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2018 Florida Statutes

General requirements for middle grades promotion.
F.S. 1003.4156
1003.4156 General requirements for middle grades promotion.
(1) In order for a student to be promoted to high school from a school that includes middle grades 6, 7, and 8, the student must successfully complete the following courses:
(a) Three middle grades or higher courses in English Language Arts (ELA).
(b) Three middle grades or higher courses in mathematics. Each school that includes middle grades must offer at least one high school level mathematics course for which students may earn high school credit. Successful completion of a high school level Algebra I or Geometry course is not contingent upon the student’s performance on the statewide, standardized end-of-course (EOC) assessment. To earn high school credit for Algebra I, a middle grades student must take the statewide, standardized Algebra I EOC assessment and pass the course, and in addition, beginning with the 2013-2014 school year and thereafter, a student’s performance on the Algebra I EOC assessment constitutes 30 percent of the student’s final course grade. To earn high school credit for a Geometry course, a middle grades student must take the statewide, standardized Geometry EOC assessment, which constitutes 30 percent of the student’s final course grade, and earn a passing grade in the course.
(c) Three middle grades or higher courses in social studies. Beginning with students entering grade 6 in the 2012-2013 school year, one of these courses must be at least a one-semester civics education course that includes the roles and responsibilities of federal, state, and local governments; the structures and functions of the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government; and the meaning and significance of historic documents, such as the Articles of Confederation, the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution of the United States. Beginning with the 2013-2014 school year, each student’s performance on the statewide, standardized EOC assessment in civics education required under s. 1008.22 constitutes 30 percent of the student’s final course grade. A middle grades student who transfers into the state’s public school system from out of country, out of state, a private school, or a home education program after the beginning of the second term of grade 8 is not required to meet the civics education requirement for promotion from the middle grades if the student’s transcript documents passage of three courses in social studies or two year-long courses in social studies that include coverage of civics education.
(d) Three middle grades or higher courses in science. Successful completion of a high school level Biology I course is not contingent upon the student’s performance on the statewide, standardized EOC assessment required under s. 1008.22. However, beginning with the 2012-2013 school year, to earn high school credit for a Biology I course, a middle grades student must take the statewide, standardized Biology I EOC assessment, which constitutes 30 percent of the student’s final course grade, and earn a passing grade in the course.
(2) The State Board of Education shall adopt rules pursuant to ss. 120.536(1) and 120.54 to implement this section and may enforce this section pursuant to s. 1008.32.
History.s. 21, ch. 2006-74; s. 179, ch. 2008-4; s. 2, ch. 2010-22; s. 3, ch. 2010-48; s. 33, ch. 2011-5; s. 16, ch. 2011-175; s. 7, ch. 2012-134; s. 7, ch. 2012-191; s. 13, ch. 2013-27; s. 37, ch. 2014-39; s. 3, ch. 2015-6; s. 2, ch. 2017-55; s. 60, ch. 2017-116.