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The Florida Senate

2024 Florida Statutes

The Florida Statutes are updated annually after the conclusion of a regular legislative session, typically published in July/August. 

36 Sections found

Chapter Title
720.301 Definitions.
720.3015 Short title.
720.302 Purposes, scope, and application.
720.303 Association powers and duties; meetings of board; official records; budgets; financial reporting; association funds; recalls.
720.3032 Notice of association information; preservation from Marketable Record Title Act.
720.3033 Officers and directors.
720.3035 Architectural control covenants; parcel owner improvements; rights and privileges.
720.304 Right of owners to peaceably assemble; display of flags; SLAPP suits prohibited.
720.3045 Installation, display, and storage of items.
720.305 Obligations of members; remedies at law or in equity; levy of fines and suspension of use rights.
720.3053 Failure to fill vacancies on board of directors sufficient to constitute a quorum; appointment of receiver upon petition of member.
720.3055 Contracts for products and services; in writing; bids; exceptions.
720.306 Meetings of members; voting and election procedures; amendments.
720.3065 Fraudulent voting activities relating to association elections; penalties.
720.307 Transition of association control in a community.
720.3075 Prohibited clauses in association documents.
720.308 Assessments and charges.
720.3085 Payment for assessments; lien claims.
720.30851 Estoppel certificates.
720.3086 Financial report.
720.309 Agreements entered into by the association.
720.31 Recreational leaseholds; right to acquire; escalation clauses.
720.311 Dispute resolution.
720.312 Declaration of covenants; survival after tax deed or foreclosure.
720.313 Receivership notification.
720.315 Passage of special assessments.
720.316 Association emergency powers.
720.317 Electronic voting.
720.318 First responder vehicles.
720.401 Prospective purchasers subject to association membership requirement; disclosure required; covenants; assessments; contract cancellation.
720.402 Publication of false and misleading information.
720.403 Preservation of communities; revival of declaration of covenants.
720.404 Eligible communities; requirements for revival of declaration.
720.405 Organizing committee; parcel owner approval.
720.406 Department of Commerce; submission; review and determination.
720.407 Recording; notice of recording; applicability and effective date.