing in this section shall be construed to allow a corporation to hold a certificate of registration to practice surveying and mapping. No corporation or partnership shall be relieved of responsibility for the conduct or acts of its agents, employees, or officers by reason of its compliance with this section, nor shall any individual practicing surveying and mapping be relieved of responsibility for professional services performed by reason of his or her employment or relationship with a corporation or partnership.

(2)  For the purposes of this section, a certificate of authorization shall be required for a corporation, partnership, association, or person practicing under a fictitious name, offering surveying and mapping services to the public; however, when an individual is practicing surveying and mapping in his or her own given name, he or she shall not be required to register under this section.

(3)  The fact that any registered surveyor and mapper practices through a corporation or partnership shall not relieve the registrant from personal liability for negligence, misconduct, or wrongful acts committed by him or her. Partnerships and all partners shall be jointly and severally liable for the negligence, misconduct, or wrongful acts committed by their agents, employees, or partners while acting in a professional capacity. Any officer, agent, or employee of a business organization other than a partnership shall be personally liable and accountable only for negligent acts, wrongful acts, or misconduct committed by him or her or committed by any person under his or her direct supervision and control while rendering professional services on behalf of the business organization. The personal liability of a shareholder or owner of a business organization, in his or her capacity as shareholder or owner, shall be no greater than that of a shareholder-employee of a corporation incorporated under chapter 607. The business organization shall be liable up to the full value of its property for any negligent acts, wrongful acts, or misconduct committed by any of its officers, agents, or employees while they are engaged on its behalf in the rendering of professional services.

(4)  Each certification of authorization shall be renewed every 2 years. Each partnership and corporation certified under this section shall notify the board within 1 month of any change in the information contained in the application upon which the certification is based.

(5)  Disciplinary action against a corporation or partnership shall be administered in the same manner and on the same grounds as disciplinary action against a registered surveyor and mapper.

History.--ss. 28, 42, ch. 79-243; s. 343, ch. 81-259; ss. 2, 3, ch. 81-318; ss. 3, 5, 7, ch. 89-137; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 91, ch. 94-119; s. 341, ch. 97-103; s. 8, ch. 2001-63; s. 3, ch. 2005-129.

472.023  Surveyors and mappers and firms of other states; temporary certificates to practice in this state.--

(1)  Upon approval by the board and payment of a fee not to exceed $25, the department shall grant a temporary certificate for work on one specified project in this state and for a period not to exceed 1 year to a surveyor and mapper holding a certificate to practice in another state, provided that Florida registrants are similarly permitted to engage in work in such state.

(2)  Upon approval by the board and payment of a fee not to exceed $50, the department shall grant a temporary certificate of authorization for work on one specified project in this state for a period not to exceed 1 year to an out-of-state corporation, partnership, or firm, provided one of the principal officers of the corporation, one of the partners of the partnership, or one of the principals in the fictitiously named firm has obtained a temporary certificate of registration in accordance with subsection (1).

(3)  The application for a temporary license shall constitute appointment of the Department of State as an agent of the applicant for service of process in any action or proceeding against the applicant arising out of any transaction or operation connected with or incidental to the practice of surveying and mapping for which the temporary license was issued.

History.--ss. 30, 42, ch. 79-243; ss. 2, 3, ch. 81-318; ss. 5, 7, ch. 89-137; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 92, ch. 94-119.

472.025  Seals.--

(1)  The board shall prescribe, by rule, a form of seal to be used by all registrants holding valid certificates of registration, whether the registrants are corporations, partnerships, or individuals. Each registrant shall obtain an impression-type metal seal in that form; and all final drawings, plans, specifications, plats, or reports prepared or issued by the registrant in accordance with minimum technical standards set by the board shall be signed by the registrant, dated, and stamped with his or her seal. This signature, date, and seal shall be evidence of the authenticity of that to which they are affixed. Each registrant may in addition register his or her seal electronically in accordance with ss. 668.001-668.006. Drawings, plans, specifications, reports, or documents prepared or issued by a registrant may be transmitted electronically and may be signed by the registrant, dated, and stamped electronically with such seal in accordance with ss. 668.001-668.006.

(2)  It is unlawful for any person to stamp, seal, or digitally sign any document with a seal or digital signature after his or her certificate of registration has expired or been revoked or suspended, unless such certificate of registration has been reinstated or reissued. When the certificate of registration of a registrant has been revoked or suspended by the board, the registrant shall, within a period of 30 days after the revocation or suspension has become effective, surrender his or her seal to the secretary of the board and confirm to the secretary the cancellation of the registrant's digital signature in accordance with ss. 668.001-668.006. In the event the registrant's certificate has been suspended for a period of time, his or her seal shall be returned to him or her upon expiration of the suspension period.

(3)  No registrant shall affix or permit to be affixed his or her seal, name, or digital signature to any plan, specification, drawing, or other document which depicts work which he or she is not licensed to perform or which is beyond his or her profession or specialty therein.

History.--ss. 31, 42, ch. 79-243; ss. 2, 3, ch. 81-318; ss. 17, 44, ch. 82-179; ss. 5, 7, ch. 89-137; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 342, ch. 97-103; s. 6, ch. 97-241; s. 9, ch. 2001-63.

472.027  Minimum technical standards for surveying and mapping.--The board shall adopt rules relating to the practice of surveying and mapping which establish minimum technical standards to ensure the achievement of no less than minimum degrees of accuracy, completeness, and quality in order to assure adequate and defensible real property boundary locations and other pertinent information provided by surveyors and mappers under the authority of ss. 472.001-472.037.

History.--ss. 36, 42, ch. 79-243; s. 344, ch. 81-259; ss. 2, 3, ch. 81-318; ss. 5, 7, ch. 89-137; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 93, ch. 94-119; s. 10, ch. 2001-63.

472.029  Authorization to enter lands of third parties; conditions.--

(1)  IN GENERAL.--Surveyors and mappers or their subordinates may go on, over, and upon the lands of others when necessary to make surveys and maps or locate or set monuments, and, in so doing, may carry with them their agents and employees necessary for that purpose. Entry under the right granted by this subsection does not constitute trespass, and surveyors and mappers and their duly authorized agents or employees so entering are not liable to arrest or to a civil action by reason of such entry; however, this subsection does not give authority to registrants, subordinates, agents, or employees to destroy, injure, damage, or move any physical improvements on lands of another without the written permission of the landowner.


(a)  Any person regulated by this chapter who enters agricultural land shall do so in compliance with all federal, state, and local laws, rules, and regulations pertaining to premises security, agricultural protections, and other health and safety requirements in place on such land.

(b)  A landowner is not liable to any third party for civil or criminal acts or damages that result from the negligent or intentional conduct of any person regulated by this chapter on agricultural land.

(c)  If written notice is not delivered to the landowner or landowner's registered agent at least 3 business days prior to entry on an agricultural parcel containing more than 160 acres, the duty of care owed by the landowner to those regulated by this chapter is that due an undiscovered trespasser.

(d)  This subsection applies only to land classified as agricultural pursuant to s. 193.461.

History.--ss. 37, 42, ch. 79-243; ss. 2, 3, ch. 81-318; ss. 5, 7, ch. 89-137; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 94, ch. 94-119; s. 6, ch. 2002-41.

472.031  Prohibitions; penalties.--

(1)  No person shall:

(a)  Practice or offer to practice surveying and mapping unless such person is registered pursuant to ss. 472.001-472.037;

(b)  Use the name or title "registered surveyor and mapper," "surveyor and mapper," "professional surveyor and mapper," "land surveyor," "surveyor," or any combination thereof when such person has not registered pursuant to ss. 472.001-472.037;

(c)  Present as his or her own the registration of another;

(d)  Knowingly give false or forged evidence to the board or a member thereof; or

(e)  Use or attempt to use a registration that has been suspended or revoked.

(2)  Any person who is found to be in violation of any provision of this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082 or s. 775.083.

History.--ss. 33, 42, ch. 79-243; ss. 2, 3, ch. 81-318; ss. 5, 7, ch. 89-137; s. 103, ch. 91-224; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 95, ch. 94-119; s. 343, ch. 97-103; s. 11, ch. 2001-63; s. 7, ch. 2002-41.

472.033  Disciplinary proceedings.--

(1)  The following acts constitute grounds for which the disciplinary actions in subsection (2) may be taken:

(a)  Violation of any provision of s. 472.031 or s. 455.227(1);

(b)  Attempting to procure a license to practice surveying and mapping by bribery or fraudulent misrepresentations;

(c)  Having a license to practice surveying and mapping revoked, suspended, or otherwise acted against, including the denial of licensure, by the licensing authority of another state, territory, or country;

(d)  Being convicted or found guilty of, or entering a plea of nolo contendere to, regardless of adjudication, a crime in any jurisdiction which directly relates to the practice of surveying and mapping or the ability to practice surveying and mapping;

(e)  Making or filing a report or record that the licensee knows to be false, willfully failing to file a report or record required by state or federal law, willfully impeding or obstructing such filing, or inducing another person to impede or obstruct such filing. Such reports or records shall include only those that are signed in the capacity of a registered surveyor and mapper;

(f)  Advertising goods or services in a manner that is fraudulent, false, deceptive, or misleading in form or content;

(g)  Upon proof that the licensee is guilty of fraud or deceit, or of negligence, incompetency, or misconduct, in the practice of surveying and mapping;

(h)  Failing to perform any statutory or legal obligation placed upon a licensed surveyor and mapper; violating any provision of this chapter, a rule of the board or department, or a lawful order of the board or department previously entered in a disciplinary hearing; or failing to comply with a lawfully issued subpoena of the department; or

(i)  Practicing on a revoked, suspended, inactive, or delinquent license.

(2)  When the board finds any surveyor and mapper guilty of any of the grounds set forth in subsection (1), it may enter an order imposing one or more of the following penalties:

(a)  Denial of an application for licensure.

(b)  Revocation or suspension of a license.

(c)  Imposition of an administrative fine not to exceed $1,000 for each count or separate offense.

(d)  Issuance of a reprimand.

(e)  Placement of the surveyor and mapper on probation for a period of time and subject to such conditions as the board may specify.

(f)  Restriction of the authorized scope of practice by the surveyor and mapper.

(3)  The department shall reissue the license of a disciplined surveyor and mapper upon certification by the board that he or she has complied with all of the terms and conditions set forth in the final order.

History.--ss. 34, 42, ch. 79-243; ss. 2, 3, ch. 81-318; s. 51, ch. 83-329; ss. 5, 7, ch. 89-137; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 96, ch. 94-119; s. 344, ch. 97-103; s. 8, ch. 2002-41.

472.037  Application of ss. 472.001-472.037.--

(1)  Nothing contained in ss. 472.001-472.037 shall be construed to repeal, amend, limit, or otherwise affect any local building code or zoning law or ordinance, now or hereafter enacted, which is more restrictive with respect to the services of registered surveyors and mappers than the provisions of ss. 472.001-472.037.

(2)  In counties or municipalities that issue building permits, such permits shall not be issued in any case where it is apparent from the application for such building permit that the provisions of ss. 472.001-472.037 have been violated. However, this shall not authorize the withholding of building permits in any cases within the exempt classes set forth in ss. 472.001-472.037.

History.--ss. 32, 42, ch. 79-243; ss. 2, 3, ch. 81-318; ss. 5, 7, ch. 89-137; s. 4, ch. 91-429; s. 97, ch. 94-119; s. 12, ch. 2001-63.